Bunny Warlord - Make an Avatar!

I want to make a PS avatar, but I just plain suck at sprites. So I decided to have a little 'contest' for my avatar. Of course, there are a few requirements...

  1. The character is a cartoon bunny (Not Bugs) standing on hind legs. I'm fine with whatever art style you go for.
  2. He has to have a metal chest plate.
  3. He should have some sort of fantasy-based weapon, like a sceptor, bow, axe or sword.
  4. There must be a Poke ball somewhere on the image!
  5. It has to be 80 by 80 pixels. That's the PS's avatar block size.
  6. Each account can only post ONE avatar. If anyone disregards this, I will only use that account's first submitted avatar.
  7. Make it AWESOME!
Upload the image however you want; by file, by link, etc. I will pick one of the avatars (Dunno When). I will then announce the winner, and then the thread will close for reply.

(Go to Smeargles studio - Contest+ Post reposted there.
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This would fit much better in Smeargle's Studio - it's our art forum, and there's even a request thread which is exactly what you need.
No need for a contest, I'm an experienced spriter and can do this for you no problem.

You're weclome.