China tries to control weather before the Olympics!

Well, people who live in cleaner air places (wow...) will have trouble in China, with all the pollutants in teh air.
I hope that the clouds above Beijing will be a bitch and don't start raining until just before 8 o'clock on the 8th of August!

Seriously, hoping to control the weather is just futile. It's hard to influence nature, and the weather is one of those things we just shouldn't mess with in my opinion.
why even mess with nature. we shouldn't even try to control it. it's nature and meant to be left to operate on its own
the wierd thing is I heard about this 2 months ago :/

This is rather interesting though, I heard that their average day of smog is equal to highest la smog or something.
I've been to Beijing. Before they started cleaning for the Olympics, I could stare at the sun through the smog, with nothing between my eyes and the sun except the smog, without any kind of pain.
Just seeing the pictures on television makes me wonder what kind of shape that city is in.

If they control the weather (somehow) maybe it'll get better? I hope?
why even mess with nature. we shouldn't even try to control it. it's nature and meant to be left to operate on its own

yeah, like when people get cancer, we shouldn't bother curing it or anything, because it's nature!

<insert any number of comparable examples here>
It's natural to dig holes in the ground to take a shit, but we've got these terribly unnatural contraptions called toilets, which people seem to prefer..
honestly. 'because it's nature' is the worst argument ever.