[COMPLETED] Talonflame


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<li>Priority Brave Bird is the reason to use this Pokemon.</li>
<li>It is a great revenge killer.</li>
<li>It has good coverage with just its STABs.</li>
<li>It cleans up teams easily if given a setup chance, thanks to Swords Dance and priority Flying-attacks.</li>
<li>Its typing allows it to switch in relatively easily against Pokemon such as Volcarona and Blaziken.</li>


<li>It is 4x weak to Stealth Rock.</li>
<li>It has poor bulk.</li>
<li>It is easy to wall with the right Pokemon (Tyranitar, Rotom-W, Hippowdon).</li>
<li>Its poor HP stat and reliance on recoil moves (Brave Bird and Flare Blitz) cut down its longevity even more.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>name: Choice Band<br />
move 1: Brave Bird<br />
move 2: Flare Blitz<br />
move 3: U-turn<br />
move 4: Tailwind / Will-O-Wisp<br />
ability: Gale Wings<br />
item: Choice Band<br />
evs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe<br />
nature: Adamant</p>

<p>This set sacrifices the ability to change moves, set up, and use Roost in exchange for immediate power, which makes Talonflame a stellar revenge killer and a good clean-up Pokemon against offensive teams that will continually apply pressure. Aside from the usual two STAB moves, U-turn wears down Talonflame's usual checks and deals respectable damage to one of its best counters: Tyranitar (42.07 - 49.5% to 252 HP Tyranitar). Will-O-Wisp and Tailwind may seem like a strange options for a Choice item set, but they have their merits: Will-O-Wisp permanently cripples Talonflame's usual switch-ins whereas Tailwind can help in desperate situations, or simply to give slower powerhouses in your team a two-turn boost to apply enormous offensive pressure.</p>

<p>164 Speed EVs allow Talonflame to outspeed Jolly Mega Kangaskhan and revenge kill it with Brave Bird. Anything else that Talonflame would want to hit with Flare Blitz is slower, so the rest of the EVs are put into bulk while the HP EVs allow Talonflame to switch in two times with Stealth Rock up. Using 208 Speed EVs is an option to outrun Jolly Mega Pinsir, so that Talonflame's Brave Bird goes before Pinsir's Quick Attack. Because this set is even more prone to being knocked out by recoil damage and Stealth Rock, it fits best on heavy offense teams where games last only for a few turns. Excadrill and and Mega Venusar are great teammates, as both have good defensive synergy with Talonflame; Excadrill also provides Rapid Spin support and Mega Venusaur deals with Rotom-W and Azumarill.</p>

<p>name: Swords Dance<br />
move 1: Brave Bird<br />
move 2: Flare Blitz<br />
move 3: Swords Dance<br />
move 4: Roost / Tailwind / Will-O-Wisp<br />
ability: Gale Wings<br />
item: Sharp Beak / Life Orb<br />
evs: 192 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 60 Spe<br />
nature: Adamant</p>

<p>Gale Wings gives Talonflame priority on any Flying-type move, making it an excellent revenge killer and sweeper. Brave Bird is its primary offensive option, easily OHKOing Pokemon such as Volcarona and Blaziken, as well as Azumarill after the latter has used Belly Drum. Flare Blitz deals with most of the Steel-types that resist Brave Bird and some Electric-types on the switch-in, such as Skarmory, Magnezone, and Excadrill. Swords Dance pumps up Talonflame's power to respectable levels, making Brave Bird powerful enough to OHKO most offensive Pokemon that don't resist it at +2, and thus making Talonflame a great late-game sweeper. Roost and big HP investment make Talonflame a great switch-in to Volcarona, Scizor, and Blaziken, provided Stealth Rock is off the field. Tailwind is another useful move that gets priority from Gale Wings and allows Talonflame's team to revenge kill fast threats that even Talonflame can't. It also allows powerful but slow Pokemon to shine for two turns, such as mixed Aegislash and Mega Garchomp. Will-O-Wisp might seem a bit of out of place on such an offensive set, but it's Talonflame's best answer to some of its best checks and counters, such as Tyranitar, physically defensive Hippowdon, and Aerodactyl.</p>

<p>60 Speed EVs allow Talonflame to outrun Jolly Excadrill. Using 164 Speed EVs is an option to outrun Jolly Mega Kangaskhan, so that Talonflame's Brave Bird goes before Kangaskhan's Sucker Punch. Sharp Beak is the preferred item as otherwise the recoil overwhelms Talonflame quickly, but Life Orb is better for those that need the extra power. Rapid Spin or Defog support is a must. Starmie, Scizor, and Excadrill are the best Pokemon for this job. Talonflame also needs Pokemon able to deal with its major checks, Tyranitar, Hippowdon, and Rotom-W. Ferrothorn checks all of those Pokemon and helps Talonflame sweep by providing entry hazards. Lastly, Bulk Up can be used instead of Swords Dance to make Talonflame harder to revenge kill. Use it with Roost and Leftovers.</p>

<p>name: Bulk Up<br />
move 1: Bulk Up<br />
move 2: Brave Bird<br />
move 3: Roost<br />
move 4: Substitute / Will-O-Wisp / Taunt<br />
ability: Gale Wings<br />
item: Leftovers<br />
evs: 212 HP / 236 SpD / 60 Spe<br />
nature: Careful</p>

<p>With Bulk Up, a great defensive typing, and priority on both Roost and Brave Bird, Talonflame makes for a great setup sweeper, despite its low bulk. Thanks to the investment in HP and Special Defnse, Talonflame fares much better against its usual checks; for example, Rotom-W's Volt Switch fails to break Talonflame's Substitute if the bird used Roost on that turn, giving to Talonflame one free turn to boost, or even two free turns if Rotom-W is the only real answer the opponent has. Other common checks such as Tyranitar and physically defensive Gyarados also struggle a lot against this set. Tyranitar struggles to do a lot of damage on a +1 Talonflame that uses Roost and it is bound to miss with Rock Slide or Stone Edge, giving a free turn to Talonflame and potentially allowing it to PP stall Tyranitar's Rock-type move. Defensive variants of Gyarados with Dragon Tail cannot break Talonflame's Substitute and with proper prediction, Talonflame can boost enough so that even Waterfall can't break its Substitute. Will-O-Wisp is a perfect alternative over Substitute, sacrificing Talonflame's standalone sweeping ability for more team and early-game utility, and cripples many of the common switch-ins to Talonflame, such as Tyranitar, Hippowdon, and Gyarados. Finally, Taunt prevents phazers such as Hippowdon, Skarmory, and Gyarados from ruining Talonflame's fun, and still protects Talonflame from bothersome non-attacking moves such as Thunder Wave, Toxic, and Leech Seed, akin to Substitute.</p>

<p>The EV spread gives Talonflame enough Speed to outrun Jolly Excadrill and Adamant Mega Kangaskhan, and the rest of the EVs are put into HP and Special Defense to maximize Talonflame's special bulk. Rapid Spin or Defog support is essential, so Mandibuzz, Excadrill, and offensive Starmie are great partners, as they are all adept at removing entry hazards from the field, while all of them beat some of Talonflame's checks and counters (Mandibuzz handles Hippowdon, specially defensive Tyranitar, and Gyarados; Excadrill handles Tyranitar and Mega Ampharos; and offensive Starmie handles Hippowdon, Gyarados, and Slowbro). Grass-types to deal with Rotom-W and other Water-types are also appreciated, so Trevenant and Roserade are great teammates.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Stealth Rock is the best way to keep in check a Pokemon 4x weak to it so it's the best measure against Talonflame. Tyranitar, Slowbro, Mega Ampharos, physically defensive Gyarados, and Hippowdon are the best answers to Talonflame, as they can check it for an extended period of time. Rotom-W is a great answer too, but it is easier to wear down as it lacks reliable recovery. Rocky Helmet Garchomp passively harasses Talonflame and can tank Talonflame's attacks even after a boost, while answering back with either Dragon Claw or Dragon Tail. Aerodactyl outspeeds any Talonflame variant; it can take even a +2 Brave Bird and OHKO back with STAB Rock-type attacks. Finally, Extreme Speed users bypass the priority of Talonflame's Flying-type moves, making for a good way to check it. Lucario is the best user of this move.</p>
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So even though Flying Gem is unavailable still, it seems, I think Acrobatics merits a set.

Simple solution: No item. Seriously, it might be worth it. A LO set with Brave Bird and Flare Blitz will be killing itself so fast it's not even funny, especially with Stealth Rock. On the other hand, Sharp Beak only boosts Brave Bird, anyway, not Flare Blitz, so you don't lose too much when you switch to no item.

Just food for thought.
Albeit I have been playing with this mostly on PO where flying gem is allowed, I have had a lot of success with a Bulk Up / Acrobatics / Flare Blitz / Roost set. Bulk up is pretty nice in this metagame, making Aegislash's regret spamming Kings Shield, while also making it harder for Talonflame to be revenged by ExtremeSpeed users. While this isn't the most universally applicable set, it does have a lot of merit in its longevity and pairs really nicely with priority roost. Brave Bird should be able to replace Acrobatics fairly easily, however Leftovers should probably be considered/slashed then.
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I second the notion of the Bulk Up set. When I used it I EVed to outspeed Excadrill outside of Sand the spread was 160 HP / 252 Atk / 96 Spd Adamant.

For checks and counters, I would mention Excadrill as you are outsped in sand and risk taking a Stone edge.
So even though Flying Gem is unavailable still, it seems, I think Acrobatics merits a set.

Simple solution: No item. Seriously, it might be worth it. A LO set with Brave Bird and Flare Blitz will be killing itself so fast it's not even funny, especially with Stealth Rock. On the other hand, Sharp Beak only boosts Brave Bird, anyway, not Flare Blitz, so you don't lose too much when you switch to no item.

Just food for thought.
Brave Bird + Lefties is better than item-less Acrobatics.

Added Bulk Up + Lefties.
In checks and counters I would mention extremespeed and heliolisk. Other than that it looks good.

You could mention that one can tweak the Speed EVs to outspeed Flying-resistant threats such as Heliolisk, Thundurus-I (if it is eligible) or Sucker Punchers like Mega-Absol.

Also, checks and counters include pretty much any Rock-type, as well as Heatran.
Added Heliolisk, Aerodactyl, and Extremespeed as checks. Also, Rocky Helmet Garchomp, Mega Ampharos, and Slowbro. And mentioned that it can opt to outrun Mega Absol and Heliolisk.
Why isn't U-turn of merit? It's very quick, and surely a lot of teams would benefit from the momentum?
Talonflame has better things to be doing. Crippling your counters with WoW on the switch or setting up Tailwind for your teammates to take advantage of are way better options than using a weak momentum move on a Pokemon that prefers to not switch in and and out a lot.
Alex, what about putting Tailwind first than Roost? When Talonflame is going to die, and Roost can no longer be useful, you can use Tailwind, making easier for example Lucario's sweep, or similar things.
Flying gem acrobatics destroys everything. With only a teensey drop in power you get to keep a lot more hp. He stays in longer dishing out more damage. Flare blitz is still viable though.
Flying Gem + Acrobatics > Sharp Beak + Brave Bird but i didn't put it as Flying Gem has not yet been discovered in X and Y. Also Itachi, Roost is overall more useful, because as mentioned Talonflame makes for a good switch-in to some offensive threats.

Thx shrang!


<li>Priority Acrobatics and Brave Bird is the reason to use this Pokemon</li>
<li>Great revenge killer</li>
<li>Good coverage with just its STABs</li>
<li>Cleans up teams easily if given a setup chance, thanks to Swords Dance and priority Flying-type attacks</li>
<li>Its typing allows it to switch-(RH)in relatively easily against Pokemon such as Volcarona and Blaziken</li>


<li>4x weak to Stealth Rock</li>
<li>Poor bulk</li>
<li>Easy to wall with the right Pokemon (Tyranitar, Rotom-W, Hippowdon)</li>
<li>Poor HP stat and reliance on recoil moves (Brave Bird and Flare Blitz) cuts down its survivability even more</loi>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Talonflame @ Sharp Beak / Life Orb<br />
Ability: Gale Wings<br />
EVs: 196 HP / 252 Atk / 60 Spe<br />
Adamant Nature<br />
- Brave Bird<br />
- Flare Blitz<br />
- Swords Dance<br />
- Roost / Tailwind / Will-O-Wisp</p>

<p>Gale Wings gives Talonflame priority on any Flying-type move, making it an excellent revenge killer and sweeper. Brave Bird is your main source of damage, easily OHKOing Pokemon such as Volcarona, Blaziken, and Azumarill after it has used using Belly Drum. Flare Blitz deals with most of the Steel-types that resist Brave Bird and with some Electric-types on the switch-in. Swords Dance pumps up Talonflame's power to respectable levels, making Brave Bird powerful enough to OHKO most offensive Pokemon that don't resist it at +2. Roost and big HP investment make Talonflame a great switch-in to Volcarona, Scizor, and Blaziken, provided Stealth Rock is off the field. Tailwind is another useful move that gets priority from Gale Wings and allows Talonflame's team to revenge kill even fast threats that Talonflame can't. Will-O-Wisp may might seem a bit out of ouf place on such an offensive set but it's Talonflame's best answer to some of its best checks and counters, such as Tyranitar, physically defensive Hippowdon, and Aerodactyl.</p>

<p>60 Speed EVs allow Talonflame to outspeed Jolly Exacdrill Excadrill. Anything else that Talonflame would want to hit with Flare Blitz is slower,(AC) so the rest of the EVs are put into bulk. The Speed can be pumped up to outspeed even Heliolisk or Sucker Punch Mega Absol if those Pokemon are of concern. Sharp Beak is the preferred item as otherwise the recoil overwhelms Talonflame quickly, but Life Orb is better for those that need the extra power. Rapid Spin or Defog support is a must. Starmie, Scizor, and Excadrill are the best Pokemon for this job. Talonflame needs Pokemon able to deal with its major checks, Tyranitar, Hippowdon, and Rotom-W. Ferrothorn checks all of those Pokemon and helps Talonflame sweep by providing entry hazards. Lastly, Bulk Up can be used instead of Swords Dance to make Talonflame harder to revenge kill. Use it with Roost and Leftovers.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Tyranitar, Slowbro, Mega Ampharos, and Hippowdon are the best answers to Talonflame, as they can check it for an extended period of time. Rotom-W is a great answer too, but it is easier to wear down and it's its only healing move is Pain Split, which is not reliable. Heliolisk usually outspeeds Talonflame and can take a +2 Brave Bird once, making for a good one-time check. Rocky Helmet Garchomp passively harasses Talonflame constantly and can tank Talonflame's attacks even after a boost, while answering back with either Dragon Claw or Dragon Tail. Aerodactyl outspeeds any Talonflame variant, can take even a +2 Brave Bird and OHKO back with STAB Rock-type attacks. Finally, ExtremeSspeed users bypass the priority of Talonflame's Flying-type moves, making for a good way to check him it. Lucario and Dragonite are the best users of this move.</p>
amchecks > am not checks




<li>Priority Acrobatics and (Feel free to leave this, but acrobat talonflame won't be a thing until flying gem is released and we're not supposed to reference the assumed future meta) Brave Bird is the reason to use this Pokemon</li>
<li>Great revenge killer</li>
<li>Good coverage with just its STABs</li>
<li>Cleans up teams easily if given a setup chance, thanks to Swords Dance and priority Flying-type attacks</li>
<li>Its typing allows it to switch-(remove hyphen, make it a space) in relatively easily against Pokemon such as Volcarona and Blaziken</li>


<li>4x weak to Stealth Rock</li>
<li>Poor bulk</li>
<li>Easy to wall with the right Pokemon (Tyranitar, Rotom-W, Hippowdon)</li>
<li>Poor HP stat and reliance on recoil moves (Brave Bird and Flare Blitz) cuts down its survivability even more</lo></li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Talonflame @ Sharp Beak / Life Orb<br />
Ability: Gale Wings<br />
EVs: 196 HP / 252 Atk / 60 Spe<br />
Adamant Nature<br />
- Brave Bird<br />
- Flare Blitz<br />
- Swords Dance<br />
- Roost / Tailwind / Will-O-Wisp</p>

<p>Gale Wings gives Talonflame priority on any Flying-type move, making it an excellent revenge killer and sweeper. Brave Bird is your main source of damage, easily OHKOing Pokemon such as Volcarona, Blaziken, and Azumarill after using that have used Belly Drum. Flare Blitz deals with most of the Steel-types that resist Brave Bird and with some Electric-types on the switch. Swords Dance pumps up Talonflame's power to respectable levels, making Brave Bird powerful enough to OHKO most offensive Pokemon that don't resist it at +2. Roost and big, combined with the given HP investment,(AC) makes Talonflame a great switch-in to Volcarona, Scizor, and Blaziken, provided Stealth Rock is off the field. Tailwind is another useful move that gets priority from Gale Wings and allows Talonflame's team to revenge kill even fast threats that Talonflame can't. Will-O-Wisp may might seem a bit of ouf out of place on such an offensive set but it's Talonflame's best answer to some of its best checks and counters, such as Tyranitar, physically defensive Hippowdon, and Aerodactyl.</p>

<p>60 Speed EVs allow Talonflame to outspeed Jolly Exacdrill Excadrill. Anything else that Talonflame would want to hit with Flare Blitz is slower than that, so the rest of the EVs are put into bulk. The , though the Speed can be pumped up to outspeed even Heliolisk or Sucker Punch Mega Absol if those Pokemon are of concern. Sharp Beak is the preferred item as otherwise the recoil overwhelms Talonflame quickly, but Life Orb is better for those that need the extra power. Rapid Spin or Defog support, from Pokemon such as Starmie, Scizor, and Excadrill, is a must. Starmie, Scizor, and Excadrill are the best Pokemon for this job. Talonflame needs Pokemon able to deal with its major checks,(change comma to colon): Tyranitar, Hippowdon, and Rotom-W. Ferrothorn checks all of those Pokemon and helps Talonflame sweep by providing entry hazards. Lastly, Bulk Up with Roost and Leftovers can be used instead of Swords Dance to make Talonflame harder to revenge kill. Use it with Roost and Leftovers.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Tyranitar, Slowbro, Mega Ampharos, and Hippowdon are the best answers to Talonflame, as they can check it for an extended period of time. Rotom-W is a great answer too, but it is easier to wear down and it'(remove apostrophe)s only healing move is Pain Split, which is not reliable. Heliolisk usually outspeeds Talonflame and can take a +2 Brave Bird once, making for a good one-time check. Rocky Helmet Garchomp passively harasses Talonflame constantly and can tank Talonflame's attacks even after a boost, while answering back with either Dragon Claw or Dragon Tail. Aerodactyl outspeeds any Talonflame variant, can take even a +2 Brave Bird and can OHKO back with STAB Rock-type attacks. Finally, Extreme Speed users bypass the priority of outspeed even (bypass makes it sound like the moves no longer have prio) Talonflame's Flying-type moves, making for a good way to check him it. Lucario and Dragonite are the best users of this move.</p>

edit: fuckdammit ninjad
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Additions / Corrections


<li>Priority Acrobatics and Brave Bird is the reason to use this Pokemon</li>
<li>It is a great revenge killer</li>
<li>It has good coverage with just its STABs</li>
<li>It cleans up teams easily if given a setup chance, thanks to Swords Dance and priority Flying-attacks</li>
<li>Its typing allows it to switch in relatively easily against Pokemon such as Volcarona and Blaziken</li>


<li>Talonflame is 4x weak to Stealth Rock</li>
<li>It has poor bulk</li>
<li>It is easy to wall with the right Pokemon (Tyranitar, Rotom-W, Hippowdon)</li>
<li>Its poor HP stat and reliance on recoil moves (Brave Bird and Flare Blitz) cut down its survivability longevity even more</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Talonflame @ Sharp Beak / Life Orb<br />
Ability: Gale Wings<br />
EVs: 196 HP / 252 Atk / 60 Spe<br />
Adamant Nature<br />
- Brave Bird<br />
- Flare Blitz<br />
- Swords Dance<br />
- Roost / Tailwind / Will-O-Wisp</p>

<p>Gale Wings gives Talonflame priority on any Flying-type move, making it an excellent revenge killer and sweeper. Brave Bird is your main source of damage its primary offensive option, easily OHKOing Pokemon such as Volcarona, and Blaziken, and as well as Azumarill after it the latter has used Belly Drum. Flare Blitz deals with most of the Steel-types that resist Brave Bird and with some Electric-types on the switch-in. Swords Dance pumps up Talonflame's power to respectable levels, making Brave Bird powerful enough to OHKO most offensive Pokemon that don't resist it at +2. Roost and big HP investment make Talonflame a great switch-in to Volcarona, Scizor, and Blaziken, provided Stealth Rock is off the field. Tailwind is another useful move that gets priority from Gale Wings and allows Talonflame's team to revenge kill even fast threats that even Talonflame can't. Will-O-Wisp might seem a bit of out of place on such an offensive set, (comma) but it's Talonflame's best answer to some of its best checks and counters, such as Tyranitar, physically defensive Hippowdon, and Aerodactyl.</p>

<p>60 Speed EVs allow Talonflame to outspeed Jolly Excadrill. Anything else that Talonflame would want to hit with Flare Blitz is slower, so the rest of the EVs are put into bulk. The Speed can be pumped up to outspeed even Heliolisk or Sucker Punch Mega Absol if those Pokemon are of concern. Sharp Beak is the preferred item as otherwise the recoil overwhelms Talonflame quickly, but Life Orb is better for those that need the extra power. Rapid Spin or Defog support is a must. Starmie, Scizor, and Excadrill are the best Pokemon for this job. Talonflame also needs Pokemon able to deal with its major checks, Tyranitar, Hippowdon, and Rotom-W. Ferrothorn checks all of those Pokemon and helps Talonflame sweep by providing entry hazards. Lastly, Bulk Up can be used instead of Swords Dance to make Talonflame harder to revenge kill. Use it with Roost and Leftovers.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Tyranitar, Slowbro, Mega Ampharos, and Hippowdon are the best answers to Talonflame, as they can check it for an extended period of time. Rotom-W is a great answer too, but it is easier to wear down and its only healing move is Pain Split, which is not reliable. Heliolisk usually outspeeds Talonflame and can take a +2 Brave Bird once, making for a good one-time check. Rocky Helmet Garchomp passively harasses Talonflame and can tank Talonflame's attacks even after a boost, while answering back with either Dragon Claw or Dragon Tail. Aerodactyl outspeeds any Talonflame variant; it can take even a +2 Brave Bird and OHKO back with STAB Rock-type attacks. Finally, Extreme Speed users bypass the priority of Talonflame's Flying-type moves, making for a good way to check it. Lucario and Dragonite are the best users of this move.</p>

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Is it worth adjusting the EV spread to 192 HP / 252 Atk / 64 Spe so that Talonflame can switch into Stealth Rock twice?