OC Circus Maximus and the Temple Mafia of Doom - Game Over, Town Relics Win!

It's worth remembering for town:
1. Temple info is valuable
2. Mafia have better starting into of temple, they can send more people into it and upon death, retain information from that visit
3. Mafia can trade that info with each other if desired
4. If you learn something but die before you share it, then town ultimately learns nothing.

For town to start catching up, we both need to be vigilant who we share it with (no reason to give mafia even more info). But also need to find ways we can share and collaborate to pool our knowledge.

All this said, there is an important thing to note.

Town can afford more losses than mafia.

Town can and should risk more dangerous temples that mafia simply can't. For town, if we lose people to temple deaths, that's bad but manageable. For mafias with smaller faction numbers, it can be game ending.
All this said, there is an important thing to note.

Town can afford more losses than mafia.

Town can and should risk more dangerous temples that mafia simply can't. For town, if we lose people to temple deaths, that's bad but manageable. For mafias with smaller faction numbers, it can be game ending.
ya well thats good news but still mafia could kill more town and use actions in the temples
And they will kill town, that's a given. But we should still try to be more risky with temples at the start when we have the bigger number advantage, especially if like me, you have a role that's basically vanilla.

A big thing to consider, is that this is a 3 faction game with 2 mafia factions. Mafia's have to be worried about town steamrolling, but they also have to be worried about the other faction gaining too much information or power.
And they will kill town, that's a given. But we should still try to be more risky with temples at the start when we have the bigger number advantage, especially if like me, you have a role that's basically vanilla.

A big thing to consider, is that this is a 3 faction game with 2 mafia factions. Mafia's have to be worried about town steamrolling, but they also have to be worried about the other faction gaining too much information or power.
Night Zero concludes.

You all look around expectantly, but unfortunately, nobody who made it into a probability temple took a bad roll. You eagerly sit back to see if any adventurers on Day 1 encounter their demise.

An advice-seeker has submitted a letter, in need of your advice:
Dear Darling Darla,

My boyfriend started a new job recently and against my wishes he's taken to "grabbing a drink with the boys" sometimes after he clocks out for the day. While we do need the money his job brings in if we are gonna buy a house and start a family, I feel uneasy about these new additions to his life. I trust my boyfriend completely, but I think we should only need each other and he shouldn't try making connections with his co-workers.

The past few weeks I've taken to siphoning a small amount of his blood each night and dosing his morning coffee with some of the pills the doctor gave me to keep me from going into one of my blue moods. I've been very careful about slowly increasing the blood taken and pills added as to not cause suspicion or overwhelm him, but I'm worried about him. How can I get him to see that he only needs me in his life?

Lovey Dovey

PS: What should I do with the drained blood? I currently have it in a mason jar labeled tomato juice, but my boyfriend almost drank from it the other day before work.

Ring, ring. A bell tolls in the town center, beckoning you to gather round. You come together to hear the proclamation for the day:
As my eyes saw it last night, in this year of our Lord 2024, the masses assembled included the following fealties:
Town Relic
Town Relic
Town Relic
Town Relic
Town Relic

All results should now be out. If you are in an Adventure Temple, you should have the first stage of your path. You will learn the result at Day One's conclusion.

It is now Day One. D1 will end in 22.5 hours, at 5pm PDT 6/30.

Please alert me to any concerns about results posthaste.

All aliases which vote for the winning wagon will be listed at the end of the Day. If more than 2/3 of the living players vote for one target, anyone who places no vote will also be included in the list.

Remember to use the "!vote" format in the OP. I will be ctrl-fing votes ONLY, yours WILL be skipped if you ignore the format.
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I really did not want to have to do this what with my attention being split on Survivor, but i guess if no one else is going to even try and step up and gather clais, I will.


This is me. I am the village town crier and I've been blessed to have cleaned 5 villagers last night. Perfect for a solid village core.

Dear LonelyNess
You are The Town Crier.

Alias: Lol yeah right

Once upon a time, people got their news by you ringing a bell and shouting from the belltower. Now, who needs you? Everyone has a cellphone.

Each night, you may send “NX - Proclaim the news about TEMPLE” to the host. TEMPLE will have the alignments of everyone who visited it that night publicly posted with the night update. There will not be any aliasnames posted, however. This will only succeed if there are between 2 and 5 people visiting TEMPLE. You cannot visit TEMPLE the same night you target it. If you check 4 or 5 people on one night, the subsequent night, you will fail if there are more than 2 people visiting TEMPLE.

Each night, you must send “NX - Visit TEMPLE” to the host. You may include any other conditions for entry you like. If you are visiting a probability temple, please include a number from 1-100. If you are visiting an adventure temple, be aware you will need to complete the activity during the day.

You are allied with the Town Relics. You win if the Proper Comedic Timing Relics and the Utility Players are eliminated while at least one Town Relic is still alive.

In addition to myself, you can trust Mekkah, dak, and saberslasher. They will corroborate the claim I am making right now if you are concerned.

Anyway, regrettably we don't have time to waste because of a 24 hour cycle. So we're going to be doing the good old fashioned "start a roll on someone until they claim" strategy. Aura Guardian's vote is as good as any other. So !vote Longhorn Cowfish
Ln seems pretty town, but it's worth remembering there's confirmed result forgery in this game so there's non zero chance that there's mafia in those 5.

That said, I trust Ln based on claim and vibes in our 1:1
Redless — Today at 11:05 PM why can mekkah, dak, and saberslasher vouch for you?
LonelyNess — Today at 11:06 PM they can confirm that they went to temple of heaven
Redless — Today at 11:07 PM that sounds like you vouching for them, no?
LonelyNess — Today at 11:09 PM it's... both? i am confirming that they're villagers, they're confirming that they did in fact go to heaven and get targeted by my role
Redless — Today at 11:09 PM did they get told in dm that they were targeted by your role or could you just be a generic announcer
LonelyNess — Today at 11:10 PM i mean i COULD but i'd have to know that ahead of time that only 5 people went to heaven which seems a bit difficult bordering on impossible
Redless — Today at 11:11 PM seems pretty doable to me tbh, just pick a high number and if you get less claims than that, you can just say you got less claims than that
and you certainly picked a high number
anyways, I'm cautiously optimistic about you
mind if I post this exchange in the thread?
LonelyNess — Today at 11:12 PM nope i got nothing to hide. also, would you mind throwing a vote on the person i chose so we can start sweating people otherwise we have nothing to go off of for today's lynch

I'm cautiously optimistic about LN. I haven't shown any skin to him but I could definitely see trusting him as a good place to start.

!vote Longhorn Cowfish
Lol LN >50% chance LN is mafia and claimed 3 cores are clear just to give himself street credit.

Please don’t claim anything.

Our best course of action is to stick to teams of 3 and explore temples that way. Mafia has to divide their attention and if they flake on the temple assignments or whatever they’re obviously scum.

I nominate Ullar to lead the town