Pokémon Clefable (Revamp)

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Clefable - Approved by Aragorn the King, original OP here

Name: Clefable (#036)
Type: Fairy
Base Stats: 95 HP / 70 Atk / 73 Def / 95 SpA / 90 SpD / 60 Spe
Notable Moves: (STABs in Bold)

  • Calm Mind
  • Moonblast
  • Thunder Wave
  • Aromatherapy/Heal Bell
  • Fire Blast/Flamethrower
  • Wish
  • Protect
  • Ice Beam
  • Focus Blast
  • Softboiled*
  • Moonlight
  • Stored Power
  • Healing Wish
  • Knock Off
  • Stealth Rock
  • Thunderbolt
  • Encore
  • Psyshock
*Move tutor in FR/LG, incompatible with Unaware

Cute Charm: The opponent has a 30% chance of being infatuated when using an attack that requires physical contact against this Pokémon.
Magic Guard: Prevents all damage except for direct-attack moves.
Unaware (Hidden): Ignores foe's stat modifications when taking or dealing damage.

Analysis: At first glance, Clefable seems far inferior on both the offensive side and defensive side to it's fairy cousins such as Sylveon, Gardevoir and Togekiss. However, Clefable has something far worth using than it's other fairy brethren possess - ability. Two stellar abilities in Magic Guard and Unaware, the former making it immune to status and capable of switching in infinitely and the latter allowing it to neutralise set-up sweepers such as Mega Pinsir and using them as set-up bait instead. It's newfound fairy typing, decent 95/73/90 bulk as well as a extremely wide offensive and supportive movepool gives Clefable a lot of versatility as well as the tankiness required to sweep with Calm Mind.

Potential Movesets:

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Softboiled
- Flamethrower / Stored Power / Focus Blast

This set makes use of Clefable's stellar typing and decent bulk to act as a tanky set-up sweeper. What differentiates it from other set-up sweepers such as Gyarados and Pinsir is that Magic Guard makes Clefable impossible to wear-down with status and phazing (hazards), and after a few Calm Mind boosts the fairy becomes nigh-impossible to take out bar hax. Moonblast is Clefable's main STAB and is quite powerful after a few boosts. Softboiled increases it's longevity as well as the Leftovers it is holding, and is used over Moonlight because of higher PP and is unaffected by weather. The last slot is a toss-up. Flamethrower can be used to beat steel types such as Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Metagross etc., whilst Focus Blast hits Heatran, as well as still hitting Metagross, Skarmory for neutral damage. Stored Power is also slashed because of how easily Clefable sets up and slaughters Chansey, Mega Venusaur and Tentacruel at +6. Life Orb is an option over Leftovers but comes at the cost of sacrificing some bulk.
Max HP maximizes Clefable's bulk. 172 defense avoids the OHKO from banded Scizor's Bullet Punch, LO Latios' Psyshock, Jolly Mega Gyarados' Waterfall, the 2HKO from Jolly Mega Lopunny's Return whilst the 84 special defense in tandem with a Calm nature avoids the 2HKO from Thundurus' Thunderbolt, Life Orb Kyurem-Black's Ice Beam, Mega Venusaur's Sludge Bomb at +2.

**Unaware Wall**
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Moonlight/Wish
- Thunder Wave/Protect
- Heal Bell

This set makes use of Clefable's other ability - Unaware, able to take opposing set-up sweepers as set-up bait thus neutralizing the threat. Moonblast is Clefable's obligatory STAB move, hitting bulkier threats such as Rotom-W for decent damage. Moonlight is the recovery for Clefable, used over Softboiled since it is incompatible with Unaware being a gen 3 tutor move, though unreliable at times in the face of weather as well as having not a lot of PP. A classic Wish-tect combo can be used if you don't like Moonlight. Thunder Wave cripples common switch-ins to Clefable such as Mega Charizard Y, Talonflame and Gengar, and Heal Bell relieves the team and itself of status, so that Clefable isn't as easy to wear down. Stealth Rock is also an option if lacking a setter and dissuades fire types such as Charizard and Volcarona from switching in on free.
Given EVs maximize Clefable's bulk. 248 HP gives it a Stealth Rock number, max defense for the most bulk possible, and the rest is dumped into special defense. Leftovers increases longevity. This set acts as a stop to set-up sweepers such as Pinsir and Talonflame.

**Stealth Rock Setter**
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Moonblast
- Fire Blast
- Soft-Boiled

This set makes use of Clefable's movepool as well as access to Stealth Rock to become a reliable hazard setter. What differentiates it from other Stealth Rock setters such as Garchomp, Azelf, Ferrothorn etc. is Clefable's ability to beat Mega Sableye, a huge bane for hazard setters, as well as defog, or spin users such as Skarmory, Mandibuzz and Excadrill (on the switch). Moonblast is Clefable's main STAB, letting it power through Mega Sableye as well as the plethora of Fighting, Dark and Dragon types in the tier. Fire Blast murders Mega Scizor and Excadrill and 2HKOs Ferrothorn and Skarmory. Flamethrower can be used, but will miss out on the KO's above. Soft-boiled increases longevity letting Clefable come in and set-up hazards many times if required. An option over Fire Blast would be Thunder Wave to cripple faster threats, but missing out on the ability to beat Excadrill, Skarmory, Ferrothorn etc. really does hurt.
The given EVs maximizes Clefable's bulk with 252 EVs invested in HP. 172 defense avoids the OHKO from banded Scizor's Bullet Punch, LO Latios' Psyshock, Jolly Mega Gyarados' Waterfall and the 2HKO from Mega Lopunny's Return, whilst the 84 special defense in tandem with a Calm nature avoids the 2HKO from Thundurus' Thunderbolt, Life Orb Kyurem-Black's Ice Beam and offensive Mega Venusaurs Sludge Bomb at +2.

Other Sets:

  • A stallbreaker set with 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpA with a Bold Nature and Life Orb 2HKOs Chansey with Moonblast at +6. However if Chansey is a problem Stored Power can be used on the main set which still achieves the 2HKO.
  • Unaware + Calm Mind breaks Manaphy, Calm Mind Sableye and Cro- Mega Slowbro and can also take boosted foes as set-up fodder.
  • A tank set with max HP and max special attack with Moonblast, Fire Blast, Softboiled and a filler move can be used, making use of Clefable's immense movepool. Thunderbolt lures in Mega Charizard Y and Talonflame, Ice Beam decimates stallbreaker Gliscor and both Landorus formes, Focus Blast hits Heatran, Psyshock hits Tentacruel and Mega Venusaur.
Other Move Options:
  • Hidden Power Ground still nails Heatran and Magnezone whilst not having to resort to Focus Blast's low accuracy.
  • Knock Off could be used on the defensive set to cripple switch-ins such as Talonflame and Jirachi. Alternately a set of Knock Off + Thunder Wave can cripple Heatran so that something like Volcarona or Mega Pidgeot has an easier time dealing with it.
  • Encore on a Magic Guard set stops set-up sweepers up cold allowing Clefable to boost in their face.
  • Healing Wish provides invaluable support to teammates and effectively gives sweepers a second life.
  • Dual screens is an option, but there are better screeners than Clefable.
NOTE: Do not use Cosmic Power Clefable, it relies on multiple boosts to deal damage with a non-STAB Stored Power, and is full-on set-up bait, not to mention the zero offensive capabilities it has to actually become a threat to teams. It is also prone to being critted and OHKOed.

Clefable has risen from zero to hero in the transition from BW to XY, what else is the reason for this, and even with all the fire types and steel types around, how effective is Clefable still? In light of Metagross' suspect, how will a potential ban affect Clefable?

Feel free to discuss any other sets for Clefable and tell me to include stuff I haven't yet! :)
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Would it be possible to mention Life orb as an option for the Magic Guard set? Or the possibility of running Calm Mind Unaware to win boosting wars?
LO Clef isn't as good since you'll need to get rid of some bulk, might add it as a small mention on the first set. CM Unaware is outclassed by MG since it is easily worn down by status.
I would mention a LO set, if only because that set can stallbreak against Chansey. With a spread of 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpA it can 2HKO most Chansey 100% of the time.

+6 80 SpA Life Orb Clefable Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 352-417 (50 - 59.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I think I got that from the dex analysis, there's more details there iirc. I would also slash Stored Power on the CM set you have posted, and take off either Flamethrower or Fire Blast because you don't really need to list both.
Oh yeah, I saw that on the dex a while ago, I guess it classifies as a stallbreaker set?
Oh yeah, I saw that on the dex a while ago, I guess it classifies as a stallbreaker set?
Should note then that Clefable needs Rocks to guarantee the break on Chansey. The calc includes sets that invest in both defenses over HP and Physical, and the power difference means the 2HKO isn't locked in with 80 investment unless there's hazard or prior damage.

+6 80 SpA Life Orb Clefable Moonblast vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 282-333 (43.9 - 51.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Should note then that Clefable needs Rocks to guarantee the break on Chansey. The calc includes sets that invest in both defenses over HP and Physical, and the power difference means the 2HKO isn't locked in with 80 investment unless there's hazard or prior damage.

+6 80 SpA Life Orb Clefable Moonblast vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 282-333 (43.9 - 51.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
I'm not sure what most Chansey run as far as EVs, the calc defaults to what you posted but 1695 usage stats show 50% of Chansey run some kind of max HP, Max Defense mix. Then around 25% max both defenses, and 25% fall in the dreaded other category. It's a toss up really but when laddering or something of that nature I find you can assume that a portion players will just hit the auto fill button, which I believe makes Chansey physically defensive. But js, the calc also assumes that Char-X runs Adamant when it should run Jolly (to better beat Landorus-T), so what the calc defaults to isn't infallible.
I'd honestly just leave the sets as is. A lot of people use sets like Moonblast, Twave, Softboiled, Calm Mind and like 20+ different variations which includes moves and item options so it's sort of silly to define a set when in most cases it's a team dependent thing. You might want to mention that the notable move Cosmic Power is garbage because it creates 0 offensive capabilities that Clefable wants to have to be a threat towards stall-breakers such as SpDef Taunt Glisco, just to name one. CM still deserves a mention under Unaware sets as the it's the answer to dangerous defensive set up sweepers such as M-Sableye, Manaphy (sort of), and the big one being M-Slowbro.

As far as the Life Orb set goes it falls under what I just stated with the variety of its movepool. Team dependent and no real specific set that people will use. If my team is Gliscor weak I go Ice beam, TFlame weak Thunderbolt, Heatran weak Focus Blast, etc etc. Also Life Orb, again the variation thing, doesn't really need specific EVs since you have the luxury of running a defensive spread as both a defensive and offensive tool with. Generally its tank set is considered to use HP and SpAtk but it's all based on, again, team needs.
Thanks Dark Nostalgia for the the new Thread. Big improvement over the old one and the queen of faries certainly deserved it

I predominately use clefable as sweeping win con with perks (support, walling) and no matter the team she always seems to find a spot since she is so great at what she does. I'd have to say there is nothing else like her in OU making her my favourite OU mon. Magic guard especially as it ignores hazards and Stop's stall main means of doing dmg giving her multiple switch in opportunities threw out a game to let her check stuff beyond her usual role before sweeping to win.

Anyway Make sure you slash T-wave and 252HP/252DEF/4SDEF bold on the calm mind set as options to since both work just as well as the mixed bulk set. Thunder wave lets clefable set up on her usual woodbe checks such as Zards, Heatran. as well as lure in and cripple Metagross and scizors lacking swords dance and lets her support the team beyond a sweeping role and is important especially for slower bulkier teams. T-wave is to put simply fantastic. As for my prefered Spread while not as good as her mixed bulk set at checking special threats early game It is better later when you start setting up because after calm mind or 2 I find it doesn't really matter as anything that could kill her specially anyway is walled and avoiding OHKOs/2hkos after some prior dmg from physical attacks is definatly a viable option for players.

Toxic to is a viable option on the calm mind set as it lets her beat opposing calm minders tho im not sure its worth the slash. At the end of the day tho aside from calm mind and unaware cleric with clefs movepool and fantastic abilities she can do pretty much any thig she wants. Set rocks, Healing wish. whatever you want :)

Edit: Seconding AM on making sure people know the cosmic power sets are bad.
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Yeah Cosmic Power is garbage and should just be removed for the reasons AM said.

I don't think Screens should be mentioned either, as Clefable is too slow to abuse them effectively for Offense.

I think HP Ground should get a slash after Focus Blast. You're still hitting Heatran and the other Steels but without having to deal with shit accuracy, on top of being able to do something to Tentacruel.
You should add the offensive stealth rocks set to the op. Also you should slash wish tect on the unaware set over moonlight+t wave.
Might be wrong but you should list a lo 3 attack clef +soft boil. Its a pretty good set that catches mons like heatran and does some pretty good damage as well. Correct me if im wrong however as im not sure if this is a set worth noting. In case you want to consider it ill leave the set bellow. Set is actually pretty cool and its amazing how well it does. I mean the thing takes no recoil damage.

Clefable @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpA / 16 Spe
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Soft-Boiled
- Focus Blast / Ice Beam / Flamethrower / Knock Off
- Flamethrower / Ice Beam / Focus Blast / Knock Off
I believe some Unaware Clefables run Wish + Protect because of the low PP on Moonlight and because Sand Stream is fairly common. I noticed you made mention of it but there might be a tendency to skim descriptions so it would be nice if you slashed it in.

Also Fire Blast isn't worth mentioning in CM set IMO (you didn't list it but mentioned it in the description) since you boost up anyway and Flamethrower is more reliable. You mentioned its not possible to wear down the CM set by phazing but I was a little confused by that until I realized you meant hazards damage. Maybe be a little clearer there.

Other than that, looks good. Nice job on the revamp!
Thanks bludz!
I've added a mention on why Cosmic Power Clefable, but I haven't actually used it to experience how much it sucks, so it would be nice if any of you could tell me how to elaborate.
Thanks bludz!
I've added a mention on why Cosmic Power Clefable, but I haven't actually used it to experience how much it sucks, so it would be nice if any of you could tell me how to elaborate.
Taunt bait, takes way too long to set up, isn't very threatening until it's fully set up, and is prone to getting crit and knocked out. The stuff you've already written on it looks pretty good imo.
Taunt bait, takes way too long to set up, isn't very threatening until it's fully set up, and is prone to getting crit and knocked out. The stuff you've already written on it looks pretty good imo.
I don't think taunt bait is the best reasoning for why the set is bad, just leave it at the fact that how it takes too long to set up and has jack squat for offensive presence. In reality, all Clefable variants are bothered quite a bit by taunt.
Nice job.
Wait wait wait.

Why the hell is Cosmic Power not listed at all?!

CP Clefable is insane, it just eats up all those hits like it's a dragon ffs.
You don't have to analyze the set or anything (Well, it would be beneficial...) but, at least mention it in the move pool. Okay? :D

Nice Revamp though, n-n
Wait wait wait.

Why the hell is Cosmic Power not listed at all?!

CP Clefable is insane, it just eats up all those hits like it's a dragon ffs.
You don't have to analyze the set or anything (Well, it would be beneficial...) but, at least mention it in the move pool. Okay? :D

Nice Revamp though, n-n
We already explained why cosmic power Clefable is awful. Takes way too long to set up and has jack shit for offensive presence.
It will not be added to the notable moves.
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