CAP 11 CAP 11 - Part 14 - Sprite Poll 1

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I think the quality in this sprite poll is the best in CAP history. In fact, there are so many good sprites, I'm NOT voting for my own. Don't get me wrong, I like my sprites, and I think they represent the pokemon quite well. But I REALLY like some of the others artists interpretations, and I would love to see them implemented on the server. I really wish I could vote for about 8 sprites -- but, I can only vote for four. So, here's my four favorites:

I loved her sprites from the very beginning, and I think she captured the look of a stalking, vengeful beast. The moody look and dramatic shading is wonderful! I also like the sense of movement, without being over-posed. I don't think Wyverii has ever made a sprite I didn't like, but this time she made a classic.

Gun6 started work on this sprite even before the design was selected, and I liked it from the very first draft. Yeah, I'll admit I'm biased to the pose, for obvious reasons... ;-) I like the creative liberties taken with the shinies. Overall, I have a lot of respect for the time and effort put in on this sprite and Gun6 had a great attitude in seeking advice and input from everyone. Top-notch effort.

Aragornbird has won so many sprite polls for a reason -- the guy makes magic every time! Abird's Voodoom is yet another fantastic entry. The action pose, and the Deadpool shiny are the big selling points for me. I think Aragornbird also has the best front stitching and the best sewing needle of all the entries (two compliments that only fellow spriters can really appreciate!).

Darthvader has been a longtime CAP spriter, but I think this Voodoom is the best entry yet from him. A strong, contemplative pose and perfect proportions are the things that separate this from past efforts by DV. This sprite really captures the essence of the design, and represents it very well, but it has just enough character to see the spriters uniques style behind it as well.

I wish I could also vote for a few others....

PenguinX has the most charm and character of all the sprites. I hope PenguinX submits more sprites in the future too. I really love the style.

Chaoscrippler always takes CAP designs in bold directions, and this time is no exception. His hulking Voodoom is exciting and fresh. Great work CC!

Sleet has clean lines and shading that produced a polished sprite that has detail without looking "overdone". I also really enjoyed the female heart pin.

Wizwum, Noobiess, and Doran Dragon made very nice sprites that I would be perfectly happy seeing them win. I just like some of the other sprites submitted a little bit more!
So yeah -- I like every sprite in the slate! That is a rare thing for me to like all the sprite entries, because usually we have a few entries that just aren't very good... to be blunt. Not this time. This slate is high-quality from top to bottom. Great work by all the spriters!
I have the results. I'm going to violate my own OP, since the 3rd, 4th, and 5th place are so ridiculously close that my vote actually could affect which one would and would not advance to the Top 4.

[B]48%[/B]	9%	5%	[B]17%[/B]	[B]49%[/B]	7%	4%	12%	[B]18%[/B]	[B]17%[/B]	2%
[B]133[/B]	34	21	[B]74[/B]	[B]125[/B]	35	15	60	[B]72[/B]	[B]55[/B]	8
[B]A[/B]	C	D	[B]G[/B]	[B]J[/B]	N	P	S	[B]V[/B]	[B]W[/B]	Z
[B]604[/B]	116	57	[B]218[/B]	[B]616[/B]	93	46	152	[B]226[/B]	[B]213[/B]	29

A	aragornbird
C	chaoscrippler
D	Doran Dragon
G	Gun6
J	DougJustDoug
N	noobiess
P	PenguinX
S	sleet
V	DarthVader317
W	Wyverii
Z	Wizwum

In the order of their support, these 5 Sprite entries advance:

DougJustDoug with 49%, with 125 entries and 616 points.
aragornbird with 48%, with 133 entries and 604 points.
DarthVader317 with 18%, with 72 entries and 226 points.
Gun6 with 17%, with 74 entries and 218 points.
Wyverii with 17%, with 55 entries and 213 points.

(Again, the percentage compares to maximum possible points, so it's the 8 for a first place, not the 15 allotted in total in a valid entry,)

Congratulations to all the sprite submitters. Also next time please follow the rules, there were several invalid submissions.
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