CAP 24 Playtest Tournament Sign Ups

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Welcome to the CAP 24 Playtest Tournament sign ups!

In the past, CAP playtests have been primarily done via a ladder competition. However, we've been slowly transitioning away from ladder-only formats via integrating ladder and tournaments together. Due to the overall success of the tournament functions, we've decided that this playtest we will try a forum tour and not include a playtest ladder at all. CAP 24 Jumbao has been put into the CAP metagame following the inaugural match, and this Playtest Tournament on the forums will be how we will crown our Playtest Champion. Since CAP 24 Jumbao was designed for the CAP metagame, and not OU, the need for a separate playtest ladder has diminished, allowing us to have this forum based tour.

The format of the tournament will be BO3 Single Elimination. Each round will last a week, with each week starting on Monday and ending Sunday night. During the competition phase, if you do not complete your matches before Sunday night Eastern time, you will risk an activity call. Each match must be played in the CAP Metagame format and all replays must be submitted. You are allowed and encouraged to use different teams in your battles. Don't Ghost and follow standard Smogon tournament etiquette.

If you want to join, reply below and explicitly express your interest to join. Feel free to practice on the CAP metagame ladder on an alt in order to get in shape for your tournament matches. Sign ups will close Sunday night May 27th.


If you missed the inaugural match, you can watch the replay by clicking the image below.

Welcome to the CAP 24 Playtest Tournament sign ups!

In the past, CAP playtests have been primarily done via a ladder competition. However, we've been slowly transitioning away from ladder-only formats via integrating ladder and tournaments together. Due to the overall success of the tournament functions, we've decided that this playtest we will try a forum tour and not include a playtest ladder at all. CAP 24 Jumbao has been put into the CAP metagame following the inaugural match, and this Playtest Tournament on the forums will be how we will crown our Playtest Champion. Since CAP 24 Jumbao was designed for the CAP metagame, and not OU, the need for a separate playtest ladder has diminished, allowing us to have this forum based tour.

The format of the tournament will be BO3 Single Elimination. Each round will last a week, with each week starting on Monday and ending Sunday night. During the competition phase, if you do not complete your matches before Sunday night Eastern time, you will risk an activity call. Each match must be played in the CAP Metagame format and all replays must be submitted. You are allowed and encouraged to use different teams in your battles. Don't Ghost and follow standard Smogon tournament etiquette.

If you want to join, reply below and explicitly express your interest to join. Feel free to practice on the CAP metagame ladder on an alt in order to get in shape for your tournament matches. Sign ups will close Sunday night May 27th.


If you missed the inaugural match, you can watch the replay by clicking the image below.

I am explicitly expressing my interest to join.
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