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<li>Slowbro has high HP and Defense stats.</li>
<li>It is a very sound check to physical threats such as Blaziken, Talonflame, and many Dragon-types.</li>
<li>It has a good defensive typing.</li>


<li>It has a low Speed stat.</li>
<li>It has relatively low Special Defense, leaving it open to attacks that hit it there.</li>
<li>It is Pursuit weak.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>name: Physical Wall<br />
move 1: Scald<br />
move 2: Ice Beam<br />
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic / Fire Blast<br />
move 4: Slack Off<br />
ability: Regenerator<br />
item: Leftovers<br />
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD<br />
nature: Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)</p>

<p>Slowbro has a really unique niche in the Overused metagame in that it nearly hard counters Blaziken. Slowbro also has an ability that every wall wishes it could have, Regenerator, which when paired with its natural physical bulk, makes it a formidable physical wall. Scald is Slowbro's main attack, holding a possibility to indirectly bolster its physical bulk by burning its opponent. Ice Beam offers great coverage in conjunction with Scald, threatening Dragon-type Pokemon such as Dragonite, Garchomp, and Salamence that would otherwise pose major threats. Thunder Wave serves as a good way to cripple problematic fast Pokemon like Greninja that are otherwise troublesome threats, while Toxic serves as a good way to cripple walls that could potentially stop Slowbro. Fire Blast aids Slowbro primarily in dealing with Scizor and Ferrothorn, the former being a dangerous sweeper that can threaten Slowbro with its STAB Bug-type attacks and the latter being a dangerous wall that could use Slowbro as entry hazards bait. Slack Off keeps Slowbro healthy, especially when paired with Regenerator.</p>

<p>Psychic is an option for a secondary STAB move, but it is generally inferior when compared to the coverage options Slowbro is offered. Slowbro greatly appreciates bulky Fairy-type Pokemon such as Florges and Sylveon as partners, as they are able to reliably handle powerful special attackers such as Rotom-W and Greninja and can easily come in on Dark- and Bug-type attacks. Similarly, Goodra makes for a good partner, as not only is it a monstrous special wall but it resists and can easily come in on many of Slowbro's weaknesses.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Greninja and Rotom-W can both switch into Slowbro fairly reliably, only having to worry about possible status moves. Specially bulky Dragon-type Pokemon like Goodra can also switch in fairly easily and threaten Slowbro out with strong STAB attacks. If Slowbro lacks Toxic, opposing bulky Water-types serve as reliable counters, especially if they themselves have Toxic. If it is able to avoid the burn from Scald, Tyranitar serves as a good check to Slowbro, being able to threaten it with a STAB Crunch and Pursuit.</p>
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I'm curious what the community thinks about a possible Choice Specs Slowbro set. I have tested it a little and haven't been too impressed, but I am open to ideas.

My current opinion:
It sacrifices Slowbro's main niche in the metagame and is fairly outclassed by other strong Special Attackers.
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Uh you took my baby :'(

From the testing I have done with Slowbro so far, I would have to say that Ice Beam is a mandatory Slash for Slowbro, you just need it too much for Dragons and such.

Idk about Psychic though, when testing it it seemed kinda pointless is this meta, Terrakion doesn't exist (at least in theory), Toxicroak is all dried up, and Gyarados can just turn into a Dark-Type. I might test it more later myself, but at the moment I would say the set should look about:
-Ice Beam
-Toxic / Thunder Wave / Fire Blast
-Slack Off

Toxic seems to be the superior option I think.
Ice Beam should definitely be an independent slash. It's really valuable considering all of the Dragons roaming and Slowbro makes for a good check/counter to a lot of them. Psychic should probably go AC imo. It basically just hits Toxicroak/Tentacruel, but Slowbro already beats Toxicroak regardless and it can't even 2HKO Tentacruel iirc. Fire Blast is a lot more useful in the grand scheme of things, such as Scizor/Ferrothorn/Forretress/Metagross/etc. These are important targets and some are primary Slowbro switch-ins.

So I agree with the above poster, but I'm not sure if Fire Blast should actually be slashed first. Thunder Wave is still really nice, too, more useful than Toxic imo.
Uh you took my baby :'(

From the testing I have done with Slowbro so far, I would have to say that Ice Beam is a mandatory Slash for Slowbro, you just need it too much for Dragons and such.

Idk about Psychic though, when testing it it seemed kinda pointless is this meta, Terrakion doesn't exist (at least in theory), Toxicroak is all dried up, and Gyarados can just turn into a Dark-Type. I might test it more later myself, but at the moment I would say the set should look about:
-Ice Beam
-Toxic / Thunder Wave / Fire Blast
-Slack Off

Toxic seems to be the superior option I think.
Ice Beam should definitely be an independent slash. It's really valuable considering all of the Dragons roaming and Slowbro makes for a good check/counter to a lot of them. Psychic should probably go AC imo. It basically just hits Toxicroak/Tentacruel, but Slowbro already beats Toxicroak regardless and it can't even 2HKO Tentacruel iirc. Fire Blast is a lot more useful in the grand scheme of things, such as Scizor/Ferrothorn/Forretress/Metagross/etc. These are important targets and some are primary Slowbro switch-ins.

So I agree with the above poster, but I'm not sure if Fire Blast should actually be slashed first. Thunder Wave is still really nice, too, more useful than Toxic imo.

Thanks for the input, I actually really agree with that you guys said. Made Ice Beam an independent slash, and moved Psychic from main set. I still believe that Thunder Wave should go before Toxic, but the order of Toxic and Fire Blast is still a little up in the air.
Unfortunately, since Slowpoke appears neither in Friend Safari nor in hordes, Regenerator will be unavailable as an XY ability until Pokemon Bank.
Oops, since I saw it on the list I had assumed it had its Regenerator Ability since that is its main pull to being OU. Sorry for not double checking. Will edit this analysis to have Own Tempo, since I'm assuming that's what was originally intended
You can get hidden abilities in hordes, so you can get regenerator.

As I said in my post, Slowpoke does not appear in hordes.

Oops, since I saw it on the list I had assumed it had its Regenerator Ability since that is its main pull to being OU. Sorry for not double checking. Will edit this analysis to have Own Tempo, since I'm assuming that's what was originally intended

Oblivious is pretty decent now that it also ignores Taunt.
Slowpoke appears in hordes in the more or less hidden brushes at the Azure Bay area. I have already bred a few of them so I can confirm it 100%. They don't appear in hordes at route 12, only there.
It would be very helpful if I could get some secondary confirmation/screenshots or something as I am unable to find any definitive proof of slowpoke being found with its hidden ability.
Mention how Fairy types also really pair nicely with Slowbro as they can take on Dark and Bug types that often check Slowbro. Other than that...

Additions in Blue
Subtractions in Red
Comments in Purple

<li>Slowbro has high HP and physical Defense stats.</li>
<li>It is a very sound check to physical threats such as Blaziken, Talonflame, and Physical many Dragon-types.</li>
<li>It has a good Defensive defensive typing.</li>


<li>It has a low Speed stat.</li>
<li>It has relatively low Special Defense, leaving it open to that side of the spectrum attacks that hit it there (physical/special isn't a spectrum, it's just two points).</li>
<li>It is Pursuit weak.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Slowbro (M) @ Leftovers<br />
Trait: Ability: Regenerator<br />
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spd SpD<br />
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)<br />
- Scald<br />
- Ice Beam<br />
- Thunder Wave / Toxic / Fire Blast<br />
- Slack Off</p>

<p>Slowbro has a really unique niche in the Overused metagame, (remove comma) in that it nearly hard counters Blaziken. Slowbro also has an ability that every wall wishes it could have, Regenerator, and which when paired with its natural physical bulk, makes Slowbro it a formidable physical wall. Scald is Slowbro's main attack, holding a possibility to burn indirectly bolster its physical bulk by burning its opponent, indirectly bolstering its physical bulk. Ice Beam offers great coverage in conjunction with Scald, threatening Dragon-type Pokemon like such as Dragonite, Garchomp, and Salamence who that would otherwise pose as major threats. Fire Blast aids Slowbro primarily in dealing with Scizor and Ferrothorn, the former being a dangerous sweeper that can threaten Slowbro with its STAB Bug-type attacks, (remove comma) and the latter being a dangerous wall that could use Slowbro as entry hazards bait. Thunder Wave serves as a good way to cripple problematic fast Pokemon, (remove comma) like Greninja who that are otherwise troublesome threats, while Toxic serves as a good way to cripple bulky walls that could potentially wall stop Slowbro (move this sentence to before the Fire Blast one to fit the order on the set; also mention Slack Off somewhere in this paragraph).</p>

<p>Psychic is also an option for a secondary STAB move, but it is generally inferior when compared to the coverage options Slowbro is offered. Slowbro greatly appreciates bulky Fairy-type Pokemon such as Florges and Sylveon as partners, as they are able to reliably handle powerful special attackers like such as Rotom-W and Greninja, (remove comma) while and can easily coming come in on Slowbro's weaknesses to Dark- and Bug-type attacks. Similarly, Goodra makes for a good partner, as it is not only is it a monstrous special wall, (remove comma) but it can easily come in on and resist resists and can easily come in on many of Slowbro's weaknesses.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Greninja and Rotom-W can both switch into Slowbro fairly reliably, only having to worry about possible status moves. Bulky Specially bulky Dragon-type Pokemon like Goodra can also switch in fairly easily, using their high Special Defense, and threaten Slowbro out with strong STAB attacks. If Slowbro lacks Toxic, opposing bulky Water-types serve as reliable counters, especially if they themselves have Toxic. If it is able to avoid the burn from Scald, Tyranitar serves as a good check to Slowbro, being able to threaten it with a STAB Crunch or and Pursuit.</p>

GP: 1/1
It should be noted that slowbro can survive pursuits from t-tar, they take on average 40% if you stay in to toxic t-tar, so you can stall t tar IF it only has pursuit or is choice locked into it so t-tar isn't a complete check, t -tar also fears the burn from scald and WoW from rotom w that makes a nice partner with slowbro, albeit weak to electric it's bulky enough to survive a few electric hits and grass moves normally do pathetic damage to rotom w.
It should be noted that slowbro can survive pursuits from t-tar, they take on average 40% if you stay in to toxic t-tar, so you can stall t tar IF it only has pursuit or is choice locked into it so t-tar isn't a complete check, t -tar also fears the burn from scald and WoW from rotom w that makes a nice partner with slowbro, albeit weak to electric it's bulky enough to survive a few electric hits and grass moves normally do pathetic damage to rotom w.
Honestly that addition just seems like adding a lot of clutter when it isn't really needed. I specifically mentioned that Tyranitar is a semi reliable check, only working if not burned by Scald. Also that 40% does 80% if Slowbro switches out (which is a little below the average for Crunch) by that calc, meaning that a 50/50 decision can mean the essential death of Slowbro. I also made sure to mention that it is a decent check, not counter, and checks do have some faults (Tyranitar's being the essential mindgame between Crunch and Pursuit in addition to burn chance). Tyranitar is also able to switch out and reset its choice locked move etc. I really see no reason to add such a specific example that could go either way even, but if there seems to be more support for it then sure I guess...

Adding on how Slowbro pairs nicely with Fairy types, Sylveon would be a great match for him being a special wall.
That is why Sylveon and Florges are mentioned in the analysis.