CaP26 Prevo - Part 4 - Stats Submissions

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Robot from the Future
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Orange Islands
Hey all!

Let's get some stats going here! We recently decided on what abilities we liked, and now we will move into our stats! Movepools will be coming relatively shortly too!

Equilibra is an incredibly potent Special Attacker which relies on hitting hard with its signature delayed move, Doom Desire. It's also relatively bulky so can take a hit with its brilliant defensive typing.

Stats: 102 HP / 50 Atk / 96 Def / 133 SpA / 118 SpD / 60 Spe / BST: 559

Remember, let's not go too crazy with down scaling these stats! I've seen a few people wanting a physical lean a'la Larvesta, but I am not sure that will work with the more ethereal type of Pokemon Equilibra is! Strong flavour reasoning is also encouraged, so look to other Pokemon which have similar distributions as Equilibra and see what you can make of it!

Please format the stats in your post like above, and as usual, I will be accepting Final Submissions from the opening of this thread!
Volcarona's actually a really good comparison point in my mind - Equilibra has a very similar feel. Heck, I'd even consider the aesthetics to want them in similar places - deserts, in this case.

Final Submission

52 HP / 65 Atk / 56 Def / 78 SpA / 78 SpD / 30 Spe / BST: 359

I like the idea of a slightly more physical Equilibairn (name pending), where the early movepool inclusion of Pound and Gyro Ball make for a more engaging in-game Pokemon. Stats undergo some strong drops, but this is a reasonable side effect of the somewhat mixed stats, combined with my personal wish to not have stats as high as, say, Archen's are (though more power to those who do take inspiration from the Archeops line, as the BSTs are appropraitely similar).

In terms of similar sorts of changes, consider Escavalier, who sees a similarly large spike in their offensive stat, as well as bulk increases. Escavalier also provides an example of a stat decreating (Speed, not Attack, but same principle). Of course, the better consideration for similarity has already been mentioned, which is the Volcarona evolutionary line, which sees the similar spike, amongst other changes.
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70 HP / 41 Atk / 66 Def / 97 SpA / 82 SpD / 50 Spe / BST: 406

I figured little libra would have a higher bst for a LC mon. I had some options in the 370 BST range and it just feels too low. I was hesitant to make the stats lean more physically offensive, but I did have one in case the community expressed interesting in exploring that option.

70 HP / 87 Atk / 66 Def / 51 SpA / 82 SpD / 50 Spe / BST: 406

Otherwise, it's pretty much the same stat distribution at a lower BST with minor tweaks.
Final Submission

58 HP / 65 Atk / 50 Def / 83 SpA / 88 SpD / 35 Spe - 379 BST

I also like the idea of Equilibra having a lean towards having some physical presense thanks to its access to Gyro Ball and Pound earlier on in level up. I don't think we need to bloat Librababy with an unnecessarily high BST either.
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Final Submission

Stats: 72 HP / 70 Atk / 56 Def / 83 SpA / 68 SpD / 30 Spe / BST: 379

Plasmanta was used as the bases for these down scaling. It was literally the perfect mon to model a stat decrease after with how similar there stat distributions are. As for flavor, Volcarona and ascending to a more ethereal being is something that just can't be ignored with these two, it fits so well.

While also liking the idea of making this prevo more of a mixed attacker, it also happened to flavorwise fit the Volcarona line. The slight increase in Attack, is to better fit Larvesta and to compliment the good physical movepool available to Equilibra.
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I'm looking at closing this up in the next 24 hours or so! Get those stats in!
Final Submission

65 HP / 41 Atk / 66 Def / 93 SpA / 81 SpD / 45 Spe / BST: 391

Reduced the BST by 15 after pushback from my initial spread. I will still favor Pip's advice and build something on the higher end of the spectrum.

Like before, I referenced Libra's stats and used the same distribution but at a lower BST. I then made minor fixes to the spread where deemed necessary.
Final Submission

77 HP / 25 Atk / 66 Def / 96 SpA / 88 SpD / 45 Spe / BST: 397

So, hear me out. First, I definitely envision Equilibra's prevo as being a special attacker still. Plenty of mons have low Attack stats with physical moves in their movepools, and I really think a special presence makes more sense for the concept of what Equilibra is.

From there, I thought about what Equilibra is: a statue-like set of scales, an inanimate object, very similar to Bronzor/Bronzong and Golett/Golurk. So what I did was took the stat differences between Bronzor+Bronzong and Golett+Golurk (20/65/30/55/30/10 and 30/50/30/20/30/20 respectively) and averaged them out, resulting in stat differences of 25/57/30/37/30/15. Obviously, Equilibra's attack can't go lower than zero, so I took some creative liberty here and halved Equilibra's attack. The BST is somewhat on the high end, but that's fine for a pseudo-legendary prevo.

I realize that this still leaves Equilibra's prevo as a pretty powerful mon, but I think that's cool. I think it would be awesome if we let ourselves create a prevo that could potentially compete in the competitive scene outside of LC, and this stat spread could allow that (depending on the movepool stage.)
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