artwork by me
artwork by me
Sorry for the delay everyone, it's been a hectic past couple days, but we're finally live!
Please be sure to follow all rules listed here. Managers and players are expected to schedule with their opponent(s) actively, or seek substitutions if needed. For substitutes, please contact myself and kenn alongside the opposing player and their managers in the thread, and wherever else necessary. Matches not completed by the deadline are subject to an activity call. Replays are mandatory, if you cannot save a replay, make sure someone else can: playing on the Smogtours server is an easy way to ensure matches can be recorded properly, and is recommended in general.
CAP National Dex: Use this challenge code please!
/challenge gen9nationaldex @@@ +cap
The deadline for this week is Sunday, January 12th at 11:59 GMT-5.

SV CAP: Sificon vs poopidoopii
SV CAP: Ming549 vs Nashrock
SV CAP: Mashing vs Ineros
SS CAP: temp vs feen
SM CAP: LBN vs seth
ORAS CAP: RichardMillePlain vs a fruitshop owner
DPP CAP: Charmriah vs Brigtel
ND CAP: Jho vs sealoo

SV CAP: Lily vs Kate
SV CAP: Fragments vs Quinn
SV CAP: HSBT vs Galarian Blades
SS CAP: quziel vs Da Pizza Man
SM CAP: Mimikyu Stardust vs Lasen
ORAS CAP: Maxouille vs D2TheW
DPP CAP: Micaiah vs Ainzcrad
ND CAP: Oculars vs AlyssaVGC

SV CAP: haxlolo vs spoo
SV CAP: Baddy vs Mada
SV CAP: Scizivire vs LUSTRE
SS CAP: dex vs Wesleyy
SM CAP: Clementine vs pannu
ORAS CAP: Steam Buns vs Spammernoob
DPP CAP: Lialiabeast vs Sheik :
ND CAP: EatFoods vs yonmd
Slopped Up Crucibelles (0) vs (0) Chicago White Shox
SV CAP: Sificon vs poopidoopii
SV CAP: Ming549 vs Tempo di anguria
SV CAP: Mashing vs Ineros
SS CAP: temp vs feen
SM CAP: LBN vs seth
ORAS CAP: RichardMillePlain vs a fruitshop owner
DPP CAP: Charmriah vs Brigtel
ND CAP: Jho vs sealoo
Shoenice Skwovets (0) vs (0) Kookoo Quesos
SV CAP: Lily vs Kate
SV CAP: Fragments vs Quinn
SV CAP: HSBT vs Galarian Blades
SS CAP: quziel vs Da Pizza Man
SM CAP: Mimikyu Stardust vs Lasen
ORAS CAP: Maxouille vs D2TheW
DPP CAP: Micaiah vs Ainzcrad
ND CAP: Oculars vs AlyssaVGC
Crocanaw Dundee (0) vs (0) Prometeo Primeapes
SV CAP: haxlolo vs spoo
SV CAP: Baddy vs Mada
SV CAP: Scizivire vs LUSTRE
SS CAP: dex vs Wesleyy
SM CAP: Clementine vs pannu
ORAS CAP: Steam Buns vs Spammernoob
DPP CAP: Lialiabeast vs Sheik :
ND CAP: EatFoods vs yonmd
SV CAP: Sificon vs poopidoopii
SV CAP: Ming549 vs Tempo di anguria
SV CAP: Mashing vs Ineros
SS CAP: temp vs feen
SM CAP: LBN vs seth
ORAS CAP: RichardMillePlain vs a fruitshop owner
DPP CAP: Charmriah vs Brigtel
ND CAP: Jho vs sealoo
Shoenice Skwovets (0) vs (0) Kookoo Quesos
SV CAP: Lily vs Kate
SV CAP: Fragments vs Quinn
SV CAP: HSBT vs Galarian Blades
SS CAP: quziel vs Da Pizza Man
SM CAP: Mimikyu Stardust vs Lasen
ORAS CAP: Maxouille vs D2TheW
DPP CAP: Micaiah vs Ainzcrad
ND CAP: Oculars vs AlyssaVGC
Crocanaw Dundee (0) vs (0) Prometeo Primeapes
SV CAP: haxlolo vs spoo
SV CAP: Baddy vs Mada
SV CAP: Scizivire vs LUSTRE
SS CAP: dex vs Wesleyy
SM CAP: Clementine vs pannu
ORAS CAP: Steam Buns vs Spammernoob
DPP CAP: Lialiabeast vs Sheik :
ND CAP: EatFoods vs yonmd
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