Tournament CAPCL III - Player Signups

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Name: Brigtel
Tiers Played/Interested in: SV, BW, DPP
Non-Player Roles: building teams in multiple tiers, recreating teams used by other players
Forseeable Inactivity: Not much, maybe College sometimes

I can flex into other tiers if needed, just don't put me in monotype
Name: a fairy
Tiers Played/Interested in: DPP CAP, BW CAP
Non-Player Roles: will need to be passed teams to help people test (i am not a viable starter even w/ passed teams unless you need a budget 1 or 2 wins)
Forseeable Inactivity: .
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Name: Ashbala
Tiers Played/Interested in: CAP Monotype, SV CAP, SS CAP
Non-Player Roles: builds, test games, chat activity
Forseeable Inactivity: Nope
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