name: Bulkarona
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Fiery Dance
move 3: Morning Sun
move 4: Tera Blast / Giga Drain / Will-O-Wisp / Bug Buzz
item: Heavy-Duty Boots / Sitrus Berry
ability: Flame Body
nature: Bold
evs: 244 HP / 196 Def / 68 Spe
tera type: Fairy / Grass / Water
* With recovery and massive investments in bulk, Volcarona is capable of setting up multiple Quiver Dances, giving it new opportunities to sweep.
* Even before Terastallization, Tera Blast can come in handy for hitting Hydreigon.
* Giga Drain is Volcarona's best shot at beating Water-types such as Rotom-W and Palafin; note that Dondozo is not 2HKOed.
* Will-O-Wisp is great for punishing boosting physical attackers that may Terastallize, such as Kingambit.
* Bug Buzz is Volcarona's best tool against foes behind a Substitute, and hits Hydreigon hard.
* Though it can be difficult to fit-in, Substitute allows Volcarona to punish users of status moves, such as sleep moves from Amoonguss, Breloom, and Sylveon, and Toxic from Water Absorb Clodsire.
* The given EV spread maximizes Volcarona's overall bulk, while outspeeding Meowscarada after Quiver Dance.
Tera Types
* **Fairy**: A Fairy Tera type lets Volcarona punish foes like Choice Band Dragapult, at the cost of being far more vulnerable to Tera Steel Dragons and Kingambit.
* **Water**: Besides removing all of Volcarona's old weaknesses, a Water Tera type also 2HKOes Skeledirge with Tera Blast.
* **Grass**: With a Grass Tera type, Volcarona can now 2HKO most Dondozo with Giga Drain and is better insulated against Rotom-W revenge kills.
* **Flying**: While a Flying Tera Type isn't a huge help defensively, the immunity to Fissure makes Volcarona better equipped to handle Dondozo.
* **Fire**: A Fire Tera type simply gives Fiery Dance more power, and makes sense if not using Tera Blast.
* **Heavy-Duty Boots**: Stealth Rock is common enough that this is the safest item for Volcarona to hold.
* **Sitrus Berry**: Sitrus Berry gives Volcarona more durability against teams that lack hazards.
* **Safety Goggles**: This allows Volcarona to handle Spore from Breloom and Amoonguss without Terastallizing.
- Written by: [[Theorymon, 29010]]
- Quality checked by: [[DerpySuX, 528485]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Isaiah, 375662]]
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