CAP 3 CAP 3 Sprite Submission Thread

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Here's mine. I used darker colours for the flames to fit the colour limit.

good, only that on the left one, the left flame is too big
Ok, I take back my earlier comment -- that head is better. Wow. Your sprite is so good. I really like it.

My only suggestion is to angle the opening on the right hand. The bottom of the "barrel opening" needs to be moved "back towards the body" -- that means tilt the entire oval a few pixels counter-clockwise. I realize this can be tough because it's currently a symmetrical circle, and asymmetrical circles can look weird when pixellated. But, it might be something to try to get the perspective correct on the right-arm blaster.
Glad you like it. I'll try that out, I don't think it'll be that hard.
Great, and I'd like to work with yours too Flygon, if you don't mind. I have an idea with massive potential.
I don't mind, it'll help me a lot(still have some work to do for class).

Here's mine. I used darker colours for the flames to fit the colour limit.
That one looks really good. I don't really like the handflames though, they look more like they are coming from behind the sprite than from the cannons themselves. Other than that it seems great.
Shineenigma, I really like your sprite. It seems like the most accurate one to me, but I just have one critique. I think the entire sprite just looks a bit dark and its hard to see the definition of the head. If you don't mind, maybe doing the leaf green and fire a bit lighter might define the head a bit more. However, it is indeed my favorite so far.
Shineenigma, I really like your sprite. It seems like the most accurate one to me, but I just have one critique. I think the entire sprite just looks a bit dark and its hard to see the definition of the head. If you don't mind, maybe doing the leaf green and fire a bit lighter might define the head a bit more. However, it is indeed my favorite so far.

Why do people always say what i want to say befor me =P? Really Shineenigma its aweome =D.
Sketched up a quick potential pose for Woodman's sprite.

I don't think I'll end up going into pixels with it, but thought it'd be fun to post it up anyhow.


You need to keep going with this one. It has a lot of potential.


Perhaps you should make the fire blue? Or else, great shiny.

This better? The head is small and lacks much room for detail. I tried making the outline darker and I think it helps. The whole thing has been brightened.

The responce from you all has been great, and I feel motivated to improve it to your suggestions. Can't promise it will last much longer. I may get bored.
Wow so much better. I love it. Shin, that is very impressive work. The only thing you could change would be the right foot, becuase it looks like an actual human foot more than anything (sorry i didnt notice the foot before). But really just making it lighter brought life into your sprite. :)
Maybe it's just me, but right now I feel like the majority of these sprites are looking too small and too dark. Like they need to be blown up a slight bit more and look more cartoony/animeish to match the Pokemon style. The difficulty in that task is that Woodman has a lot of details so I'm sure it's hard to make them all shown in the sprite well enough. However, I think some good examples for me would be to compare to, Charizard, Sceptile, and Marowak.



I think that omnitarian's sprite, shown above, is the best one yet. My only problem with it is how well it compares to the real Pokemon sprites, which seem more lighthearted, while this sprite seems darker and somewhat cluttered.

Also, Cartoons!'s sketch has a lot of potential in being a good sprite!
I'm glad everyone liked the sprite. I changed the head pose and this is what it became:

I'm indifferent between the two. Again, comments and suggestions are appreciated.

This very good anything i would say would be nitpicking.If I was nitpicking that big chuck of tail at the side,make a sprite with out it.It doesn't need the change but it could add different option.

I agree also with color thing.Somebody should try using charizard orange to see how that looks.

Fixed up all,or at least most, of the things people wanted me too. I've also made a bright version for those who think our sprites are too dark.
Maybe it's just me, but right now I feel like the majority of these sprites are looking too small and too dark. Like they need to be blown up a slight bit more and look more cartoony/animeish to match the Pokemon style. The difficulty in that task is that Woodman has a lot of details so I'm sure it's hard to make them all shown in the sprite well enough. However, I think some good examples for me would be to compare to, Charizard, Sceptile, and Marowak.





I thought all the sprites had some problem I couldn't name, and this is it. Pokémon sprites tend to use brighter colours, and are also bigger than what you guys have posted. I'm sorry if I'm just criticizing, but I suck at anything art-related, so this is the closest I can get to contributing here u_u

Here's mine. I used darker colours for the flames to fit the colour limit.

What color limit? In 8-bit truecolor, you should be able to get every color you could possibly want for a sprite. As I mentioned in the rules 8-bit truecolor is NOT THE SAME as 8-bit color, which means the crappy 256 colors that is really limiting.

Feel free to brighten that thing up all you want.

I thought all the sprites had some problem I couldn't name, and this is it. Pokémon sprites tend to use brighter colours, and are also bigger than what you guys have posted. I'm sorry if I'm just criticizing, but I suck at anything art-related, so this is the closest I can get to contributing here u_u

I feel it tends to be that the contrast between the outlines and the colors tends to be high, and that the texturing on many of the submissions is usually greater than what it would normally be on a pokemon sprite. Also, perhaps the eyes could be made to be Sceptile-size. Something like Woodman will probably look more like Charizard, in that it almost seems to over-step the defined boundaries of the alloted space.

In other words, the current sprites we have for Woodman are very, very good; however, they don't really seem suited for a pokemon game.
Time Mage said it all... i just cant imagine any of this sprites on shoddy... small, as bad ii art related as TM, but i dont like any until now... i hopeour masters ( like KoA) or even Newcomers make a work which we can say: Wow, this is fucking good... (Scyclant)

Srry about my bad english....
I totally agree with the whole brightness argument. I altered my sprite to accomodate. Tell me what you think:

blarg the talent is really blinding. However, for some reason, none of the sprites really look pokemonish compaired to actual pokemon...Too much detail, dosen't sorta look like a pokemon.

*waves KoA flag*
The level of brightness isn't the issue with these looking off. It's how cartoonish they are, or rather, should be. Pokemon have a distinctive look in how that, despite how simple (for loss of a better term) they are in form and anatomy, they're all very expressive, and they all convey an air of playfulness as well. None of the sprites are very imposing, and though there are a few certain serious looks, that never overshadows the fact that Pokemon has its roots as a children's game.

Don't try to make your sprite look intimidating at first. Make sure its general stylistic qualities match up with Pokemon, then go nuts. This means:

Large, Expressive Eyes
Simple(r), Solid Color Schemes
Less Details
Thick Outlines
High Contrast

Don't go overboard trying to make the ultimate badass here, this is Pokemon! Some of these sprites are very excellent, but they just don't suit Pokemon very well. Have fun with it.
Ok, it took me longer to do than the other two past sprites, but I believe I settled on a sprite I'm happy with.

It was a bit of a toughie but I followed the 16 color limit. This is final version barring a palette change:

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