Buzzwole's defensive typing, amazing physical bulk and access to reliable recovery in Roost enables it to check top-tier physical attackers like Kartana, Garchomp, Weavile, and Urshifu-R. Buzzwole also has a great Attack stat, powerful STAB moves such as Close Combat and Leech Life, and good coverage options in Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Earthquake, making it a tank with great offensive presence. However, many physical attackers are paired with Future Sight support which can enable them to break past Buzzwole. Its poor special bulk also makes it quite vulnerable to common special attackers such as Dragapult, Heatran, Kyurem, and Tapu Koko. Buzzwole also dislikes any sort of status condition such as Toxic from Pokemon it checks like Landorus-T. Moreover, it suffers from 4MSS - it gets walled by Pokemon like Clefable, Slowking-Galar, or Tapu Fini if it lacks the appropriate coverage move, However, what separates Buzzwole from other physical walls is its reliability at checking dangerous breakers like boosted Kartana and Weavile, as well as its superior offensive presence.
name: Physical Tank
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Ice Punch
move 3: Roost
move 4: Thunder Punch / Earthquake
item: Rocky Helmet / Heavy Duty Boots
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 152 HP / 168 Atk / 188 Spe
Ice Punch is required to beat Ground types it switches into like Landorus-T and Garchomp, while targeting Close Combat resists on the switch like Zapdos, Tornadus-T, Dragapult. Thunder Punch hits switch-ins like Tapu Fini, Toxapex, Corviknight super effectively. Alternatively, Earthquake can be used to pressure Galarian Slowking, Toxapex and Tapu Koko harder and targets Victini as well as the rare Aegislash. Poison Jab, on the other hand, can nail Clefable and hits Tapu Fini harder than Thunder Punch. Leech Life is also another option that allows Buzzwole to hit Slowbro, Tangrowth, and Mew hard with a super-effective STAB attack, making it less reliant on Roost for recovery. However, these options result in Buzzwole being walled by Pokemon like Corviknight and Water Types like Toxapex. Rocky Helmet is the preferred item to punish Pokemon with multi-hit moves like Urshifu-R and Weavile, as well as U-turn,s that it can switch into comfortably, letting it make progress against pivots like Landorus-T, Scizor, and Rillaboom. On the other hand, Heavy-Duty Boots could be used instead to better check offensive threats by being able to pivot into them throughout a game even with active entry hazards. However, Buzzwole doesn't force chip damage against U-turn users and fails to discourage moves like Surging Strikes, Double Iron Bash against it if it forgoes Rocky Helmet. Thus, Heavy Duty Boots is only valuable on teams that lack dedicated removal. The given spread lets Buzzwole outspeed Timid Magnezone, while avoiding the 2HKO from Choice Band Kartana's Smart Strike.
Buzzwole fits on bulky offensive and balance teams alike for its ability to switch-in to most physical wallbreakers and sweepers like Weavile, Garchomp and Urshifu-R, while having good offensive presence. Utility Tornadus-T and Corviknight are exemplary partners that can bring in Buzzwole safely against Steel types like Heatran with U-turn, and Defog away hazards for Buzzwole. Tapu Koko is another excellent teammate that sets up Electric Terrain, powering up Buzzwole's Thunder Punch to let it pressure switch-ins like Corviknight. Specially defensive Pokemon such as Galarian Slowking, Heatran are great partners for Buzzwole as they can switch into special attackers that attempt to revenge kill it such as Tapu Koko. Tapu Fini and Slowbro act as secondary checks to Urshifu-R, as Buzzwole can't switch into Surging Strikes more than once. The former's Misty Terrain also prevents status like Toxic that inhibit Buzzwole's defensive prowess in the long run. Slowking, Galarian Slowking, and Slowbro also provide Future Sight support to let Buzzwole beat switch-ins like Toxapex and Clefable. Setup sweepers such as Garchomp and Weavile benefit from the pressure Buzzwole puts on shared checks like Tapu Fini, helping them sweep more efficiently. Dark- types like the aforementioned Weavile, Hydreigon offensively threaten Future Sight cores that threaten Buzzwole, enabling it to switch into physical attackers with more impunity. Finally, as Buzzwole finds it very difficult to make progress against Skarmory and Corviknight, Magnezone can help trap and eliminate these Pokemon while pressuring Clefable with Steel STAB such as Flash Cannon or Steel Beam.
Other Options
Leftovers could be used instead of Rocky Helmet or Heavy-Duty Boots to negate chip damage from moves such as U-turn. However, it's inferior to both these items as the former helps Buzzwole punish contact moves from physical attackers it switches into and hence force progress against these Pokemon. The latter helps it switch in repeatedly to said attackers with hazards up as it ignores hazard damage, which more than makes up for the loss of passive recovery from leftovers. A defensive spread of 252 HP / 28 Atk / 116 Def / 112 Spe with moves like Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Roost and Bulk Up can also be used. This spread helps it avoid 2HKO from Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes. Alternatively, Toxic could be run instead of Bulk Up to pressure switch-ins such as Slowbro, Zapdos, Tapu Koko, Tornadus-T. As defensive Buzzwole lacks power, using Bulk Up or Toxic instead of a coverage move makes it less passive overall. Buzzwole can also run Choice Items such as Choice Band to act as a devastating wall-breaker, especially when paired with Future Sight support and Choice Scarf, which enables Buzzwole to act as a revenge killer and late-game cleaner that can snowball thanks to Beast Boost once its checks and counters have been eliminated. However, holding such choice items means that Buzzwole is no longer a solid defensive wall, since it loses out on Roost and fears switching into Knock off from Weavile, Kartana etc..
Checks and Counters
**Flying-type Pokemon and coverage**: Attackers like Dragonite, Hawlucha, Tornadus-T can OHKO Buzzwole with their Flying-type STAB, while Pokemon that Buzzwole is supposed to check like Kartana, Weavile and Rillaboom can carry Flying type coverage like Aerial Ace and Acrobatics to overwhelm it. Moreover, many defensive Flying types like Corviknight and Tornadus-T switch into Close Combat comfortably, and even into Ice Punch in case of the former.
**Fairy-type Pokemon**: Fairy types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini and Clefable can easily switch into Buzzwole and force it out or OHKO with their STAB moves. However, they need to careful of coverage moves.
**Future Sight**: Buzzwole gets OHKOed by Future Sight, hence it can't switch into physical attackers like Weavile while Future Sight is looming. Moreover, Buzzwole without Leech Life often lets Slowbro and Slowking in for a free Future Sight setup.
**Fire-type Pokemon and coverage**: Volcarona can switch into almost all of Buzzwole's usual attacks, can use it as setup fodder and can also punish any attack from Buzzwole with Flame Body. Max Speed Heatran, Victini and Volcarona can easily revenge kill Buzzwole thanks to powerful Fire STABs. Further, Pokemon that Buzzwole can usually check such as Garchomp often carry Fire-type coverage; Fire Fang 2HKOes at +2
**Special Attackers**: While none of them can switch in safely, powerful special attackers such as Dragapult, Kyurem, Nidoking can take out Buzzwole with strong Special Attacks due to its poor Special Defense stat. Garchomp, a Pokemon Buzzwole usually checks, sometimes use a mixed attacking set; it can lure and OHKO Buzzwole with Fire Blast.
**Physical Walls**: Buzzwole finds it difficult to make progress versus bulky physical walls such as Skarmory, as it doesn't get 2HKOed by any of Buzzwole's attacks. Without Leech Life, Buzzwole also gets walled by Slowbro, Mew and Tangrowth and without Thunder Punch or Earthquake, it gets walled by Toxapex. However, Future Sight and Stealth Rock support can help Buzzwole 2HKO Skarmory, Corviknight, Tangrowth and Toxapex with Close Combat.
**Contact Effects**: Static from Zapdos, Flame Body from Volcarona and Rocky Helmet on physical walls like Skarmory can make it difficult for Buzzwole to make progress against these Pokemon.
- Written by: [[agslash23, 537834]]
- Quality checked by: [[airfare, 513717], [Fc, 511624], [username3, userid3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
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