<li>Slowbro has high HP and Defense stats.</li>
<li>It is a very sound check to physical threats such as Blaziken, Talonflame, and many Dragon-types.</li>
<li>It has a good defensive typing.</li>
<li>It has a low Speed stat.</li>
<li>It has relatively low Special Defense, leaving it open to attacks that hit it there.</li>
<li>It is Pursuit weak.</li>
[Set Recommendations]
<p>name: Physical Wall<br />
move 1: Scald<br />
move 2: Ice Beam<br />
move 3: Thunder Wave / Toxic / Fire Blast<br />
move 4: Slack Off<br />
ability: Regenerator<br />
item: Leftovers<br />
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD<br />
nature: Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)</p>
<p>Slowbro has a really unique niche in the Overused metagame in that it nearly hard counters Blaziken. Slowbro also has an ability that every wall wishes it could have, Regenerator, which when paired with its natural physical bulk, makes it a formidable physical wall. Scald is Slowbro's main attack, holding a possibility to indirectly bolster its physical bulk by burning its opponent. Ice Beam offers great coverage in conjunction with Scald, threatening Dragon-type Pokemon such as Dragonite, Garchomp, and Salamence that would otherwise pose major threats. Thunder Wave serves as a good way to cripple problematic fast Pokemon like Greninja that are otherwise troublesome threats, while Toxic serves as a good way to cripple walls that could potentially stop Slowbro. Fire Blast aids Slowbro primarily in dealing with Scizor and Ferrothorn, the former being a dangerous sweeper that can threaten Slowbro with its STAB Bug-type attacks and the latter being a dangerous wall that could use Slowbro as entry hazards bait. Slack Off keeps Slowbro healthy, especially when paired with Regenerator.</p>
<p>Psychic is an option for a secondary STAB move, but it is generally inferior when compared to the coverage options Slowbro is offered. Slowbro greatly appreciates bulky Fairy-type Pokemon such as Florges and Sylveon as partners, as they are able to reliably handle powerful special attackers such as Rotom-W and Greninja and can easily come in on Dark- and Bug-type attacks. Similarly, Goodra makes for a good partner, as not only is it a monstrous special wall but it resists and can easily come in on many of Slowbro's weaknesses.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Greninja and Rotom-W can both switch into Slowbro fairly reliably, only having to worry about possible status moves. Specially bulky Dragon-type Pokemon like Goodra can also switch in fairly easily and threaten Slowbro out with strong STAB attacks. If Slowbro lacks Toxic, opposing bulky Water-types serve as reliable counters, especially if they themselves have Toxic. If it is able to avoid the burn from Scald, Tyranitar serves as a good check to Slowbro, being able to threaten it with a STAB Crunch and Pursuit.</p>
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