Tournament CAPCL III - Commencement

Im back one last time before semis:

1. Shoenice Skwovets :skwovet:
Player NameTeamCostRecordPrice per WinWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
Concept EverythingSHSK150001 - 215000LLW
TGASHSK195004 - 14875WWWLW
FragmentsSHSK185004 - 14625WLWWW
Ina fableSHSK105002 - 35250LWWLL
quzielSHSK95002 - 24750WWLL
sapphireeSHSK85002 - 34250WLLWL
BluiSHSK80002 - 14000WWL
innovamaniaSHSK70002 - 03500WW
snakeSHSK55000 - 1no winsL
autumnSHSK55002 - 12750WWL
BijouModeSHSK50000 - 2no winsLL
hidinSHSK45001 - 04500W
serooSHSK30001 - 03000W
  • The players with the best record of the Skwovets are TGA and Fragments at 4-1.
  • The players with the most value relatively to their price remain autumn and innovamania. They rank in 5th and 10th (tie with Waldinji) as the players with the most value relatively to their price in the entire tournament so far.
  • The Skwovets have a guaranteed spot in finals.

2. Brooklyn Blazikens :Blaziken:
Player NameTeamCostRecordPrice per WinWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
RajBRBL150003 - 25000LWWWL
PiyushBRBL150004 - 13750WWWLW
Sylveon used calm mindBRBL250003 - 28333LWWWL
AinzcradBRBL150002 - 27500WWLL
LBNBRBL115003 - 23833WWLWL
Exotic64BRBL75000 - 3no winsLLL
SificonBRBL60003 - 12000WWWL
AshbalaBRBL55001 - 15500LW
Fantos13BRBL50000 - 2no winsLL
LiimpyBRBL50000 - 1no winsL
WaldinjiBRBL35001 - 23500LWL
AmamamaBRBL30000 - 1no winsL
memedose46BRBL30001 - 03000W
  • The player with the best record of the Blazikens is Piyush25 at 4-1, he is also the only manager who shares the best record of the tournament with 7 other players.
  • The players with the most value relatively to their price are Sificon , memedose46 and Waldinji. They rank in 3rd (tie with scizivire), 7th (tie with TTech) 10th (tie with waldinji) as the players with the most value relatively to their price in the entire tournament so far.
  • The Blazikens pass to semifinals against third place Nefarious Nohfaces.

3. Nefarious Nohfaces :Nohface:
tierNEF150003 - 25000WLWWL
fcNEF150002 - 37500LLLWW
egalvancNEF170000 - 0no wins
byulharangNEF150002 - 27500LLWW
InderNEF150002 - 37500WLLWL
tempNEF110001 - 411000LLLLW
LostmemoriesNEF95003 - 23167WLWLW
HachimakiNEF55000 - 0no wins
pichusNEF55004 - 11375LWWWW
spellNEF50001 - 05000W
Binacle PinnacleNEF45003 - 21500WWLWL
  • The players with the best record of the Nohfaces is pichus at 4-1.
  • The players with the most value relatively to their price are pichus, Binacle Pinnacle , and Lostmemories. Pichus ranks at the player with the most value relatively to their price in the entire tournament so far, followed by Binacle Pinacle at 2nd, and Lostmemories at 9th.
  • The Nohfaces clutched a third seed, allowing them to fight the Brooklyn Blazikens in semifinals.

4. Belo Figo Bellsprouts :Bellsprout:
Player NameTeamCostRecordPrice per WinWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
ChrisPBaconBFB235004 - 15875WWLWW
LuckOverSkillBFB225002 - 311250LLWLW
MadaBFB165003 - 25500LWWLW
SHSPBFB165001 - 416500LLWLL
LazuliBFB125004 - 13125WWWLW
ScizivireBFB60003 - 22000WWWLL
FoufakirbyBFB60000 - 1no winsL
ausmaBFB45000 - 1no winsL
roxieBFB30000 - 3no winsLLL
BigFatMantisBFB30002 - 11500LWW
metagross does archietectuBFB30000 - 1no winsL
FluoreBFB30000 - 1no winsL
  • The players with the best record of the Bellsprouts are ChrisPBacon and Lazuli at 4-1.
  • The players with the most value relatively to their price are BigFatMantis , Scizivire and Lazuli. Bigfatmantis ties with Binacle Pinacle as the 2nd most valuable players relatively to their price, while, Scizivire ties with Sificon in 3rd and Lazuli ranks in 8th place.
  • Unfortunately, the Bellsprouts lack the points and differential to have a 3rd spot seed and are eliminated from the CAPCL

5. Deep Fried Finneons :Finneon:
Player NameTeamCostRecordPrice per WinWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
SeasonsDFF220002 - 311000LWWLL
PotatochanDFF175002 - 28750WLWLL
crashyDFF145003 - 14833LWWWL
BrigtelDFF100004 - 12500WWLWW
EnzonanaDFF80001 - 08000W
Ciro napoliDFF80002 - 34000LWLWL
feenDFF80001 - 38000WLLL
MaxouilleDFF70003 - 12333WLWW
BrambaneDFF65000 - 3no winsLLL
IkaishiDFF60001 - 16000LW
sabaDFF45000 - 0no wins
kennDFF40000 - 0no wins
WenderzDFF40000 - 0no wins
  • The players with the best record of the Finneons was Brigtel at 4-1.
  • The players with the most value relatively to their price were Maxouille and Brigtel ranked at 4th and 5th repectively as the players with the best value of the tournament so far.
  • The Finneons don't have enough wins to qualify for semis and are eliminated from the CAPCL.

6. Pannucles of spoocap :cawmodore:
Player NameTeamCostRecordPrice per WinWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
PannucottaSPOO150000 - 4no winsLLLL
Steam BunsSPOO300002 - 315000LWLLW
gorexSPOO115002 - 25750LLWW
DarekSPOO115002 - 25750LLWW
dexSPOO110003 - 23667WLWLW
KaifSPOO110002 - 35500WWLLL
TTKSPOO100002 - 25000WLWL
DripLegendSPOO75001 - 17500WL
zaydapoketrainerSPOO55000 - 2no winsLL
ClementineSPOO40001 - 24000LWL
TTTechSPOO30001 - 03000W
  • The players with the best record of the Pannucles was dex at a 3-2 record.
  • Their players with the best value according to their price were TTTech and Dex. TTTech ranks in 7th place alongside memedose and dex in 11th place.
  • They are still eliminated from the CAPCL III.
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Some quick stats before finals (assumes Sificon vs byulharang won't be played):

Nefarious Nohfaces :Nohface:
Player NameTeamCostRecordPrice per WinWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5SemifinalsTiebreak
tierNEF150004 - 33750WLWWLLW
fcNEF150003 - 45000LLLWWLW
egalvancNEF170000 - 0no wins
byulharangNEF150003 - 25000LLWwW
InderNEF150002 - 47500WLLWLL
tempNEF110002 - 45500LLLLWW
LostmemoriesNEF95004 - 22375WLWLWW
HachimakiNEF55000 - 0no wins
pichusNEF55004 - 21375LWWWWL
spellNEF50001 - 05000W
Binacle PinnacleNEF45004 - 21125WWLWLW
  • The players with the best record of the Nohfaces are pichus, Binacle Pinnacle and Lostmemories at 4-2. They are also rank 1st, 2nd and 5th as the most valuable players of the tournament according to their price.
  • To the dismay of many, they are fighting the Skwovets in finals.

Brooklyn Blazikens :Blaziken:
Player NameTeamCostRecordPrice per WinWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5SemifinalsTiebreak
RajBRBL150004 - 33750LWWWLWL
PiyushBRBL150005 - 23000WWWLWWL
Sylveon used calm mindBRBL250003 - 38333LWWWLL
AinzcradBRBL150002 - 37500WWLLL
LBNBRBL115003 - 33833WWLWLL
Exotic64BRBL75000 - 3no winsLLL
SificonBRBL60004 - 11500WWWLW
AshbalaBRBL55001 - 25500LWL
Fantos13BRBL50000 - 2no winsLL
LiimpyBRBL50000 - 1no winsL
WaldinjiBRBL35002 - 21750LWLW
AmamamaBRBL30000 - 1no winsL
memedose46BRBL30001 - 03000W
  • The player with the best record of the Blazikens was Piyush25 at 5-2, he is also the player with the best record of the entire tournament prior to finals.
  • The players with the most value relatively to their price are Sificon, Waldinji and Piyush25, at 3rd, 4th and 8th.
  • The Blazikens have been eliminated from the tournament.
Final Stats:
Player NameTeamCostRecord
TGASHSK195006 - 1
pichusNEF55006 - 2
PiyushBRBL150005 - 2
FragmentsSHSK185005 - 2
SificonBRBL60004 - 1
BrigtelDFF100004 - 1
LazuliBFB125004 - 1
ChrisPBaconBFB235004 - 1
innovamaniaSHSK70003 - 0
MaxouilleDFF70003 - 1
BluiSHSK80003 - 1
crashyDFF145003 - 1
Binacle PinnacleNEF45004 - 3
LostmemoriesNEF95004 - 3
RajBRBL150004 - 3
ScizivireBFB60003 - 2
dexPPOO110003 - 2
MadaBFB165003 - 2
BigFatMantisBFB30002 - 1
TTTechPPOO30001 - 0
serooSHSK30001 - 0
memedose46BRBL30001 - 0
hidinSHSK45001 - 0
spellNEF50001 - 0
EnzonanaDFF80001 - 0
tierNEF150004 - 4
sapphireeSHSK85003 - 3
LBNBRBL115003 - 3
byulharangNEF150003 - 3
Sylveon used calm mindBRBL250003 - 3
WaldinjiBRBL35002 - 2
autumnSHSK55002 - 2
TTKPPOO100002 - 2
gorexPPOO115002 - 2
DarekPPOO115002 - 2
IkaishiDFF60001 - 1
DripLegendPPOO75001 - 1
fcNEF150004 - 5
tempNEF110003 - 4
InderNEF150003 - 4
Ciro napoliDFF80002 - 3
quzielSHSK95002 - 3
KaifPPOO110002 - 3
AinzcradBRBL150002 - 3
PotatochanDFF175002 - 3
SeasonsDFF220002 - 3
LuckOverSkillBFB225002 - 3
Steam BunsPPOO300002 - 3
ClementinePPOO40001 - 2
AshbalaBRBL55001 - 2
Ina fableSHSK105002 - 4
feenDFF80001 - 3
Concept EverythingSHSK150001 - 3
SHSPBFB165001 - 4
AmamamaBRBL30000 - 1
metagross does archietectuBFB30000 - 1
FluoreBFB30000 - 1
ausmaBFB45000 - 1
LiimpyBRBL50000 - 1
snakeSHSK55000 - 1
FoufakirbyBFB60000 - 1
BijouModeSHSK50000 - 2
Fantos13BRBL50000 - 2
zaydapoketrainerPPOO55000 - 2
roxieBFB30000 - 3
BrambaneDFF65000 - 3
Exotic64BRBL75000 - 3
PannucottaPPOO150000 - 4
Player NameTeamRecordPrice per Win
pichusNEF6 - 21100
Binacle PinnacleNEF4 - 31125
SificonBRBL4 - 11500
BigFatMantisBFB2 - 11500
WaldinjiBRBL2 - 21750
ScizivireBFB3 - 22000
innovamaniaSHSK3 - 02333
MaxouilleDFF3 - 12333
LostmemoriesNEF4 - 32375
BrigtelDFF4 - 12500
BluiSHSK3 - 12667
autumnSHSK2 - 22750
sapphireeSHSK3 - 32833
PiyushBRBL5 - 23000
TTTechPPOO1 - 03000
serooSHSK1 - 03000
memedose46BRBL1 - 03000
LazuliBFB4 - 13125
dexPPOO3 - 23667
tempNEF3 - 43667
RajBRBL4 - 33750
tierNEF4 - 43750
fcNEF4 - 53750
LBNBRBL3 - 33833
TGASHSK6 - 13900
Ciro napoliDFF2 - 34000
ClementinePPOO1 - 24000
hidinSHSK1 - 04500
FragmentsSHSK5 - 24625
quzielSHSK2 - 34750
crashyDFF3 - 14833
byulharangNEF3 - 35000
spellNEF1 - 05000
TTKPPOO2 - 25000
InderNEF3 - 45000
Ina fableSHSK2 - 45250
MadaBFB3 - 25500
KaifPPOO2 - 35500
AshbalaBRBL1 - 25500
gorexPPOO2 - 25750
DarekPPOO2 - 25750
ChrisPBaconBFB4 - 15875
IkaishiDFF1 - 16000
DripLegendPPOO1 - 17500
AinzcradBRBL2 - 37500
EnzonanaDFF1 - 08000
feenDFF1 - 38000
Sylveon used calm mindBRBL3 - 38333
PotatochanDFF2 - 38750
SeasonsDFF2 - 311000
LuckOverSkillBFB2 - 311250
Steam BunsPPOO2 - 315000
Concept EverythingSHSK1 - 315000
SHSPBFB1 - 416500
AmamamaBRBL0 - 1no wins
metagross does archietectuBFB0 - 1no wins
FluoreBFB0 - 1no wins
ausmaBFB0 - 1no wins
LiimpyBRBL0 - 1no wins
snakeSHSK0 - 1no wins
FoufakirbyBFB0 - 1no wins
BijouModeSHSK0 - 2no wins
Fantos13BRBL0 - 2no wins
zaydapoketrainerPPOO0 - 2no wins
roxieBFB0 - 3no wins
BrambaneDFF0 - 3no wins
Exotic64BRBL0 - 3no wins
PannucottaPPOO0 - 4no wins