AAA Choiced Gholdengo [Done]

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name: Choiced Attacker
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Make It Rain
move 3: Trick
move 4: Nasty Plot / Recover
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Regenerator / Earth Eater / Good as Gold
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice item Gholdengo uses its excellent typing and stats to frustrate offensive teams and Trick to cripple its defensive checks. Choice Scarf outspeeds key threats like Dragapult, Iron Bundle, and +1 Dragonite and neutral natured Baxcalibur, while Choice Specs puts more pressure on defensive teams. Regenerator allows Gholdengo to function as an offensive pivot and repeatedly check foes like Baxcalibur, while Good as Gold deters Defog attempts from Corviknight. Trick cripples most walls—such as Corviknight— by giving them a Choice Scarf or Choice Specs, making them much less effective at doing their jobs. Nasty Plot is a great option after using Trick, while Recover fits on the Good as Gold and Earth Eater variants. Gholdengo finds itself at home on balance and offense teams that can utilize its many helpful traits, such as preventing Defog and crippling specially defensive walls. Entry hazard setters like Ting-Lu pair well with Gholdengo, and other special attackers like Iron Bundle and Dragapult capitalize on Gholdengo taking out the opposing walls.

- Written by: [[SparksBlade, 225217]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Isaiah, 375662]]
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name: Choiced Attacker
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Make It Rain
move 3: Trick
move 4: Nasty Plot / Recover
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Good as Gold / Regenerator / Good as Gold
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

One of the few Pokemon who can just run its regular ability in the format, Gholdengo can be a scary special attacker and a late game sweeper with the good coverage provided by its STABs Choice item Gholdengo uses its excellent typing and stats to frustrate offensive teams and Trick to cripple its defensive checks. Choice Scarf allows it to outspeed outspeeds key threats like Dragapult and Flutter Mane, as well as +1 Dragonite and neutral +1 Baxcalibur, while Choice Specs makes for an even stronger attacker boosting its already impressive Special Attack puts more pressure on defensive teams. Good as Gold helps it prevent all forms of hazard removal, which is very helpful on hazard stacking teams. On the other hand, Regenerator allows it to utilize it's great defensive typing and switch in more freely to fire off attacks Regenerator allows it to function as an offensive pivot and repeatedly check foes like Baxcalibur, while Good as Gold deters Defog attempts from Corviknight. Shadow Ball and Make It Rain are strong STAB options that together have a wide coverage which often will be all you need. minis don't need to explain STAB moves Trick allows Gholdengo to cripple any walls that switch in cripples most walls, for example Corviknight, locking them with a Choice Scarf or Choice Specs and making them much less potent in doing their jobs. Nasty Plot is a great option after using Trick, because at that point the Specially Defensive wall isn't as effective, and you can boost your Special Attack freely while Recover is an option on the Good as Gold variant. Gholdengo finds itself at home on balance and offensive teams which can utilize it's its many helpful traits in keeping entry hazards up or crippling specially defensive walls. Hazard Entry hazard setters like Ting-Lu can be good partners with Gholdengo preventing their removal, and other special attackers like Flutter Mane and Dragapult also fit well on these teams to take advantage of Gholdengo taking out the walls.

- Written by: [[SparksBlade, 225217]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 1/2!

name: Choiced Attacker
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Make It Rain
move 3: Trick
move 4: Nasty Plot / Recover
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Regenerator / Earth Eater / Good as Gold
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice item Gholdengo uses its excellent typing and stats to frustrate offensive teams and Trick to cripple its defensive checks. Choice Scarf outspeeds key threats like Dragapult and Flutter Mane, as well as +1 Dragonite and neutral +1 Baxcalibur, while Choice Specs puts more pressure on defensive teams. Regenerator allows it to function as an offensive pivot and repeatedly check foes like Baxcalibur, while Good as Gold deters Defog attempts from Corviknight. Trick cripples most walls, for example Corviknight, locking them with a Choice Scarf or Choice Specs and making them much less potent in doing their jobs. Nasty Plot is a great option after using Trick, while Recover fits on the Good as Gold and Earth Eater variants. Gholdengo finds itself at home on balance and offensive teams which can utilize its many helpful traits in keeping entry hazards up or crippling specially defensive walls. Entry hazard setters like Ting-Lu can be good partners with Gholdengo preventing their removal, and other special attackers like Flutter Mane and Dragapult also fit well on these teams to take advantage of Gholdengo taking out the walls.

- Written by: [[SparksBlade, 225217]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 2/2
qc stamp 1.gif
name: Choiced Attacker
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Make It Rain
move 3: Trick
move 4: Nasty Plot / Recover
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
ability: Regenerator / Earth Eater / Good as Gold
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice item Gholdengo uses its excellent typing and stats to frustrate offensive teams and Trick to cripple its defensive checks. Choice Scarf outspeeds key threats like Dragapult and Flutter Man, Iron Bundle, as well asnd +1 Dragonite and neutral +1natured Baxcalibur, while Choice Specs puts more pressure on defensive teams. Regenerator allows itGholdengo to function as an offensive pivot and repeatedly check foes like Baxcalibur, while Good as Gold deters Defog attempts from Corviknight. Trick cripples most walls, for example—such as Corviknight, lock— by giving them with a Choice Scarf or Choice Specs and, making them much less poteneffective at in doing their jobs. Nasty Plot is a great option after using Trick, while Recover fits on the Good as Gold and Earth Eater variants. Gholdengo finds itself at home on balance and offensive teams whichthat can utilize its many helpful traits in keep, such as preventing entry hazards up orDefog and crippling specially defensive walls. Entry hazard setters like Ting-Lu can be good partnersir well with Gholdengo preventing their removal, and other special attackers like Flutter ManIron Bundle and Dragapult also fit well on these teams to take advantage ofcapitalize on Gholdengo taking out the opposing walls.

- Written by: [[SparksBlade, 225217]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1Isaiah, 375662]]

GP 1/1
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