CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 3

Which concept should be used for CAP8?

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Neglected Ability. IMO Hail is already powerful enough, with the combination of sweepers and heavy stall users (like Stalwrein) I would like neglected ability better.
Basically, I don't like either option, but I feel Kingdra of the Snow is the lesser of two evils. It may be restrictive, but at least it actually sets out to do what the CaP Project is all about. Of course, NA has already won, basically, and I'm going to have to work with it, but hey, just wanted to voice my thoughts.
cannot agree more
Definitely Neglected Ability. There are so many cool abilities out there that don't get used because the only pokemon that have them suck so bad. (Bibarel is a huge example) Also, with the other idea, you'd get Stallrein and a hail sweeper on the same team, which is no fun.
Because of this, I am not voting for either concept and will not participate further in this CAP.
Really tempted to follow your example, mate.

rawrcray0nz said:
Definitely Neglected Ability. There are so many cool abilities out there that don't get used because the only pokemon that have them suck so bad. (Bibarel is a huge example)
"Cool" has absolutely nothing to do with this project whatsoever, apart from the flavour aspects. This is not a flavour aspect, this is the whole competitive concept of this particular CaP. We do not do things because they are "cool"; "cool" has absolutely no relevance to the metagame.

This is why I'm so pessimistic about Neglected Ability - it's mostly going to come down to what people think is "cool", simply because the concept doesn't define what it is meant to do enough.
neglected ability seem completely arbitrary. I'd much rather see a boost in hail, which NONE of the top threats in cap enjoy.
neglected ability seem completely arbitrary. I'd much rather see a boost in hail, which NONE of the top threats in cap enjoy.

I still have yet to see how "Snowdra" would be any different from Syclant. It's Ice, fast, gets Blizzard, everything Snowdra would do.
Neither of these abilities was my first (or even second, obviously excluding my own from any consideration) choice but Kingdra of the Snow is going to focus entirely around another Blizzard user and will either require some form of Hail immunity through either Ice Body, Magic Guard, or Snow Cloak.

Since I can bend EM's concept to my will more readily I have chosen it.
Deck Knight has highlighted an interesting thought process. People seem to prefer the 'Neglected Ability' concept because they prefer the elasticity it affords. What worries me is that people will choose this concept only so that they can feel as though they are the ones with power over the project, as opposed to choosing 'Kingdra in the Snow', and feeling as though Zarator has all the creative power.

As far as I am aware, no one person has more or less say over the direction of the project than any other (though some people's opinions are more highly regarded). It is a collaborative process hopefully resulting in insights into competitive battling.
.. perhaps it can all end up with a Hail Sweeper that has a Neglected Ability? Then again, "Snowdra" doesn't have to use STAB Blizzard. There's no rule for the creation of a new ability, so long as it follows in game mechanics. Also, Snowdra has to remain viable outside of hail teams, so it's not like it will be... no idea.
Deck Knight has highlighted an interesting thought process. People seem to prefer the 'Neglected Ability' concept because they prefer the elasticity it affords. What worries me is that people will choose this concept only so that they can feel as though they are the ones with power over the project, as opposed to choosing 'Kingdra in the Snow', and feeling as though Zarator has all the creative power.

As far as I am aware, no one person has more or less say over the direction of the project than any other (though some people's opinions are more highly regarded). It is a collaborative process hopefully resulting in insights into competitive battling.
I voted for EM's because I'd like to see where it goes. The thought that I could control the concept did in face cross my mind, but even if my idea doesn't fly and we end up with some other neglected ability, I'd still be better than the other option. So basically:

Zarator's Idea. Possibilty of satisfaction = 0%
EM's Idea. Possibilty of satisfaction =/= 0%

You can see my point.
On the other hand, Zarator's likelihood at fulfilling a niche is quite high, because we have no sweeper that really enjoys Hail to a large extent, where as it is zilch for EM, as we have already introduced several Pokemon with previously unused abilities.
Elevator Music's Neglected Ability has won the Concept Poll for CAP8!
Thanks for voting everyone, that's a wrap here. Onto the Assessment!

If a mod would be so kind as to close this, thank you!
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