CAP 20 CAP 20 - Wireframe submissions

I guess there's a tradeoff between matching the official style and being faithful to the original design?
Yes, exactly. The current 2D sprite submissions for Naviathan also have to do this for as far as I can tell, probably even more so.
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Okay, I've returned from vacation a day ago and three hours ago, so I've had the time to sit down and make changes to my model. Please note that I did not make changes to the UV map while I altered the mesh. In addition, I made no changes to the joints, so the animation can be transferred (if that's possible). The model and all relevant files (UV map, texture) can be downloaded here. A screenshot (not render) of the updated model with textures can be seen here.

  • Edited the ridge to intersect the body as minimally as possible.
  • Tweaked the colors of the texture file to better match the reference art.
  • Thickened the gray lines on the ridge and feather-oars to be more visible in small renders.
  • Added webbing to foot texture as a placeholder. It looks pretty crusty at the moment since I haven't altered UVs, but it doesn't render all that clearly, anyway.
  • Amplified the muscles on the front legs in Mudbox. Do the legs still need to look bulkier?
  • Thickened the oars.
  • Had UVs bisected in parts as a side-product of mirroring the above changes.
  • Removed a few edge loops around the center of the body (which causes some harmless gaps in the UV).
  • Updated the localization files.
If there are any more issues, feel free to discuss them in the thread and/or edit the files linked. I will suffer a decrease in activity again starting on June 1st.

Update: Thickened the yellow rim on the shields, as requested of Bughouse.
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Here's the updated sprite with Quany's model.
---> New

---> New

I brightened up the source light a bit too, and angled it a bit different for the front sprite. Also, with some tweaking to the model I managed to get the outline to work. :)
My model is the same as before. I just think we should best stick to talking about which wireframe to choose, rather than pretty up our renders ._.

Anyway Quany, that's a big improvement! The viewer has been updated with your new files and textures are now enabled, so everyone else can see.

I'm sorry the process is so messy guys. Really, we should not be changing our models once we've submitted them, but Yveltal's timeline of deciding and QC'ing is much slower than Quanyails' timeline of editing and perfecting. And all of you are being productive and moving forward, which is fantastic, but it breaks the process we had in place (which is fine, because this process is flexible right now). I can't control what everyone does for their own enjoyment, but in terms of project efficiency, and given how few people we have, it would be better if we weren't doubling up and having people repeat the same work. Basically, we aren't as coordinated as we could be, but that's the fault of leadership, not you guys. So, I'm sorry for that! I hope you'll all participate in an upcoming policy review so we can figure out the best way to do this next time! For now I'm not sure what else to do besides wait for Yveltal and hold a vote on the animated renders when Movepools are finished. If anyone has a suggestion please suggest it!
To be honest, the reason this is getting kind of messy is because we were trying to get this done on time for the playtest. While it is nice to have a 3D sprite on time for the playtest, we shouldn't make it a goal to get any future sprites done before the playtests. Either that, or we could somehow get started on our wireframes sooner in the CAP process so we have more time to complete it and go through with the modeling process properly.

And yes, we should get to voting pretty soon. Once that starts I'd recommend people to vote on which wireframe looks best to them, not the rendered sprites we've been showing off. You guys shouldn't worry too much on how it'll look in the final renders, and you shouldn't worry about any potential technical problems such as rigging and polygon counts and such, as they can be resolved later anyway. Vote for the one you like best.
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I have spoken with mods and such; please don't treat this thread as a workshop - it isn't! We will have a PR to sort out the problems in our process soon. Vote(s) will be happening soon - stay tuned! Thanks for your patience as we figure this all out everyone!
I do have to apologize to paintseagull for being less present than I would like to have been in attempting to, primarily, act on the rules that have been set (which I'm aware are always subject to change to better suit both participants of CAP and the project itself) and, second, falling out of sync with everyone else's workflow. I hope that, in the PR thread, we can discuss more about the process of getting a working model officiated, with the potential of being edited in the down time between future wireframe contests.

Personally, I don't see a problem with moving workshop-like posts over to the general wireframe thread, though I don't think it's fair to all contestants to go about editing models after the submission deadline if one hopes to get selected. We should really push to reward our artists in each step by giving credit to those who have done the best work, in CAP fashion, through popularity-by-vote. To me, that means we should take the models we had at the deadline and vote on THOSE, but you guys have also gone far enough that we can at most, vote on our playtest render.

But I believe we should go ahead and select our winner of the modeling contest.