[CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

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Hello Eisen
Pokemon deposited:cutiefly level 7 male modest in great ball
Pokemon requested : scizor
IGN: GBunglezippy

Message : I want to trade for a Pokemon that will help me with my adventure

Cheers loving the new Pokemon
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Hello again.

Pokemon Requested: Blastoise
Level and Gender of the Cutiefly: Lv. 9 Female in a Quick Ball
IGN: Yusaku.

This will my week better along with the Shiny Poliwag I hatched today.
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Pokemon requested: Cresselia
Pokemon deposited: Cutiefly, level 12, male, quick ball
IGN: Rachel

Pokemon requested: Salamence
Pokemon deposited: Cutiefly, level 11, male, net ball
IGN: Yuechen

Thanks a lot:D
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Hi Eisen,

  • Pokémon requested: Scizor
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: male lvl 11
  • IGN: Silver
Again, thank you for the ice stone :D
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Pokemon requested: Breloom
Deposited: Level 1 Female Cutiefly in Friend Ball
IGN: Tony
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
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Hi Eisen,

Pokemon requested: Braviary
Level and gender of the Cutiefly: 1, female
IGN: Reggie
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that will help me with my adventure.

Thanks a lot!
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Hello Eisen

Pokemon deposited : cutiefly level 1 male rash nature in great ball
Pokemon requested: tapu Lele
IGN: GBunglezippy
Message : I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles

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