classic warcraft III Frozen Throne custom maps

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
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at uni i revisit this game occasionally in moments of extreme boredom.

i have rediscovered monster master, and got onto this rpg called Guilds of Hyppos (GoH), coincidentally by the same maker, Robbepop, as monster master. It's actually really well made, you can level up to 60, have up to 6 spells, customize your skill tree, go on quests, have boss battles, etc. pretty fun over LAN

you have your classics like wintermaul and other TDs / TD wars / Hero survival (enfos) / Maze games / Tag games. these are fun, but get old in a matter of minutes.

have to mention footmen frenzy.

the nice thing is dota 2 will soon (valve time) be releasing custom map support/possibly a custom map editor, giving these maps new life. hopefully sooner rather than later but you never know with valve.
Footmen Frenzy was so damn fun back in the day (around vers 4.3, iirc); of course now getting 12 players together isn't really viable.