Monotype Celesteela (Flying)


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Celesteela's stellar defensive typing, handy resistances, and impressive mixed bulk make it a potent defensive pivot for Flying teams, allowing it to check physical and special threats and soft check Pokemon like Kyurem. Its Steel typing allows it to check Rock- and Ice-type threats such as Terrakion, Tyranitar, Nihilego, and Weavile. It also has quite the colorful movepool, ranging from options such as Leech Seed, Toxic, Flamethrower, Meteor Beam, and Autotomize, letting it run defensive or offensive sets. Even as a defensive wall, Celesteela has offensive potential with Heavy Slam and Flamethrower, letting it beat Pokemon such as Dragonite and Bisharp, which its competitors like Defog Corviknight fail to do. However, Celesteela lacks a reliable recovery move unlike Corviknight, which can also act as a wincon with Bulk Up or provide Defog support. A lack of a reliable recovery move and its over reliance on Leech Seed + Protect on its defensive set can be taken advantage of by setup sweepers like Bisharp, Garchomp, and Aegislash. Additionally, it also makes it unable to (spacing) recover against Grass-types, making it harder for it to beat certain bulky Grass-types like Amoonguss. It also cannot stomach ridiculously strong wallbreakers like Choice Band Urshifu-R and Choice Specs Aegislash. Celesteela is also easily shut down by stallbreakers like Mew and Mandibuzz.

name: Defensive (Flying)
move 1: Leech Seed
move 2: Protect
move 3: Heavy Slam
move 4: Flamethrower / Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Leech Seed allows Celesteela to heal back health while simultaneously wearing down opposing Pokemon and works amazingly well in conjunction with Toxic to wear down opposing teams fast. Protect is needed to safely get Leech Seed's recovery and scout against Pokemon like Galarian Darmanitan and Choice Specs Tapu Koko. Heavy Slam is important to deal with threatening Rock-. Fairy-, and Ice-types like Tyranitar, Tapu Lele, and Weavile and also hits neutral targets like Nidoking, Tapu Koko, and Dragapult decently hard. Flamethrower is important, as it allows Celesteela to deal with Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Aegislash, and opposing Celesteela. Toxic allows Celesteela to wear down walls such as Swampert, Slowking, Mandibuzz, Mantine, and Hippowdon, making it much easier for Celesteela's offensive teammates like Thundurus-T, Dragonite, and Galarian Zapdos to shine.

The entirety of Flying-type teams benefit from Celesteela's presence. Ice- and Rock-weak (spacing) Pokemon like Landorus-T, Dragonite, and Zapdos appreciate Celesteela taking on threats like Mamoswine and Tyranitar. In return, (spacing) Landorus-T covers Electric-type attacks and deals with threats like Tapu Koko and Zeraora. Thundurus-T also covers Electric-type attacks for Celesteela while threatening Water-type teams for it. Physically defensive Celesteela can struggle to take on strong special attackers like Galarian Moltres, Hydreigon, and Heatran, so Pokemon like Mantine should be used to form a pair with it, as it can check such Pokemon while also covering Water- and Fire-types like Urshifu-R and Volcarona. Galarian Moltres is a great setup sweeper and wallbreaker that can break down passive defensive walls for Celesteela like Toxapex, Gastrodon, and Slowbro. Zapdos is another great teammate, as it can run a variety of sets to support it; the specially defensive set forms a defensive core with it, while the more threatening Choice Specs set simply blasts away Pokemon like Toxapex, Gastrodon, and Ferrothorn, making it easier for Celesteela to defensively threaten opposing teams. Galarian Zapdos can take care of opposing Steel-types for Celesteela, especially when Flamethrower is not used on the set. In return, Galarian Zapdos appreciates Celesteela weakening teams for it.

Other Options

An offensive set with Autotomize, Meteor Beam, and Power Herb can be used to act as a threatening cleaner; however, such a set is mostly confined (spacing) to offensive Flying-type teams and suffers from four-moveslot syndrome, having to choose between Air Slash, Flash Cannon, Giga Drain, and Flamethrower. A specially defensive set can also be used to better deal with threats like Choice Specs Kyurem and Nidoking.

Checks and Counters

**Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers like Urshifu-R, Urshifu-S, Dracovish, Nidoking, and Choice Specs Spectrier can easily break apart Celesteela and prevent it from checking physical attackers.

**Residual Damage**: As a defensive Pokemon, Celesteela is susceptible to Knock Off and residual damage from burns and Stealth Rock that can wear it down over time.

**Stallbreakers**: Pokemon like Mew, Mandibuzz, and Drapion can shut down Celesteela and remove its item with Knock Off, denying its recovery and making it vulnerable to being worn out throughout the match.

**Walls**: Celesteela struggles to get past certain defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex, Slowbro, and Rotom-W, (spacing) all of which can leave Celesteela crippled with a burn or paralysis.

- Written by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Flying analysis by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Quality checked by: [[Decem, 362454], [Maple, 473171]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Milak, 262594], [Estronic, 240732]]
Last edited by a moderator:



* Celesteela's stellar defensive typing, handy resistances and impressive bulk makes it a potent defensive pivot for Flying-type teams. would def say "mixed" bulk. this is important cause celes's main benefit on flying teams is that it can answer both sides of the spectrum; good spd means it can soft check kyurem as well.
* Its part Steel-typing makes it neutral against Rock-type threats such as Terrakion, Tyranitar and Nihilego and lets it check such Pokemon for Flying-type teams. ice is important to mention
* Its also has quite the colorful movepool, ranging from options such as Leech Seed, Toxic, Flamethrower, Meteor Beam, and Autotomize which lets it run defensive or offensive sets. would transform this bullet into how celes has offensive potential with heavy slam and flamethrower even as a defensive wall. this allows it to beat stuff like dnite and dpult which defog corviknight cannot do
* However Celesteela lacks a reliable recovery move unlike its competitors such as Corviknight and Skarmory which also offer other traits such as being a win condition with Bulk Up in the case of the former and a sturdy defensive wall with Stealth Rock to support in the case of latter. would capitalize more on defog corviknight since thats the more common set nowadays. i wouldnt really even talk about skarm since its kinda bad on flying (you need to run it w/ spd corviknight so u dont lose to kyurem)
* A lack of reliable recovery move and its over reliance on Leech Seed + Protect for recovery on defensive set can be taken advantage of by setup sweepers like Bisharp, Garchomp, and Aegislash. Additionally, it also makes it unable to get health recovery against Grass-types, making it harder for it to beat certain bulky Grass-types like Amoongus.
* As a defensive Pokemon, Celesteela finds it hard to beat stallbreakers like Mew, and Mandibuzz and can get worn out really fast as it is denied recovery moves. this point is kinda weird to me since defensive pokemon arent typically meant to beat stallbreakers. stallbreakers are meant to break down defensive mons and celes is no differentIt also cannot stomach ridiculously strong wallbreaker like Dracovish and Urshifu-R.

name: Defensive (Flying)
move 1: Heavy Slam
move 2: Toxic / Flamethrower put flamethrower over toxic. its far more useful in this meta for. hitting steel teams. would also reorder the moves to leech seed / protect / heavy slam / flamethrower
move 3: Leech Seed
move 4: Protect
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Relaxed / Impish
evs:252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Paragraph 1:
* Heavy Slam is its most powerful move on the set and is also a STAB move , it is important to deal with threatening Rock-. Fairy-, and Ice-type Pokemon like Tyranitar, Tapu Lele and Weavile. It also hits decently hard against neutral targets. name some neutral targets like nidoking, tapu koko, and dpult
* Toxic allows Celesteela to wear down walls such as Swampert, Slowking, Mandibuzz, Mantine and Hippowdon. Wearing such walls overtime with Toxic makes it much easier for Celesteela's offensive teammates like Thundurus-T, Dragonite, and Galarian Zapdos to shine.
* Flamethrower can be used over Toxic and it allows Celesteela to deal with Steel-type Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Aegislash and opposing Celesteela. reorder it to flamethrower then toxic
* Leech Seed is important on the set and is a major way for Celesteela to heal back health while simultaneously draining opposing Pokemon, wearing them down. Leech Seed works amazingly well in conjunction with Toxic to wear down opposing teams fast.
* Protect is needed to safely get Leech Seed's recovery and it is also used to scout against Pokemon like Galarian Darmanitan and Tapu Koko. dracovish is important here

* Entirety of Flying-type teams benefit from Celesteela's presence on the team.
* Ice and Rock weak Pokemon like Landorus-T, Dragonite, and Zapdos appreciate Celesteela taking on threats like Mamoswine and Tyranitar for the team.
* In return Landorus-T covers Electric-type attacks and deals with threats like Tapu Koko and Zeraroa. Thundurus-T also covers Electric-type attacks for Celesteela while threatening Water-type teams for it.
* Since Celesteela is utilizing a physically defensive set, it can struggle to take on strong special attackers like Galarian Moltres, Hydreigon and Heatran and Pokemon like Mantine should be used to form a pair with it as it can check such Pokemon while also covering Water-types for Celesteela against powerful wallbreakers like Dracovish and Urshifu-R. mantine covers fire as well
* Specially defensive Mandibuzz can also be used to take on certain special attackers like Hydreigon, Spectrier, Gengar and Latios, while also providing with Knock Off support to cripple walls like Toxapex and Galarian Slowking. mandibuzz is outdated. however gmoltres is great for breaking down passive defensive walls like toxapex slowbro and gastrodon that celes cannot
* Zapdos is another great teammate as it can run variety of sets to support Celesteela, specially defensive set forms a core with it while the most threatening Choice Specs set simply blasts away Pokemon like Toxapex, Gastrodon, Ferrothorn etc, making it easier for Celesteela to prove to be a defensive threat to opposing teams.

Other Options

* An offensive set with Autotomize, Meteor Beam and Power Herb as an item can also be used to act as a threatening cleaner however such a set is mostly confined and fits on offensive Flying=type teams and always gets the four move slot syndrome between Air Slash, Flamethrower and Flash Cannon.
* I think flash cannon is useful for kyurem over flamethrower. otherwise getting pressure stalled is not fun
* specially defensive for specs kyurem and nidoking

Checks and Counters

**Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers like Urshifu-R, Urshifu-S, Dracovish, Nidoking, and Choice Specs Spectrier can easily break apart Celesteela and make it too weak to continue taking on physical attackers.

**Electric-type Pokemon**: Pokemon like Thundurus, Alolan Raichu, Tapu Koko can easily beat Celesteela. Magnezone gets a special mention as it can trap Celesteela, preventing it from switching to a check and beats it effectively.

**Fire-type Pokemon** Pokemon like Volcarona, Cinderace, Heatran, Victini threaten and beat Celesteela effectively, however they must watch out for Toxic except Heatran.

**Special Attackers**: Hard hitting special attackers like Hydreigon, Choice Specs Pelipper, Keldeo, Aegislash can heavily dent Celesteela and render it weak to unable to effectively fulfill its role to take on physical attackers. wouldnt this go in the first bullet

**Residual Damage maybe?** (doesnt have reliable recovery)

- Written by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Flying analysis by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Quality checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
QC 1/2
Last edited:



* Celesteela's stellar defensive typing, handy resistances and impressive bulk makes it a potent defensive pivot for Flying-type teams. would def say "mixed" bulk. this is important cause celes's main benefit on flying teams is that it can answer both sides of the spectrum; good spd means it can soft check kyurem as well.
* Its part Steel-typing makes it neutral against Rock-type threats such as Terrakion, Tyranitar and Nihilego and lets it check such Pokemon for Flying-type teams. ice is important to mention
* Its also has quite the colorful movepool, ranging from options such as Leech Seed, Toxic, Flamethrower, Meteor Beam, and Autotomize which lets it run defensive or offensive sets. would transform this bullet into how celes has offensive potential with heavy slam and flamethrower even as a defensive wall. this allows it to beat stuff like dnite and dpult which defog corviknight cannot do
* However Celesteela lacks a reliable recovery move unlike its competitors such as Corviknight and Skarmory which also offer other traits such as being a win condition with Bulk Up in the case of the former and a sturdy defensive wall with Stealth Rock to support in the case of latter. would capitalize more on defog corviknight since thats the more common set nowadays. i wouldnt really even talk about skarm since its kinda bad on flying (you need to run it w/ spd corviknight so u dont lose to kyurem)
* A lack of reliable recovery move and its over reliance on Leech Seed + Protect for recovery on defensive set can be taken advantage of by setup sweepers like Bisharp, Garchomp, and Aegislash. Additionally, it also makes it unable to get health recovery against Grass-types, making it harder for it to beat certain bulky Grass-types like Amoongus.
* As a defensive Pokemon, Celesteela finds it hard to beat stallbreakers like Mew, and Mandibuzz and can get worn out really fast as it is denied recovery moves. this point is kinda weird to me since defensive pokemon arent typically meant to beat stallbreakers. stallbreakers are meant to break down defensive mons and celes is no differentIt also cannot stomach ridiculously strong wallbreaker like Dracovish and Urshifu-R.

name: Defensive (Flying)
move 1: Heavy Slam
move 2: Toxic / Flamethrower put flamethrower over toxic. its far more useful in this meta for. hitting steel teams. would also reorder the moves to leech seed / protect / heavy slam / flamethrower
move 3: Leech Seed
move 4: Protect
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Relaxed / Impish
evs:252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Paragraph 1:
* Heavy Slam is its most powerful move on the set and is also a STAB move , it is important to deal with threatening Rock-. Fairy-, and Ice-type Pokemon like Tyranitar, Tapu Lele and Weavile. It also hits decently hard against neutral targets. name some neutral targets like nidoking, tapu koko, and dpult
* Toxic allows Celesteela to wear down walls such as Swampert, Slowking, Mandibuzz, Mantine and Hippowdon. Wearing such walls overtime with Toxic makes it much easier for Celesteela's offensive teammates like Thundurus-T, Dragonite, and Galarian Zapdos to shine.
* Flamethrower can be used over Toxic and it allows Celesteela to deal with Steel-type Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Aegislash and opposing Celesteela. reorder it to flamethrower then toxic
* Leech Seed is important on the set and is a major way for Celesteela to heal back health while simultaneously draining opposing Pokemon, wearing them down. Leech Seed works amazingly well in conjunction with Toxic to wear down opposing teams fast.
* Protect is needed to safely get Leech Seed's recovery and it is also used to scout against Pokemon like Galarian Darmanitan and Tapu Koko. dracovish is important here

* Entirety of Flying-type teams benefit from Celesteela's presence on the team.
* Ice and Rock weak Pokemon like Landorus-T, Dragonite, and Zapdos appreciate Celesteela taking on threats like Mamoswine and Tyranitar for the team.
* In return Landorus-T covers Electric-type attacks and deals with threats like Tapu Koko and Zeraroa. Thundurus-T also covers Electric-type attacks for Celesteela while threatening Water-type teams for it.
* Since Celesteela is utilizing a physically defensive set, it can struggle to take on strong special attackers like Galarian Moltres, Hydreigon and Heatran and Pokemon like Mantine should be used to form a pair with it as it can check such Pokemon while also covering Water-types for Celesteela against powerful wallbreakers like Dracovish and Urshifu-R. mantine covers fire as well
* Specially defensive Mandibuzz can also be used to take on certain special attackers like Hydreigon, Spectrier, Gengar and Latios, while also providing with Knock Off support to cripple walls like Toxapex and Galarian Slowking. mandibuzz is outdated. however gmoltres is great for breaking down passive defensive walls like toxapex slowbro and gastrodon that celes cannot
* Zapdos is another great teammate as it can run variety of sets to support Celesteela, specially defensive set forms a core with it while the most threatening Choice Specs set simply blasts away Pokemon like Toxapex, Gastrodon, Ferrothorn etc, making it easier for Celesteela to prove to be a defensive threat to opposing teams.

Other Options

* An offensive set with Autotomize, Meteor Beam and Power Herb as an item can also be used to act as a threatening cleaner however such a set is mostly confined and fits on offensive Flying=type teams and always gets the four move slot syndrome between Air Slash, Flamethrower and Flash Cannon.
* I think flash cannon is useful for kyurem over flamethrower. otherwise getting pressure stalled is not fun
* specially defensive for specs kyurem and nidoking

Checks and Counters

**Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers like Urshifu-R, Urshifu-S, Dracovish, Nidoking, and Choice Specs Spectrier can easily break apart Celesteela and make it too weak to continue taking on physical attackers.

**Electric-type Pokemon**: Pokemon like Thundurus, Alolan Raichu, Tapu Koko can easily beat Celesteela. Magnezone gets a special mention as it can trap Celesteela, preventing it from switching to a check and beats it effectively.

**Fire-type Pokemon** Pokemon like Volcarona, Cinderace, Heatran, Victini threaten and beat Celesteela effectively, however they must watch out for Toxic except Heatran.

**Special Attackers**: Hard hitting special attackers like Hydreigon, Choice Specs Pelipper, Keldeo, Aegislash can heavily dent Celesteela and render it weak to unable to effectively fulfill its role to take on physical attackers. wouldnt this go in the first bullet

**Residual Damage maybe?** (doesnt have reliable recovery)

- Written by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Flying analysis by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Quality checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
QC 1/2
Don't forget to implement this :blobwizard:
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Celesteela's stellar defensive typing, handy resistances, [AC] and impressive mixed bulk makes it a potent defensive pivot for Flying-type teams, allowing it to check threats on both spectrum, soft checking Pokemon like Kyurem for the team. Its part Steel-typing makes it neutral against Rock- and Ice-type threats such as Terrakion, Tyranitar and Nihilego and lets it check such Pokemon for Flying-type teams. Its also has quite the colorful movepool, ranging from options such as Leech Seed, Toxic, Flamethrower, Meteor Beam, and Autotomize which lets it run defensive or offensive sets. Even as a defensive wall, Celesteela has offensive potential with Heavy Slam and Flamethrower, letting it beat Pokemon such as Dragonite and Dragapult [Since you mention Flamethrower as offensive potential, replace one of the examples with smth Flamethrower helps against since both the current examples aren't dealt with by Flamethrower.] which its competitor like Defog Corviknight fails to do. However Celesteela lacks a reliable recovery move unlike its competitors like Corviknight which also offer other traits such as being a win condition with Bulk Up or Defog support to the entire team. A lack of reliable recovery move and its over reliance on Leech Seed + Protect for recovery on defensive set can be taken advantage of by setup sweepers like Bisharp, Garchomp, and Aegislash. Additionally, it also makes it unable to get health recovery against Grass-types, making it harder for it to beat certain bulky Grass-types like Amoonguss. It also cannot stomach ridiculously strong wallbreakers like Choice Band Urshifu-R and Choice Specs Aegislash.
[Add that it's easily shut down by stallbreakers as well.]

name: Defensive (Flying)
move 1: Leech Seed
move 2: Protect
move 3: Heavy Slam
move 4: Flamethrower / Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Paragraph 1:

Leech Seed is important on the set and is a major way for Celesteela to heal back health while simultaneously draining opposing Pokemon, wearing them down. Leech Seed works amazingly well in conjunction with Toxic to wear down opposing teams fast. Protect is needed to safely get Leech Seed's recovery and it is also used to scout against Pokemon like Galarian Darmanitan and Choice Specs Tapu Koko. Heavy Slam is its most powerful move on the set and is also a STAB move , it is important to deal with threatening Rock-. Fairy-, and Ice-type Pokemon like Tyranitar, Tapu Lele and Weavile. It also hits decently hard against neutral targets like Nidoking, Tapu Koko, [AC] and Dragapult. Flamethrower is important as it allows Celesteela to deal with Steel-type Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Aegislash, [AC] and opposing Celesteela. Toxic allows Celesteela to wear down walls such as Swampert, Slowking, Mandibuzz, Mantine, [AC] and Hippowdon. Wearing such walls overtime with Toxic makes making it much easier for Celesteela's offensive teammates like Thundurus-T, Dragonite, and Galarian Zapdos to shine.

Entirety of Flying-type teams benefit from Celesteela's presence on the team. Ice and Rock weak Pokemon like Landorus-T, Dragonite, and Zapdos appreciate Celesteela taking on threats like Mamoswine and Tyranitar for the team. In return Landorus-T covers Electric-type attacks and deals with threats like Tapu Koko and Zeraroa. Thundurus-T also covers Electric-type attacks for Celesteela while threatening Water-type teams for it. Since Celesteela is utilizing a physically defensive set, it can struggle to take on strong special attackers like Galarian Moltres, Hydreigon, [AC] and Heatran and Pokemon like Mantine should be used to form a pair with it as it can check such Pokemon while also covering Water- and Fire-types like Urshifu-R and Volcarona. Galarian Moltres is great setup sweeper and wallbreaker to break down passive defensive walls for Celesteela like Toxapex, Gastrodon, [AC] and Slowbro. Zapdos is another great teammate as it can run variety of sets to support Celesteela, specially defensive set forms a core with it while the most threatening Choice Specs set simply blasts away Pokemon like Toxapex, Gastrodon, Ferrothorn etc, making it easier for Celesteela to prove to be a defensive threat to opposing teams.
* Could mention Gapdos as a teammate

Other Options

An offensive set with Autotomize, Meteor Beam and Power Herb as an item can also be used to act as a threatening cleaner however such a set is mostly confined and fits on offensive Flying-type teams and always gets the four move slot syndrome between Air Slash, Flash Cannon, Giga Drain, and Flamethrower. A specially defensive set can also be used to cover better deal threats like Choice Specs Kyurem and Nidoking.

Checks and Counters

**Wallbreakers and Special Attackers**: Powerful wallbreakers like Urshifu-R, Urshifu-S, Dracovish, Nidoking, and Choice Specs Spectrier can easily break apart Celesteela and make it too weak to continue taking on physical attackers.

**Electric-type Pokemon**: Pokemon like Thundurus, Alolan Raichu, Tapu Koko can easily beat Celesteela. Magnezone gets a special mention as it can trap Celesteela, preventing it from switching to a check and beats it effectively.

**Fire-type Pokemon** Pokemon like Volcarona, Cinderace, Heatran, Victini threaten and beat Celesteela effectively, however they must watch out for Toxic except Heatran.

**Residual Damage**: As a defensive Pokemon, Celesteela is susceptible to Knock Off and residual damage from moves like Burn and Stealth Rock chip that can make it weak overtime.


[Focus on walls that are immune to Toxic, could also rename 'Walls' to 'Toxic-immune Walls']

- Written by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Flying analysis by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Quality checked by: [[Decem, 362454], [Maple, 473171]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
QC 2/2
AM check, this is an unofficial GP check so you don't have to implement it and it doesn't count towards 1/2 GP
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AC (Add Comma) RC (Remove Comma)




Celesteela's stellar defensive typing, handy resistances, and impressive mixed bulk makes it a potent defensive pivot for Flying-type teams, allowing it to check physical and special threats on both spectrum,(RC) and soft checking check Pokemon like Kyurem for the team (I assume this is what you meant? If you meant to say Kyurem is soft checked because it is a physical and special attacker, then change to "physical and special threats, therefore soft checking"). Its part Steel- typing (remove hyphen) makes it neutral against Rock- and Ice-type threats such as Terrakion, Tyranitar,(AC) and Nihilego and lets it check such Pokemon for Flying-type teams,(AC) allowing it to check them. Its It also has quite the colorful movepool, ranging from options such as Leech Seed, Toxic, Flamethrower, Meteor Beam, and Autotomize,(AC) which lets letting it run defensive or offensive sets. Even as a defensive wall, Celesteela has offensive potential with Heavy Slam and Flamethrower, letting it beat Pokemon such as Dragonite and Bisharp,(AC) which its competitors like Defog Corviknight fails fail to do. However,(AC) Celesteela lacks a reliable recovery move,(AC) unlike its competitors like (if you add more competitors in then feel free to add this back in) Corviknight,(AC, removed double space) which also offer other traits such as being who can also act as a win condition with Bulk Up or provide Defog support to the entire team. A lack of reliable recovery moves and its over reliance on Leech Seed + Protect for recovery on its defensive set can be taken advantage of by setup sweepers like Bisharp, Garchomp, and Aegislash. Additionally, it also makes it unable to get health recovery recover against Grass-types, making it harder for it to beat certain bulky Grass-types like Amoongus. It also cannot stomach ridiculously strong wallbreakers like Choice Band Urshifu-R and Choice Specs Aegislash. As a defensive Pokemon, Celesteela is also easily shut down by stallbreakers like Mew,(RC) and Mandibuzz.

name: Defensive (Flying)
move 1: Leech Seed
move 2: Protect
move 3: Heavy Slam
move 4: Flamethrower / Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs:252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Paragraph 1:
Leech Seed is important on the set and is as a major way for Celesteela to heal back health while simultaneously draining wearing down opposing Pokemon,(RC) wearing them down. Leech Seed and works amazingly well in conjunction with Toxic to wear down opposing teams fast. Protect is needed to safely get Leech Seed's recovery and it is also used to scout against Pokemon like Galarian Darmanitan and Choice Specs Tapu Koko. Heavy Slam is important to deal with threatening Rock-. Fairy-, and Ice-types Pokemon like Tyranitar, Tapu Lele,(AC) and Weavile. It and also hits decently hard against neutral targets like Nidoking, Tapu Koko, and Dragapult. Flamethrower is important as it allows Celesteela to deal with Steel-types Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Aegislash, and opposing Celesteela. Toxic allows Celesteela to wear down walls such as Swampert, Slowking, Mandibuzz, Mantine, and Hippowdon,(AC) making it much easier for Celesteela's offensive teammates like Thundurus-T, Dragonite, and Galarian Zapdos to shine.

Entirety The entirety of Flying-type teams benefit from Celesteela's presence on the team. Ice-(add hyphen) and Rock-(add hyphen)weak Pokemon like Landorus-T, Dragonite, and Zapdos appreciate Celesteela taking on threats like Mamoswine and Tyranitar for the team. In return,(AC) Landorus-T covers Electric-type attacks and deals with threats like Tapu Koko and Zeraroa. Thundurus-T also covers Electric-type attacks for Celesteela while threatening Water-type teams for it. Since Celesteela is utilizing a physically defensive set, it Physically defensive Celesteela can struggle to take on strong special attackers like Galarian Moltres, Hydreigon, and Heatran and,(AC) so Pokemon like Mantine should be used to form a pair with it as it can check such Pokemon while also covering Water- and Fire-types like Urshifu-R and Volcarona. Galarian Moltres is a great setup sweeper and wallbreaker to that can break down passive defensive walls for Celesteela like Toxapex, Gastrodon, and Slowbro. Zapdos is another great teammate as it can run a variety of sets to support Celesteela,(RC) it; the specially defensive set forms a core with it,(AC) while the most more threatening Choice Specs set simply blasts away Pokemon like Toxapex, Gastrodon, and Ferrothorn etc, making it easier for Celesteela to prove to be a defensive threat to defensively threaten opposing teams. Galarian Zapdos as a teammate can take care of opposing Steel-types Pokemon for Celesteela, especially when Flamethrower is not used on the set. In return, Galarian Zapdos appreciates Celesteela weakening teams for it.

Other Options

An offensive set with Autotomize, Meteor Beam,(AC) and Power Herb as an item can also be used to act as a threatening cleaner;(add semicolon) however,(AC) such a set is mostly confined to and fits on (I feel like this is implied by "confined to") offensive Flying-type teams and always gets the four move slot suffers from four-moveslot syndrome between Air Slash, Flash Cannon, Giga Drain,(AC) and Flamethrower. A specially defensive set can also be used to better deal with threats like Choice Specs Kyurem and Nidoking.

Checks and Counters


**Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers like Urshifu-R, Urshifu-S, Dracovish, Nidoking, and Choice Specs Spectrier can easily break apart Celesteela and make it too weak to continue taking on prevent it from checking physical attackers.

**Residual Damage**: As a defensive Pokemon, Celesteela is susceptible to Knock Off and residual damage from moves like Burn burns and Stealth Rock chip that can make it weak overtime.

**Stallbreakers**: Pokemon like Mew, Mandibuzz, and Drapion can shut down Celesteela and Knock its item away remove its item with Knock Off, denying it recovery and making it vulnerable to being worn out throughout the match.

**Walls**: Celesteela struggles to get past certain defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex.,(remove period, AC. Also removed double space) Slowbro,(AC) and Rotom-W,(AC) all of which can leave Celesteela crippled with a burn or paralysis.

- Written by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Flying analysis by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Quality checked by: [[Decem, 362454], [Maple, 473171]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
Albatros: Add (AC=Add Comma, ASC=Add semicolon) Remove (RC=Remove Comma, RH=Remove hyphen, RP=Remove period)
Milak: Add Remove Comments
when implemented, pls do it carefully!



Celesteela's stellar defensive typing, handy resistances, and impressive mixed bulk makes make it a potent defensive pivot for Flying-type teams, allowing it to check physical and special threats on both spectrum,(RC) and soft checking check Pokemon like Kyurem for the team. Its part Steel- typing(RH) makes it neutral against allows it to check Rock- and Ice-type threats such as Terrakion, Tyranitar,(AC) and Nihilego and lets it check such Pokemon for Flying-type teams,(AC) allowing it to check them (You didn't mention any Ice-type, please add at least one example.). Its It also has quite the colorful movepool, ranging from options such as Leech Seed, Toxic, Flamethrower, Meteor Beam, and Autotomize which lets ,(AC) letting it run defensive or offensive sets. Even as a defensive wall, Celesteela has offensive potential with Heavy Slam and Flamethrower, letting it beat Pokemon such as Dragonite and Bisharp,(AC) which its competitors like Defog Corviknight fails fail to do. However,(AC) Celesteela lacks a reliable recovery move,(AC) unlike its competitors like Corviknight,(AC) which also offer other traits such as being who which can also act as a win condition with Bulk Up or provide Defog support to the entire team. A lack of a reliable recovery moves and its over reliance on Leech Seed + Protect for recovery on its defensive set can be taken advantage of by setup sweepers like Bisharp, Garchomp, and Aegislash. Additionally, it also makes it unable to get health recovery recover against Grass-types, making it harder for it to beat certain bulky Grass-types like Amoongus Amoonguss. It also cannot stomach ridiculously strong wallbreakers like Choice Band Urshifu-R and Choice Specs Aegislash. As a defensive Pokemon, Celesteela is also easily shut down by stallbreakers like Mew,(RC) and Mandibuzz.

name: Defensive (Flying)
move 1: Leech Seed
move 2: Protect
move 3: Heavy Slam
move 4: Flamethrower / Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs:252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Paragraph 1:
Leech Seed is important on the set and is as a major way for allows Celesteela to heal back health while simultaneously draining wearing down opposing Pokemon,(RC) wearing them down. Leech Seed and works amazingly well in conjunction with Toxic to wear down opposing teams fast. Protect is needed to safely get Leech Seed's recovery and it is also used to scout against Pokemon like Galarian Darmanitan and Choice Specs Tapu Koko. Heavy Slam is important to deal with threatening Rock-. Fairy-, and Ice-types Pokemon like Tyranitar, Tapu Lele,(AC) and Weavile.(RP) It and also hits neutral targets like Nidoking, Tapu Koko, and Dragapult decently hard against neutral targets like Nidoking, Tapu Koko, and Dragapult. Flamethrower is important,(AC) as it allows Celesteela to deal with Steel-types Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Aegislash, and opposing Celesteela. Toxic allows Celesteela to wear down walls such as Swampert, Slowking, Mandibuzz, Mantine, and Hippowdon,(AC) making it much easier for Celesteela's offensive teammates like Thundurus-T, Dragonite, and Galarian Zapdos to shine.

Entirety The entirety of Flying-type teams benefit from Celesteela's presence on the team. Ice-(add hyphen) and Rock-(add hyphen)weak Pokemon like Landorus-T, Dragonite, and Zapdos appreciate Celesteela taking on threats like Mamoswine and Tyranitar for the team. In return,(AC) Landorus-T covers Electric-type attacks and deals with threats like Tapu Koko and Zeraroa Zeraora. Thundurus-T also covers Electric-type attacks for Celesteela while threatening Water-type teams for it. Since Celesteela is utilizing a physically defensive set, it Physically defensive Celesteela can struggle to take on strong special attackers like Galarian Moltres, Hydreigon, and Heatran and,(AC) so Pokemon like Mantine should be used to form a pair with it,(AC) as it can check such Pokemon while also covering Water- and Fire-types like Urshifu-R and Volcarona. Galarian Moltres is a great setup sweeper and wallbreaker to that can break down passive defensive walls for Celesteela like Toxapex, Gastrodon, and Slowbro. Zapdos is another great teammate,(AC) as it can run a variety of sets to support Celesteela,(RC) it; the specially defensive set forms a core (specify which type of core and what it does pls, it's very vague) with it,(AC) while the most more threatening Choice Specs set simply blasts away Pokemon like Toxapex, Gastrodon, and Ferrothorn etc, making it easier for Celesteela to prove to be a defensive threat to defensively threaten opposing teams. Galarian Zapdos as a teammate can take care of opposing Steel-types Pokemon for Celesteela, especially when Flamethrower is not used on the set. In return, Galarian Zapdos appreciates Celesteela weakening teams for it.

Other Options

An offensive set with Autotomize, Meteor Beam,(AC) and Power Herb as an item can also be used to act as a threatening cleaner;(ASC) however,(AC) such a set is mostly confined and fits on to offensive Flying-type teams and always gets the four move slot suffers from four-moveslot syndrome, having to choose between Air Slash, Flash Cannon, Giga Drain,(AC) and Flamethrower. A specially defensive set can also be used to better deal with threats like Choice Specs Kyurem and Nidoking.

Checks and Counters


**Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers like Urshifu-R, Urshifu-S, Dracovish, Nidoking, and Choice Specs Spectrier can easily break apart Celesteela and make it too weak to continue taking on prevent it from checking physical attackers.

**Residual Damage**: As a defensive Pokemon, Celesteela is susceptible to Knock Off and residual damage from moves like Burn burns and Stealth Rock chip that can make it weak ovetime wear it down over time.

**Stallbreakers**: Pokemon like Mew, Mandibuzz, and Drapion can shut down Celesteela and Knock its item away remove its item with Knock Off, denying it its recovery and making it vulnerable to being worn out throughout the match.

**Walls**: Celesteela struggles to get past certain defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex.,(remove period, AC. Also removed double space) Slowbro,(AC) and Rotom-W,(AC) all of which can leave Celesteela crippled with a burn or paralysis.

- Written by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Flying analysis by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Quality checked by: [[Decem, 362454], [Maple, 473171]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Milak, 262594], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
add remove (comments)


Celesteela's stellar defensive typing, handy resistances, and impressive mixed bulk make it a potent defensive pivot for Flying teams, allowing it to check physical and special threats and soft check Pokemon like Kyurem. Its part Steel typing allows it to check Rock- and Ice-type threats such as Terrakion, Tyranitar, Nihilego, (AC) and Weavile. It also has quite the colorful movepool, ranging from options such as Leech Seed, Toxic, Flamethrower, Meteor Beam, and Autotomize, letting it run defensive or offensive sets. Even as a defensive wall, Celesteela has offensive potential with Heavy Slam and Flamethrower, letting it beat Pokemon such as Dragonite and Bisharp, which its competitors like Defog Corviknight fail to do. However, Celesteela lacks a reliable recovery move, (RC) unlike Corviknight, which can also act as a win condition wincon with Bulk Up or provide Defog support. A lack of a reliable recovery move and its over reliance on Leech Seed + Protect on its defensive set can be taken advantage of by setup sweepers like Bisharp, Garchomp, and Aegislash. Additionally, it also makes it unable to (spacing) recover against Grass-types, making it harder for it to beat certain bulky Grass-types like Amoonguss. It also cannot stomach ridiculously strong wallbreakers like Choice Band Urshifu-R and Choice Specs Aegislash. Celesteela is also easily shut down by stallbreakers like Mew and Mandibuzz.

name: Defensive (Flying)
move 1: Leech Seed
move 2: Protect
move 3: Heavy Slam
move 4: Flamethrower / Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def (fixed spacing)

Leech Seed allows Celesteela to heal back health while simultaneously wearing down opposing Pokemon (spacing) and works amazingly well in conjunction with Toxic to wear down opposing teams fast. Protect is needed to safely get Leech Seed's recovery and to scout against Pokemon like Galarian Darmanitan and Choice Specs Tapu Koko. Heavy Slam is important to deal with threatening Rock-. Fairy-, and Ice-types like Tyranitar, Tapu Lele, and Weavile and also hits neutral targets like Nidoking, Tapu Koko, and Dragapult decently hard. Flamethrower is important, as it allows Celesteela to deal with Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, Aegislash, and opposing Celesteela. Toxic allows Celesteela to wear down walls such as Swampert, Slowking, Mandibuzz, Mantine, and Hippowdon, making it much easier for Celesteela's offensive teammates like Thundurus-T, Dragonite, and Galarian Zapdos to shine.

The entirety of Flying-type (consistency) teams benefit from Celesteela's presence. Ice- and Rock-weak (spacing) Pokemon like Landorus-T, Dragonite, and Zapdos appreciate Celesteela taking on threats like Mamoswine and Tyranitar. In return, (spacing) Landorus-T covers Electric-type attacks and deals with threats like Tapu Koko and Zeraora. Thundurus-T also covers Electric-type attacks for Celesteela while threatening Water-type teams for it. Physically defensive Celesteela can struggle to take on strong special attackers like Galarian Moltres, Hydreigon, and Heatran, so Pokemon like Mantine should be used to form a pair with it, as it can check such Pokemon while also covering Water- and Fire-types like Urshifu-R and Volcarona. Galarian Moltres is a great setup sweeper and wallbreaker that can break down passive defensive walls for Celesteela like Toxapex, Gastrodon, and Slowbro. Zapdos is another great teammate, as it can run a variety of sets to support it; the specially defensive set forms a defensive core with it, while the more threatening Choice Specs set simply blasts away Pokemon like Toxapex, Gastrodon, and Ferrothorn, making it easier for Celesteela to defensively threaten opposing teams. Galarian Zapdos can take care of opposing Steel-types for Celesteela, especially when Flamethrower is not used on the set. In return, Galarian Zapdos appreciates Celesteela weakening teams for it.

Other Options

An offensive set with Autotomize, Meteor Beam, and Power Herb can also be used to act as a threatening cleaner; however, such a set is mostly confined (spacing) to offensive Flying-type teams and suffers from four-moveslot syndrome, having to choose between Air Slash, Flash Cannon, Giga Drain, and Flamethrower. A specially defensive set can also be used to better deal with threats like Choice Specs Kyurem and Nidoking.

Checks and Counters

**Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers like Urshifu-R, Urshifu-S, Dracovish, Nidoking, and Choice Specs Spectrier can easily break apart Celesteela and prevent it from checking physical attackers.

**Residual Damage**: As a defensive Pokemon, Celesteela is susceptible to Knock Off and residual damage from burns and Stealth Rock chip that can wear it down over time.

**Stallbreakers**: Pokemon like Mew, Mandibuzz, and Drapion can shut down Celesteela and remove its item with Knock Off, denying its recovery and making it vulnerable to being worn out throughout the match.

**Walls**: Celesteela struggles to get past certain defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex, Slowbro, and Rotom-W, (spacing) all of which can leave Celesteela crippled with a burn or paralysis.

- Written by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Flying analysis by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Quality checked by: [[Decem, 362454], [Maple, 473171]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Milak, 262594], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
2/2 :blobthumbsup: