characteristics that do/don't make sense

just post pokemon you have with characteristics that do or don't make sense. for example, i have a snorlax with likes to eat, which makes perfect sencse, and a tentacruel with likes to run lol.
I have a friend with a Brave Azelf who's "Quick to flee". And now for a list of some of my funny ones:
  • Spiritomb - Likes to run
  • Magikarp - Proud of its power
  • Chansey - Likes to fight
  • Drifloon - Sturdy body
I also have a "Highly curious" Carnivine, whose humour comes from the fact that it's Docile, and therefore "Happily eats anything". I've also seen a "Sturdy body" Shedinja. The first person to get a Vigoroth who "Often dozes off" wins the thread.
I'm not an expert at all on the anime, I haven't seen it since the late 90s, but didn't Giovanni fight a Chansey that had boxing gloves on?
That was one of Meowth's wacky "Boss Fantasies" where he thinks of a way Giovanni would use the Pokemon in a really stupid way. Other examples were using Articuno as air-con, and riding Deoxys in space.
Gastly with Sturdy Body
Octillery with Likes to Run
Whismur with Alert to Sounds
Darkrai with Impetuous and Silly
Bellsprout with Likes to thrash about.

Yeah =\
Well my Relaxed Miltank "Likes to Relax". Instead of looking for ones that don't go together I look for ones that do.
Last Friday, I hatched a bunch of Shroomish, and one of them was Relaxed, and its characteristic was that it likes to thrash about (but the characteristic is the same for a lot of them). What the heck.
I have a Vigoroth,that often dozes off,
Winner. I have an "Often dozes off" Snorlax, on the logical side of things. Back with the silly, I have a "Quick tempered" Blissey and a "Likes to thrash about" Gastly. And I also have a "Highly curious" Pikachu, that just sounds really cute. A little off topic, I have a Timid Rayquaza. "I'm afraid of heights!" lol
I have a Pichu with a Sturdy body who likes bitter food. Tough Pichu, huh? I have a Piplup that loves to eat (the Pokedex says he doesn't like accepting food).
Unown are really cute with these characteristics.
But this is the best find:

Luvdisc capable of taking hits. O_o
Along with my Tauros that's often lost in thought. ._.