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The Pokémon you want: Litwick
Your in-game name: Mooks
Your Pokémon: fletchling
Your Pokémon's level: 1
Your Pokémon's gender: male
Have you set the correct GTS message (Nelson Tangela)? Yes

thank you and Happy Halloween
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The Pokémon you want: Misdreavous
Your in-game name: Chris
Your Pokémon: Smeargle
Your Pokémon's level: 1
Your Pokémon's gender: Male
Have you set the correct GTS message? Yes

The Pokémon you want: Misdreavus
Your in-game name: Chris
Your Pokémon: Misdreavus
Your Pokémon's level: 19
Your Pokémon's gender: Male
Have you set the correct GTS message? Yes
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The Pokémon you want: Landorus
Your in-game name: MZ
Your Pokémon: Dustox
Your Pokémon's level: 13
Your Pokémon's gender: Male
Have you set the correct GTS message (Nelson Tangela)? Yes

Ty for the GA ^^


The Pokémon you want: Landorus
Your in-game name: MZ
Your Pokémon: Dustox
Your Pokémon's level: 13
Your Pokémon's gender: Male
Have you set the correct GTS message (Nelson Tangela)? Yes
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The Pokémon you want: Smeargle
Your in-game name: Sam
Your Pokémon: Wingull
Your Pokémon's level: 3
Your Pokémon's gender: Male
Have you set the correct GTS message (Nelson Tangela)?: Yes

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The Pokémon you want:Gastly
Your in-game name:N1KEBOY
Your Pokémon:Voltorb
Your Pokémon's level:13
Your Pokémon's gender: N/A
Have you set the correct GTS message: Yes

Great giveaway & Thank you in advance.
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The Pokémon you want: Mawile
Your in-game name: Geovano
Your Pokémon: Wingull
Your Pokémon's level: 13
Your Pokémon's gender: Female
Have you set the correct GTS message? Yes, Nelson Tangela

Thanks in advance!
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Kindly requesting,
IGN: Zee
Species: Doduo
Level: 30
Gender: female
GTS Message: Nelson Tangela

Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.
The Pokémon you want: Misdreavus
Your in-game name: Doobzi
Your Pokémon: Eevee (Chinease Name)
Your Pokémon's level: 18
Your Pokémon's gender: Male
Have you set the correct GTS message (Nelson Tangela)?: Yes

Sorry about last time, made a dumb mistake without thinking. Won't do it again.
The Pokémon you want: Smeargle
Your in-game name: Andre
Your Pokémon: Whismur
Your Pokémon's level: 10
Your Pokémon's gender: Female
Have you set the correct GTS message? Yes

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The Pokémon you want: Tornadus
Your in-game name: Aguy
Your Pokémon: Rhyhorn
Your Pokémon's level: 17
Your Pokémon's gender: Male
Have you set the correct GTS message? Nelson Tangela (YES)

Awesome giveaway
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The Pokémon you want: Nincada
Your in-game name: Snake
Your Pokémon: Minun
Your Pokémon's level: 11
Your Pokémon's gender: male
GTS message: Nelson Tangela

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The Pokémon you want: Honedge
Your in-game name: Korra
Your Pokémon: Zubat
Your Pokémon's level: 17
Your Pokémon's gender: Female
Have you set the correct GTS message (Nelson Tangela)? Yupp yupp
Edit* was sniped fixed the info.
Thank you so much for these beauties i hope i can land em all before you close your doors for good
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The Pokémon you want: Honedge
Your in-game name: Darnel
Your Pokémon: Honedge
Your Pokémon's level: 1
Your Pokémon's gender: Male
Have you set the correct GTS message (Nelson Tangela)? Yes

Im getting sniped like crazy. Hopefully this one is safe
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The Pokémon you want: Honedge
Your in-game name: Alice
Your Pokémon: Snover
Your Pokémon's level: 38
Your Pokémon's gender: male
Have you set the correct GTS message: Yes (Nelson Tangela)

Most probably sniped, when I return home from work I'll update again. Anyways thanks for the amazing giveaway :)
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The Pokémon you want: Honedge
Your in-game name: LunaPanda
Your Pokémon: Kakuna
Your Pokémon's level: 29
Your Pokémon's gender: Female
Have you set the correct GTS message: Yes (Nelson Tangela)
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The Pokémon you want: Honedge
Your in-game name: Darnel
Your Pokémon: Honedge
Your Pokémon's level: 1
Your Pokémon's gender: Male
Have you set the correct GTS message (Nelson Tangela)? Yes

Im getting sniped like crazy. Hopefully this one is safe
Yea i tried the same thing and was snipped in minutes, try zubat, mines been up for the past half hour just fine.
Wanted: Sableye
IGN: Spettra
Species: Pelipper
Level: 25
Gender: female
GTS Message: Nelson Tangela

Thank You
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I've just added a new Pokémon to the thread. Shiny Houndour.


This is what I was able to find.

QuantumShaddow's Golett
WubbaLubba's Smeargle
Nikeboy4's Gastly
Doobzi's Misdreavus
Anki's Smeargle
alchemist64's Tornadus
Alduin_ EL's Honedge
spettra's Sableye

I'll check again in ~1 hour and probably another time in ~2 hours. Just a heads-up.

These trends change almost daily, but Whismur has been a good fodder mon recently. You might want to try those if you're getting sniped. Preferably a random male one that is above level 1.
Wingull/Pelipper are also still solid fodder mons.

PS: Don't forget to strike-through your processed and sniped requests.
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The Pokémon you want: Honedge
Your in-game name: Darnel
Your Pokémon: Zubat
Your Pokémon's level: 13
Your Pokémon's gender: Female
Have you set the correct GTS message (Nelson Tangela)?

Trying again

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Wanted: Sableye
Deposited: Wingull
Gender: Female
Level: 13
Message: Nelson Tangela

As always really appriciated
(Somehow found a new fetish for dropping female wingulls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
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