paintseagull pink wingull Oct 10, 2014 #29 Korski capefeather HeaLnDeaL Conservative CAP voters destroying Defog in the first poll brings a happy tear to my eye :`)
Korski capefeather HeaLnDeaL Conservative CAP voters destroying Defog in the first poll brings a happy tear to my eye :`)
Magistrum DOITSU NO KAGAKU WA SEKAI ICHI Oct 10, 2014 #33 Korski HeaLnDeaL Capefeather Zap Cannon FTW
jas61292 used substitute Oct 10, 2014 #41 capefeather HeaLnDeaL Korski I definitely like all three, looking over them again, I'd prefer one with Haze.
capefeather HeaLnDeaL Korski I definitely like all three, looking over them again, I'd prefer one with Haze.
Elite Lord Sigma Oct 10, 2014 #46 HeaLnDeaL Korski capefeather At least I didn't get dead last this time around.
capefeather toot Oct 10, 2014 #48 ---------------------------------------------- Array ( [capefeather] => 15 [korski] => 15 [healndeal] => 16 ) ---------------------------------------------- Array ( [capefeather] => 22 [korski] => 24 ) Congratulations to healndeal for winning the movepool polls!
---------------------------------------------- Array ( [capefeather] => 15 [korski] => 15 [healndeal] => 16 ) ---------------------------------------------- Array ( [capefeather] => 22 [korski] => 24 ) Congratulations to healndeal for winning the movepool polls!