CAP 34 - Art Submissions

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as the rock band guns and roses said in their hit song sweet child of mine, where do we go now
Final Submission

A gunslinger dragon with influence from various desert reptiles!

Supporting Material

Full Resolution​
Supporting Art​

Armor Tail
The design's tail resembles a gun and two revolver cylinders/speed loaders. Its tail is literally armored. For an explanation more in line with Armor Tail's actual flavor, this design uses its gun tail to threaten other Pokémon into not making any sudden movements.

Clanging Scales
This design fires powerful scale bullets from its tail. The bullets can bounce off of hard surfaces, causing an almost cartoonish ricochet sound. Additionally, the separate parts of the tail "clang" together while reloading.

As for Clangorous Soul, when this design shakes its body or moves quickly it causes the scales of its "poncho" to clang together, causing a thunderous racket.

Rattlesnakes and Gila monsters are both venomous. In fact, both reptiles have similar levels of toxicity in their venom. As this design takes elements from both of these animals, it makes sense that it is poison type. Pair this with how most dragon types are reptilian, and poison/dragon is an obvious typing for this design.

This design is slim but has a protective scale poncho and a hardened tail, explaining the low HP and high defenses. The massive gun on its tail is capable of launching devastating scale bullets and elemental attacks, explaining the high special attack, and its basis on gunslingers and firearms explains its speed: it's the fastest shot in the west, of course.

Good luck to everyone in the polls!
Final Submission
Empragora Final Art.jpg

My final submission for CAP 34, is a screaming mandrake that has been uprooted to cause mayhem.

Base Info
Queenly Majesty: This Pokemon is a regal mandrake that screams with authority, she says stop using priority.
Poison/Dragon: Sprouted Potatoes are very poisonous and mandrakes are magical half demon creatures.
Why Not Grass Type: The easy question I can see being raised for this pokemon is to ask, "Hey, man why isn't this a grass type or something." besides the easy answer of because CAP says so, I actually have a reason here. In some mythologies Mandrakes are sometimes considered half demons and being related to magic and witchcraft. In this specific case, this pokemon is supposed to be a mandrake/potato singer that has been left in the ground to rot and eventually sprouted limbs, the leaves and flowers are petrified. The aspects of being demon like and related to magic relates to the aspect of a dragon typing and the poison aspect of the type relates to how sprouted potatoes as well as the mandragora plant that the mandrake is based on are extremely toxic and can be deadly to eat.

Move Justifications
Hyper Voice/Boomburst: Mandrakes are known to emit a horrid cry powerful enough to either kill people or drive them mad when they try to uproot them in mythology, not only that, this pokemon is based on a metal singers who are typically known to scream on the track for a good majority of metal songs.
Clanging Scales: This one is a double entendre while it uses the petrified flowers and leaves that form the dress as scales to clang as it performs in battle this is also a pun since it could be seen as the pokemon singing in a different scale for example going from a major scale to a minor scale.
Clangorous Soul: This is yet another pun for soul music.
Hydro Pump: This pokemon is based on a mandrake and a potato which are both related as they are nightshades vegetables. Potatoes are 80% water so it wouldn't be too farfetched for this pokemon to use some of that moisture
Aura Sphere: This pokemon uses the power of magic and witchcraft to make a sphere of aura to attack its enemies.
Fire Blast/Flame Burst/Flamethrower: In fantasy media when it comes to magic and witches a very basic magic spell is pyrokinesis.
Surf: Potatoes actually float in water in that is high in salt and sugar and in pokemon terms this means this pokemon can swim.

Mandrake: Mandrakes are known as half demon in some myths and related to witchcraft and magic in others in most if not all myths about the mandrake they are known to emit horrific screams that can either be lethal or drive one mad.
Empress/Queen: This pokemon is inspired by queens and empresses, it would rule over its pre evolutions like a queen and it would speak and yell with authority.
Potatoes: Potatoes are nightshades just like mandragoras which are the plant mandrakes are based on, the purple appendages are based on potato sprouts which are very toxic and the mandragora plant is also very toxic as well.
Musician: This pokemon is based on a lead singer of a metal band to add personality to the mandrake. It would be a hungry musician that wants to come out on top in battle as it dominates the competition with its loud and aggressive songs. It acts like a bit of a diva and would command other pokemon on its team to stop missing moves and land a crit because their opponent is +6 on defense and sp defense. This pokemon would 100% get pouty if they lose.
Scales: The scales on this pokemon are petrified flower petals and petrified leaves as mentioned before. Plants get petrified when they are buried in wet sediment that are saturated in dissolved minerals. Potatoes love to grow in soil that is very rich in moisture as the soil dries out the scales are hardened and preserved. The scales mimic wilting plants to indicate they are not edible, the under side of the petrified scales are blackened from the high mineral content staying under the dress to indicate that they are solid.

Concept Sketch
Empragora Concept Sketch.jpg

Png with no BG
Empragora ngb.png

Reference Sheet
Mandrake Ref Sheet.jpg
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BONUS ART #1: Tentative color scheme
BONUS ART #2 (ADDED 4/16/24): Updated color scheme

~ I dreamed a dream in time gone by ~ ♬
~ When hope was high and life worth living ~ ♬
~ I dreamed that love would never die ~ ♬
~ I dreamed that God would be forgiving ~ ♬

last-minute and rushed as hell for sure, but I thought I'd at least get an entry in so I could say I tried. If I get disqualified then, well, c'est la vie.

Which is French for "such is life", and speaking of which, this design happens to have a French inspiration: Melusine, a female water spirit with draconic qualities. It also fits Poison because Melusine's lower body is like that of a serpent, and the sound theme because Melusine is also associated sometimes with mermaids, which gave me a good excuse to try and design something akin to a "waifumon" for this entry. The Clanging Scales come in the form of the hard, note-shaped extensions on the wings, which I made part of her hair for simplicity and to avoid adding too much to this design. Melusine also has two tails in many depictions, so I gave this sub a forked tail which twists and curls around itself to form a treble clef, while the markings on the wings resemble a bass clef. My vision for this design was something akin to an opera singer crossed with a French noblewoman since I hadn't seen too many entries designed around Queenly Majesty, so I added in tail layers like a ballroom dress and a head crest like a French hood, as seen on many portraits of French duchesses in ages past.

also I may or may not have had "I Dreamed A Dream" from Les Misérables living rent-free in my head the entire time I was drawing this LMAO

I plan to finish this entry tomorrow and will try and final sub on Wednesday office break, though don't expect quality from me this round - I've been going through rough personal stuff at the moment and haven't had the time to do much in the way of CAP sub brainstorming, let alone drawing. Hopefully I'll be able to get something in before the deadline, though, even if it's probably not gonna win!

(Fun fact #1: My terrible first attempt for this CAP was a rockstar gorgon, but it never got off the ground for all sorts of reasons - maybe I could revisit that concept in the future but I like this one better. Anyway, look upon my cringe, ye mighty, and despair!)
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Final Submission

Trash wyvern is finally complete. Maybe will have time for supporting art tomorrow evening.
Maybe too metallic for a poison/dragon, but here it is all the same :)

Nargacuga, Namielle, Zinogre and Gore Magala from the Monster Hunter franchise.
Darkbeast Paarl from Bloodborne.
Scrap Wyvern from the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise.
The Knife Angel statue.

Supporting Material
Fullsize image
Turnaround plus belly detail.
Jaw and throat detail

Best of luck to everyone! we have even more new faces that last time, I think
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Supporting Material:
♬ ~ I had a dream my life would be ~ ♬
♬ ~ So different from this hell I'm living ~ ♬
♬ ~ So different now from what it seemed ~ ♬
♬ ~ Now life has killed the dream ~ ♬
♬ ~
I dreamed ~ ♬

Conceived a mere two days before the deadline and finalized in just over 24 hours, a broken-hearted dragon lady with a poisoned soul emerges from the depths! I know I said before that I wasn't going to be participating due to personal reasons but, well, I lied lmao, I figured I'd at least try, and I needed a distraction from said personal reasons leaving me on the verge of the latest in a long string of mental breakdowns I've had in recent weeks. It may not be my absolute best work, but I'm still happy with how it turned out!

The concept for this design was cobbled together from a bunch of somewhat related things, but the two most important components here are Melusine, a European female water spirit with draconic qualities, and the hagfish, an extremely basal jawless vertebrate which secretes massive amounts of slime in self-defense and to maneuver through tight spaces. Melusine's myth is heavily steeped in tragedy and broken promises, and in more than one telling, it ends in the death of the one who fell in love with her beautiful human disguise only to wrong her by seeing her true form... via a mysterious poisoning. Initially I wasn't actually going to include the hagfish aspect and there wasn't even going to be a slime coating at all because it was planned to be a reptile of some sort, but Golurkyourself made the neat suggestion of giving it an oil slick motif in order to justify the Poison type better (without that, it looked more like a Water-type). The hagfish barbels were added literally at the last minute but I'm glad I included them, even if they kinda detract from the "waifumon" aesthetic I was going for initially. Oh well.

Anyway, the pitch I had in my head for this design was a peculiar, slimy water monster that tries to hide its (from its own perspective) repulsive true appearance behind a more regal-looking façade; I suppose any one of the priority-negating abilities could've worked with that concept, but I ultimately designed it with Queenly Majesty in mind. Flavor-wise, the story goes that once upon a time, this mysterious, elusive creature was extremely beautiful, gentle, and kind, yet utterly naïve. In local legends it was seen as a spirit of nature, a caretaker of the world's waters and all life calling them home, and a major source of artistic inspiration. But when its home became blighted by manmade pollutants, it was forced to draw the poisons out of its habitat and store them inside its body, corrupting its nature and ruining its innocence forever. Now it scavenges trash and litter in the vain hope of restoring itself to its original beauty, namely by scraping together a covering over its actual body that's held together by the mucus it secretes. Thanks to the toxins it absorbed, said mucus is now oily, sticky, putrid, and as poisoned as its mind, consumed by vengeance and bitterness as mankind's callousness towards nature and the encroachment of civilization upon what little is left of its wild refuge forces it to lash out savagely.

Since Melusine is associated with mermaids and those in turn are known for singing, that alone could justify Clangorous Soul, but I decided to add in some flavor context for Clanging Scales as well, and after some thinking, I decided to turn the hair-wings of this design into a cross between wind chimes and a glockenspiel. Before its corruption, the creature would've basked on riverbanks and let the breeze make the ornaments in its hair clink together to make a beautiful sound produced by nature, but now it rattles its wings to harshly clang these now-metallicized ornaments together, making a terrible racket to ward off those who see it in its true form. In battle, it can also "play" these ornaments using its forked tail - referring to a feature commonly ascribed to Melusine herself, namely two mermaid or serpent tails. By arching its tail back and striking its wing-ornaments with the two scorpion-like stingers on its end, it can create a melody of clanging sounds to accompany its song-like vocalizations, a harsh and haunting testament to the misery it endured. To add to the music theme, the forked tail tips also form a treble clef when coiled, while the wings have bass clef decor and half note ornaments, and a marking on the chest armor invokes both a crude skull pattern and a whole note. Finally, the headpiece is styled like a French hood, as seen on many portraits of French duchesses in ages past - Melusine is most associated with France, though her myth has found its way throughout most of mainland Europe in one form or another.
  • Poison/Dragon: Melusine has draconic traits such as serpent tails or dragon wings in most of her portrayals. Dragons in European myth are already associated with blight and poison, but after I added the oil slick motif I realized that I had the chance to include hagfish traits in this design as well, so I took it without a second thought. More generally, the water pollution that tainted this creature's appearance factors heavily into this design, which draws from both plastic/metal litter and the iridescence of oil spills.
  • Queenly Majesty: The lore and design I came up with for this thing are actually reminiscent of a minor Legendary, and with Melusine herself already being extremely beautiful yet prone to exacting terrible vengeance upon those who wrong her, I figured Queenly Majesty would be the best choice for this design among the main abilities suggested. She even has a folkloric connection to nobility because due to her story of origin claiming that she had numerous children with her lover before she was forced to leave, multiple historical royal families in the years since claimed to have been descended from her. Dazzling could've also worked if I'd gone with shinier armor, but pollutants aren't exactly known for looking pretty...
  • Clanging Scales and Clangorous Soul: The wing ornaments are the Clanging "Scales", in both the draconic and musical sense, and its Clangorous Soul employs its harsh yet still elegant singing voice to ensure that the world never forgets what caused it such misery. See the Design and Inspirations section for more details!
  • Surf and general Water + Fire coverage: Melusine is associated with water and hagfish are aquatic creatures, but oil is also flammable, and oil fires are a known phenomenon when oil rigs malfunction (i.e. the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion).
  • 45 HP and 43 ATK: The true body of this design is a weak, gangly, serpentine creature with a covering of oily sludge, lacking in any serious bulk or physical offense. To this end, it tries to protect itself by fashioning an elaborate suit made from scavenged metals, fabrics, plastics, and other trash it collects around its habitat, but anything that can get past its suit will have an easy time defeating it. That being said, though...
  • 117 DEF and 110 SP DEF: ...the suit itself is surprisingly durable given what it's made from. Many manmade objects that end up polluting the world's waters are damn near indestructible by non-human means, with plastic being the most infamous for being non-biodegradable. I imagine that if in need of defending itself, this creature could retract its limbs, head, and tail into its suit, letting it absorb incoming damage, and also that it'd spend long periods collecting material for it and meticulously repairing any wear and tear its clothes sustain, the better to keep it in pristine condition.
  • 120 SP ATK, Sludge Bomb and Sludge Wave: The other major kinds of water pollutants are chemical in nature, and these are especially deadly to marine life. I had the fun idea that in true hagfish fashion, this creature can secrete massive amounts of oily mucus from its skin, and then control this matrix of toxic oil in the style of Waterbending from Avatar: The Last Airbender, hurling explosive gobs of slime or even drowning whole groups of enemies in tidal waves of the stuff.
  • 115 SPD: Hagfish use their slime coating to slip through tight gaps like one would find in the carcasses of larger animals they feed on (or in), and their eel-like undulation allows them to swim surprisingly quickly if they have to. As for the pollution aspect, petroleum, kerosene, and other oils like you'd find in an oil spill float on water due to being hydrophobic in nature, so I can easily see this thing using that to its advantage, gliding gracefully across the water surface to dodge attacks and give itself enough room to bring its strongest moves into play.
A big round of applause goes to those who came in clutch on Discord to provide feedback and suggestions for this last-minute submission: Sunfished, Golurkyourself, and Pipotchi!
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Final Submission


"We'll win your love and the battle too, when we sing and dance for you, oh oh oh~"

Well, nearly procrastinated my way into ineligibility. Good thing I checked on this place Monday afternoon, eh? Boyband hydra who uses its dazzling disco scale midriff and rattling microphone to ready up before Throat Spraying a performance. (Taunt and Encore for the flamboyant five-headed dragon!) Why poison? Have you not seen how toxic boyband rivalries and fans can be? That's all I got. Maybe also consider this a love letter to my multiheaded earthenware dragon from CAP27, tattoo artist lizard from CAP29 and disco manowar from CAP33. Good luck, all!

Supporting Material
- Sharing Throat Sprays before a performance
- Warming up
- Hemogoblin does not like the cover of Demi Lovato's "Heart Attack"
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Final Submission


Supporting material

They are moray eels that hide in sponges. In the real world, both can be toxic. I was also inspired by an organ for the sponges and the dragon moray. The hairstyle of the largest moray eel is reminiscent of an orchestra conductor's hair.

It could have Dazzling as ability. Surf works, since the moray eel is an aquatic creature.

Supporting material
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Final Submission

This is my submission for CAP 34.

Based on whale sharks, sharks themselves, and a little bit of both, it utilizes the sound aspect through echolocation. It is often renowned by people by the sea as a legend, and the townsfolk appreciate its conservation efforts.

For it‘s ability, it would have Dazzling. This comes from the abnormally bright colors of the poison and the shining scales all over its body.

It uses Clanging Scales through violently shaking its body, releasing sonar energy absorbed by its scales.

The Dragon type comes through this design in a more “powerful entity” type of sense- something that is renowned by humanity as a deity. Being inspired by whale sharks and sharks themselves, it comes across as something large and powerful. The Poison type shows through this design in the form of the sludge atop CAP 34’s head, and is inspired by oil spills. The scales on its body are battle scars patched up by a noxious sludge. In its attacks, it also releases sonar energy in the form of noise pollution.

Notable Moves

This pick is relatively simple. As CAP 34 spends time in the ocean, it only makes sense that it should get some water type coverage.

Sludge Wave: Inspired by the blowhole spewing poison, it feels reasonable that CAP 34 would be able to release a large amount of this toxic ooze.

Clanging Scales: As mentioned before, CAP 34 violently shakes its body, releasing a large amount of sonar energy. This move helps further the design as scales are very prominent in its design.

Supporting Art + Lore



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Final Submission

Kobold with Glockenspiel and Marching Band elements utilizing poisonous bulbs to create both sound and toxic goo.

- Typing: As a Dragon/Poison type, the main body is primarily inspired by a rounded and cutesy draconic kobold design. The general elements of a Dragon such as the snout and the horns and the tails are incorporated into the design. The Poison typing is communicated through the use of slime-like elements hanging from the design from the snout and the tail, sharing colors with the circular bulbous growths found throughout the design acting similarly to poison sacs.

- Ability: The Ability of choice for this design is Armor Tail. This is primarily communicated through the twin tails with mace-like designs that act as the strikers that one would find with glockenspiel instrumentation.

> Surf: Surprisingly, a lot of non-Water type pokemon such as Tyranitar and Snorlax learn Surf, so the move coverage isn't too difficult to justify. Its general humanoid body shape does give the impression of being able to swim.
> Sludge Bomb: The design produces a toxic slime-like substance from inside its mouth and ejects it from its mouth or its tail or the red capsules after being struck by the tails.
> Sludge Wave: Similar to the above move, the design produces a slime-like element to attack opposing pokemon with toxic goo.
> Clanging Scales: With the glockenspiel elements and the striker tails, the design strikes its own metallic bars to produce a harsh sound to inflict damage.
> Clangorous Soul: Similarly to the other Kommo-o signature move, the percussive nature of the Glockenspiel lends itself naturally to the noises that Kommo-o is notable for with its many scales.

CAP34's Stat Distribution is 45 HP / 43 Atk / 117 Def / 120 SpA / 110 SpD / 115 Spe. The low HP but high Defense and Special Defense is inspired by pokemon such as Shuckle and Bastiodon that do primarily feature armor-like elements protecting a fragile body, with this design featuring a slime-like Kobold reinforced with silvery metal bar elements to protect itself. The low Attack stat is emphasized through its relatively small arms and and stumpy legs showcasing physical frailty. The high Special Attack is accentuated through the use of toxic sacs similar to Toxtricity and Tentacruel. The high Speed is showcased in its large thigh-like elements giving it a bunny rabbit-like feature for Marching.


  • cap34.png
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Final Submission



Design Progression
Link to an animation of my progress from sketch to finished artwork:

(Click the thumbnail for the full-size animation)

Link to full-resolution finished artwork


Sound the warning alarms! I think it's gonna blow!

This is a worried nuclear reactor mon, blaring the alarms because it could meltdown at any time. I got interested in this design because I was able to do it with some personality. Too often I get into a rut of making typical badass, ready-for-battle pokemon. And with Dragon typing for CAP 34, that tendency was even stronger. But when I started thinking about a pokemon blaring the alarm sirens because the nuclear reactor is cracking -- I had a chance to make something a little different than my usual fare.

I'm also continuing to experiment with rendering techniques, this time using new brush and shading techniques to improve my digital painting skills. I have a long way to go, but this CAP has been great fun to practice my artskills. Hope you like it!
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Final Submission

Here's my submission for CAP 34!
Tarasque-inspired singer dragon who uses the head on its tail like a megaphone to project its poisonous voice.

Supporting Material
The primary inspiration for this design was the Tarasque, a french mythological creature. Although the descriptions of the Tarasque vary, they mention that this dragon has a snake or scorpion tail and that it exhaled poisonous gases, so I found it an ideal starting point for the design.

The focus on the throat spray object led me to be inspired by chant types that would place enough effort on the throat and how to incorporate it with the pokemon's type. I chose opera singing, and decided to take the design towards a creature that simultaneously projects its voice and its poisonous breath.

The chimerical nature of the tarasca allowed me to explore ways to present two characters with contrasting dynamics within the same design. The lion head with a much more classic, soft and elegant look, while the tail head with a more strident, modern and playful design.

Finally, the distribution of stats led me to make different explorations of body plans, where I decided for a more ornate and wide front, reflecting the mixed defenses; and with a more rounded and appropriate visual language de-emphasizing the physical attack capability. I think the high special attack is well communicated with the more abstract tail designs and the emphasis on the poisonous voice.

Thanks for taking the time to read it!

JamieO'Donnell97 - Oversized image > 640x640
Ogerpon - Transparent background
TheFurretStar - Oversized image > 640x640
ThisGuyYea - Undersized image < 320x320

That makes 48 legal entries for this CAP! Good luck to everyone in the polls!
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