Chimpact's trade thread *Hidden Power Ice Gastly/Rotom-W available*

Im interested in the marill, the gastly and the herracross Ive got a 4 iv adamant dratini if youd like to trade one of yours for it?
Hi the Female Heracross you gave me was 4IV. The deal was 5IV?

i'm sorry for the confusion but the only thing you mentioned was a female hera and a 6 iv male hera iirc. I labelled the hera as a 4 iv one im sure. I could trade back the 4 for a 5 iv one when i get another.


Adamant Nature
Rock Blast / Pursuit
31/31/31/x/31/31 ♂

CMT for Male Heracross!
interested in a maril... i have 31/31/31/xx/31/00 Brave Larvitar (for trick room, obviously) and Careful Intimidate Support Gyarados... i play double
for a bold rotom with hp ice, i will offer you 5 iv (all in the right places) gale wings fletchling, brave 0 speed iv honedge, bold wish evee, and adamant charmander with dragon dance flare blitz and outrage, give me like 2 days so i can breed them atm i have a lot of schoolwork :(
I've got 5IV spitbacks of Torchic (Speed Boost, Jolly, Baton Pass), Gligar (Immunity, Impish), Froakie (Protean, Naive) and Deino as well as 31/x/31/31/31/31 Modest Sap Sipper Goomy. I'm interested in one of your Rotoms with HP Ice
interested in a maril... i have 31/31/31/xx/31/00 Brave Larvitar (for trick room, obviously) and Careful Intimidate Support Gyarados... i play double

Are you interested in anything else? If not I'll take the larvitar.
I've got 5IV spitbacks of Torchic (Speed Boost, Jolly, Baton Pass), Gligar (Immunity, Impish), Froakie (Protean, Naive) and Deino as well as 31/x/31/31/31/31 Modest Sap Sipper Goomy. I'm interested in one of your Rotoms with HP Ice
Unfortunately I have all of those already. Sorry.
Are you interested in a pair of spitback pinsirs for a pair of spitback froakies?
I have Pinsirs, sorry.
for a bold rotom with hp ice, i will offer you 5 iv (all in the right places) gale wings fletchling, brave 0 speed iv honedge, bold wish evee, and adamant charmander with dragon dance flare blitz and outrage, give me like 2 days so i can breed them atm i have a lot of schoolwork :(
Is it a HA Eevee?