Crobat @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 108 HP / 148 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Taunt
- Roost
Batman glides into the UU crime scene to inflict brutal justice! Crobat has been making its mark in UU Snake Draft on balance and bulky offense teams as a revenge killing pivot that can also act as a bulky stallbreaker. Its blistering Speed tier, alongside Brave Bird, allows it to revenge kill Pokemon such as Noivern, Azelf, and Adamant Choice Scarf Diggersby, while U-turn lets it pivot out of bad matchups like Nihilego and Celesteela, giving strong wallbreakers like Keldeo and Thundurus-T a free switch. Access to Taunt and Roost also helps Crobat against Chansey, Skarmory, and Salamence, the latter not being able to 2HKO it with Dual Wingbeat with the given HP investment. Scizor provides another solid cleaning option that removes Rocky Helmet from opponents like Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Hippowdon so Crobat can freely use U-turn and Brave Bird without fear of punishment. Physically bulky variants also provide a good safety net against opponents like Zygarde-10% and Mamoswine. Hippowdon is an amazing defensive partner for its ability to check Electric-types, Galarian Slowbro, and Cobalion for Crobat.
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 108 HP / 148 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Taunt
- Roost
Batman glides into the UU crime scene to inflict brutal justice! Crobat has been making its mark in UU Snake Draft on balance and bulky offense teams as a revenge killing pivot that can also act as a bulky stallbreaker. Its blistering Speed tier, alongside Brave Bird, allows it to revenge kill Pokemon such as Noivern, Azelf, and Adamant Choice Scarf Diggersby, while U-turn lets it pivot out of bad matchups like Nihilego and Celesteela, giving strong wallbreakers like Keldeo and Thundurus-T a free switch. Access to Taunt and Roost also helps Crobat against Chansey, Skarmory, and Salamence, the latter not being able to 2HKO it with Dual Wingbeat with the given HP investment. Scizor provides another solid cleaning option that removes Rocky Helmet from opponents like Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Hippowdon so Crobat can freely use U-turn and Brave Bird without fear of punishment. Physically bulky variants also provide a good safety net against opponents like Zygarde-10% and Mamoswine. Hippowdon is an amazing defensive partner for its ability to check Electric-types, Galarian Slowbro, and Cobalion for Crobat.
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