Conan's Current Wifi Team

Here is my current wifi team, I like it, but I want to know what you think of my wifi team. I have made a few changes that help protect me from ice type pokemon.

Here is a quick glance of my team

This is a pretty balanced team in my opinion, but like I said, I want to know what you think of my team, so any suggestions you have I will listen to. Also, If you think a pokemon doesnt belong on my team, let me know which one should go and what should replace it.


Gliscor @ Leftovers
252 HP/6 Atk/252 Def
Sand Veil
~Aerial Ace
~Stealth Rock

This is possibly my favorite pokemon in the game. He is so awesome looking for one, and he is a great wall, with moves that can slow down the likes of Infernape, Heracross, and other things. Taunt is to stop people from setting up and Roost is annoying to have to face against a gliscor.


Garchomp @ Leftovers
6 HP/252 Atk/252 Speed
Sand Veil
~Dragon Claw
~Swords Dance
~Stone Edge

I dont really have to say much here, it's Garchomp, one of the best pokemon this game has to offer. I like him because he has a nice set of moves and really doesnt get slowed down by anything to the point where I have to switch. I have added swords dance to have the ability to sweep if I need to.


Suicune @ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Def/6 Sp.Atk
~Ice Beam
~Calm Mind

Suicune is a complete wall. With Calm nature he gets a sp/def boost and with evd def he has good defense in both defenses. And after a calm mind or 2 he is really hard to get rid of. I need a great wall and something that wasn't weak to ice, and I found him.


Deoxys-S @ Expert Belt
6 HP/252 Sp.Atk/252 Speed
~Shadow Ball
~Ice Beam

This guy is obiusly fast and hits pokemon pretty hard with such a great move pool. Most of the stuff here is super effective against something and therefore the expert belt is the hold item. He is a deadly late game sweeper becuase of this.


Gengar @ Wide Lens
6 HP/252 Sp.Atk/252 Speed
~Shadow Ball
~Focus Blast

Gengar has wrecked many people I have faced since they weren't really ready for him. I know he has tons of online play but later in the game he can be pretty nasty. Another pokemon with a great move pool, and hypnosis. You really cant go wrong with Gengar.


Infernape @ Life Orb
6 HP/252 Sp.Atk/252 Speed
~Nasty Plot
~Close Combat
~Grass Knot

This guy can't take a hit, but he can sure deliver one. He gives me something to hit blissey and snorlax with, plus he can take out those pesky steel types that are so hard to get around. Grass Knot is for waters that may get in his way or hippowdon as well. He can cover a lot of bases with this moveset.
First off, can you put in a little more description? Not just about the Pokemon, but how they work in relation to each other. Easier to rate :)

Anyways, I want to warn you that you have 4 Pokemon weak to Ice attacks, so that is something you would want to fix. You also have no special wall, with Zapdos the only Poke with the potential to be one. Either get a new special wall, or try a sleeptalking Zapdos. I've never used Zapdos much, so try asking others what their opinion is on it.

Gliscor won't wall Infernape, just FYI. Almost all Infernape's are mixapes, and they'll carry HP Ice. Which will smash Gliscor down pretty hard.

I don't have experience with Deoxys-S either, but the only thing I have to say is does it really need max speed? Seems kind of pointless unless you want to outspeed scarfs. Also if you're not going to run any physical attacks, Timid or Modest could work, but eh, it won't make much of a difference.

Overall, I say this team isn't very stable. You have two physical walls and no special or mixed wall. Two Pokemon will die quickly from SS damage. There is a gaping Ice weakness, and no overall strategy. This team might need some work.

(By the way, don't take it like an insult when I say "no overall strategy". That only means there is no plan that you'll try to execute to win the game. You just have 6 Pokemon doing their own individual thing. They need to work as a team. Please, I hate it when people interpret "no overall strategy" like a slap in the face. It's easily fixed and no big deal)

If you're going to keep Hippowdon, try and build around the sandstorm.
I know what your saying dont worry I am not insulted. right now the team is 4-0, but i do see the ice thing. Thing is those 4 are really a huge part of my team. Not sure which direction to take this.
A CB Weavile or Mamoswine literally kills off your entire team.

Hippowdon and Gliscor are seving very similar roles, physical walling/support. I'd replace Gliscor with a Weezing, running WoW/Thunderbolt/Pain Split/Sludge Bomb. Sludge Bomb is for STAB, despite its poor type coverage. Tbolt lets you counter Gyarados, while WoW makes all dragons but specsmence cringe.

If you're running Zapdos offensively, it kinda stands below other pokes. I'd replace it with Starmie, running Recover/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Surf. THen you get something to switch in on status moves thanks to its Natural Cure ability, and a lot more coverage.
I am not really a big fan of starmie, and i really like zapdos, I would run a more defensive one if i could get one. Gliscor and Garchomp get sand veil from hippowdon's sand stream. By the way, the team is 5-0 now.
Keep the Zapdos, and change the EV Spread 252 HP / 220 SpDef / 36 Spe, so you don't get fucked by opposing MixApes and Gengar, walling special attackers and Deoxys somewhat aswell. Like it was said, Mamoswine and Weavile pretty much handle your team, revenge killing would be am opyion, which you don't even have SuperPower on Deoxys, and it's not the safest thing. I don't see a need for Hippowodon, you have a Gliscor to take the hits, so replacing Bronzong > Hippowodon would be ideal, as they do the same, but Bronzong can Hypnosis too.

I don't like Life Orb on Garchomp personally. I would just slap a CB on him if you want it to hit hard, with a CB, you pretty much OHKO alot of things, and 2HKO Bulky pokemon.

In my opinion there is no need for Psychic and Thunderbolt on Deoxys, you have 2 pokemon that can Thunderbolt, which would become kind of usless. Psycho Boost would better than Psychic, but I think you would get much more coverage with BoltBeam - SuperPower - Psycho Boost / Shadow Ball. If you choose Super Power make sure you get the standard EV spread that has attack EV's. Aerial Ace should be replaced with Ice Fang, Heracross and Lucario won't do shit to you anyways, and Ice Fang for more Garchomp coverage.
since you dont have superpower on dexoys-s, using 252 EVs in speed is the best place to put them, so don't worry about it. also, this will help you outrun (many and most) other deoxys-s. also because you arent uing superpower, you can use a timid [+Spe, -Atk] nature. you could even think about using a modest [+SpA, -Atk] nature since you have 252 Spe EVs.

also, you may want to take more advantage of garchomp's sandstream ability. the brightpowder set obviously takes the fullest advantage of his ability, but a swords dance / yache set would be just as good in my opinion.
yea you cant even use brightpowder. I actually was thinking of adding a swords dance since sand veil gives me a better chance to get it off.

P.S. I have made changes including 2 of my ice weakness pokemon and added a complete wall in suicune and an Infernape for fighting and fire coverage.
p.s. you might wanna check out (and fix) your suicune set and description. (unless something is wrong with my computer or i'm just seeing things.)
Personally, I would replace your Gliscor with a Bulky Stealth Rock Skarmory.


Skarmory @ Leftovers
EV's: 252HP/160Def/92Atk/4Spe
-Stealth Rock
-Drill Peck/BraveBird (I guess you could Roost off the BB damage).

This will allow you the comfort of not having 2-4X Ice weak Pokemon in
your team, and you'll still have the flexibility of switching into earthquakes.

You'll also still be able to Roar for Stealth/Spike damage with Suicune and Skarmory.
I am not really a big fan of skarmory.

I am testing this, thoughts?

Jolteon 252sp.atk/6sp.def/252speed
Breloom 6hp/252atk/252speed
Specmence 6hp/252sp.atk/252speed
Suicune 252hp/252def/6sp.atk
Celebi 252hp/252def/6sp.atk
I wouldn't immediately throw out half the team because you lost. Instead take a bit of time to think about why you lost. Was there one or two pokes you weren't prepared for? Did something unorthodox catch you offguard? Or were you simply outplayed? Because to be honest I like the team you have put together thus far, and the best of teams are gonna lose sometimes.