BW2 and U(U)

That said, I would be hesitant to use a pokemon who gives free switch-ins to Roserade, particularly Spikes variants. Other bulky waters can at least deter offensive variants with Ice Beam, or, in Slowbro's case, Psyshock/Psychic.
Very true, any Alomomola will definitely feel the lack of offense. However, if Roserade is hit with Soak on the switch, Spikes only does 34.8% - 41.2% to 252/0 Alomomola with Giga Drain, and LO will find it hard to break whatever Alomomola switches to without STABS (combine with Xatu to really shut down Rosy). Set up bait, sure. More defenseless than other bulky waters, sure. A liability, maybe not.

@Ace emerald I was talking about Choice band flygon, not scarf... :P

Sorry, I assumed Scarf because it is a superior cleaner and scouter. Honestly, I don't think it changes much because a non STAB Fighting move that lowers both its attacking power and your defense are not the sort of move you really want to use when there are better options. +1 from choice band helps a little, but you still become set up fodder for more than half of UU. Hey, if you want to run Superpower, be my guest. My point is Superpower is going to be set up bait equivalent to an Earthquake vs Flying Pokemon, and there are so many better coverage moves to run.

Oh, and as a side note:
LO Weavile Pursuit vs switching out -1 Flygon: 97% - 114.6%
Might as well lock into Outrage :b
I've always wanted to use Cofagrigous and UU, but I could never justify using it over other ghost types due to its lack of recovery move. In BW2 it gets Pain Split, so it could see it being useful against a wide variety of physical threats. (especially Durant)
Yeah, Moxie Heracross is now legal...while it means Hera can't be a status absorber, Moxie really makes the Choiced set a lot more deadly...
I've been running Scarf Ditto since he's still NU. He's been a ton of fun, saving me from SD sweepers like Bisharp and Gallade (who is getting quite popular, by the way). He's not very useful against CM/BU users since the boosted defense kinda negates the attack boost you also gain, and the lower HP means you'll get KOed before the other mon.

I'm hoping he makes UU his home. A lot of players claim he's not quite as overpowered as first conceived.
Scrafty? No.

Chansey? Yes, because my team already handles her, and she threatens the Pokemon that theaten my team, making it all work out for the better.

Hippowdon? Yes, I might clear him a spot. Tanking hits from Scarfcross and doesn't afraid of anything.
I'm curious as to why bliss is in ou. Doesn't everything OHKO/2HKO her now? I would assume chansey would be taking her place right now, due to the infestation of rain and how much bliss's leftovers advantage is becoming more useless.
Leftovers recovery is that important, especially in Sand. It can also use Ice Beam or Flamethrower to prevent itself from becoming Dragon or Forretress / Ferrothorn / Scizor bait, respectively, unlike Chansey. Which one you use depends heavily on the team you're using.

This isn't an OU discussion, though, so lets not get into this.
The only reason I brought that up is because bliss might drop to uu instead of chansey. It's affects on the uu metagame would differ if it came into the equation rather than it's pre-evo.
The only reason I brought that up is because bliss might drop to uu instead of chansey. It's affects on the uu metagame would differ if it came into the equation rather than it's pre-evo.

The whole reason we're talking about Chansey is because it is close to dropping. Chansey was at 3.1% usage last month, below the cutoff. Blissey was at 5.6% usage comfortably above, and not dropping for at least a while.
Oh dear Arceus, if Blissey dropped, we'd have DPP OU instead of BW UU. ._.

I don't understand the claims that she'll move into BL. Sure, she's a defensive behometh. But she isn't near impossible to stop. Trick, Machamp, Heracross, Hitmontop, any physical set up sweeper with a Fighting move or naturally high Attack... They all cause her to wobble over.

tl;dr: If (and when) she drops into UU, I doubt she'll need to move to BL.
But she isn't near impossible to stop. Trick, Machamp, Heracross, Hitmontop, any physical set up sweeper with a Fighting move or naturally high Attack... They all cause her to wobble over.
It's been proven time and time again none of those are a counter and only a check at best since none of them can cleanly kill it and can be predicted from a mile away and appropiately dealt with.
Scarfed Imposter Ditto is not long for UU, I believe.

I'm running it right now and you can't set up with anything AT ALL.

I let a DD Kingdra set up all day, and then swept with Outrage.

No idea how things are going to shake out, but this thing is really changing the way UU functions.
Try using Ditto against Calm Mind and/or Substitute users and see how that goes.

If you see a Ditto on the opposing team and you have nothing to beat a +1 Atk and +2 Speed Kingdra on your team, then you shouldn't set up. It's not like it's impossible to play around Ditto...

It does make HO teams' lives hell, though, I'll give you that much.
Me and Blarajan are working on a HO team that is doing great in this new metagame. We are using a bunch of strong, powerful attackers that don't need to use setup moves to function well. The only setup mon on the team, Cofagrigus, utilizes Trick Room so Ditto is never a problem. As long as you make sure not to use setup moves when Ditto is still alive, it will be no more than a minor annoyance because it is insanely easy to take advantage of unboosted.
Ditto is such a flawed Pokemon that I have trouble believing it will be banned from anywhere. UU is geared more toward bulky offense and wallbreaking, two styles of play Ditto is not designed to handle. If it copies a SD Bisharp, CM anything, Curse anything, or something that doesn't set up at all (Darmanitan, Victini, Chandelure...oh look, the fabled Fire-type trio that kills everything), it will not hurt your team.

But I do agree with you on one thing: if OU players actually do end up using this pile of goo as seriously as it was speculated, they'll just deal with him up there instead, where there are a lot more Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, and fast offensive Pokemon with good STABs that can sweep without several turns of setup.
Yeah is ditto is most definitely worse in UU than it is in OU, it's kind of uncanny. It's garbage against stall teams, and decent against HO / Balance teams. You'd think that it would wreck HO teams, but PsYch071c right, it's not that much of a threat if it's copied... say Raikou and is locked into a Thunderbolt.

Ditto isn't "bad" but it's middling Pokemon at best. Another thing to consider is that UU is also chock full with entry hazards so it's not switching into battle that many times.