Doubles Chi-Yu


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Chi-Yu @ Grassy Seed
Ability: Beads of Ruin
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 92 Def / 120 SpA / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Heat Wave
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
- Protect

This new Chi-Yu set has made quite the splash in Doubles! Opting for Grassy Seed and defensive investment, the additional survivability lets it fish for setup opportunities instead of using the typical Choice item sets. At +2, 120 SpA Chi-Yu OHKOes Landorus-T and Cresselia with Dark Pulse and Rillaboom and Amoonguss with Heat Wave. Chi-Yu appreciates support from Tornadus and fast allies that can alleviate its own middling Speed tier, such as Flutter Mane. Fake Out users, like Rillaboom and Iron Hands create easier setup opportunities and beat the Water-types that threaten Chi-Yu, with the former being required to activate Grassy Seed and granting passive recovery with Grassy Terrain. Chi-Yu also sets up easily against support Pokemon like Cresselia and Rillaboom that do not have effective ways of harming it. A Tera type of Water improves Chi-Yu's matchup into Water types, such as Palafin and Volcanion, and is a generally good defensive typing.
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- opting for a grassy seed and bulk investment, chi-yu's high bulk lets it fish for setup opportunities to fire off strong attacks. weak pun game
- Tera Grass Iron Hands isn't the best example since it doesn't die if AV, would just use amoonguss here
- protect in 3rd slot is criminal
- make it more explicit that it wants fake out support by leading with this idea in the teammates section, as it's difficult to set up without. also say that it can setup against opposing support pokemon like rillaboom and cresselia

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Chi-Yu @ Grassy Seed
Ability: Beads of Ruin
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 92 Def / 120 SpA / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Heat Wave
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
- Protect

This new Chi-Yu set has made quite the splash in Doubles! Opting for Grassy Seed and defensive investment, the additional survivability lets it fish for setup opportunities instead of using the as opposed to typical Choice item sets. (this read a little awkwardly) At +2, 120 SpA Chi-Yu OHKOes Landorus-T and Cresselia with Dark Pulse and Rillaboom and Amoonguss with Heat Wave. Chi-Yu appreciates support from Tornadus and fast allies who that can alleviate its own middling Speed tier, such as Flutter Mane. Fake Out users, (AC) like Rillaboom and Iron Hands, (AC) create easier setup opportunities and beat the Water-types that threaten Chi-Yu, with the former being requited required to activate Grassy Seed and granting passive recovery with Grassy Terrain. Chi-Yu also sets up easily against support Pokemon like Cresselia and Rillaboom who that do not have effective ways of harming it. A Tera Type type of Water is chosen to improves Chi Yu's matchup into Water types, (AC) such as Palafin and Volcanion, as well as being and is a generally good defensive typing.