CAP 16 CAP 5 - Part 8 - Art Poll 1

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146 yilx 
127 birkal 
121 magistrum 
117 dracoyoshi 
102 cartoons 
100 dougjustdoug 
 97 eol
 86 wyverii 
 85 mosquitoxe 
 76 noobiess 
 69 kadew 
 69 golurkyourself 
 65 paintseagull 
 63 harle 
 63 quanyails 
 60 arkeis 
 57 cyzirvisheen 
 54 koa 
 53 commanderzorvox 
 41 theflexistentialist 
 40 rocketgrunt 
 31 elcheeso 
 27 blueconcept 
 14 athel 
 13 shyguy 
  9 cheeno 
  7 greendweeb 
  5 thesteampunk 
  3 mcflareon 
  2 hollymon 
  2 menshay

Top 7 are moving on. They also happen to be the ones with over 1/3 of the vote, so ^_^
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