Buzzwole [QC 2/3]


Banned deucer.

Buzzwole's defensive typing, amazing physical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, and Urshifu-R. Buzzwole also has a great Attack stat, powerful STAB moves such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Earthquake, making it a tank with great offensive presence. However, many physical attackers are paired with Future Sight support which can enable them to break past Buzzwole. Its poor special bulk also makes it quite vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, and Tapu Koko. Buzzwole also dislikes any sort of status condition such as Toxic from Pokemon it checks like Landorus-T. Moreover, it suffers from 4MSS - it gets walled by Pokemon like Clefable, Slowking-Galar, or Tapu Fini if it lacks the appropriate coverage move, However, what separates Buzzwole from other physical walls is its reliability at checking dangerous breakers like boosted Kartana and Weavile, as well as its superior offensive presence.

name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Thunder Punch / Earthquake
item: Rocky Helmet / Heavy Duty Boots
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe


Ice Punch is required to beat Ground types it switches into like Landorus-T and Garchomp, while targeting Close Combat resists on the switch like Zapdos, Tornadus-T, Dragapult. Thunder Punch hits switch-ins like Tapu Fini, Toxapex, Corviknight super effectively. Alternatively, Earthquake can be used to pressure Galarian Slowking, Toxapex and Tapu Koko harder and targets Victini as well as the rare Aegislash. Poison Jab, on the other hand, can nail Clefable and hits Tapu Fini harder than Thunder Punch. Leech Life is also another option that allows Buzzwole to hit Slowbro, Tangrowth, and Mew hard with a super-effective STAB attack, making it less reliant on Roost for recovery. However, these options result in Buzzwole being walled by Pokemon like Corviknight and Water Types like Toxapex. Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, as well as U-turn,s that it can switch into comfortably, letting it make progress against pivots like Landorus-T, Scizor, and Rillaboom. On the other hand, Heavy-Duty Boots could be used instead to better check offensive threats by being able to pivot into them throughout a game even with active entry hazards. However, Buzzwole doesn't force chip damage against U-turn users and fails to discourage moves like Surging Strikes, Double Iron Bash against it if it forgoes Rocky Helmet. Thus, Heavy Duty Boots is only valuable on teams that lack dedicated removal. The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding the 2HKO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike.

Buzzwole fits on bulky offensive and balance teams alike for its ability to switch-in to most physical wallbreakers and sweepers like Weavile, Garchomp and Urshifu-R, while having good offensive presence. Utility Tornadus-T and Corviknight are exemplary partners that can bring in Buzzwole safely against Steel types like Heatran with U-turn, and Defog away hazards for Buzzwole. Tapu Koko is another excellent teammate that sets up Electric Terrain, powering up Buzzwole's Thunder Punch to let it pressure switch-ins like Corviknight. Specially defensive Pokemon such as Galarian Slowking, Heatran are great partners for Buzzwole as they can switch into special attackers that attempt to revenge kill it such as Tapu Koko. Tapu Fini and Slowbro act as secondary checks to Urshifu-R, as Buzzwole can't switch into Surging Strikes more than once. The former's Misty Terrain also prevents status like Toxic that inhibit Buzzwole's defensive prowess in the long run. Slowking, Galarian Slowking, and Slowbro also provide Future Sight support to let Buzzwole beat switch-ins like Toxapex and Clefable. Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on shared checks like Tapu Fini, helping them sweep more efficiently. Dark- types like the aforementioned Weavile, Hydreigon offensively threaten Future Sight cores that threaten Buzzwole, enabling it to switch into physical attackers with more impunity. Finally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon while pressuring Clefable with Steel STAB such as Flash Cannon or Steel Beam.

Other Options

Leftovers could be used instead of Rocky Helmet or Heavy-Duty Boots to negate chip damage from moves such as U-turn. However, it's inferior to both these items as the former helps Buzzwole punish contact moves from physical attackers it switches into and hence force progress against these Pokemon. The latter helps it switch in repeatedly to said attackers with hazards up as it ignores hazard damage, which more than makes up for the loss of passive recovery from leftovers. A defensive spread of 252 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 112 Spe with moves like Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Roost and Bulk Up can also be used. This spread helps it avoid 2HKO from Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes. Alternatively, Toxic could be run instead of Bulk Up to pressure switch-ins such as Slowbro, Zapdos, Tapu Koko, Tornadus-T. As defensive Buzzwole lacks power, using Bulk Up or Toxic instead of a coverage move makes it less passive overall. Buzzwole can also run Choice Items such as Choice Band to act as a devastating wall-breaker, especially when paired with Future Sight support and Choice Scarf, which enables Buzzwole to act as a revenge killer and late-game cleaner that can snowball thanks to Beast Boost once its checks and counters have been eliminated. However, holding such choice items means that Buzzwole is no longer a solid defensive wall, since it loses out on Roost and fears switching into Knock off from Weavile, Kartana etc..

Checks and Counters

**Flying-type Pokemon and coverage**: Attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T can OHKO Buzzwole with their Flying-type STAB, while Pokemon that Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry Flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm it. Moreover, many defensive Flying types like Corviknight and Tornadus-T switch into Close Combat comfortably, and even into Ice Punch in case of the former.

**Fairy-type Pokemon**: Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini and Clefable can easily switch into Buzzwole and force it out or OHKO with their STAB moves. However, they need to careful of coverage moves.

**Future Sight**: Buzzwole gets OHKOed by Future Sight, hence it can't switch into physical attackers like Weavile while Future Sight is looming. Moreover, Buzzwole without Leech Life often lets Slowbro and Slowking in for a free Future Sight setup.

**Fire-type Pokemon and coverage**: Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks, can use it as setup fodder and can also punish any attack from Buzzwole with Flame Body. Max Speed Heatran, Victini and Volcarona can easily revenge kill Buzzwole thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage; Fire Fang 2HKOes at +2

**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Nidoking can take out Buzzwole with strong Special Attacks due to its poor Special Defense stat. Garchomp, a Pokemon Buzzwole usually checks, sometimes use a mixed attacking set; it can lure and OHKO Buzzwole with Fire Blast.

**Physical Walls**: Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory, as it doesn't get 2HKOed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight and Stealth Rock support can help Buzzwole 2HKO Skarmory, Corviknight, Tangrowth and Toxapex with Close Combat.

**Contact Effects**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona and Rocky Helmet on physical walls like Skarmory can make it difficult for Buzzwole to make progress against these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[agslash23, 537834]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [Fc, 511624], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Last edited:
fat buzzwole is bad, you should just run enough hp for cb kartana/+2 axel from weavile with enough speed for adamant bisharp or scizor and put the rest in attack with an adamant nature to exert some offensive pressure. the 4th slot should be some combination of eq/tpunch/leech life btw, toxic isnt really run.
fat buzzwole is bad, you should just run enough hp for cb kartana/+2 axel from weavile with enough speed for adamant bisharp or scizor and put the rest in attack with an adamant nature to exert some offensive pressure. the 4th slot should be some combination of eq/tpunch/leech life btw, toxic isnt really run.

Ok, I will tweak the EVs. However, the current set avoids 2kho from Surging Strikes, hence I feel it should be included somewhere.
This is an Amateur check:

Additions/changes will be in Purple
Removals will be Striked
Comments will be in Blue

Buzzwole is blessed with a unique typing in Bug/Fighting, amazing Physical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost that enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Landorus-T, Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, Zeraora, Scizor etc.. The aformentioned traits also makes it one of the premier Knock-off absorbers in the metagame, taking very little damage from it and not worrying much about item removal. Buzzwole also has a great Physical Attack stat, powerful STABs such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Earthquake, etc.. to pressure the Pokemon it checks, and punishing its own checks like Dragapult, Tapu Fini and Toxapex. This makes it a tank that has great offensive presence. Finally, it's ability Beast Boost raises it's attack, making it tougher to handle defensively. While its fantastic physical bulk and goodtyping helps it check a plethora of threats this line is pretty unecessary you can just say that its typing also gives weaknesses to said typing, since you already mentioned the advantages that it gives it in the begining, the said typing means it is weak to Flying, Psychic, Fire and Fairy type attacks.Which means Many physical attackers it is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile etc.. could carry flying type coverage such as Aerial Ace to weaken or outright eliminate it. Further And, such physical attackers are usually paired with Future Sight support, making it tougher for Buzzwole to switch into them while Future Sight is looming. It's poor special bulk makes it vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, Tapu Koko etc.. Further, Buzzwole faces competition from Corviknight and Tangrowth as a physical attack check. Corviknight provides defog and slow U-turn support, immunity to Toxic and much better special bulk, while Tangrowth has access to Regenerator, Sleep Powder and Knock-off. However, Buzzwole makes up for it with its far superior offensive presence and ability to snowball with Beast Boost, making it the superior pick on more offensive teams. I feel like this is a little bit too long, you can definately cut some of this to make it shorter since overviews are supposed to be a brief introduction, like mentioning how it can snowball is a weird thing to put in an overview

name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Leech Life / Thunder Punch / Poison Jab/ Earthquake
item: Rocky Helmet/Heavy Duty Boots
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe


The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding 2KHO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike. Close Combat is a powerful STAB move to OKHO Kartana, Magnezone, Heatran, Specially Defensive Ferrothon and ensures 2KHO on Urshifu-R and Melmetal. Ice Punch is required to 2KHO Physically Defensive Landorus-T, Tank Garchomp. It also helps 2KHO Dragapult on the switch and lets it stop Scale Shot Garchomp from sweeping. Roost is necessary to let it consistently check physical attackers like Urshifu-R, Weavile, Kartana etc.. Leech Life is another powerful STAB that can OKHO Slowking, 2KHO Slowbro, Tangrowth and defensive Mew. It also replenishes its health, making it less reliant on Roost elaborate here on how roosting is a bad thing because its exploitable. Thunder Punch is an alternative over Leech Life to 2KHO Tapu Fini and Specially Defensive Toxapex after Stealth Rock damage, while retaining the ability to pressure Slowking. Poison Jab can threaten fairy types who don't mind switching into Buzzwole's STABs like Clefable, Tapu Fini and Tapu Koko. Finally, Earthquake can be used to have a strong chance of 2khoing Physically Defensive Toxapex after Stealth Rock damage, as well as the rare Aegislash and victini. Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, but Heavy Duty Boots could be used instead to avoid hazard chip damage. Beast Boost raises its attack by 1 stage, making it more difficult to wall.

Buzzwole fits best on Offensive teams that require a switch-in to Urshifu-R, Weavile, Kartana, Scale Shot Garchomp dont need to mention what swole checks here since you have mentioned them before, you can just say physical attackers in general . while having good offensive presence. Utility Tornadus-T is an exemplary partner as it can scout for flying type attacks aimed at Buzzwole from Kartana and Rillaboom, knocks items off from Buzzwole's checks such as Tapu Fini and can bring in Buzzwole safely with a fast U-Turn. Moreover, Tornadus-T can defog away hazards, which enables Buzzwole to go for Rocky Helmet instead of Heavy Duty Boots. Similarly, Corviknight can scout for flying type coverage from Weavile It can do the same for kartana and bisharp so you want to mention that, checks Tapu Lele, Dragonite and Hawlucha, and can bring in Buzzwole safely with a slow U-turn instead. Buzzwole benefits from fast pivoting support from the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko- they can bring it in safely against Blissey, Heatran, Tyranitar and Ferrothon Mention how these pokemon usually want to come in on these special attackers, and in return, Buzzwole threatens such Pokemon. Buzzwole invites in revenge killers with great special attack such as Dragapult. Hence I think mentioning how special walls pair well with buzzwole because they shore up its weaknesses would be much more informative , something along the lines of "special walls pair well with buzzwole since they shore up its weaknesses to common special attacker that want to switch into it", checks to these attackers such as Tapu Fini, Clefable and Heatran are good partners. Both formes of Slowking are reliable switchins to other Buzzwole revenge killers like Kyurem, Tapu Koko and Nidoking, Tapu Lele respectively Lumping the slowtwins with the other special walls you mentioned is better since its quite weird to talk about them alone, and you can still mention how the latter supports swole with future sight still. They also provide Future Sight support that lets Buzzwole dent switchins like Toxapex and Clefable better. Slowking can, moreover, provide it with slow pivoting thanks to Teleport, while G-Slowking absorbs Toxic Spikes and can spread poison using Sludge Bomb to further aid Buzzwole with wall-breaking this is also quite unnecessary. Buzzwole forces a lot of switches, and thus appreciates entry hazards such as Stealth Rock from Landorus-T and Spikes from Mew and Ferrothon. Buzzwole appreciates a secondary check to Urshifu-R such as Tapu Fini, Slowbro and the aformentioned Slowking, as it can take only one Surging Strikes from Urshifu-R. Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on Rillaboom, Weavile, Landorus-T and Urshifu-R, helping them clean mid-to-late game. Finally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon. The Choice Specs set in particular pressures Buzzwole's other checks such as Hippowdon only physically defensive hippowdon can check buzzwole which is a bad set rn so you'll need to use another example with Toxic, Flash Cannon or Steel Beam and also provides Buzzwole with pivoting using Volt Switch.

Other Options

Checks and Counters

**Flying-type Pokemon and Coverage**: Flying type attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T etc.. can OKHO Buzzwole. Moreover, Pokemon Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm Buzzwole.

**Fairy-type Pokemon**: Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Fini and Clefable don't mind switching into Buzzwole's STABs and can force it out or OKHO with Fairy-type STABs. However, they need to careful of coverage moves such as Earthquake in case of Tapu Koko, Thunder Punch in case of Tapu Fini, and Poison Jab in case of all.

**Psychic-type attacks**: While none of the Psychic type Pokemon can switch safely into Buzzwole, those such as Tapu Lele can threaten it out immediately thanks to STAB Psychic attacks. Buzzwole gets OKHOed by Future Sight from Slowking formes and Slowbro, hence it can't switch into physical attackers it checks like Weavile while Future Sight is looming.

**Fire-type Pokemon and Coverage**: Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks and can use it as setup fodder. While max Speed Heatran, Victini and Blaziken can't switch in safely, they can revenge kill Buzzwole with ease thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage - Fire Fang 2KHOes at +2, while Mixed Attack Garchomp has a strong chance to OKHO with Fire Blast.

**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Nidoking etc.. can take out Buzzwole with Neutral STAB options if they manage to pivot in.

**Physcial Walls** : Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory and physically defensive Hippowdon, as these don't get 2khoed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight support can help against some of these Pokemon. Moreover, it requires Stealth Rock support in order to have a chance to 2KHO Corviknight with Close Combat, which could be challenging as Corviknight is of the best defoggers in the metagame.

**Contact Effects**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona, Iron Barbs from Ferrothorn, and Rocky Helmet on physical walls can make it difficult for Buzzwole to make progress against these Pokemon.
Alot of these segments can be lumped into one section, along the lines of **super effective coverage** or something, since it saves space and also makes it alot more organized
- Written by: [[agslash23, userid1]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
First time doing an AM check so let's do this, take everything with a grain of salt, so implement what you feel is necessary.


Buzzwole is blessed with a unique typing in Bug/Fighting, amazing Physical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost that enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Landorus-T, Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, Zeraora, Scizor etc..(don't include etc whenever you are doing a list especially when the list itself covers majority of the things that Buzzwole checks, also the wording is somewhat confusing in the introduction with "blessed" if anything reword it to how it's great defensive typing and reliably recovery lets it check and so forth) The aformentioned aforementioned traits also makes it one of the premier Knock-off Off absorbers in the metagame, taking very little damage from it and not worrying much about item removal. Buzzwole also has a great Physical Attack stat, powerful STABs such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Earthquake, etc..(again not to include etc) to pressure the Pokemon it checks, and punishing its own checks like Dragapult, Tapu Fini and Toxapex. (this seems rather unnecasary her and should merge with the next sentence with the previous sentence. This makes it a tank that has great offensive presence. Finally, it's ability Beast Boost raises it's attack, making it tougher to handle defensively. (this shouldn't be included since most people know what Beast Boost does and how offensive the main Buzzwole set is) However, Buzzwole is weak to common Flying, Psychic, Fire and Fairy type attacks. This means that many physical attackers it is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile etc.. could carry flying type coverage such as Aerial Ace to weaken or outright eliminate it. And, such physical attackers are usually paired with Future Sight support, making it tougher for Buzzwole to switch into them while Future Sight is looming. It's poor special bulk makes it vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, Tapu Koko etc.. (no etc) Furthermore, Buzzwole faces competition from Corviknight and Tangrowth as a physical attack check. Corviknight provides dDefog and slow U-turn support, immunity to Toxic and much better special bulk, while Tangrowth has access to Regenerator, Sleep Powder and Knock-off Off. However, Buzzwole makes up for it with its far superior offensive presence, making it the superior pick on more offensive teams. (something about the negative section seems off since the super effective moves make sense so it seems unnecessary and makes it super lengthy, and also there should be a mention of how status condition since Buzzwole dislikes getting any type of status on it.)

name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Leech Life / Thunder Punch / Poison Jab/ Earthquake
item: Rocky Helmet/Heavy Duty Boots
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe


The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding 2KHO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike. (move this to the last sentence of this paragraph and mention the attack investment gives it an offensive presence) Close Combat is a powerful STAB move to OKHO OHKO Kartana, Magnezone, Heatran, Specially Defensive Ferrothon and ensures 2KHO on Urshifu-R and Melmetal. Ice Punch is required to 2KHO in hitting Physically Defensive Landorus-T, Tank and Garchomp. It also helps 2KHO Dragapult on the switch and lets it stop Scale Shot Garchomp from sweeping.(fluff) Roost is necessary to let it consistently check physical attackers like Urshifu-R, Weavile, Kartana etc..(no etc) Leech Life is another powerful STAB that can OKHO Slowking, 2KHO Slowbro, Tangrowth and defensive Mew. (probably reword this how Leech Life allows it to hit so and so hard) It also replenishes its health, making it less reliant on Roost. (combine this with the sentence about Leech Life) This can be very valuable on the offensive teams Buzzwole finds itself in, as Roost is passive and provides opponents an opportunity to gain momentum. (fluff) Thunder Punch is an alternative over Leech Life to 2KHKO Tapu Fini and Specially Defensive Toxapex after Stealth Rock damage, while retaining the ability to pressure Slowking. Poison Jab can threaten Clefable, Tapu Fini and Tapu Koko.(reword this how Poison Jab lets Buzzwole threaten Fairy- types that can take on other moves) Finally, Earthquake can be used to have a strong chance of 2khoing pressure Physically Defensive Toxapex after Stealth Rock damage, as well as Victini and the rare Aegislash. Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, but Heavy Duty Boots could be used instead to avoid hazard chip damage. Beast Boost raises its attack by 1 stage, making it more difficult to wall. (fluff, especially when everyone knows how Beast Boost works)

Buzzwole fits best on Offensive teams that require a switch-in to most physical wallbreakers and sweepers (mention some physical attackers that it checks like Weavile, Kartana, and Urshifu-R), while having good offensive presence. Utility Tornadus-T is an exemplary partner as it can scout for flying type attacks aimed at Buzzwole from Kartana and Rillaboom, knocks items off from Buzzwole's checks such as Tapu Fini and can bring in Buzzwole safely with a fast U-Turn. Moreover, Tornadus-T can dDefog away hazards, which enables Buzzwole to go for Rocky Helmet instead of Heavy Duty Boots. Similarly, Corviknight can scout for flying type coverage from Weavile, Bisharp and Kartana, checks Tapu Lele, Dragonite and Hawlucha, and can bring in Buzzwole safely with a slow U-turn instead. (you should merge the points of Corviknight and Tornadus-T since they can help it with the most of the same things you listed, and then separate differentiate them about the things that makes them different from eachother) Buzzwole benefits from fast pivoting support from the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko- they can pivot it in safely against their common switch-ins like Blissey, Heatran, Tyranitar and Ferrothon, and in return, Buzzwole threatens such Pokemon. Specially defensive Pokemon such as Tapu Fini, Clefable, Heatran and both Slowking formes are great partners for Buzzwole as they can switch into special attackers that attempt to revenge kill it such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Tapu Lele, Nidoking etc..(no etc) In return, Buzzwole checks physical wallbreakers for them. Both the Slowking formes also provide Future Sight support that lets Buzzwole beat switch-ins like Toxapex and Clefable. Buzzwole forces a lot of switches, and thus appreciates entry hazards such as Stealth Rock from Landorus-T and Spikes from Mew and Ferrothon.(Stealth Rocks are going to be in almost every team, so only mention spike setters) Buzzwole appreciates a secondary check to Urshifu-R such as Tapu Fini, Slowbro and the aformentioned Slowking, as it can take only one Surging Strikes from Urshifu-R.(fluff, if anything mention this for when you talk about special defense walls that can help with this relief some pressure) Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on Rillaboom, Weavile, Landorus-T and Urshifu-R, helping them clean mid-to-late game sweep more efficiently. Finally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon. The Choice Specs set in particular pressures Buzzwole's other checks such as Clefable with Toxic, Flash Cannon or Steel Beam and also provides Buzzwole with pivoting using Volt Switch. (just merge this point with the previous one on why choice specs can also work and give it momentum)

Other Options

Checks and Counters

**Pokemon with Super-effective attacks**: Flying type attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T etc.. can OKHO Buzzwole. Moreover, Pokemon Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm it. Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini and Clefable can force it out or OKHO with Fairy-type STABs. However, they need to careful of coverage moves such as Earthquake in case of Tapu Koko, Thunder Punch in case of Tapu Fini, and Poison Jab in case of all. While no Psychic type Pokemon can switch safely into it, Buzzwole gets OKHOed by Future Sight from Slowking formes and Slowbro, hence it can't switch into physical attackers like Weavile while Future Sight is looming. Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks and can use it as setup fodder. While max Speed Heatran, Victini and Blaziken can't switch in safely, they can revenge kill Buzzwole with ease thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage; Fire Fang 2KHOes at +2 (this section as a whole seems rather odd especially with some random choices mention, but to whoever does QC will decide what to do with this)

**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Nidoking etc..(no etc) can take out Buzzwole with Neutral STAB options if they manage to pivot in strong Special Attacks due to its poor Special Defense stat. Garchomp, a Pokémon Buzzwole usually checks, sometimes use a mixed attacking set; it can lure and OKHO Buzzwole with Fire Blast.

**Physical Walls** : Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory and physically defensive Hippowdon Corviknight(Defensive Hippowdon are rare these days, so Corviknight fits a bit better though it can really only pressure Buzzwole with Brave Bird and dislikes Future Sight support making hard to switch into), as these don't get 2kHKOed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight support can help against Tangrowth and Toxapex. Moreover, it requires Stealth Rock support in order to have a chance to 2KHO Corviknight with Close Combat, which could be challenging as Corviknight is of the best defoggers in the metagame.

**Contact Effects**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona, Iron Barbs from Ferrothorn, and Rocky Helmet on physical walls can make it difficult for Buzzwole to make progress against these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[agslash23, userid1]](don't forget to include your userid)
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
I'd also like to contribute an AM check, feel free to take or leave any of my suggestions!


Buzzwole's Bug/Fighting typing, amazing Pphysical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Landorus-T, Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, Zeraora, and Scizor. The aforementioned traits also makes make it one of the premier Knock-Off absorbers in the metagame, taking very little damage from it the move and its main users, and not worrying much about item removal. Buzzwole also has a great Attack stat, powerful STABs such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Earthquake to pressure the Pokemon it checks, making it a tank with great offensive presence. However, many physical attackers Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana and Weavile could carry flying type coverage such as Aerial Ace to weaken or outright eliminate it (Weavile never runs Aerial Ace, don't mention it for that. You could instead change "flying-type coverage" to just "coverage" or "moves", and mention mons like Landorus-T, Zeraora, and Garchomp commonly running Toxic [and the latter's Fire Blast] to wear it down and force it to Roost more often). Also, such physical attackers are usually often paired with Future Sight support which can enable them to break past Buzzwole. It's Its poor special bulk makes it vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, Tapu Koko. Buzzwole also dislikes any sort of status condition. (this is unnecessary if you choose to mention how some of the mons it checks run Toxic and why that's a problem.) Furthermore, Buzzwole faces competition from Corviknight and Tangrowth as a physical attack check put "check to physical attackers" or "physical wall" here instead. Corviknight provides Defog and slow U-turn support, immunity to Toxic and much better special bulk, while Tangrowth has access to Regenerator, Sleep Powder and Knock-Off. However, Buzzwole makes up for it with its far superior offensive presence, making it the superior pick on more offensive teams.

name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Leech Life / Thunder Punch / Poison Jab/ Earthquake
item: Rocky Helmet/Heavy-Duty Boots maybe slash HDB first; more offensively inclined Buzzwole doesn't quite have enough bulk to consistently check all the mons it wants to with hazards up
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe


The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding 2KHO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike. Close Combat is a powerful STAB move to OHKO Kartana, Magnezone, Heatran, Specially Defensive Ferrothorn and ensures the 2KHO on Urshifu-R and Melmetal. Ice Punch is required to 2KHO Dragapult, Landorus-T and Garchomp. Roost is necessary to let it consistently check physical attackers like Urshifu-R, Weavile, Kartana. Leech Life is another powerful STAB that allows it to hit Slowking, Slowbro, Tangrowth and Mew very hard and also replenishes its health, making it less reliant on Roost. Thunder Punch is an alternative over Leech Life to 2KHO Tapu Fini and Specially Defensive Toxapex after Stealth Rock damage, while retaining the ability to pressure Slowking. Poison Jab can nail Fairy types such as Clefable that resist Buzzwole's STABs. Finally, Earthquake can be to pressure Toxapex harder, as well as Victini and the rare Aegislash. Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, but Heavy-Duty Boots could be used instead to avoid hazard chip damage. see above comment; maybe switch these around

Buzzwole fits best on Offensive teams that require a switch-in to most physical wallbreakers and sweepers like Weavile, Kartana, and Urshifu-R, while having good offensive presence. Utility Tornadus-T and Corviknight are exemplary partners that can scout for flying type attacks aimed at Buzzwole from Kartana and Rillaboom, bring in Buzzwole safely with U-Turn, and Defog away hazards so that Buzzwole can go for utilize Rocky Helmet instead of Heavy-Duty Boots. Tornadus-T provides Taunt and Knock-off support, while Corviknight checks flying-type attackers like Dragonite and Hawlucha. Buzzwole benefits from fast pivoting support from the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko - they can pivot it in safely against their common switch-ins like Blissey, Heatran, Tyranitar and Ferrothorn, and in return, Buzzwole threatens such Pokemon. this is implied well enough by the fact that Buzzwole is pivoting in on them Specially defensive Pokemon such as Tapu Fini, Clefable, Heatran and both Slowking forms are great partners for Buzzwole as they can switch into special attackers that attempt to revenge kill it such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Tapu Lele, and Nidoking. In return, Buzzwole checks physical wallbreakers for them. Tapu Fini and Slowking also act as secondary checks to Urshifu-R, from whom Buzzwole can't take two Surging Strikes. Both the Slowking forms also provide Future Sight support that lets Buzzwole beat switchins like Toxapex and Clefable. Buzzwole forces a lot of switches, and thus appreciates Spikes support from Mew and Ferrothorn. Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on Rillaboom, Weavile, Landorus-T and Urshifu-R, helping them sweep more efficiently. Finally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon, with the Choice Specs set in particular providing Volt Switch support and the ability to pressure Clefable.

Other Options

Checks and Counters

**Pokemon with Super-effective attacks**: Flying type attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T. can OHKO Buzzwole. Moreover, Pokemon Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm it. Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini and Clefable can force it out or OHKO with Fairy-type STABs. However, they need to careful of coverage moves such as Poison Jab. While no Psychic type Pokemon can switch safely into it, Buzzwole gets OHKOed by Future Sight, hence it can't switch into physical attackers like Weavile while Future Sight is looming. Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks and can use it as setup fodder. While max Speed offensive (max speed is implied) Heatran, Victini and Blaziken can't switch in safely, they can revenge kill Buzzwole with ease thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage; Fire Fang 2KHOes at +2 the garchomp part is unnecessary; Buzzwole OHKOs it in return and Garchomp is already mentioned for the more appropriate mixed attacker set
- This section is kind of strange; grouping all type disadvantages together makes it look clunky and disorganized. i would seriously advise grouping them back the way you had them with some minor changes - Flying-type Pokemon and Coverage, Fairy-types (group Lele in there instead of with Psychic-types), Future Sight (as opposed to Psychic-types), and finally Fire-type Pokemon and Coverage.

**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, and Nidoking can take out Buzzwole with strong Special Attacks due to its poor Special Defense stat. Garchomp, a Pokémon Buzzwole usually checks, sometimes use a mixed attacking set; it can lure and OHKO Buzzwole with Fire Blast. group MixChomp in with Fire-type Pokemon and Coverage instead

**Physical Walls** : Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory and Corviknight, as it doesn't they don't get 2KHOed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight and Stealth Rock support can help Buzzwole 2HKO Skarmory, Corviknight, Tangrowth and Toxapex with Close Combat. even if it lacks the right coverage move, Buzzwole can 2HKO many of these Pokemon with Future Sight and Stealth Rock support.

**Contact Effects and Status**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona and Moltres (optional), Iron Barbs from Ferrothorn, and Rocky Helmet on physical walls and contact damage from the likes of Garchomp, Ferrothorn, and Rocky Helmet users can wear down Buzzwole and make it difficult for Buzzwole it to make progress against these Pokemon. Here is the place to make note of physical attackers such as Lando-T and Zeraora luring Buzzwole with Toxic, which forces it to Roost more often and become much more easily taken advantage of.

- Written by: [[agslash23, 537834]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

Buzzwole's Bug/Fighting typing, amazing Physical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Landorus-T, Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, and Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, Zeraora, Scizor. no need for 8 examples The aforementioned traits also makes it one of the premier Knock-Off absorbers in the metagame, taking very little damage from it and not worrying much about item removal. buzzwole isn't a great knock absorber and it cares a lot about keeping its item. you only see it eating knocks because it's always switching into weav bish lando by virtue of the defensive typing Buzzwole also has a great Attack stat, powerful STABs such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Earthquake to pressure the Pokemon it checks, making it a tank with great offensive presence. However, many physical attackers Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana and Weavile could carry flying type coverage such as Aerial Ace to weaken or outright eliminate it. not relevant enough for overview at this time Also, such Many physical attackers are usually paired with Future Sight support which can enable them to break past Buzzwole. It's poor special bulk makes it vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, and Tapu Koko. Buzzwole also dislikes any sort of status condition. what statuses it? Furthermore, Buzzwole faces competition from Corviknight and Tangrowth as a physical attack check. Corviknight provides Defog and slow U-turn support, immunity to Toxic and much better special bulk, while Tangrowth has access to Regenerator, Sleep Powder and Knock-Off. However, Buzzwole makes up for it with its far superior offensive presence, making it the superior pick on more offensive teams.

name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Leech Life / Thunder Punch / Poison Jab/ Earthquake
item: Rocky Helmet/Heavy Duty Boots
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe


The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding 2KHO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike. <-- move this sentence to bottom of paragraph Close Combat is a powerful STAB move to OHKO Kartana, Magnezone, Heatran, Specially Defensive Ferrothon and ensures 2KHO on Urshifu-R and Melmetal. Ice Punch is required to 2KHO Dragapult, Landorus-T and Garchomp. Roost is necessary to let it consistently check physical attackers like Urshifu-R, Weavile, Kartana. Leech Life is another powerful STAB that allows it to hit Slowking, Slowbro, Tangrowth and Mew very hard and also replenishes its health, making it less reliant on Roost. Thunder Punch is an alternative over Leech Life to 2KHO Tapu Fini and Specially Defensive Toxapex after Stealth Rock damage, while retaining the ability to pressure Slowking. Poison Jab can nail Fairy types that resist Buzzwole's STABs. Finally, Earthquake can be to pressure Toxapex harder, as well as Victini and the rare Aegislash. mention koko Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, can punish turn as well but Heavy Duty Boots could be used instead to avoid hazard chip damage and check offensive threats better by being able to pivot into them throughout a game.

Buzzwole fits best on Offensive teams that require a switch-in to most physical wallbreakers and sweepers like Weavile, Kartana, and Urshifu-R, while having good offensive presence. Utility Tornadus-T and Corviknight are exemplary partners that can scout for flying type attacks aimed at Buzzwole from Kartana and Rillaboom, irrelevant bring in Buzzwole safely with U-Turn, buzzwole doesn't want to come in on most of the stuff they're turning on - if u want to keep this point u can emphasize steels ig and Defog away hazards so that Buzzwole can go for Rocky Helmet instead of Heavy Duty Boots. safely pivot into physical attackers throughout the duration of a game. Tornadus-T provides Taunt and Knock-off support, vs what? how is this relevant to buzzwole? while Corviknight checks flying-type attackers like Dragonite and Hawlucha. not sure how i feel about this bc corv loses to roost/fire punch dnite without id and loses to lucha without brave bird/id. i would just delete this whole torn/corv sentence tbh or refocus it to aspects more relevant to buzzwole itself Buzzwole benefits from fast pivoting support from the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko - they can pivot it in safely against their common switch-ins like Blissey, Heatran, Tyranitar and Ferrothorn, and in return, Buzzwole threatens such Pokemon. Specially defensive Pokemon such as Tapu Fini, Clefable, Heatran and both Slowking forms are great partners for Buzzwole as they can switch into special attackers that attempt to revenge kill it such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Tapu Lele, and Nidoking. In return, Buzzwole checks physical wallbreakers for them. Tapu Fini and Slowking also act as secondary checks to Urshifu-R, from whom Buzzwole can't take two Surging Strikes. Both the Slowking forms also provide Future Sight support that lets Buzzwole beat switchins like Toxapex and Clefable. can mention opposing buzzwole/skarm here Buzzwole forces a lot of switches, and thus appreciates Spikes support from Mew and Ferrothon. less relevant considering most of its switchins are birds/clef/pex Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on Rillaboom, Weavile, Landorus-T and Urshifu-R, helping them sweep more efficiently. overloading clef is also very nice Finally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon, with the Choice Specs set in particular providing Volt Switch support and the ability to pressure Clefable.

Other Options

mention fat defensive buzzwole here (w bu/toxic), lefties, band

Checks and Counters

**Pokemon with Super-effective attacks**: Flying type attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T. can OHKO Buzzwole. Moreover, Pokemon Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm it. Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini and Clefable can force it out or OHKO with Fairy-type STABs. However, they need to careful of coverage moves such as Poison Jab. While no Psychic type Pokemon can switch safely into it, Buzzwole gets OHKOed by Future Sight, hence it can't switch into physical attackers like Weavile while Future Sight is looming. Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks and can use it as setup fodder. While max Speed Heatran, Victini and Blaziken can't switch in safely, they can revenge kill Buzzwole with ease thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage; Fire Fang 2KHOes at +2

rework this to flying-types, fairy-types, future sight separate points

**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Nidoking can take out Buzzwole with strong Special Attacks due to its poor Special Defense stat. Garchomp, a Pokémon Buzzwole usually checks, sometimes use a mixed attacking set; it can lure and OHKO Buzzwole with Fire Blast.

**Physical Walls** : Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory and Corviknight, as it doesn't get 2KHOed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight and Stealth Rock support can help Buzzwole 2HKO Skarmory, Corviknight, Tangrowth and Toxapex with Close Combat.

**Contact Effects**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona, Iron Barbs from Ferrothorn, and Rocky Helmet on physical walls like... can make it difficult for Buzzwole to make progress against these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[agslash23, 537834]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
additions, comments, removals
lmk when implemented
am check

Buzzwole's Bug/Fighting typing, amazing Physical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, and Urshifu-R. Buzzwole also has a great Attack stat, powerful STABs such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Earthquake, making it a tank with great offensive presence. However, many physical attackers are usually paired with Future Sight support which can enable them to break past Buzzwole. It's wrong its poor special bulk also makes it quite vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, and Tapu Koko. Buzzwole also dislikes any sort of status condition such as Toxic from Pokemon it checks like Landorus-T. Furthermore, Buzzwole faces competition from Corviknight and Tangrowth as a physical wall attack check. Corviknight provides Defog and slow U-turn support, immunity to Toxic and much better special bulk, while Tangrowth has access to Regenerator, Sleep Powder and Knock-Off. However, Buzzwole makes up for it with its far superior offensive presence, making it the superior pick on more offensive teams. It can find its way decently enough onto bulkier builds as well, its really the only hard kartana check in the tier besides Tangrowth but it isn't nearly as passive.

name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Leech Life / Thunder Punch
item: Rocky Helmet/Heavy Duty Boots
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe


Ice Punch is required to 2KHO Dragapult, Landorus-T and Garchomp. Roost is necessary to let it consistently check physical attackers like Urshifu-R, Weavile and Kartana. Leech Life is another powerful STAB that allows it to hit Slowking, Slowbro, the Slowtwins, Tangrowth, and Mew very hard and while also replenishesing its health, making it less reliant on Roost. Thunder Punch is an alternative over Leech Life to 2KHO 2HKO Tapu Fini and Specially Defensive Toxapex after Stealth Rock damage, while retaining the ability to pressure Slowking. Poison Jab can nail Fairy types that resist Buzzwole's STABs.its really only for nailing clefable frankly, other moves have more coverage and still hit the other fairies Finally, Earthquake can be to pressure Toxapex and Tapu Koko harder, as well as Victini and the rare Aegislash.No mention of Gking? that's far more relevant than aegislash if you ask me Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, as well as U-turns that it can switch into comfortably. However, Heavy Duty Boots could be used instead to avoid hazard chip damage and check offensive threats better by being able to pivot into them throughout a game. The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding 2KHO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike.
this entire thing reads alot like just listing things it can do? there isn't any flow at all and there's tons of one liners
Buzzwole fits best on Offensive teams that require a switch-in to most physical wallbreakers and sweepers like Weavile, Kartana, and Urshifu-R, while having good offensive presence. Utility Tornadus-T and Corviknight are exemplary partners that can scout for flying type attacks aimed at Buzzwole from Kartana and Rillaboom,Acro rillaboom is incredibly rare, i feel like you'd be better off just listing ways that cover they weaknesses instead of scouting for fairly uncommon moves bring in Buzzwole safely against Steel types like Heatran with U-Turn, and Defog away hazards so that Buzzwole can safely pivot into physical attackers throughout the duration of a game. Buzzwole benefits from fast pivoting support from the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko - they can pivot it in safely against their common switch-ins like Blissey, Heatran, Tyranitar and Ferrothorn, and in return, Buzzwole threatens such Pokemon. Specially defensive Pokemon such as Tapu Fini, Clefable, Heatran and both Slowking forms are great partners for Buzzwole as they can switch into special attackers that attempt to revenge kill it such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Tapu Lele and Nidoking. In return, Buzzwole checks physical wallbreakers for them. Tapu Fini and Slowking also act as secondary checks to Urshifu-R, from whom Buzzwole can't take two Surging Strikes. Both the Slowking forms also provide Future Sight support that lets Buzzwole beat switchins like Corviknight, Skarmory, Toxapex and Clefable. Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on Clefable, Rillaboom, Weavile, Landorus-T and Urshifu-R, helping them sweep more efficiently. Finally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon, with the Choice Specs set in particular providing Volt Switch support and the ability to pressure Clefable.

Other Options

Leftovers could be used instead of Rocky Helmet or Heavy-Duty Boots to negate chip damage from moves such as U-Turn. However, it's inferior to both these items as the former helps Buzzwole punish physical attackers who rely on contact moves, while the latter helps it switch in repeatedly to said attackers with hazards up. A defensive spread of 252 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 112 Spe with moves like Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Roost and Bulk Up can also be used. This avoids 2KHO from Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes, while acting as a wincon on defensive teams. Alternatively, Toxic could be run instead of Bulk Up to pressure switch-ins such as Slowbro. Buzzwole can also run Choice Items. It can run ,such as Choice Band to act as a devastating wall-breaker, especially when paired with Future Sight support, and Choice Scarf, on the other hand, which enables Buzzwole to act as a revenge killer and late-game cleaner that can snowball thanks to Beast Boost once its checks and counters have been eliminated.

Checks and Counters

**Flying-type attacks**: Attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T can OHKO Buzzwole with their Flying-type STAB. Moreover, Pokemon that Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry Flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm it.

**Fairy-type Pokemon**: Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini and Clefable can force it out or OHKO with Fairy-type STABs. However, they need to careful of coverage moves such as Poison Jab.

**Future Sight**: Buzzwole gets OHKOed by Future Sight, hence it can't switch into physical attackers like Weavile while Future Sight is looming.

**Fire-type Pokemon and coverage**: Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks and can use it as setup fodder. Max Speed Heatran, Victini and Blaziken can easily revenge kill Buzzwole thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage; Fire Fang 2KHOes at +2

**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Nidoking can take out Buzzwole with strong Special Attacks due to its poor Special Defense stat. Garchomp, a Pokémon Buzzwole usually checks, sometimes use a mixed attacking set; it can lure and OHKO Buzzwole with Fire Blast.

**Physical Walls**: Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory, as it doesn't get 2KHOed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight and Stealth Rock support can help Buzzwole 2HKO Skarmory, Corviknight, Tangrowth and Toxapex with Close Combat.

**Contact Effects**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona, Iron Barbs from Ferrothorn, and Rocky Helmet on physical walls like Skarmory can make it difficult for Buzzwole to make progress against these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[agslash23, 537834]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

Buzzwole's Bug/Fighting defensive typing, amazing Physical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, and Urshifu-R. Buzzwole also has a great Attack stat, powerful STABs such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Earthquake, making it a tank with great offensive presence. However, many physical attackers are usually paired with Future Sight support which can enable them to break past Buzzwole. It's wrong its poor special bulk also makes it quite vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, and Tapu Koko. Buzzwole also dislikes any sort of status condition such as Toxic from Pokemon it checks like Landorus-T. Furthermore, Buzzwole faces competition from Corviknight and Tangrowth as a physical wall attack check. Corviknight provides Defog and slow U-turn support, immunity to Toxic and much better special bulk, while Tangrowth has access to Regenerator, Sleep Powder and Knock-Off. However, Buzzwole makes up for it with its far superior offensive presence, making it the superior pick on more offensive teams. It can find its way decently enough onto bulkier builds as well, its really the only hard kartana check in the tier besides Tangrowth but it isn't nearly as passive. yeah i don't rly like "the superior pick" here bc u will also see corv on most bo builds and even tang sometimes. just focus on the offensive presence part here

name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Leech Life / Thunder Punch
item: Rocky Helmet/Heavy Duty Boots
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe


Ice Punch is required to 2KHO Dragapult, Landorus-T and Garchomp. can just say it targets grounds it switches into like lando/chomp while targeting birds and dragons on the switch like zapdos torn pult etc Roost is necessary to let it consistently check physical attackers like Urshifu-R, Weavile and Kartana. Leech Life is another powerful STAB that allows it to hit Slowking, Slowbro, the Slowtwins, idk if this is a coined term so u can probably just leave it to slowking for now Tangrowth, and Mew very hard and while also replenishesing its health, making it less reliant on Roost. Thunder Punch is an alternative over Leech Life to 2KHO 2HKO Tapu Fini and Specially Defensive Toxapex after Stealth Rock damage, while retaining the ability to pressure Slowking. u need to mention terrain support here, and just generally how good of a midground move it is to cover most water/flying switchins Poison Jab can nail Fairy types that resist Buzzwole's STABs.its really only for nailing clefable frankly, other moves have more coverage and still hit the other fairies yea the main target is clef. other fairies are hit better by other coverage as u said Finally, Earthquake can be to pressure Toxapex and Tapu Koko harder, as well as Victini and the rare Aegislash.No mention of Gking? that's far more relevant than aegislash if you ask me yeah Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, as well as U-turns that it can switch into comfortably, letting it punish pivoting from.... examples However, Heavy Duty Boots could be used instead to avoid hazard chip damage and check offensive threats better by being able to pivot into them throughout a game. The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding 2KHO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike.
this entire thing reads alot like just listing things it can do? there isn't any flow at all and there's tons of one liners yeah adding some transitions and connections would probably help this read better

Buzzwole fits best on Offensive teams that require a switch-in to most physical wallbreakers and sweepers like Weavile, Kartana, and Urshifu-R, while having good offensive presence. Utility Tornadus-T and Corviknight are exemplary partners that can scout for flying type attacks aimed at Buzzwole from Kartana and Rillaboom,Acro rillaboom is incredibly rare, i feel like you'd be better off just listing ways that cover they weaknesses instead of scouting for fairly uncommon moves agreed, u can mention stuff like clef lele here bring in Buzzwole safely against Steel types like Heatran with U-Turn, and Defog away hazards so that Buzzwole can safely pivot into physical attackers throughout the duration of a game. Buzzwole benefits from fast pivoting support from the likes of Dragapult and Tapu Koko - they can pivot it in safely against their common switch-ins like Blissey, Heatran, Tyranitar and Ferrothorn, and in return, Buzzwole threatens such Pokemon. rephrase this, reads weirdly Specially defensive Pokemon such as Tapu Fini, Clefable, Heatran and both Slowking forms are great partners for Buzzwole as they can switch into special attackers that attempt to revenge kill it such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Tapu Lele and Nidoking. In return, Buzzwole checks physical wallbreakers for them. i would mention the grasses specifically here as they threaten all of the mons u mention Tapu Fini and Slowking also act as secondary checks to Urshifu-R, from whom Buzzwole can't take two Surging Strikes. Both the Slowking forms also provide Future Sight support that lets Buzzwole beat switchins like Corviknight, Skarmory, Toxapex and Clefable. Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on Clefable, Rillaboom, Weavile, Landorus-T and Urshifu-R, helping them sweep more efficiently. elaborate on this point - ideally u would be focusing on defensive answers like clef fini zap etc here because you rarely ever actually get damage on the shit ur forcing out Finally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon, with the Choice Specs set in particular providing Volt Switch support against common Steel-type switch-ins and the ability to pressure Clefable.

Other Options

Leftovers could be used instead of Rocky Helmet or Heavy-Duty Boots to negate chip damage from moves such as U-Turn. However, it's inferior to both these items as the former helps Buzzwole punish physical attackers who rely on contact moves, while the latter helps it switch in repeatedly to said attackers with hazards up. you have said only what the items do, not why they're more valuable than lefties A defensive spread of 252 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 112 Spe with moves like Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Roost and Bulk Up can also be used. This avoids 2KHO from Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes, while acting as a wincon on defensive teams. inaccurate Alternatively, Toxic could be run instead of Bulk Up to pressure switch-ins such as Slowbro. 100% need to mention other switchins here - zap koko torn tang are a few examples. mention why bulk up and toxic are more valuable on fat buzz instead of other coverage Buzzwole can also run Choice Items. It can run ,such as Choice Band to act as a devastating wall-breaker, especially when paired with Future Sight support, and Choice Scarf, on the other hand, which enables Buzzwole to act as a revenge killer and late-game cleaner that can snowball thanks to Beast Boost once its checks and counters have been eliminated.

Checks and Counters

**Flying-type Pokemon and coverage attacks**: Attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T can OHKO Buzzwole with their Flying-type STAB. Moreover, Pokemon that Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry Flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm it. u should be mentioning here that most defensive birds can switch in pretty comfortably to cc and even ice punch situationally

**Fairy-type Pokemon**: Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini and Clefable can force it out or OHKO with Fairy-type STABs. However, they need to careful of coverage moves such as Poison Jab.

**Future Sight**: Buzzwole gets OHKOed by Future Sight, hence it can't switch into physical attackers like Weavile while Future Sight is looming. non-leech buzzwole often lets slowtwins in for free, worth mentioning

**Fire-type Pokemon and coverage**: Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks and can use it as setup fodder. it can also punish with flame body Max Speed Heatran, Victini and Blaziken can easily revenge kill Buzzwole thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage; Fire Fang 2KHOes at +2

**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Nidoking can take out Buzzwole with strong Special Attacks due to its poor Special Defense stat. Garchomp, a Pokémon Buzzwole usually checks, sometimes use a mixed attacking set; it can lure and OHKO Buzzwole with Fire Blast.

**Physical Walls**: Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory, as it doesn't get 2KHOed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight and Stealth Rock support can help Buzzwole 2HKO Skarmory, Corviknight, Tangrowth and Toxapex with Close Combat.

**Contact Effects**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona, Iron Barbs from Ferrothorn, and Rocky Helmet on physical walls like Skarmory can make it difficult for Buzzwole to make progress against these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[agslash23, 537834]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [username2, userid2], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
gomi's additions, gomi's removals, gomi's comments
my additions, my removals, my comments
lmk when implemented
good check Gomi
Trial QC approved by airfare

Comments in Blue
Additions in Green
Removals in Red


Buzzwole's defensive typing, amazing Physical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, and Urshifu-R. Buzzwole also has a great Attack stat, powerful STABs such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Earthquake, making it a tank with great offensive presence. However, many physical attackers are usually paired with Future Sight support which can enable them to break past Buzzwole. Its poor special bulk also makes it quite vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, and Tapu Koko. Buzzwole also dislikes any sort of status condition such as Toxic from Pokemon it checks like Landorus-T. Furthermore, Buzzwole faces competition from Corviknight and Tangrowth as a physical wall. Corviknight provides Defog and slow U-turn support, immunity to Toxic and much better special bulk, while Tangrowth has access to Regenerator, Sleep Powder and Knock-Off. However, Buzzwole makes up for it with its far superior offensive presence. The comparison is a little weird because these mons check slightly different things and do things differently, but I'd mention its reliability at checking things like boosted Kartana and Weavile as well as its offensive presence as a plus it has over them

name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Leech Life / Thunder Punch Thunder Punch / Earthquake (Discussed w QC, this is what the main set should look like)
item: Rocky Helmet/Heavy Duty Boots
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe


Ice Punch is required to target ground types it switches into like Landorus-T and Garchomp, while targeting Flying and Dragon types on the switch like Zapdos, Tornadus-T, and Dragapult. etc no point in saying etc, you can just list your few examples and Roost is necessary to let it consistently check physical attackers like Urshifu-R, Weavile, Kartana etc.. Same as above Leech Life is a powerful STAB that allows it to hit Slowking, Slowbro, Tangrowth and Mew very hard while also replenishing its health, making it less reliant on Roost. Move this below Tpunch / EQ / Jab, and maybe downplay it just a tiny bit more than you are now because it comes off like the move is super good and has little drawback, but being hard walled by the steel birds and especially pex / fini is hard to deal with Thunder Punch is a strong alternative over Leech Life that hits most Water and Flying type Switch-ins like Tapu Fini, Toxapex, Corviknight etc. super-effectively, especially while Electric Terrain is in effect. Poison Jab is another alternative move that can nail Clefable, while Earthquake can be used to pressure Galarian -Slowking, Toxapex and Tapu Koko harder and targets Victini as well as the rare Aegislash. Rearrange all this, talking about Earthquake before Leech Life and Poison Jab as it's now the second slash Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, as well as U-turns that it can switch into comfortably, letting it punish pivoting from Landorus-T, Scizor and Rillaboom. On the other hand, Heavy Duty Boots could be used instead to avoid hazard chip damage and check offensive threats better by being able to pivot into them throughout a game. The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding 2KHO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike.

Buzzwole fits best on Offensive teams that require a switch-in to most physical wallbreakers and sweepers like Weavile, Kartana, and Urshifu-R, while having good offensive presence. I would also mention its usefulness on stallier teams which it sees a bit of, as it's one of the best phys.def walls up there with avalugg in terms of bulk. Pokemon like Kartana can run through certain teams with less sturdy checks such as Corviknight but Buzzwole is very helpful against it long term. Not as common as offensive builds but it's not restricted to offensive ones Utility Tornadus-T and Corviknight are exemplary partners that can bring in Buzzwole safely against steel types like Heatran with U-Turn, and Defog away hazards so that Buzzwole can safely pivot into physical attackers throughout the duration of a game. Steel types like Heatran, Ferrothon etc.. also pair well with Buzzwole since they can check Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Clefable who freely switch into it, and in return Buzzwole checks attackers like Kartana and Zeraora for them. Tapu Koko is another excellent teammate that sets up Electric Terrain, which helps power up Buzzwole's Thunder Punch and enables it to pressure its usual switchins like Toxapex, Corviknight etc.. Specially defensive Pokemon such as Tapu Fini, Clefable, Heatran and both Slowking forms are great partners for Buzzwole as they can switch into special attackers that attempt to revenge kill it such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Tapu Lele and Nidoking and in return, Buzzwole checks physical wallbreakers that they struggle with such as Rillaboom and Kartana for them. Tapu Fini and Slowking also act as secondary checks to Urshifu-R, from whom Buzzwole can't take two Surging Strikes. Tapu Fini's terrain which prevents the crippling status you mentioned in the overview can also be highlighed here Both the Slowking forms also provide Future Sight support that lets Buzzwole beat switchins like Corviknight, Skarmory, Toxapex and Clefable. Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on shared checks like Corviknight, Clefable and Tapu Fini, helping them sweep more efficiently. With Weavile I'd also add a mention of Hydreigon and mention how as Dark-types they offensively threaten FS cores a lot which helps Buzzwole do its job betterFinally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon, with the Choice Specs set in particular providing Volt Switch support against common Steel-type switch-ins and the ability to pressure Clefable. This paragraph as a whole feels a little wordy, with you mentioning the same threats to it like Fini and Toxapex, and teammates a like Fini and Heatran multiple times. You can probably condense some of the examples into shorter sentences so it reads just a bit better, such as moving the sp.def walls and Steel-types together and talking about partners like Heatran in a shorter section there.

Other Options

Leftovers could be used instead of Rocky Helmet or Heavy-Duty Boots to negate chip damage from moves such as U-Turn. However, it's inferior to both these items as the former helps Buzzwole punish contact moves from physical attackers it switches into and hence force progress against these Pokemon. The latter helps it switch in repeatedly to said attackers with hazards up as it ignores hazard damage, which more than makes up for the loss of passive recovery from leftovers. Buzzwole can also run Choice Items such as Choice Band to act as a devastating wall-breaker, especially when paired with Future Sight support and Choice Scarf, which enables Buzzwole to act as a revenge killer and late-game cleaner that can snowball thanks to Beast Boost once its checks and counters have been eliminated. Mention the significant reduction in defensive capabilities with these choice sets in addition to their offensive boost

The defensive set from airfare's previous checks also seem to be missing from here, add the mention back

Checks and Counters

**Flying-type Pokemon and coverage**: Attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T can OHKO Buzzwole with their Flying-type STAB, while Pokemon that Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry Flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm it. Moreover, many defensive flying types like Corviknight and Tornadus-T switch into Close Combat comfortably, and even into Ice Punch in case of the former.

**Fairy-type Pokemon**: Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini and Clefable can easily switch into Buzzwole and force it out or OHKO with Fairy-type STABs. However, they need to careful of coverage moves.

**Future Sight**: Buzzwole gets OHKOed by Future Sight, hence it can't switch into physical attackers like Weavile while Future Sight is looming. Moreover, Buzzwole without Leech Life often lets Slowbro and Slowking in for a free Future Sight setup.

**Fire-type Pokemon and coverage**: Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks, can use it as setup fodder and can also punish any attack from Buzzwole with Flame Body. Max Speed Heatran, Victini and Blaziken Volcarona (More relevant) can easily revenge kill Buzzwole thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage; Fire Fang 2KHOes at +2

**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Nidoking can take out Buzzwole with strong Special Attacks due to its poor Special Defense stat. Garchomp, a Pokémon Buzzwole usually checks, sometimes use a mixed attacking set; it can lure and OHKO Buzzwole with Fire Blast.

**Physical Walls**: Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory, as it doesn't get 2KHOed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight and Stealth Rock support can help Buzzwole 2HKO Skarmory, Corviknight, Tangrowth and Toxapex with Close Combat.

**Contact Effects**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona, Iron Barbs from Ferrothorn, and Rocky Helmet on physical walls like Skarmory can make it difficult for Buzzwole to make progress against these Pokemon. Saying it's tough to make progress against these Pokemon while mentioning Ferrothorn isn't really accurate since it gets chipped and some sets are just OHKO'd by CC, so I'd either reword the ending to say that you can be punished for throwing out repeated attacks or something similar, or just remove Ferrothorn since even tho phys.def lives CC it's not comfortably.

- Written by: [[agslash23, 537834]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [Fc, 511624], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
QC 2/3
AM Check
There are a lot of small mistakes with capitalization, misuse of hyphens etc. Feel free to implement what you want but refer to this if you have issues when writing in the future

Buzzwole's defensive typing, amazing Physical physical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, and Urshifu-R. Buzzwole also has a great Attack stat, powerful STABs STAB moves Do not say "STABs" to refer to moves that receive a same-type attack bonus. Use "STAB moves" instead. "STAB" refers to the boost; "STAB type" can be used to refer to a type that gets STAB such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Earthquake, making it a tank with great offensive presence. However, many physical attackers are paired with Future Sight support which can enable them to break past Buzzwole. Its poor special bulk also makes it quite vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, and Tapu Koko. Buzzwole also dislikes any sort of status condition such as Toxic from Pokemon it checks like Landorus-T. However, what separates Buzzwole from other physical walls is its reliability at checking dangerous breakers like boosted Kartana and Weavile, as well as its superior offensive presence. This feels like something that should be mentioned earlier in the overview since this is a very key thing to note about buzzwole.
- Something I would also mention that Buzzwole can struggle to break through Pokemon such as Galarian Slowbro and Tapu Fini if it doesn't carry the right move for them.

name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Thunder Punch / Earthquake
item: Rocky Helmet / Heavy Duty Boots fixed the spacing here
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe


Ice Punch is required to target ground Ground-types it switches into like Landorus-T and Garchomp, while targeting Flying- (AH) and Dragon- (AH) types on the switch like Zapdos, Tornadus-T, Dragapult. Roost is necessary to let it consistently check physical attackers like Urshifu-R, Weavile, Kartana. Thunder Punch hits most Water and Flying type Sswitch-ins like Tapu Fini, Toxapex, Corviknight super- (RH) effectively, especially while Electric Terrain is in effect this is better saved in the teammates section, which you do cover. Earthquake can be used to pressure Galarian- (RH) Slowking, Toxapex and Tapu Koko harder and targets Victini as well as the rare Aegislash. Poison Jab, on the other hand, can nail Clefable. I'd add it deals more damage to Tapu Fini than Poison Jab, especially since this point is so short Leech Life is another alternative option that allows it Buzzwole to hit Slowking, to keep things more concise, I'd just mention the more relevant slowtwin when something hits both Slowbro, Tangrowth, (AC) and Mew very hard while also replenishing its health, making it less reliant on Roost for recovery. However, it results these options result reworded to consider that Poison Jab also has the same effect on buzzwole as Leech Life in Buzzwole being walled by Steel/Flying type Pokemon like Corviknight, (AC) and Water Types like Toxapex, (AC) and Tapu Fini. Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, as well as U-turns that it can switch into comfortably, letting it punish pivoting from Landorus-T, Scizor and Rillaboom. On the other hand, Heavy- (AH)Duty Boots could be used instead to avoid hazard chip damage and check offensive threats better by being able to pivot into them throughout a game. The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding the 2HKO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike.

Buzzwole fits on Offensive offensive teams that require a switch-in to most physical wallbreakers and sweepers like Weavile, Garchomp and Urshifu-R, while having good offensive presence. Its also useful on more defensive teams, as its sheer bulk enables it to check Pokemon like Kartana that could otherwise slice through such defensive teams. this can easily be condensed into something like "Buzzwole fits on offensive and defensive teams alike for its ability to act as a check to wall breakers and sweepers like X, Y, and Z while maintaining a good offensive presence." (X, Y, and Z being the Pokemon you listed) Utility Tornadus-T and Corviknight are exemplary partners that can bring in Buzzwole safely against steel Steel-types like Heatran with U-turn Turn, and Defog away hazards for Buzzwole. Tapu Koko is another excellent teammate that sets up Electric Terrain, powering up Buzzwole's Thunder Punch to let it pressure switchins switch-ins like Corviknight. Specially defensive Pokemon such as Clefable, Slowking forms Slowking, Galarian Slowking, try to mention it like this when referring to both slowking forms, it's more clear Heatran are great partners for Buzzwole as they can switch into special attackers that attempt to revenge kill it such as Kyurem, (RC) and Tapu Lele. Tapu Fini and Slowbro act as secondary checks to Urshifu-R, as Buzzwole can't switch into Surging Strikes more than once. The former's Misty Terrain terrain also prevents status like Toxic that inhibit Buzzwole's defensive prowess in the long run. Both the Slowking forms Slowking, Galarian Slowking, and Slowbro also provide Future Sight support that lets to let Buzzwole beat switchins switch-ins like Toxapex and Clefable. Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on shared checks like Tapu Fini, helping them sweep more efficiently. Dark- (AH) types like the aforementioned Weavile, Hydreigon offensively threaten Future Sight cores that threaten Buzzwole, enabling it to switch into physical attackers with more impunity. Finally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon while pressuring Clefable with Steel STAB Flash Cannon.

Other Options

Leftovers could be used instead of Rocky Helmet or Heavy-Duty Boots to negate chip damage from moves such as U-turn Turn. However, it's inferior to both these items as the former helps Buzzwole punish contact moves from physical attackers it switches into and hence force progress against these Pokemon. The latter helps it switch in repeatedly to said attackers with hazards up as it ignores hazard damage, which more than makes up for the loss of passive recovery from leftovers. A defensive spread of 252 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 112 Spe with moves like Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Roost and Bulk Up can also be used. This spread helps it avoid 2HKO from Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes. Alternatively, Toxic could be run instead of Bulk Up to pressure switch-ins such as Slowbro, Zapdos, Tapu Koko, Tornadus-T. As defensive Buzzwole lacks power, using Bulk Up or Toxic instead of a coverage move makes it less passive overall. Buzzwole can also run Choice Items such as Choice Band to act as a devastating wall-breaker, especially when paired with Future Sight support and Choice Scarf, which enables Buzzwole to act as a revenge killer and late-game cleaner that can snowball thanks to Beast Boost once its checks and counters have been eliminated. However, holding such choice items means that Buzzwole is no longer a solid defensive wall, since it loses out on Roost and fears switching into Knock-offs Knock Off from Weavile, Kartana etc..

Checks and Counters

**Flying-type Pokemon and coverage**: Attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T can OHKO Buzzwole with their Flying-type STAB, while Pokemon that Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry Flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm it. Moreover, many defensive flying Flying-types like Corviknight and Tornadus-T switch into Close Combat comfortably, and even into Ice Punch in case of the former.

**Fairy-type Pokemon**: Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini and Clefable can easily switch into Buzzwole and force it out or OHKO with Fairy-type STABs their STAB moves. However, they need to careful of coverage moves.

**Future Sight**: Buzzwole gets OHKOed by Future Sight, hence it can't switch into physical attackers like Weavile while Future Sight is looming. Moreover, Buzzwole without Leech Life often lets Slowbro and Slowking in for a free Future Sight setup.

**Fire-type Pokemon and coverage**: Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks, can use it as setup fodder and can also punish any attack from Buzzwole with Flame Body. Max Speed Heatran, Victini and Volcarona can easily revenge kill Buzzwole thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage; Fire Fang 2HKOes at +2

**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Nidoking can take out Buzzwole with strong Special Attacks due to its poor Special Defense stat. Garchomp, a Pokémon Pokemon Buzzwole usually checks, sometimes use a mixed attacking set; it can lure and OHKO Buzzwole with Fire Blast.

**Physical Walls**: Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory, as it doesn't get 2HKOed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight and Stealth Rock support can help Buzzwole 2HKO Skarmory, Corviknight, Tangrowth and Toxapex with Close Combat.

**Contact Effects**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona and Rocky Helmet on physical walls like Skarmory can make it difficult for Buzzwole to make progress against these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[agslash23, 537834]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [Fc, 511624], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
comments in orange
additions/changes in purple
removals will be striked


Buzzwole's defensive typing, amazing physical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, and Urshifu-R. Buzzwole also has a great Attack stat, powerful STAB moves such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Earthquake, making it a tank with great offensive presence. However, many physical attackers are paired with Future Sight support which can enable them to break past Buzzwole. Its poor special bulk also makes it quite vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, and Tapu Koko. Buzzwole also dislikes any sort of status condition such as Toxic from Pokemon it checks like Landorus-T. Moreover, it suffers from 4MSS - it gets walled by Pokemon like Clefable, Slowking-Galar, or Tapu Fini if it lacks the appropriate coverage move, However, what separates Buzzwole from other physical walls is its reliability at checking dangerous breakers like boosted Kartana and Weavile, as well as its superior offensive presence compared to them.

name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Thunder Punch / Earthquake
item: Rocky Helmet / Heavy Duty Boots
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe


Ice Punch is required to target Ground types it switches into like Landorus-T and Garchomp, while targeting Flying- and Dragon- types on the switch like Zapdos, Tornadus-T, Dragapult. Ice Punch in general being able to snipe most CC resists is part of what makes it so effective, and I think that in particular is more important to emphasize in the highlighted part of the sentence. Roost is necessary to let it consistently check physical attackers like Urshifu-R, Weavile, Kartana. We know what Roost is here for, not necessary Thunder Punch hits switch-ins like Tapu Fini, Toxapex, Corviknight super effectively. Alternatively, Earthquake can be used to pressure Galarian Slowking, Toxapex and Tapu Koko harder and targets Victini as well as the rare Aegislash. Poison Jab, on the other hand, can nail Clefable and hits Tapu Fini harder than Thunder Punch. Leech Life is also another alternative option that allows Buzzwole to hit Slowbro, Tangrowth, and Mew hard with a super-effective STAB attack, while making it less reliant on Roost for recovery. However, these options result in Buzzwole being walled by Pokemon like Corviknight and Water Types like Toxapex. Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, as well as U-turn that it can switch into comfortably, letting it make progress against pivots like punish pivoting from Landorus-T, Scizor and Rillaboom. On the other hand, Heavy-Duty Boots could be used instead to better avoid hazard chip damage and check weaker offensive threats better by being able to pivot into them throughout a game even with active entry hazards. The opportunity cost of not being able to deter Surging Strikes, and just get freely U-turned on is pretty major, so be sure to bring that up. Also say that HDB are a lot better on teams that tend to not have dedicated removal The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding the 2HKO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike.

Buzzwole fits on bulky offensive and balance teams alike for its ability to switch-in to most physical wallbreakers and sweepers like Weavile, Garchomp and Urshifu-R, while having good offensive presence. Utility Tornadus-T and Corviknight are exemplary partners that can bring in Buzzwole safely against Steel types like Heatran with U-turn, and Defog away hazards for Buzzwole. Tapu Koko is another excellent teammate that sets up Electric Terrain, powering up Buzzwole's Thunder Punch to let it pressure switch-ins like Corviknight. Does boosting Thunder Punch let it attain any prominent ranges against standard TPunch targets? Specially defensive Pokemon such as Galarian Slowking, Heatran are great partners for Buzzwole as they can switch into special attackers that attempt to revenge kill it such as Tapu Koko. What can Buzzwole do for them in return? I think also mentioning Future Sight/Magma Storm pressuring things like Toxapex is really prominent. This entire section can also be moved before your point regarding Future Sight users because you mention GKing here and that way you can create a more natural transition. I'll highlight the target sentence for you to make editing easier. Tapu Fini and Slowbro act as secondary checks to Urshifu-R, as Buzzwole can't switch into Surging Strikes more than once. The former's Misty Terrain also prevents status like Toxic that inhibit Buzzwole's defensive prowess in the long run. Slowking, Galarian Slowking, and Slowbro also provide Future Sight support to let Buzzwole beat switch-ins like Toxapex and Clefable. Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on shared checks like Tapu Fini, helping them sweep more efficiently. Dark- types like the aforementioned Weavile, Hydreigon offensively threaten Future Sight cores that threaten Buzzwole, enabling it to switch into physical attackers with more impunity. Weavile as a dedicated Future Sight answer doesn't really sit right with me considering how crucially annihilated it gets by Scald and Colburbro in general. In general I don't think this point is really too necessary since Future Sight as a whole is something really hard to stop from taking a pick unless you make it so they can't safely get off Future Sights/Teleports in the first place, which exceeds the scope of this analysis so it's not rly necessary. Finally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon while pressuring Clefable with Steel STAB such as Flash Cannon or Steel Beam. Pressures Tapu Fini as well.

One last thing I personally think I'd like to see are Pokemon that pivot into Knock Off, especially considering that Buzzwole's item slot is usually really important as a way to deter some really scary contact moves on more Buzzwole-reliant structures. This might seem a bit hard but some pretty solid examples consist of things like Toxapex/Flame Body Heatran which all have some great utility of their own

Other Options

Leftovers could be used instead of Rocky Helmet or Heavy-Duty Boots to negate chip damage from moves such as U-turn. However, it's inferior to both these items as the former helps Buzzwole punish contact moves from physical attackers it switches into and hence force progress against these Pokemon. The latter helps it switch in repeatedly to said attackers with hazards up as it ignores hazard damage, which more than makes up for the loss of passive recovery from leftovers. How exactly does HDB specifically make up for it? Remember that HDB technically is more liable to becoming a worse option depending on how many hazards are active. For example, with Rocks: if Buzzwole stays in for >2 turns, Leftovers outheal the damage saved from HDB. A good way you can go about this instead is by saying how HDB tend to shine more on fast-paced teams by alleviating the need for removal in most cases and help improve Buzzwole's matchup against hazard stacking teams more compared to Leftovers on average. A defensive spread of 252 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 112 Spe with moves like Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Roost and Bulk Up can also be used. This spread helps it avoid 2HKO from Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes. Alternatively, Toxic could be run instead of Bulk Up to pressure switch-ins such as Slowbro, Zapdos, Tapu Koko, Tornadus-T. As defensive Buzzwole lacks power, using Bulk Up or Toxic instead of a coverage move makes it less passive overall. Buzzwole can also run Choice Items such as Choice Band to act as a devastating wall-breaker, especially when paired with Future Sight support and Choice Scarf, which enables Buzzwole to act as a revenge killer and late-game cleaner that can snowball thanks to Beast Boost once its checks and counters have been eliminated. However, holding such choice items means that Buzzwole is no longer a solid defensive wall, since it loses out on Roost and fears switching into Knock off from Weavile, Kartana etc..

Checks and Counters

**Flying-type Pokemon and coverage**: Attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T can OHKO Buzzwole with their Flying-type STAB, while Pokemon that Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry Flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm it. Moreover, many defensive Flying types like Corviknight and Tornadus-T switch into Close Combat comfortably, and even into Ice Punch in case of the former.

**Fairy-type Pokemon**: Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini and Clefable can easily switch into most of Buzzwole's attacks and force it out or OHKO with their STAB moves. However, they need to careful of coverage moves. Tapu Lele is a bit more uncomfortable of a mention especially against Leech Life, idt I really ever see Tapu Lele come in against it unless they're certain of an incoming CC

**Future Sight**: Buzzwole gets OHKOed by Future Sight, hence it can't switch into physical attackers like Weavile while Future Sight is looming. Moreover, Buzzwole without Leech Life often lets Slowbro and Slowking in for a free Future Sight setup.

**Fire-type Pokemon and coverage**: Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks, can use it as setup fodder and can also punish any attack from Buzzwole with Flame Body. Max Speed Heatran, Victini and Volcarona can easily revenge kill Buzzwole thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage.; Fire Fang 2HKOes at +2

**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Nidoking can take out revenge kill Buzzwole with strong Special Attacks due to its poor Special Defense stat. Get a different mention over Kyurem Garchomp, a Pokemon Buzzwole usually checks, sometimes use a mixed attacking set; it can lure and OHKO Buzzwole with Fire Blast.

**Physical Walls**: Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory, as it doesn't get 2HKOed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight and Stealth Rock support can help Buzzwole 2HKO Skarmory, Corviknight, Tangrowth and Toxapex with Close Combat.

**Contact Effects**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona and Rocky Helmet on physical walls like Skarmory can make it difficult for Buzzwole to make progress against these Pokemon.

- Written by: [[agslash23, 537834]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [Fc, 511624], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

qc 3/3
idk whether this is the right place but is there any discussion point in actually adding toxic as a viable option. I see it's been slated in the first post but in my experience I've seen several ppl use it around the 1800s as it just cripples so many things (mostly Flying-types) that switch into it (i.e Zapdos gets way more crippled by Toxic than it does by the ~45% Ice Punch does, with you also risking paralysis), which is basically guaranteed value, instead of making a risky double switch (unless u want to attack and do like 40% which in Torn and Bro's cases is easily recovered with Regen). Opposing Buzz hate it too, meaning its much more likely to be broken down by offensive cores consisting of Shifu / Weavile for example.

That also brings me to the next point that fat Buzz is definitely viable. I run a spread of 248/252+ in respectively HP and Defense, which makes it much to the point where it just walls basically every physical attacker (Weavile, Shifu, Zeraora, Kart, to name the most notable ones) without Flying / Fire coverage much better than with the current spread. Whilst it switches in and forces those Pokemon out, it cripples the next with Toxic. It's also worth mentioning that with this spread it's not affected as much by SR (considering its unlikely u can keep them away the whole of the game).

would love to hear anyone else's thoughts here.
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