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Crossover Chaos V2: Slate 44 - Halloween


Pokemon: **The Big Creep** (Shovel Knight)
Type: Ghost
Ability: Speed Boost / Long Reach
Moves: Spooky Moves and Elemental moves, (mainly fire), Rapid Spin help I have no ideas
Stats: 120 / 120 / 120 / 90 / 120 / 90
Reasoning: The Big Creep is a ghost, so Ghost type. Speed Boost because he gets a lot faster as the battle goes on, long reach because Ghost. The moves are Flavor but also useful, Stats are because he's a big Mashup of ghosts. SpA and Spe are lower because it mainly uses physical seeming attacks, speed because it doesn't start out super fast.


Pokemon: **False Knight** (It's a s p o o k y m a g g o t) (Hollow Knight)
Armoured Form: Steel/Bug
Normal Form: Bug
Ability: Stolen Armour (This pokemon take 3/4x damage from neutral attacks and transforms into Normal form at 33% HP and below.)
Moves: Meteor Mash, Lunge, Stomping Tantrum, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Bulk Up, Hammer Arm
Armoured Form: 50 / 150 / 140 / 50 / 90 / 80
Normal Form: 50 / 75 / 70 / 25 / 45 / 40
Reasoning: False Knight is a big, powerful knight, or so you think. It's actually just a maggot who stole some armour, which is why it has 2 forms. In Armoured Form, it is Steel/Bug because it's a bug with big metal armour on. Without the armour, it's pure Bug. It's movepool is based on attacks it uses in game, while also being useful moves. In it's Armoured Form, it has great all around stats except for it's low HP and SpA, because it is still just a maggot and it never uses any magical attacks. Outside of Armoured Form, it has terrible stats except for a barely usable attack. The ability, Stolen Armour, shows how it wants to become more powerful than the things that dominate it as a maggot, but it still goes back to it's old self after taking too much punishment.


: Infect ( -ate Bug Clone.) / Undead Skin (Fluffy clone.) / Regenerator (Get it? Generator?)
Moves: Groundpound, Earthquake, Flame Charge, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Leech Life, X-Scissor, Return, Frustration, Skull Bash, Thrash, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Crush Claw, Facade, Rage, Lung, First Impression, U-Turn, Glare, Growl, Recover, Roar, Refresh, Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Poison Jab, Head Smash, Knock Off, Close Combat, Crunch, Pursuit, Block, Curse, Toxic.
Groundpound |
| 100 BP | Physical | 100% Acc | Contact | 10% to paralyze
Stats: 150/130/140/40/80/60

Reasoning: Whoo, what's a Halloween theme with no Zombies? Here we have the Tank from L4D/2. Normal / Bug reflects it's origin of being of a human and bug as the zombie effect was from an Infection. I was kind of stuck as to what to do, but it came to me. Infect allows to become a lategame Sweeper. Undead Skin and Regenerator allows to also possibly toxic stall. All moves either help being offensive or a staller.


: Infect ( -ate Bug Clone.) / Tough Claws / Sheer Force
Moves: Sob Story, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Crush Claw, Dragon Claw, Knock Off, Leaf Blade, Megahorn, Return, Frustration, Shadow Claw, U-Turn, Wild Charge, Chatter, Clanging Scales, Disarming Voice, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Frost Breath, Psychic. Psyshock, Round, Signal Beam, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Snarl, Snore, Uproar, Bug Buzz, Nasty Plot.
Sob Story |
| 100 BP | Special | 100% Acc | 10% to Confuse
Stats: 70/130/60/150/70/150

Reasoning: Again, the human turned zombie infection monster. This one is way more dangerous though, even though frail. It starts out as crying, then as you become closer to it, it will get angry enough to attack you. If you're too close, you will be brought down and attacked until it is dead or you are. I made it so it can be ran mixed. The low defensive stats allows someone to Stone Edge pretty easily. I'd run calcs, but I'm too tired. Sob Story is based on how the Witch is always crying. This may confuse survivors into thinking it is another survivor.


Ability: Huge Power / Levitate / Aftermath
Moves: Stone Edge, Flare Blitz, Photon Geyser, Earthquake, Pursuit, Crunch, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, etc. I want to add more moves, but I will not at the moment.
Time's Up | Flare Blitz | 200 BP | 100% to Burn
Stats: 100/100/100/100/100/100

Reasoning: If you don't find this thing creepy, you either find it funny or you're messed up somewhere. In the meanwhile, I think I did pretty well. a 200 BP non-STAB Z-Move is not as overpowered as you may think. What is overpowered is the amount of options this thing has and the solid all-around stats it has.

P.S. I got lazy with the Moon because I just wanted to turn this thing in. I will take suggestions on improvement and may add more later. In the meanwhile, vote for me.

Also, is this thing even coded yet?
Since this pet mod relies a lot on custom abilities and moves it was never intended to be coded or playable. If anyone want to add onto what's already coded, they're more than welcome to though.
I'm pretty sure nothing is already coded, since v1 and v2 are different mods.

Regardless, for when, or if, this is ever coded, I might as well lay down two notable 'mons. Note that I'm assuming that regular Pokémon are also enabled in the mod - A pretty reasonable assumption, all things considered.

Kirby in general (OU Ver.): Notable mainly due to the sheer amount of roles he fills. He can be a wall, tank, setup sweeper, revenge killer (as a physical Normal-type), or hazard setter. Or more than one of those. While he probably doesn't have true universal counters in general, his forms are, in fact, distinct, and will inevitably form their own checks and counters. In addition, he isn't particularly overwhelming in any particular form (except maybe Normal as a Physical attacker and Steel as a wall), so a generally good team should be able to beat any particular form.

Ice Climbers: Physical sweepers, all-out attackers, revenge killers, and flinchmasters. An Icicle Crash from this chilly pair will hurt, due to 140 Attack and Cold Combo. Cold Combo also means that Icicle Crash has a 60% flinch chance - 54% adjusted for accuracy. Oh, yeah, and they have 120 Speed and a Z-move with a 100% freeze chance. And Ice Shard.

...okay maybe I'm not the best at speculating the turn of the meta but I tried ok

Excluding Kirby's alternate forms even while counting other alternate forms, for obvious reasons.

Flying: 5, 6 counting alternate forms
Normal: 7
Poison: 3
Dragon: 3
Water: 2, 3 counting alternate forms
Electric, 4, 5 counting alternate forms
Ghost: 2, 4 counting alternate forms
Fighting: 7
Ice: 3
Fairy: 3
Bug: 1
Steel: 5
Dark: 8, 9 counting alternate forms
Psychic: 3
Fire: 4
Grass: 2
Ground: 1
Rock: 0
Notably, we have a very high amount of Dark and to a lesser extent Fighting and Normal. We also have only one Bug and one Ground, and absolutely no Rock.
Voting is starting now! Get your votes in by the 15th of October.
Pokemon: King Boo
Type: Ghost/Dark
Ability: Dark Fear (Opposing Pokemon that flinch while this ability is active will take 25% of their total health in damage, and Pokemon that cannot move due to being paralyzed will take 1/8 of their total health in damage.) / (HA) Illusion
Signature Item: Dark Crown (Halves the damage from "light" moves. List includes: Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannon, Light of Ruin, Seed Flare, Aurora Beam, Luster Purge, Mirror Shot, Prismatic Laser, Photon Geyser, Sunsteel Strike, Moongeist Beam, Doom Desire, and Flashlight Pulse)
Signature Move:
Royal Breaker
- Type: Ghost
- Classification: Special
- Power: 90
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 15 (max 24)
- Effect: Targets physical defense. Has a 20% chance to flinch the target
Stats: 105 / 86 / 115 / 120 / 109 / 55 (Total: 590)
Other Notable Moves: Fake Out, Moongeist Beam (only compatible with Illusion), Dark Pulse, Moonlight, Thunderbolt, Icy Wind, Earthquake, Lick, Glare, Scary Face, Mean Look, Shadow Sneak, Phantom Force, Pursuit, Trick, Taunt, Fling, Feint, Trick Room, Fake Tears
Overview: The spookiest of all specters in the Mushroom Kingdom, it's none other than King Boo. Ghost typing is very, very obvious here, and Dark comes from the enhancements to his evil powers within the second game of the series (aptly titled Dark Moon). When it comes to frightening people, he does so malevolently, and has even stated (or implied) that he would kill people once Luigi was defeated. This elicits his signature ability, Dark Fear, which cements King Boo as the master of it. Illusion comes from the original Luigi's Mansion, in which he created an illusion inside of a painting, and Dark Moon, in which he possesses illusion magic strong enough to create a nightmarish realm of his very own. His item comes from the source of his power, the gem of his crown, which allowed him to shatter the titular Dark Moon above Evershade Valley and take control of all the ghosts within. As for its effects, King Boo is actually able to straight up resist the power of Luigi's flashlight within the fight, which demonstrates his strength of will. His signature move references the fight within Dark Moon itself, in which King Boo became gigantic and smashed through an illusory hallway using his power. Stats emphasize bulk and special attack, and his lack of speed reflects the way he fights within the game, relatively slowly, but powerfully. His other moves are all about other things King Boo would/likely could do within the Pokemon universe. Most notably, Feint and Fake Out comes from his tendency to frighten people by luring them into false senses of security, Trick Room operates off the same flavor as Illusion, Glare, Mean Look, and Scary Face come from his terrifying visage, Trick comes from being tricky (like his cohorts), and Fake Tears comes from Super Princess Peach, in which he cried in order to put out the lanterns lit by Peach. Moongeist Beam is only compatible with Illusion because it more closely represents his power from Dark Moon.
Sample Movesets:

Trick Room Team Illusion King Boo
King Boo @ Dark Crown/Life Orb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Quiet Nature
-Moongeist Beam
-Icy Wind
-Trick Room / Fake Tears / Glare

King Boo @ Leftovers
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Mean Look
- Fake Tears
- Moonlight
- Moongeist Beam/Dark Pulse

Paralyze with Fear
King Boo @ Dark Crown / King's Rock
Dark Fear
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Fake Out
- Glare
- Royal Breaker/Dark Pulse
- Dark Pulse/Fling
Pokemon: Madame Mirage
Type: Steel/Psychic
Ability: Reflector (If this Pokemon has been damaged in this turn, its moves are powered up by 1.3x. If the move used is a damaging "Mirror" move (Mirror Shot, Mirror Image, and Mirror Move) it will receive a 1.5x boost in power regardless of whether the user was damaged, while Mirror Coat will dish back 2.2x the damage.)
Signature Move:
Mirror Image
- Type: Psychic
- Classification: Special
- Power: 80
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 20 (max 32)
- Effect: Copies the target's positive stat changes if they are higher than its own stat changes.
Stats: 99 / 85 / 75 / 120 / 151 / 35 (Total: 565)
Notable Moveset: Mirror Shot, Mirror Move, Mirror Coat, Psychic, Calm Mind, Telekinesis, Metal Burst, Flash Cannon, Confuse Ray, Ally Switch, Night Shade, Shadow Ball, Reflect, Light Screen, Scary Face, Trick Room, Dazzling Gleam, Destiny Bond
Overview: A spooky mirror ghost that attempts to murder Mario with evil tennis. I decided not to make this one a Ghost type, but instead differentiate her from King Boo by making her more of a "mirror"-like type, Steel/Psychic. Her ability makes Mirror moves like Mirror Shot and her signature move Mirror Image more powerful than their non-mirror counterparts, as well as giving boosts to Mirror Move and Mirror Coat. Mirror Image is not unlike a pseudo Spectral Thief, which helps with certain powerful setup mons. Her stats reflect the image of a mirror in that it "reflects" special attacks, but doesn't deal as well with physical ones. Moves match that of other Ghosts, Steels, and Psychics in the Pokemon series, as well as fitting mirror and role flavor.
Sample Movesets

Mirror Match
Madame Mirage @ Flyinium Z
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Mirror Shot / Flash Cannon
- Mirror Image
- Mirror Coat / Metal Burst / Trick Room
- Mirror Move

Screen Utility
Madame Mirage @ Light Clay
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Night Shade / Confuse Ray
- Destiny Bond / Scary Face

Back to You
Madame Mirage @ Custap Berry
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Mirror Coat
- Metal Burst
- Mirror Image
- Destiny Bond
Pokemon: Hero's Shade
Ability: Shade Form (Only works for Hero's Shade. This Pokemon starts in Shade Form. When this Pokemon uses a bite, sound (and Howl), or claw move, it transforms into Wolf Form. When it uses a sword, blade, or cut move, it transforms back into Shade Form. This transformation occurs at the beginning of the turn.)
Type (Shade Form): Fighting/Steel
Type (Wolf Form): Ghost
Signature Moves:
Helm Splitter
- Type: Steel
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 45
- Accuracy: 95
- PP: 20 (max 32)
- Effect: Hits twice. The second hit has a high critical hit ratio. If the foe uses a protection move, this breaks through it and cannot miss. Blade move.
Jump Strike
- Type: Flying
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 100
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 5 (max 8)
- Effect: If used after Laser Focus, its critical damage will be 2x, and it will strike all enemies. Sword move.
Stats (Shade Form): 100 / 125 / 120 / 80 / 115 / 65 (Total: 605)
Stats (Wolf Form): 100 / 125 / 90 / 80 / 85 / 125 (Total: 605)
Notable Moveset: Swords Dance, Slash, Air Slash, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade, Solar Blade, Sacred Sword, Secret Sword, Flash Cannon, Calm Mind, Shadow Claw, Metal Claw, Hone Claws, Growl, Noble Roar, Howl, Snarl, Perish Song, Bite, Crunch, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Poison Fang, Psychic Fangs, Destiny Bond, Night Shade, Pursuit, Fell Stinger, Phantom Force, Guillotine, Laser Focus, Gyro Ball
Overview: The Hero's Shade is the restless spirit of the Hero of Time that takes the form of a skeletal knight that can also be a ghost wolf. If that's not Halloween enough for you, I don't know what is. Before we go over other things, it is important to understand his ability: Shade Form, which allows him to transform between his slower, bulkier armored knight form and his faster, somewhat frailer wolf form. The typing of the wolf form represents his status as a lonely spirit, while his true form is the same typing as a standard "heroic knight". Between his two forms, he has perfect neutral coverage in Sacred Sword and Shadow Claw, which change him to their respectively typed forms. His signature moves, Helm Splitter and Jump Strike, provide a strong STAB and strong coverage, respectively. Each of them functions how they do in the game: Helm Splitter combines the Shield Bash technique with a quick strike on the opponent's head, that puts the Hero's Shade (or Link, in the case of Twilight Princess) behind his target for another strike. The Jump Strike is normally the powerful jump attack, which strikes a single enemy, but it can be charged to hit multiple enemies with a shockwave. His moveset consists of moves that he can use to transition between his two forms, but it also includes some others. Destiny Bond and Night Shade make sense for a spirit to have. Pursuit is a reasonable addition to his moveset as well, as it could very well be something in his power. The rest of his moves represent the seven hidden skills taught in Twilight Princess. The Ending Blow (Fell Stinger), the Shield Attack (represented within Helm Splitter in the fact that it breaks protection), the Back Attack (Phantom Force), the Helm Splitter, the Mortal Draw (Guillotine), the Jump Strike (Laser Focus represents the charge), and the Great Spin (Gyro Ball).
Sample Movesets:

50/50 AV
Hero's Shade @ Assault Vest
252 Atk / 70 SpD / 186 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Claw
- Ice Fang / Psychic Fangs
- Sacred Sword
- Helm Splitter

SD Wolf
Hero's Shade @ Electrium Z
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Claw
- Ice Fang / Psychic Fangs
- Thunder Fang (to outpace and kill Greninja)

SD Hero
Hero's Shade @ Flyinium Z / Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Helm Splitter
- Jump Strike
Pokemon: Mii Hero (Vampire)
Type: Dark/Poison
Abilities: Vampire's Power (This Pokemon is airborne. This Pokemon and its allies have a 10% chance to live an otherwise fatal attack at 1 HP.) / Regenerator
Signature Move: Bat Tornado
- Type: Dark
- Classification: Special
- Power: 95
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 10 (max 16)
- Effect: Hits the opponent's defense. The user recovers 50% of the damage they deal.
Stats: 142 / 86 / 77 / 125 / 87 / 53 (Total: 510)
Other Notable Moves: Sludge Wave, Frost Breath, Heat Wave, Drain Punch, Leech Life, Bite, Crunch, Poison Jab, U-Turn Curse, Helping Hand, Retaliate, Follow Me, Taunt, Return, Frustration
Overview: With Halloween just on the horizon, this is the return of the Miitopia Vampire class submission. The deal with the Vampire in Miitopia is that it has lots of HP, and that it can revive itself, which explains its high HP stat and its abilities. The floating part of the signature ability comes from the fact that the Vampire floats while walking and using magic attacks. The typing comes from the fact that it receives breath attacks for Poison, Ice, and Fire, and out of the three Poison makes the most sense, as well as Vampires often being associated with evil, and thus, darkness. (They even have an outfit called the Darkness Suit) The signature move, Bat Tornado, is a combination of two moves from the game, the regular Bat Tornado (which targets defense instead of magic) and the Miitopia version of Bite (which restores HP from the attack). Once again, other moves are Vampire flavor or are based on the game's ingame friendship system. The role of the Vampire in the meta is to function as a bulky offensive mon that keeps itself alive via indirect recovery, allowing it to defeat many opponents. Bat Tornado restores HP, which helps it stay alive when facing faster opponents, and it can choose to remove its one weakness or be able to recover HP by switching.
Sample Moveset:

Vampire's Power Set
Hero Mii @ Life Orb / Assault Vest
Vampire's Power
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Bat Tornado
- Sludge Wave
- Heat Wave
- Frost Breath

Bulky Regenerator
Hero Mii @ Life Orb
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Bat Tornado
- Sludge Wave
- Heat Wave / Frost Breath
- U-Turn
Pokémon: **Dry Bones**
Type: Ghost/Ground
Ability: Shell Armor / Weak Armor / Regenerator (Hidden Ability)
Moves: Shadow Bone, Bone Club, Bone Rush, Bonemerang, Shell Smash, Bulldoze, Reanimate*, Rock Slide, Rapid Spin, Earthquake, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw, Earth Power, Phantom Force

Reanimate - Ghost type | Status, N/A BP, 16 PP | Heals 50% of maximum HP and heals any volatile status ailment
Stats: 75/115/135/85/65/75 | 550 BST

Dry Bones are a fun set in the Mario franchise. Regenerator and Reanimate comes from their uncanny ability to put themselves back together after being jumped on. Ghost/Ground makes sense since all bone moves are Ground and its a walking skeleton.
Pokémon: Remilia Scarlet
Type: Dark/Flying
Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 80/110/80/130/80/120 (600)
Notable Moves: Dark Pulse, Air Slash, Throat Chop, Knock Off, Brave Bird, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Recover, Leech Life, Nasty Plot, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Rapid Spin, Giga Drain
Sample Sets
Remilia @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower
- Air Slash
- Nasty Plot

Reasoning: Dark/Flying because Remilia is, in fact, a vampire, and I couldn't really think of anything that fit better. Regenerator because she's known to recover from wounds quickly. She's strong, fast, and good at magic, so her stats reflect this. She gets various STAB moves as well as moves based, to varying degrees of loseness, on attacks she uses in her native series.
Pokémon: Dark Meta Knight
Type: Dark/Steel
Ability: Intimidate / Knightmare*
*see Meta Knight
Stats: 70/130/70/120/70/140 (600)
Notable Moves: Mach Tornado*, Blade Burst**, Triple Crescent Slash***, all non-signature slashing moves, Swords Dance, Smart Strike, Rapid Spin
*see Meta Knight
**Blade Burst: Physical Steel-type, 100 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15/24 PP, 30% chance to lower target's defense by 1, slashing move, non-contact
***Triple Crescent Slash: Physical Dark-Type, 30 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15/24 PP, hits 3 times, slashing move, non-contact
Sample Sets
Dark Meta Knight @ Life Orb
Ability: Knightmare
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Blade Burst
- Triple Crescent Slash
- Mach Tornado
- Sacred Sword

Reasoning: Dark Meta Knight is a copy of Meta Knight made by the Dimension Mirror, and as such shares his abilities and Mach Tornado. Dark Meta Knight lacks Meta Knight's honor - he disguised himself as the more noble knight in Amazing Mirror (less redundant than it sounds), and is implied to have corrupted Queen Sectonia in Triple Deluxe - so he gets the Dark-type. His power over mirrors that he gained in Triple Deluxe and kept in Star Allies (and less importantly, the nature of his equipment) gives him the Steel-type. Blade Burst is based on a move he uses in Triple Deluxe and Star Allies (with its name taken from the latter). Triple Crescent Slash is based on a move he uses in Amazing Mirror and Star Allies (again, with its name taken from the latter). Since he lacks Meta Quick and Shuttle Loop / Condor Dive, he also lacks Extreme Speed and Brave Bird. The rest of his movepool is the same as Meta Knight's, and he has them for the same reasons.
The Knight (Hollow Knight)

Abilities: Shade Soul - Upon fainting, enters Shade form.
Moves: Smart Strike, X-Scissor, Lunge, Sacred Sword, Shadow Ball, Shadow Bone, Megahorn, Dark Pulse, Brutal Swing, Toxic, Screech, Boomburst, Quick Attack, Shadow Sneak, Substitute, Swords Dance, Focus
Stats: 60 / 115 / 95 / 115 / 95 / 120 (600 BST)
Signature Move: Focus |
| Status | 10 PP | Heals the user by 50% of their max HP. Boosts the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. | Z-Move: +1 All Stats

Shade Form

The Knight (Shade Form)

Magic Guard
Moves: Same as above
Stats: 1 / 115 / 95 / 115 / 95 / 69 (490 BST)
Overview: Hollow Knight in general is a pretty spooky game, and the main character is a "ghost" of sorts. The type combo should be pretty obvious then, as it's also a bug. Moves are sword based or come from various spells and such in game. Ability mirrors the game, in which once you die your corpse becomes a shade- A fragile remnant of yourself that's extra vulnerable to the Dream Nail (magic guard). Focus is based off of the Focus mechanic in the game
Nosk (Hollow Knight)

Moves: Crunch, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Gastro Acid, Sludge Bomb, Pursuit, Knock Off, Lunge, Gastro Acid, Acid Spray, Sticky Web, Swords Dance, Spider Web, Infestation, Earthquake, Taunt, Substitute, Toxic, Sucker Punch, Poison Fang, Night Slash, Bounce, Toxic Spikes, Psychic Fangs
Stats: 105 / 140 / 90 / 85 / 75 / 105 (600 BST)
Overview: Nosk is another spooky critter from Hollow Knight that lures prey by disguising itself as the Knight (Imposter). In battle it is quick, erratic, and tends to spray orange acid everywhere, hence it's Poison/Dark typing. Most of its moves are STAB or come from his heavy weight, ability to create string in order to hang prey, or imposter abilities.
Grimm (Hollow Knight)

Abilities: Intimidate / Pressure | Nightmare - Upon KOing an opponent, transforms into Nightmare King Grimm
Moves: X-Scissor, Lunge, Leech Life, Bug Buzz, Megahorn, Flare Blitz, Fire Blast, Inferno, Blaze Kick, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Hypnosis, Glare, Flamethrower, Searing Shot, Celebrate, Hex, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, High Jump Kick, Hidden Power, Substitute
Stats: 70 / 120 / 75 / 110 / 95 / 130 (600 BST)

Nightmare King Grimm (Hollow Knight)

Ability: No Guard
Moves: Same as above
Stats: 70 / 130 / 75 / 150 / 95 / 160 (680 BST)
Overview: The boss of the spooky Grimm Troupe expansion, Grimm is about as directly halloween-y as the game gets. With a vampiric design and being the head of a carnival-esque dark tradition, he fits the theme of this slate pretty well. His theme centers around "flame", and he is a bug, so fire/bug fits. The ability to transform into Nightmare King Grimm is similar to the game, where collecting more flame (or in this case, a KO) will transform him into his god-tier form Nightmare King Grimm, who's Fire/Ghost due to being a dream boss and technically not physical. No Guard as Nightmare King comes from his fast and devastatingly accurate attacks. Also, No Guard Inferno.
**Endogeny** (Undertale)

Abilities: Terrify / Rocket Soul
Terrify: When switching in, the foe’s higher attacking stat is lowered by one stage.
Rocket Soul: Gains resistances (but not weaknesses) of the Steel-type.

Moves: Shadow Bone, Thousand Arrows, Return, Bone Rush, Shadow Ball, Hyper Voice, Agility, Iron Defense, Whirlwind, Tailwind, Shadow Sneak, Frustration, Crunch, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Bite, Psychic Fangs, Poison Fang, Toxic, Flash Cannon, Fly, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Flame Burst, Snarl, Flame Charge, Roar, Rocket Tackle
Stats: 75 / 105 / 95 / 65 / 85 / 65 [460 BST]
Signature Move: Rocket Tackle |
| Physical | 110 Power | 10 PP | 85% Accuracy | Dual-type effectiveness with Steel (like Flying Press).
Overview: Endogeny is a literal amalgamation of dog souls injected with Determination that is able to shoot a bunch of arrows out of the hole where its face is supposed to be, as well as being able to fly around like a rocket. All of these factors make Edogeny extremely off-the-wall as a Pokemon and an extremely useful one at that, despite the seemingly low stats compared to other entries in this Pet Mod. Every fang move as well as Snarl comes from the fact that Endogeny is made of dogs, with the same being true for Bite and Crunch. Shadow Bone, Bone Rush and Return also stem from canine origins on Endogeny. It gets Frustration for consistency with Return. Shadow Ball and Sneak each is a standard Ghost move, Hyper Voice is because barking, and the same is true for Roar. Terrify is given to each amalgamate, due to their creepy nature and because of the fact that when I encountered them, I was scared like nothing has scared me before. The elephant in the room here is Thousand Arrows, but there is a good reason. In Undertale, one of Endogeny’s two attacks involves launching several arrows from the orifice that replaces its face. Rocket Tackle, the signature move, is derived from Endogeny’s other Attack. Fly, Flash Cannon, Flame Burst, Flamethrower, Fire Blast and Flame Charge have similar origins to Rocket Tackle. Agility comes from the fact that during the battle with Endogeny, it vibrates constantly, with the vibration speed increasing as the battle goes on. Iron Defense (as well as Rocket Soul, the secondary ability) are tied to the seemingly weird fact that this dog monstrosity essentially has a Jetpack and has ties to Steel-type. Toxic is universal. Finally, Whirlwind and Tailwind are references to the fan room you find Endogeny in the first place.
Strategy: Endogeny has multiple viable sets with various roles. Despite the mediocre stats and no recovery, Normal/Ghost coupled with Steel-type resistances makes Endogeny an extremely potent wall. Offensively, it has an array of coverage moves, the most notable of which is Thousand Arrows, which combined with Rocket Tackle and Shadow Bone hits majority of the Metagame. The only downside is a lack of set up and mediocre Attack. You even could run an Assault Vest set, with Poison Fang providing Toxic support.
Pokémon: sans
Type: ghost/psychic
Ability: karmic retribution (sans' damaging moves all hit four times each, each with the same power as the first. parental bond variant.) / truant (ha)
Moves: bone rush, bonemerang, bone club, shadow bone, substitute, sucker punch, toxic, foul play, confide, rest, trick, taunt, detect, smack down, gravity, telekinesis, psychic, teleport, hyper beam, flash cannon, miracle eye, foresight, mind reader, zap cannon
Stats: 15/15/20/15/20/150 [BST 235]

Reasoning: *sans is notoriously lazy, so his ha is truant. his stats may or may not derive from this. however, his normal ability is where you need to look. shadow bones hitting 5 times means your enemies are gonna have a bad time. this combined with 150 speed means everything's boned. he also gets rest for this reason. some of his moves derive from how much of a troll he can be, others just involve bones. ghost because he's a skeleton that examines your behavior. psychic for teleportation and other things. definitely more than meets the eye there. smack down and gravity because he can give you gravity. telekinesis and psychic because he throws you all over the place. however his stats are extremely minmaxed. he's the only monster in the game to evade your every move and while his damage does pile up on you, it's scratch damage that bypasses invincibility frames. 15/20/20 bulk because one hit and he's boned. also he gets flash cannon and those other moves due to using gasterblasters.
Pokémon: Specimen 10
Type: Poison/Dark (Normal), Poison/Bug (Leech)
Ability: Adapting Parasite (If Specimen 10 takes a hit in battle, it turns into Specimen 10-Leech. This transformation also hits if Specimen 10 uses a damaging Priority move. Switching out reverts Specimen 10 to its default form.)
Moves: Infestation, Pursuit, Crunch, Leech Life, Poison Fang, Bug Bite, Gastro Acid, Astonish, Toxic, Poison Jab, Dream Eater, Constrict, Bind, Block
Stats (Normal): 75/135/70/125/120/45 [BST 570]
Stats (Leech): 75/60/115/65/70/135 [BST 520]

Reasining: In Normal Form, Specimen 10's quite sluggish. However, get too close, and it'll chomp on you, dealing lots of damage and covering your screen in some slime. Thus, it gets Infestation. However, get too far away or axe it, and it'll metamorph into a leech-life organism that doesn't hit as hard, but is easily the fastest specimen in the game and the only one that can outpace the player. (Unless you decide to count Specimen 6, which acts kinda like a Weeping Angel.) Thus, Bug-type. The axe won't do anything to Leech!Specimen 10 (Normal form shapeshifts right away when axed), so the leech has high Defense on top of that Speed.

Abilities: Thick Fat / Stench | *Incessant Rhyming
*Incessant Rhyming - when this pokemon successfully uses a move, it randomly uses another move that rhymes with the first. Metronome only triggers a rhyme for the move it chooses, not metronome itself.
I know what you're thinking
It won't work perfectly. It will be entirely based on spelling, not pronunciation. The words it chooses probably won't rhyme very well half the time. There will be obvious rhymes that it fails to detect. Hopefully it will be close enough to be fun though.

Moves: *Pentameter, Hyper Voice, Round, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Nasty Plot, Protect, Toxic, Moonlight, Taunt, Metronome,
*Pentameter - 80 BP Special Dark-type move, 100% acc., 10-16 PP, Sound move, 20% chance to either confuse target, burn target, or burn self.
Stats: 110 / 80 / 100 / 95 / 80 / 110 (565 BST)
Reasoning: Gruntilda, a.k.a. Grunty, the antagonist of Banjo-Kazooie and a spooky witch for Halloween! She likes to taunt Banjo and Kazooie in rhymes throughout their adventure. Sometimes her taunts are a sick burn on the pair, sometimes they are more of a burn on herself, and other times they are just wtf. Her stats may look strange but given the fact that she can often use two attacks in the same turn, her offense should not be underestimated.
Pokémon: Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom)
Type: Ghost/Grass
Ability: Grassy Surge/Manipulation of Death (HA)
Signature Ability: Manipulation of Death- Every attack that hits has a 2% chance to instantly faint the target. Foes that make contact have a 1% chance of fainting immediately.
Moves: Ghastly Dream*, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Petal Blizzard, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, Protect, Swagger, Flatter, Ingrain, Every OHKO move, Synthesis, Phantom Force, Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Crunch, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, etc.
Signature Move: Ghastly Dream: Ghost-type, Base 90 Power, Special. Deals damage based on Yuyuko's higher attack stat. Has a 2% chance to instantly faint the target.
Signature Z-Move: Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana- Ghost-type, Status. Upgraded from Ghastly Dream via the Yuyukonium Z. Instantly faints the target. Affects Normal-type Pokemon.
Stats: 110 HP/110 Atk/110 Def/120 SpA/110 SpD/30 Spe (590 BST)
Tier Warning: Manipulation of Death, Ghastly Dream and Yuyukonium Z are banned in Overused under the OHKO Clause.
Reasoning: Yuyuko Saigyouji first appears as the Final Boss of Perfect Cherry Blossom. She's a ghost who shares the same power as the Saigyou Ayakashi, a youkai tree, and is mostly associated with Cherry Blossoms (hence the Ghost/Grass-typing). However, her Ability and Signature Move/Z-Move are a direct reference to her ability in Touhou canon: The ability to cause things to die. Since OHKO moves are banned in OU, this means that Yuyuko cannot use her ability in OU, either, as this turns ALL of her attacks into potential OHKO moves, albeit at a very low chance (Ghastly Dream, her signature has the highest non-100% rate which is 4% total). Her Z-Move is based on her Last Word from Imperishable Night, which is said to be the incarnation of her ability. Thus it only seemed fitting to make it a guaranteed OHKO and one of the main reasons to use Yuyuko in Ubers: If she can get a chance to fire her Z-Move off, that is one target immediately gone from the battle. Her other moves are standard ghost- and grass- fare, save for a few. Yuyuko's projectiles often take the form of spectral butterflies, hence why she also has access to Attack Order, Defend Order and Heal Order. Lastly, Yuyuko is known for her immense appetite, hence Stockpile, Swallow and Spit Up.

Playing against Yuyuko in Ubers is a risky affair because even if a 'counter' switches in, there's a chance, however small, that her ability might just pop up and ruin whatever your would-be Yuyuko counter would attempt by promptly saying 'WELCOME TO DIE!', before promptly, well, killing them. Remember, people die if they are killed. That and a predicted switch could result in a Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana to the face and... yeah. They still die. In OU you don't have to worry about that, thankfully, since OHKO Clause prohibits the use of Ghastly Dream and Manipulation of Death, but Grassy Surge can be just as annoying, given Yuyuko's great bulk. She can prove to be a very annoying wall that's tough to break. After all, you can't kill something that's already dead.

Her stats are a bit different though. In the games, Yuyuko is often depicted as slow-moving, but has wide range coverage and, in the fighting games, good options for any situation, so her stats save for Speed are all very high and well-rounded.
Pokemon: **The Big Creep** (Shovel Knight)
Type: Ghost
Ability: Speed Boost / Long Reach
Moves: Spooky Moves and Elemental moves, (mainly fire), Rapid Spin help I have no ideas
Stats: 120 / 120 / 120 / 90 / 120 / 90
Reasoning: The Big Creep is a ghost, so Ghost type. Speed Boost because he gets a lot faster as the battle goes on, long reach because Ghost. The moves are Flavor but also useful, Stats are because he's a big Mashup of ghosts. SpA and Spe are lower because it mainly uses physical seeming attacks, speed because it doesn't start out super fast.
Pokemon: **False Knight** (It's a s p o o k y m a g g o t) (Hollow Knight)
Armoured Form: Steel/Bug
Normal Form: Bug
Ability: Stolen Armour (This pokemon take 3/4x damage from neutral attacks and transforms into Normal form at 33% HP and below.)
Moves: Meteor Mash, Lunge, Stomping Tantrum, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Bulk Up, Hammer Arm
Armoured Form: 50 / 150 / 140 / 50 / 90 / 80
Normal Form: 50 / 75 / 70 / 25 / 45 / 40
Reasoning: False Knight is a big, powerful knight, or so you think. It's actually just a maggot who stole some armour, which is why it has 2 forms. In Armoured Form, it is Steel/Bug because it's a bug with big metal armour on. Without the armour, it's pure Bug. It's movepool is based on attacks it uses in game, while also being useful moves. In it's Armoured Form, it has great all around stats except for it's low HP and SpA, because it is still just a maggot and it never uses any magical attacks. Outside of Armoured Form, it has terrible stats except for a barely usable attack. The ability, Stolen Armour, shows how it wants to become more powerful than the things that dominate it as a maggot, but it still goes back to it's old self after taking too much punishment.

Ability: Infect ( -ate Bug Clone.) / Undead Skin (Fluffy clone.) / Regenerator (Get it? Generator?)
Moves: Groundpound, Earthquake, Flame Charge, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Leech Life, X-Scissor, Return, Frustration, Skull Bash, Thrash, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Crush Claw, Facade, Rage, Lung, First Impression, U-Turn, Glare, Growl, Recover, Roar, Refresh, Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Poison Jab, Head Smash, Knock Off, Close Combat, Crunch, Pursuit, Block, Curse, Toxic.
Groundpound |
| 100 BP | Physical | 100% Acc | Contact | 10% to paralyze
Stats: 150/130/140/40/80/60

Reasoning: Whoo, what's a Halloween theme with no Zombies? Here we have the Tank from L4D/2. Normal / Bug reflects it's origin of being of a human and bug as the zombie effect was from an Infection. I was kind of stuck as to what to do, but it came to me. Infect allows to become a lategame Sweeper. Undead Skin and Regenerator allows to also possibly toxic stall. All moves either help being offensive or a staller.

: Infect ( -ate Bug Clone.) / Tough Claws / Sheer Force
Moves: Sob Story, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Crush Claw, Dragon Claw, Knock Off, Leaf Blade, Megahorn, Return, Frustration, Shadow Claw, U-Turn, Wild Charge, Chatter, Clanging Scales, Disarming Voice, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Frost Breath, Psychic. Psyshock, Round, Signal Beam, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Snarl, Snore, Uproar, Bug Buzz, Nasty Plot.
Sob Story |
| 100 BP | Special | 100% Acc | 10% to Confuse

Stats: 70/130/60/150/70/150

Reasoning: Again, the human turned zombie infection monster. This one is way more dangerous though, even though frail. It starts out as crying, then as you become closer to it, it will get angry enough to attack you. If you're too close, you will be brought down and attacked until it is dead or you are. I made it so it can be ran mixed. The low defensive stats allows someone to Stone Edge pretty easily. I'd run calcs, but I'm too tired. Sob Story is based on how the Witch is always crying. This may confuse survivors into thinking it is another survivor.

Ability: Huge Power / Levitate / Aftermath
Moves: Stone Edge, Flare Blitz, Photon Geyser, Earthquake, Pursuit, Crunch, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, etc. I want to add more moves, but I will not at the moment.
Time's Up | Flare Blitz | 200 BP | 100% to Burn
Stats: 100/100/100/100/100/100

Reasoning: If you don't find this thing creepy, you either find it funny or you're messed up somewhere. In the meanwhile, I think I did pretty well. a 200 BP non-STAB Z-Move is not as overpowered as you may think. What is overpowered is the amount of options this thing has and the solid all-around stats it has.
Pika Xreme
leonard (from big bang theory)
Last edited:
kirbyrider1337's sans
Neosonic97's Yuyuko Saigyouji
KeeganSkymin4444's Hero Mii (Vampire)

And while we're at it, here, have a picture of a spoopy ghost:

Oops, I didn't know voting ended. It's been a long weekend.
Can I get these votes in real quick though?
Brodaha's Big Creep
Shoopz_Whisper's Majora's Mask Moon
G-Luke's Dry Bones
And it's right back to failure with me.

Pokémon: X (Mega Man X)
Type: Steel
Ability: Protean
Moves: Charge Shot*, Sketch
Signature Move: Charge Shot- Base 90 Power, 15 PP, Steel-type, Special. No Special Effects. Can only be used by Armorless X. Steelium Z turns it into 185 BP Corkscrew Crash.
Stats: 80 HP/70 Atk/70 Def/100 SpA/80 SpD/100 Spe (BST: 500)
Reasoning: Mega Man X (Although he just goes by X) is the titular and main character of the Mega Man X series. As Dr. Light's magnum opus, he was gifted the ability to think and feel, and act upon these, essentially becoming the world's first fully sentient robot. He was sealed away for 30 years to test his morality as Dr. Light would not live long enough to properly ensure that X was ready to be released to the world. He later helped create the Reploid race, and became a Maverick Hunter to stop the Mavericks (basically Reploid criminals) who started cropping up after a while, and continously battling the leader of the Mavericks, Sigma, who just won't stay dead, for whatever reason.

In the games, X in his base form is usually depicted as very weak, but his Variable Weapons System affords him the move Sketch which... yeah. X's movepool is unparalleled. It's a shame, then, that his stats are subpar, with not a single stat reaching above base 100. What he DOES have however is both his incredible movepool and access to Protean, which, as Greninja has previously taught many players, is an amazing ability. It's by this ability that X lives and dies... at first, at least. The Charge Shot is X's signature move, based on his ability to charge his X-Buster in every Mega Man X game.

When I said 'at first' for saying X lives and dies by Protean, there's a reason for that. You see, X, throughout his games, collects various sets of armor which improve his abilities. And of course, that translates perfectly to forme changes! And there are A LOT of form changes I'm covering (To note: SIX of them!), since I'm using every armor set that X has used from X4 to X6! All but two give up the Protean Ability for a new ability and typing, with more specialized stats for a given role to use with X's incredible versatility. So with that out of the way, let's dive right into...

Forme Changes

X's Forme Changes are performed out of battle using the Dr. Light Capsule Key Item.

Form: Fourth Armor X [X-Fourth] (Mega Man X4-X5)
Base Stats:
100 HP/80 Atk/90 Def/110 SpA/100 SpD/110 Spe (BST: 590)
Ability stays as Protean.
Typing remains unchanged.
New Move: Plasma Charge Shot- Steel-type, Base 95 Power, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP, Special. Traps the target for 1 turn, dealing 1/8 of their maximum HP at the end of the turn. Can only be used by Fourth Armor X and Ultimate Armor X. Steelium Z turns it into 190 BP Corkscrew Crash.
New Z-Move: Giga Attack: Nova Strike 4th- Upgraded from Plasma Charge Shot using 4Xium Z. Steel-type, Base 200 Power, Physical. Calculated from X's higher attacking stat.
Reasoning: Fourth Armor X is a slight stat boost from Armorless X, representing how in X4 and X5, Fourth Armor X is a straight upgrade from Armorless X and the last truly upgrade-based armor rather than armors that specialise in different areas. The Plasma Charge Shot is the more iconic of Fourth Armor X's two charge shots (He can swap between two arm parts at will), and the Nova Strike is Fourth Armor X's Giga Attack, which translates well into a Z-Move, and in that game it is a flying charge forwards which makes X invulnerable for the length of the charge (But this functionality is removed to avoid balance issues). There is, however, a reason why it's called Nova Strike 4th, rather than just Nova Strike, though.

Next we have...

Form: Falcon Armor X [X-Falcon] (Mega Man X5-X6)
Base Stats: 90 HP/70 Atk/80 Def/110 SpA/90 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 560)
New Typing: Steel/Flying
New Ability: Free Move- User is immune to all entry hazards and clears any hazards on your side of the field when switched in.
New Move: Spear Charge Shot- Base 70 Power, 90 Accuracy Steel-type, 15 PP, Special. +1 Priority. Ignores target's Stat Boosts. Can only be used by Falcon Armor X. Steelium Z turns it into 175 BP Corkscrew Crash.
New Z-Move: Giga Attack: Giga Crush- Upgraded from Spear Charge Shot with FalconXium Z Base 210 Power, Steel-Type, Special. Calculated from X's higher attack stat. Hits both enemies in a Double Battle.
Reasoning: The name of the game with Falcon Armor X is revenge killing and hazard clearing. Falcon Armor X enjoys greater speed than any other form of X, and he still gets more bulk and power from donning this armor, albeit not as much bulk as the Fourth Armor. He sacrifices Protean for Free Move, the name of the unique flight function which the Falcon Armor gives. This allows X to clear out Entry Hazards upon switching in and leaves him completely unaffected by Stealth Rock. His Signature Move, Spear Charge Shot, is weaker than any other Charge Shot type (even Armorless X's!), but in turn it's able to pierce through obstacles to get the jump on enemies who X would otherwise struggle with, hence the stat boost ignorance and increased Priority. Giga Crush is the Falcon Armor's Giga Attack, which acts as a screen clear in the original games. Hazards won't be doing much with Falcon Armor X around.

Third is:

Form: Gaea Armor X [X-Gaea] (Mega Man X5)
Base Stats: 110 HP/50 Atk/110 Def/110 SpA/110 SpD/50 Spe (BST: 540)
Typing remains unchanged.
New Ability: Prism Armor
New Move: Gaea Charge Shot- Base 100 Power, 95 Accuracy, 15 PP, Steel-type, Special. Reduces the target's Special Attack by 1 stage. Can only be used by Gaea Armor X. Steelium Z turns it into 195 BP Corkscrew Crash.
New Z-Move: Giga Attack- Gaea Burst- Upgraded from Gaea Charge Shot with GaeaXium Z. Steel-Type, Special, Base 160 power. Traps the target for 3 turns, dealing 1/6 of their max health as damage at the end of each turn.
Reasoning: Gaea Armor X is the second-tankiest armor of X's, even being immune to the dreaded spikes which would otherwise instantly kill X. This shows in the fact that X's Gaea Armor has much better bulk than X's previous two armors plus Prism Armor, but this comes at a cost: X loses A LOT of speed and mobility for this, and while his Gaea Charge Shot IS the strongest Charge Shot of ANY of X's Armors and its Shot-erasing properties manifest as a guaranteed Special Attack Debuff, his Speed drops a massive 50 points, dropping him right into the Dead Zone: He's too fast to use in Trick Room, but too slow to be used out of it. His Z-Move is based on the armor's Giga Attack in Mega Man X5, where he creates a large sphere of energy which traps the enemy within, dealing severe amounts of damage.

Our fourth X Form is...

Form: Blade Armor X [X-Blade]
Base Stats: 100 HP/110 Atk/100 Def/80 SpA/90 SpD/110 Spe (BST: 590)
New Ability: Tough Claws
New Typing: Steel/Fighting
New Move: Charged Saber- Steel-type, Base 95 Power, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP, Physical. High Critical Hit Rate. Makes contact. Can only be used by Blade Armor X. Steelium Z turns it into 190 BP Corkscrew Crash.
New Z-Move: Giga Attack: Dual Saber Wave- Upgraded from Charged Saber with BladeXium Z. Base 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, Physical. Does not make contact. Hits twice. High Critical Hit Rate.
Reasoning: Blade Armor X's stats may look familiar and that's because Blade Armor X is just a physical-oriented version of Fourth Armor X, except with an added Fighting-type to better make usage of Tough Claws. Basically use him as you would Fourth Armor X, except on the physical side. The reason he's got Tough Claws is because this armor focuses on usage of the Z-Saber.

Lastly, there's...

Form: Shadow Armor X [X-Shadow]
Base Stats: 80 HP/90 Atk/80 Def/70 SpA/90 SpD/125 Spe (BST: 535)
New Ability: Prankster
New Typing: Steel/Dark
New Move: Engetsurin- Steel-type, Base 90 Power, 100 Accuracy, 15 PP, Physical. Raises X's Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. Can only be used by Shadow Armor X. Steelium Z turns it into 185 BP Corkscrew Crash.
New Z-Move: Giga Attack: Enkourin- Upgraded from Engetsurin with ShadowXium Z. Steel-type, Status. X protects himself, avoiding all moves that target him. Any foe who tries to attack X while he is protecting himself will lose 2/3 of their current HP.
Reasoning: Shadow Armor X is Blade Armor X's weaker but trickier cousin, focusing more on beating foes in a war of attrition rather than straight-up overpowering them. Engetsurin is Shadow Armor X's charge shot (and it creates a field around X which damages foes and erases projectiles, which manifests as a defense boost), and Enkourin is the Giga attack, which creates two spinning blades that orbit X, stopping projectiles and severely damaging anybody who is close to X.

Pokémon: Cirno (Touhou Koumakyou ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
Type: Ice/Fairy (obviously)
Abilities: Snow Warning/Levitate/Freeze Atmosphere (HA)
Signature Ability: Freeze Atmosphere - Upon switching in, turns the Terrain into Frozen Terrain until the terrain is changed or removed. Frozen Terrain reduces the speed of all grounded non-Ice Type Pokemon by half and boosts the power of Ice-Type moves by 50%, while weakening the power of Fire-type moves by 50%. Nature Power becomes Ice Beam in Frozen Terrain.
Moves: Icicle Fall*, Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Freeze-Dry, Blizzard, Hail, Aurora Veil, Glaciate, pretty much every Ice-Type move, Energy Ball, Nature Power.
Signature Move: Icicle Fall- Base 99 Power, 99 Accuracy, Ice-Type, 29 PP, Special. Calculated from Cirno's higher attack stat and the target's lower defense stat. 9% chance to Freeze the target. Icium Z turns it into 190BP Subzero Slammer.
Z-Move: Perfect Freeze- Base 199 power, Ice-Type, Special. Upgraded from Cirno's/Cirno-Tan's Icicle Fall using Cirnium Z. Calculated using Cirno's higher attack stat and the target's lower defense stat. Sets up permanent Hail. Super Effective against Fire-Types.
Stats: 99 HP/99 Atk/99 Def/99 SpA/99 SpD/99 Spe (BST: 594)

Alternate Form: Tanned Cirno [Cirno-Tan]

Form Change is triggered out of battle by using the item Essence of Four Seasons on Cirno. Using it again will transform Tanned Cirno back into Cirno. She cannot keep moves that can't be learned by the normal form upon reverting.
Ability: Power of Summer (User resists Fire-Type moves, regardless of typing. In the sun, all of Cirno's stats except for HP get a 1.5x increase.)
Base Stats and Typing remain unchanged.
New Moves: Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Petal Dance, Air Slash.
Signature Z-Move: Cold Sunflower- Base 199 Power, Special. Upgraded from Cirno-Tan's Icicle Fall using Tancirnium Z. Calculated using Cirno's Higher Attack Stat and the enemy's lower defense stat. Sets up permanent Sunny Day. 10% chance to Freeze or Burn the enemy.

Reasoning: Meet THE STRONGEST fairy, Cirno. She's an Ice Fairy (obvious typing is obvious). Her stats and the base power of her signature moves are a reference to the "Nine-ball" meme. Hence her Base Stats are all nines. Still, she is a lot stronger than her species would suggest and can actually threaten others, so Cirno's stats are decent all around, with Base 99 in all stats. Where Cirno excels however is in battlefield manipulation through her abilities and moves, including a signature terrain, which helps Ice-Types outspeed threats. Cirno can attack fine on both ends of the spectrum, although she's better on the Special end of the Spectrum. Her signature move is Icicle Fall, named after the famous move from EoSD, which is most known for its glaring safe spot on Easy Difficulty. It's tougher on Normal and above, though. It upgrades into Perfect Freeze, her ACTUAL signature move. The reason Perfect Freeze is super effective against Fire-Types is because Cirno can actually freeze flames solid with it in Fairy Wars. Most of her moves are self-explanatory, although Nature Power and Energy Ball are due to the fact that Cirno, being a fairy, is an embodiment of an aspect of nature, thus allowing her to draw upon Nature's power. She functions best in a Hailstorm, however, so you'll need to keep that up. Luckily, timing her Z-Move well will allow her to have a permanent hailstorm going. Snow Warning is because she's associated with Ice and Snowy weather in Hisoutensoku, and Levitate because it's Touhou Project and every notable character in that series can fly.

Her alternate form, Cirno-Tan, or Tanned Cirno, is based on her appearance in Hidden Star in Four Seasons, where she was empowered with the essence of Summer. Since she uses the Essence of Four Seasons item to transform, she also gains moves akin to the Sub-Seasons in HSiFS in Air Slash and Petal Dance. However, Cirno-Tan's most notable aspect is her ability. It may seem paradoxical for an Ice-Type to be designed around functioning in the sun, where Fire-Types run rampant, but with Cirno-Tan being boosted by Summer's power, she gains a great increase in power under the sun, which makes up for her type not being good in that weather normally, and she can set up permanent Sun through her Z-Move, Cold Sunflower, which is named after her Bomb from Hidden Star in Four Seasons. She CAN still use Perfect Freeze in her tanned form, but she cannot use Cold Sunflower in her Normal Form. She also resists Fire-type moves, having overcome her weakness to heat.

However, Cirno's stats are only average at best regardless of form, given how, while she is strong for her kind, she is not particularly strong by Gensokyo's standards. She NEEDS to get her gimmicks going in order to succeed. When she has her gimmicks up, she is a devastating force that can be very hard to stop. Without it though, she's fairly easy to bring down.

"When it comes to me, I'm the strongest!" (Regular Cirno set)
Cirno@Cirnium Z
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 SpA/252 Spd
Ability: Freeze Atmosphere
-Icicle Fall
-Dazzling Gleam
-Energy Ball
Filler=Aurora Veil/Freeze-Dry/Glaciate/Icy Wind/Nature Power/Hail

"This atmosphere... it smells of war!" (Tanned Cirno set)
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 SpA/252 SpD
Ability: Power of Summer
-Icicle Fall
-Solar Beam
-Dazzling Gleam
Filler=Petal Dance/Energy Ball/Air Slash/Freeze-Dry/Glaciate/Icy Wind

Pokémon: Utsuho Reiuji (Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism)
Type: Fire/Flying
Abilities: Sheer Force/Desolate Land/Nuclear Fusion (HA)
Signature Ability: Nuclear Fusion: All attacks gain a 30% chance to burn the opponent on top of pre-existing effects. User resists Water- and Ice-type moves (disregarding normal weaknesses), and is immune to Freeze. User's Fire-Type Moves become super-effective on Water-Type Pokemon, but are resisted by Steel-Type Pokemon. Solar Beam is always counted as if the weather is Sunny or Intense Sunlight.
Moves: Overheat, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Blast Burn, Eruption, Fiery Dance, Magma Storm, Inferno, Fusion Flare, Blue Flare, Heat Wave, Tailwind, Roost, Defog, Brave Bird, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Beak Blast, Hell's Artificial Sun*, Earth Power, Earthquake, High Jump Kick, Sunsteel Strike, Solar Beam, Sky Attack, Explosion, Sunny Day, U-Turn, Flare Blitz, Focus Blast, Scald, Steam Eruption.
Signature Move: Hell's Artificial Sun- Base 90 Power, Fire-Type, Special, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. Sets up Sunny Day if it is not already set up. Uses Utsuho's higher stat between Attack and Special Attack for damage calculation.
Signature Z-Move: Subterranean Sun- Converted from Hell's Artificial Sun via Okuunium Z. Fire-type, Base 230 Power, Special. Bypasses Accuracy Check. Sets the weather to Intense Sunlight if it is not already present, which lasts until Utsuho is switched out. Uses Utsuho's higher stat between Attack and Special Attack for damage calculation.
Stats: 90 HP/140 Atk/50 Def/140 SpA/50 Def/110 Spe (BST: 580)

Reasoning: Okuu is a powerful mixed attacker who utilizes both physical and special attacks in her nuclear fusion powered arsenal, and as you might have guessed, LOVES bringing the Sun out. She's a fire-type due to the sun motif and flying-type due to, well, being a bird (a hell crow to be precise), which is also why she has moves like Brave Bird, Beak Blast and Roost. She consumed the corpse of the Yatagarasu, and as such gained the power to manipulate Nuclear Fusion. As a result, she can learn pretty much every Fire, Heat and Sun-based attack there is, even moves that would normally be signature to legendaries, such as Magma Storm, Blue Flare, Sunsteel Strike and Steam Eruption. Her first appearance is as the Final Boss of Subterranean Animism.

Her Signature Ability, Nuclear Fusion, is simple in practice. Her power is known to burn things pretty badly (given how she's hurling SUNS at people), and given how she's a walking embodiment of a sun god, she resists Water and Ice attacks well (I mean, you wouldn't use water and ice to try put out a sun, would you?) but in turn her radioactive powers are kept in check by Steel-Types, who resist her fiery assaults. It also lets her fire off Solar Beam without fear of a charge time (Because come on, she's basically a walking, talking sun generator), but only when using this power. Her other two abilities revolve around either her focus on firepower over gimmicks and her associated weather in Hisoutensoku, the Scorching Sun weather. This also shows up in her Signature move and Signature Z-Move, which both set up a variant of Sunny Day. This also applies to her stats: while Okuu has a lot of HP, her defenses are poor. However, she's also very fast and hits hella hard, as befitting for one who manipulates and is powered by Nuclear Fusion. For Pokemon who appreciate the power of sunlight, you can't really go wrong with pairing them with Okuu. Speaking of suns, her signature move, Hell's Artificial Sun, and her Z-Move, Subterranean Sun, are both based on spell cards in Touhou: Subterranean Animism (In fact they're the same spell card, with Hell's Artificial Sun being used on Easy and Normal and Subterranean Sun being used on Hard and Lunatic).

However, Utsuho, like others sharing her type (see: Charizard, Moltres, Talonflame and Ho-Oh) DOES NOT like dealing with Stealth Rocks. She can clear them away with Defog but doesn't want to switch into them ever.

Example Special Attacker Moveset

Utsuho@Okuunium Z/Life Orb
Ability: Nuclear Fusion
Nature: Modest/Timid
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Hell's Artificial Sun/Blue Flare/Fiery Dance
-Steam Eruption/Scald
-Solar Beam
-Earth Power/Focus Blast/Tailwind/Roost/Defog

Example Physical Utsuho

Utsuho@Okuunium Z/Life Orb
Ability: Nuclear Fusion
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Hell's Artificial Sun/Flare Blitz
-Brave Bird/Beak Blast
-Earthquake/Sunsteel Strike/High Jump Kick

Pokémon: Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom)
Type: Ghost/Grass
Ability: Grassy Surge/Levitate/Manipulation of Death (HA)
Signature Ability: Manipulation of Death- Every attack that hits has a 2% chance to instantly faint the target. Foes that make contact have a 1% chance of fainting immediately.
Moves: Ghastly Dream*, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Petal Blizzard, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, Protect, Swagger, Flatter, Ingrain, Every OHKO move, Synthesis, Phantom Force, Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Crunch, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, etc.
Signature Move: Ghastly Dream: Ghost-type, Base 90 Power, Special. Deals damage based on Yuyuko's higher attack stat. Has a 2% chance to instantly faint the target.
Signature Z-Move: Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana- Ghost-type, Status. Upgraded from Ghastly Dream via the Yuyukonium Z. Instantly faints the target. Affects Normal-type Pokemon.
Stats: 110 HP/110 Atk/110 Def/120 SpA/110 SpD/30 Spe (590 BST)
Tier Warning: Manipulation of Death, Ghastly Dream and Yuyukonium Z are banned in Overused under the OHKO Clause.
Reasoning: Yuyuko Saigyouji first appears as the Final Boss of Perfect Cherry Blossom. She's a ghost who shares the same power as the Saigyou Ayakashi, a youkai tree, and is mostly associated with Cherry Blossoms (hence the Ghost/Grass-typing and Grassy Surge). And of course since it's Touhou, that means flight and thus Levitate. However, her Hidden Ability and Signature Move/Z-Move are a direct reference to her ability in Touhou canon: The ability to cause things to die. Since OHKO moves are banned in OU, this means that Yuyuko cannot use her Hidden ability in OU, either, as this turns ALL of her attacks into potential OHKO moves, albeit at a very low chance (Ghastly Dream, her signature has the highest non-100% rate which is 4% total). Her Z-Move is based on her Last Word from Imperishable Night, which is said to be the incarnation of her ability. Thus it only seemed fitting to make it a guaranteed OHKO and one of the main reasons to use Yuyuko in Ubers: If she can get a chance to fire her Z-Move off, that is one target immediately gone from the battle. Her other moves are standard ghost- and grass-type fare, save for a few. Yuyuko's projectiles often take the form of spectral butterflies, hence why she also has access to Attack Order, Defend Order and Heal Order. Lastly, Yuyuko is known for her immense appetite, hence Stockpile, Swallow and Spit Up. Also Levitate because... yeah. It's Touhou.

Playing against Yuyuko in Ubers is a risky affair because even if a 'counter' switches in, there's a chance, however small, that her ability might just pop up and ruin whatever your would-be Yuyuko counter would attempt by promptly saying 'WELCOME TO DIE!', before promptly, well, killing them. Remember, people die if they are killed. That and a predicted switch could result in a Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana to the face and... yeah. They still die. In OU you don't have to worry about that, thankfully, since OHKO Clause prohibits the use of Ghastly Dream and Manipulation of Death, but Grassy Surge can be just as annoying, given Yuyuko's great bulk. She can prove to be a very annoying wall that's tough to break. After all, you can't kill something that's already dead.

Her stats are a bit different though. In the games, Yuyuko is often depicted as slow-moving, but has wide range coverage and, in the fighting games, good options for any situation, so her stats save for Speed are all very high and well-rounded.

And an old submission from way back:

Pokémon : Sakuya Izayoi (Touhou Koumakyou ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
Type: Steel/Fighting
Abilities: Levitate / Speed Boost / Sakuya's World (HA)
Signature Ability: Sakuya's World- Always moves first, regardless of speed, against any moves with a Priority below +3. (As in, +3 and above moves will go before her).
Moves: Fake Out, Trick Room, Close Combat, High Jump Kick, Extreme Speed, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, X-Scissor, Acrobatics, First Impression, Throat Chop, Slash, Night Slash, Smart Strike, Silver Edge*, Swords Dance, Detect, Substitute, Memento, Snatch, Torment, Acupressure, U-Turn, Parting Shot, Speed Swap
Signature Move: Silver Edge - Physical, Steel-Type, 90 BP, 100 Acc, 10 PP. High critical hit ratio, Super Effective against Dark- and Ghost- Types.
Signature Z-Move: Deflation World - Converted from Silver Edge using Sakuyanium Z. Steel-type, 200 BP, Physical. Super Effective against Dark- and Ghost- types. +5 Priority (yes, it goes before Protect).
Stats: 90 HP / 130 Atk / 90 Def / 60 SpA / 90 SpD/ 130 Spe (BST: 590)
Reasoning: Sakuya is the maid of Remilia Scarlet and likely a former vampire hunter, though she has either forgotten or simply refuses to divulge her past before meeting the Scarlet Devil. Her typing relates to her primary weapon of choice (her enchanted silver knives) and her close-quarters combat skills, two main facets of her possible former identity. Her normal abilities are Levitate (Because it's Touhou, she can fly obviously) and Speed Boost, but her most notable ability is her hidden ability, Sakuya's World, which is a direct nod to her ability in canon: She can manipulate time. She's a primarily physical combatant with not much variety to her name, but she doesn't really need it. She's got a plethora of priority moves for sets not using her Hidden Ability, and her Hidden Ability allows her to use her high power moves without fear of being outsped. Her signature move, Silver Edge, is a representation of her silver knives, which work well against Vampires and other such demonic beings, which affords it a unique super-effectiveness against Dark and Ghost- types. Her other moves are either relative to her time manipulation powers (Trick Room, Fake Out, Speed Swap, Extreme Speed, Sucker Punch, First Impression, Detect), Her general wit and devotion to her mistress (Memento, Snatch, Torment, U-Turn, Parting Shot), her close-quarters combat skills (Close Combat, High Jump Kick, Knock Off, X Scissor, Acrobatics, Throat Chop, Slash, Night Slash, Smart Strike, Swords Dance) or some combination of them (Substitute mainly). Sakuya's stats are generally high across the board save for her special attack due to her mistress' demands to be the perfect maid forcing Sakuya to toughen up A LOT. She's not extremely strong in any one area, but she's not particularly weak in any area either. Her Z-Move is based on her Last Word in Imperishable Night of the same name: Deflation World, and serves as an ultimate demonstration of her time manipulation powers. Not even Protect, Detect, Quick Guard or the like will save the unfortunate target from Sakuya's Z-Move.

Sample Attacker Sakuya Set w/Sakuya's World:

Sakuya@Sakuyanium Z
Ability: Sakuya's World
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Silver Edge
- Close Combat/High Jump Kick
- Knock Off/Throat Chop/Night Slash
- Filler
Filler=Swords Dance/Detect/Substitute/Memento/Snatch/Torment/Acupressure/U-Turn/Parting Shot/Speed Swap/Acrobatics/X-Scissor/Trick Room

Trick Room Sakuya:

Sakuya@Sakuyanium Z
Ability: Sakuya's World
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 4 Def/SpD
Adamant Nature
-Trick Room
-Silver Edge
-Close Combat/High Jump Kick

Swords Dance Sakuya
Sakuya@Sakuyanium Z/Leftovers/Life Orb
Ability: Levitate/Speed Boost/Sakuya's World
EVS: 252 Atk. Whether Speed or HP depends on the ability, 4 in the other stat.
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Silver Edge
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat/High Jump Kick

Offensive Pivot Sakuya
Sakuya@Leftovers/Choice Band/Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate/Sakuya's World
EVs: Same as the Swords Dance Set: Speed or HP depends on the ability.
-Silver Edge
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I feel lazy for new characters, sooooo have some reposts.

View attachment 137422
Pokémon: Khezu
Shiny: Red Khezu
Type: View attachment 137423 / View attachment 137424
Ability: Levitate / Adaptibility / Silence (negates all sound-based moves except for one used by Khezu)
Moves: Draco Meteor, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Boomburst, Dragon Pulse, Clanging Scales, Magnet Rise, Charge Beam, Volt Switch, Zap Cannon, Blizzard, Frost Breath, Earth Power (I'll add more later, etc.)
Grounding | View attachment 137425| 150 BP | 100% Acc | -3 Priority | 16 PP | Ignores Immunities | Attack hits if a Physical move hits Khezu | (p much a shell trap clone)
Stats: 80/60/120/140/80/120

Reasoning: I just wanted everyone to know the beautiful theme of this monster in Monster Hunter. How else better to spread its existence than to include it in this thread. This beautiful creature has 3 weaknesses, 4 if you don't use Levitate. Wonderful BoltBeam coverage without Ice Beam, because I felt like it didn't need to be that powerful. Ice moves on an Electric based monster might seem weird, but his main environment is the cold. Even though it is Dragon/Electric and access to Adaptibility, I think it could very well be bad. That low SpDef means it really survive Lele or whatever missed in this thread. His signature move is based one of the actual attacks he has in Monster Hunter, where he'll just stick the floor and give off large discharges of energy.

View attachment 137430
Pokémon: Hunter
Type: View attachment 137432 / View attachment 137433
Ability: Guts / Bomb Boost (Does 1.5 extra damage for ball and bomb moves) / Iron Skin (Reduces Fighting-type damage by 1/2)
Moves: Egg Bomb, Magnet Bomb, Gyro Ball, Barrage, Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb, Rock Wrecker, Giga Impact, Skull Bash, Double-Edge, Head Charge, Body Slam, Chip Away, Slash, Swift, Anchor Shot, Iron Head, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Close Combat, Earthquake, Dragon hammer, Dual Chop, Recover
Stats: 130/140/130/40/90/70

Reasoning: I like to think everyone was expecting this. Not the typing, nor abilities, nor move set. But a Hunter nonetheless. Here, he's a physical wall or attacker, how ever you want to make him. I made it possible to stall a little with him and still take out opponents. He'll probably die to a Fire Blast though. Low speed puts him in that awkward speed tier, but he can probably AV or Scarf it for a better play. Anyways, onto the next meme.

View attachment 139728
Type: View attachment 139729
/ View attachment 139730
: Infect ( -ate Bug Clone.) / Undead Skin (Fluffy clone.) / Regenerator (Get it? Generator?)
Moves: Groundpound, Earthquake, Flame Charge, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Leech Life, X-Scissor, Return, Frustration, Skull Bash, Thrash, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Crush Claw, Facade, Rage, Lung, First Impression, U-Turn, Glare, Growl, Recover, Roar, Refresh, Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Poison Jab, Head Smash, Knock Off, Close Combat, Crunch, Pursuit, Block, Curse, Toxic.
Groundpound | View attachment 139731 | 100 BP | Physical | 100% Acc | Contact | 10% to paralyze
Stats: 150/130/140/40/80/60

Reasoning: Whoo, what's a Halloween theme with no Zombies? Here we have the Tank from L4D/2. Normal / Bug reflects it's origin of being of a human and bug as the zombie effect was from an Infection. I was kind of stuck as to what to do, but it came to me. Infect allows to become a lategame Sweeper. Undead Skin and Regenerator allows to also possibly toxic stall. All moves either help being offensive or a staller.
View attachment 139732
Type: View attachment 139733 /View attachment 139735
: Infect ( -ate Bug Clone.) / Tough Claws / Sheer Force
Moves: Sob Story, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Crush Claw, Dragon Claw, Knock Off, Leaf Blade, Megahorn, Return, Frustration, Shadow Claw, U-Turn, Wild Charge, Chatter, Clanging Scales, Disarming Voice, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Frost Breath, Psychic. Psyshock, Round, Signal Beam, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Snarl, Snore, Uproar, Bug Buzz, Nasty Plot.
Sob Story |View attachment 139734| 100 BP | Special | 100% Acc | 10% to Confuse
Stats: 70/130/60/150/70/150

Reasoning: Again, the human turned zombie infection monster. This one is way more dangerous though, even though frail. It starts out as crying, then as you become closer to it, it will get angry enough to attack you. If you're too close, you will be brought down and attacked until it is dead or you are. I made it so it can be ran mixed. The low defensive stats allows someone to Stone Edge pretty easily. I'd run calcs, but I'm too tired. Sob Story is based on how the Witch is always crying. This may confuse survivors into thinking it is another survivor.
View attachment 139745
: View attachment 139737 | View attachment 139736
Ability: Huge Power / Levitate / Aftermath
Moves: Stone Edge, Flare Blitz, Photon Geyser, Earthquake, Pursuit, Crunch, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, etc. I want to add more moves, but I will not at the moment.
Time's Up | Flare Blitz | 200 BP | 100% to Burn
Stats: 100/100/100/100/100/100

Reasoning: If you don't find this thing creepy, you either find it funny or you're messed up somewhere. In the meanwhile, I think I did pretty well. a 200 BP non-STAB Z-Move is not as overpowered as you may think. What is overpowered is the amount of options this thing has and the solid all-around stats it has.
Pokémon: Starman
Type: Psychic/Electric
Ability: Steelworker
Moves: Teleport, Eerie Impulse, Light Screen, Reflect, Charge Beam, Focus Energy, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Psyshock, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon
Stats: 85/65/100/140/90/100 [BST 580]

Reasoning: The Starman's movepool is more or less inspired with PSI attacks (Teleport from its movement). Eerie Impulse is PSI Magnet, Light Screen and Reflect are both the Shield psychic abilities, Charge Beam and Flash Cannon are Earthbound Beginnings' PSI Beam, Focus Energy is the sudden guts pill, and Psychic and Psyshock are both mandatory STABs, as is Thunderbolt. Now, Ice Beam and Flamethrower are both from the Starman Junior, which can use PSI Freeze α and PSI Fire α/β. Steelworker is basically from how how Starmen may or may not be robots, thus the Steel type boost.

Pokémon: Stone Talus
Type: Rock
Ability: Sturdy / Pressure | Solid Rock
Moves: Head Smash, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Heavy Slam, Stealth Rock
Stats: 100 / 150 / 150 / 50 / 80 / 25 | BST: 555 ( Weight: 875 kg. )
Reasoning: Giant rock monster from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. You see a boulder in the ground, climb on top of it, and suddenly it stands up to reveal arms and legs and throws you off. Upon killing them, you get loot such as gemstones, rock salt, and flint.


Pokémon: Sandstone Talus
Type: Rock / Ground
Ability: Sand Force / Pressure | Solid Rock
Moves: Head Smash, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Heavy Slam, Stealth Rock
Stats: 100 / 130 / 130 / 50 / 120 / 25 | BST: 555 ( Weight: 875 kg. )
Reasoning: Basically a reskin of the Stone Talus.


Pokémon: Igneo Talus
Type: Rock / Fire
Ability: Flame Body / Pressure | Solid Rock
Moves: Head Smash, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Heat Crash, Earthquake, Heavy Slam, Stealth Rock
Stats: 100 / 130 / 180 / 50 / 90 / 25 | BST: 575 ( Weight: 875 kg. )
Reasoning: Red hot glowing Talus. You have to hit it with an ice weapon or wear fireproof clothing, or else you will be burned upon contact.


Pokémon: Frost Talus
Type: Rock / Ice
Ability: Ice Body / Rock Head | Solid Rock
Moves: Head Smash, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Earthquake, Heavy Slam, Stealth Rock
Stats: 100 / 170 / 150 / 50 / 80 / 25 | BST: 575 ( Weight: 875 kg. )
Reasoning: Mystical frozen Talus. Hit it with a fire weapon or wear freezeproof clothing, or you'll be frozen solid upon contact.
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uhh hi


pretty beautiful eh?
Pokémon: Professor Pester
Type: Dark/Poison
Ability: Moxie (Sour)
Sour: While this Pokemon is on your team (even if it isn't out), any Pokemon which loses an item will have it replaced with a Sour Candy. Yes, even your own.
Sour Candy: Upon reaching 20% health or lower, the holder eats this and instantly faints. If the holder is under the effects of Poison, this activates at 30% health instead. If the holder's ability is Sour, it is healed for 40% of its maximum health instead.
Moves: Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Thief, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Drain Punch, Close Combat, Superpower, Iron Head, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Earthquake, Roar, Recover, Trick, Switcharoo, Fling
Total Meltdown (Pestium-Z). Base move is Recover. Every Pokemon, whether on the field or not, who is holding a Sour Candy loses it, takes 20% of their maximum health in damage and is badly poisoned. For every candy destroyed this way, Professor Pester is healed for 20% of his maximum health and a random stat is boosted.
Stats: 95/102/120/90/105/78

Pokemon: Hornet (Hollow Knight)

Ability: Needle and Thread- Physical attacks trap the target
Moves: Megahorn, Extreme Speed, Sticky Web, Quick Attack, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Leech Life, Lunge, Spider Web, Sacred Sword, Smart Strike, Counter, Close Combat, Double Team, U-Turn, Taunt (gitgud!), Toxic, Substitute
Stats: 90 / 115 / 80 / 55 / 105 / 155 (600 BST)
Justification: The secondary main character of Hollow Knight and future recipient of her own campaign, Hornet is your homocide-inclined rival turned ally who really likes to scream during battle. Her weapon, Needle and Thread, explains itself ability-wise, and her movepool and stats fit her fast and dodgy fighting style. Taunt because she screams "Git Gud!" often.


Pokemon: Broken Vessel (Hollow Knight)

Ability: Merciless
Moves: Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Cross Poison, Headbang, Sacred Sword, Secret Sword, Bounce, Swords Dance, Roar, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Recover, Quick Attack, Smart Strike, Earthquake, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw
Signature Move: Headbang |
| 130 BP | 90 Acc | 10 PP | The user goes into a rampage, throwing infection everywhere. Poisons the target before attacking. Inflicts -2 Attack on the user after use. Ignores immunities. Z-Move: 200 BP Acid Downpour
Stats: 45 / 155 / 75 / 80 / 115 / 125 (600 BST)
Reasoning: I'll do it later lol

Pokemon: Frank (Brawl Stars)

Abilities: Oblivious / Power Grab (Moxie clone) / Soundproof
Stats: 145 / 145 / 80 / 50 / 50 / 30 (BST: 500)
Moves: Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Superpower, Bulk Up, Gunk Shot, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Pursuit, Brick Break, Curse, Hammer Hit (
/ Physical / 8 PP / 85% / 120 BP / High Crit Ratio )

Z-Move: Stunning Blow (
/ Physical / Requires Hammer Hit and Superium Z / 195 BP / Paralyzes the target )

Reasoning: Frank is an undead, hence the ghost type, and uses a gravestone hammer to hit opponents, which gives him the rock type. He is a really bulky and powerful character in the game, which I represented with high health and attack, even though he has a big delay before attacking, which explains the low speed. Oblivious because, well, he's kinda stupid, and soundproof because of his headphones. The names and effect of the custom moves come from Brawl Stars.
"Please don't tread on my roots, it would not be a wise decision."
Pokémon: Whispy Woods
Type: Grass
Type (as Clanky Woods): Grass/Steel
Ability: Powerful Breath* / Harvest (HA)
*Powerful Breath: Boosts Flying-type moves by 1.5x
Ability: (as Clanky Woods): Filter
Stats: 130/130/100/120/70/50 (600)

Notable Moves: Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, Power Whip, Whispy Inhale*, Air Bullet**, Hurricane, Synthesis, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Heavy Slam, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock
*Whispy Inhale: Physical Flying-type, 90 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15/24 PP, 20% chance to drop target's Defense by 1, Biting move, 175 BP Supersonic Skystrike
**Air Bullet: Special Flying-type, 30 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15/24 PP, hits 3 times, 175 BP Supersonic Skystrike

Notable Moves (as Clanky Woods): gains Clanky Missile*, loses Whispy Inhale, Air Bullet, Hurricane, and Crunch
*Clanky Missile: Physical Steel-type, 30 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15/24 PP, hits 3 times, 175 BP Corkscrew Crash
Whispy Woods @ Leftovers
Ability: Powerful Breath
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA
Brave Nature
- Whispy Inhale
- Seed Bomb
- Stone Edge
- Overheat
Reasoning: Whispy Woods is a tree, hence Grass type. Powerful Breath because Whispy specializes in wind-based attacks using his breath, but obviously cannot fly.

Harvest and Seed Bomb are based on Whispy's apple attacks, while the Poison moves are based on the poisonous version of said attack used as Whispy's Revenge. Power Whip, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes are based on his root attacks. Energy Ball and Synthesis are just because Grass-type. Whispy Inhale comes from the attack of the same name, as does Crunch. Air Bullet inspires the signature move of the same name, while its gust variation gives Hurricane and its dark variation gives Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball. His fiery Burst Fruits from Star Allies give him Fire moves. Heavy Slam comes from his jumping moves. Rock Slide and Stone Edge come from the stone-tossing moves he gets as Clanky Woods in Planet Robobot.

His stats reflect his being a big ol tree. His speed is 50 because while he's rooted in the ground, he's not completely immobile, and can crawl and jump (!) with surprising speed.

Clanky Woods gains the Steel-type due to its cyborg status, gains Clanky Missile from its missile attacks, and loses Powerful Breath, its Flying moves, and Crunch due to lacking a mouth. Clanky Woods also loses Harvest due to not using apple attacks, while gaining Filter due to its metallic bark (and because I couldn't think of anything better).
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Pokemon: Crystal Guardian
Type: Rock/Bug
Ability: Filter / Rough Skin
Stats: 85 / 90 / 120 / 110 / 75 / 95
Notable Moves: Power Gem, Bug Buzz, Jump Kick, Energy Ball, Charge Beam, Work Up, Nasty Plot, Earth Power
Reasoning: The Crystal Guardian is a bug miner who got infected and encased in Crystal growths. Because it is encased in Crystals, Filter and Rough Skin fit while also being pretty useful abilities in general. The moves are based on things it does in battle with some energy and laser related attacks thrown in because it shoots lasers almost constantly. It has generally good stats. The attack is a bit higher than you might expect because it was a miner before getting encased in Crystal. Defense is because of the Crystals (again) and it moves around the field pretty quickly which accounts for his speed. Also, we somehow don't have a Rock type winner yet?
Ah, no need to make this complicated. All I need to do is burn all of you down!

Pokemon : Flame Lord
Type : Fire
Abilities : Flash Fire/Blaze(Hidden ability : Mistress of Inferno)
Mistress of Inferno : Increases damage dealt to burning ennemies by 33%
Stats : 50HP/90Atk/80Def/130SpA/90SpD/110Spe (550 total)
Notable moves : Secret Sword, Sacred Sword, U-turn, Quick Attack, Fire Blast, Flamethrower,
Taunt, Work Up, Fire Punch, Eternal Fire*,Scaldic Sword**, Infernal Blade***,Fire Wall****
Z-move : Ancient Fire (Based on Eternal Fire, requires Blazium Z. 220 BP, hits all enemies & allies in doubles.
Burns the pokémon hit.)
*Eternal Fire(130BP|100 Accuracy|Special|5PP|30% chance to burn, hits all ennemies in doubles|Z-move : Inferno Overdrive(195BP))
**Scaldic Sword(40BP|100 Accuracy|Special|40PP|+1 Priority|Z-move : Inferno Overdrive(100BP))
***Infernal Blade(30BP|100 Accuracy|Special|5PP|Hits 3 Times, makes contact|Z-move : Inferno Overdrive(140BP))
****Fire Wall(60BP|100 Accuracy|Special|15PP|Traps the target for 3 turns, reducing their HP by 12.5% each turn|Z-move : Inferno Overdrive(120BP))

The Flame Lord class is meant to be a swordsman and a pyromancer, so I went for pure fire typing for obvious reasons.
Flash Fire and Blaze are no-brainers since they're fire-related abilities. Mistress of Inferno is one of her passives in the game, I had to change
the buffs it provides but it basically works the same, aka be stronger against burnt opponents.
She's originally a mixed attacker oriented towards magic attacks, so I gave her high SpA and speed stats along with
decent physical attack and defenses.
All the new moves are skills from the original game that I adapted as best as I can. Eternal Fire is probably her
best and most spammable move so I gave it high power and no drawbacks, Scaldic Sword is a quick forward dash so I made
it a priority, Infernal Blade is a strong close-ranged 3-hit move, Fire Wall is a kinda weak move damage-wise, but it
prevents opponents from moving by stun-locking them and is extremely simple to land, so I made it into an accurate trapping move with average power.
Ancient Fire is one of her Hyper-active skills and as such became her unique Z-move.
Secret Sword and Sacred Sword 'cause she's still a swordsman, U-turn references the skill Dodge&Slash, Quick Attack = Sonic Assault (an instant forward thrust), all the fire-type moves are here for obvious reasons and Work Up represents the Iron Body - Strong skill since both increase physical and magical (special) attack.
Time for resubs!

Pokemon: King Boo
Type: Ghost/Dark
Ability: Dark Fear (Opposing Pokemon that flinch while this ability is active will take 25% of their total health in damage, and Pokemon that cannot move due to being paralyzed will take 1/8 of their total health in damage.) / (HA) Illusion
Signature Item: Dark Crown (Halves the damage from "light" moves. List includes: Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannon, Light of Ruin, Seed Flare, Aurora Beam, Luster Purge, Mirror Shot, Prismatic Laser, Photon Geyser, Sunsteel Strike, Moongeist Beam, Doom Desire, and Flashlight Pulse)
Signature Move: Royal Breaker
- Type: Ghost
- Classification: Special
- Power: 90
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 15 (max 24)
- Effect: Targets physical defense. Has a 20% chance to flinch the target
Stats: 105 / 86 / 115 / 120 / 109 / 55 (Total: 590)
Other Notable Moves: Fake Out, Moongeist Beam (only compatible with Illusion), Dark Pulse, Moonlight, Thunderbolt, Icy Wind, Earthquake, Lick, Glare, Scary Face, Mean Look, Shadow Sneak, Phantom Force, Pursuit, Trick, Taunt, Fling, Feint, Trick Room, Fake Tears
Overview: The spookiest of all specters in the Mushroom Kingdom, it's none other than King Boo. Ghost typing is very, very obvious here, and Dark comes from the enhancements to his evil powers within the second game of the series (aptly titled Dark Moon). When it comes to frightening people, he does so malevolently, and has even stated (or implied) that he would kill people once Luigi was defeated. This elicits his signature ability, Dark Fear, which cements King Boo as the master of it. Illusion comes from the original Luigi's Mansion, in which he created an illusion inside of a painting, and Dark Moon, in which he possesses illusion magic strong enough to create a nightmarish realm of his very own. His item comes from the source of his power, the gem of his crown, which allowed him to shatter the titular Dark Moon above Evershade Valley and take control of all the ghosts within. As for its effects, King Boo is actually able to straight up resist the power of Luigi's flashlight within the fight, which demonstrates his strength of will. His signature move references the fight within Dark Moon itself, in which King Boo became gigantic and smashed through an illusory hallway using his power. Stats emphasize bulk and special attack, and his lack of speed reflects the way he fights within the game, relatively slowly, but powerfully. His other moves are all about other things King Boo would/likely could do within the Pokemon universe. Most notably, Feint and Fake Out comes from his tendency to frighten people by luring them into false senses of security, Trick Room operates off the same flavor as Illusion, Glare, Mean Look, and Scary Face come from his terrifying visage, Trick comes from being tricky (like his cohorts), and Fake Tears comes from Super Princess Peach, in which he cried in order to put out the lanterns lit by Peach. Moongeist Beam is only compatible with Illusion because it more closely represents his power from Dark Moon.
Sample Movesets:

Trick Room Team Illusion King Boo
King Boo @ Dark Crown/Life Orb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Quiet Nature
-Moongeist Beam
-Icy Wind
-Trick Room / Fake Tears / Glare

King Boo @ Leftovers
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Mean Look
- Fake Tears
- Moonlight
- Moongeist Beam/Dark Pulse

Paralyze with Fear
King Boo @ Dark Crown / King's Rock
Dark Fear
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Fake Out
- Glare
- Royal Breaker/Dark Pulse
- Dark Pulse/Fling

Pokemon: Hero's Shade
Ability: Shade Form (Only works for Hero's Shade. This Pokemon starts in Shade Form. When this Pokemon uses a bite, sound (and Howl), or claw move, it transforms into Wolf Form. When it uses a sword, blade, or cut move, it transforms back into Shade Form. This transformation occurs at the beginning of the turn.)
Type (Shade Form): Fighting/Steel
Type (Wolf Form): Ghost
Signature Moves:
Helm Splitter
- Type: Steel
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 45
- Accuracy: 95
- PP: 20 (max 32)
- Effect: Hits twice. The second hit has a high critical hit ratio. If the foe uses a protection move, this breaks through it and cannot miss. Blade move.
Jump Strike
- Type: Flying
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 100
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 5 (max 8)
- Effect: If used after Laser Focus, its critical damage will be 2x, and it will strike all enemies. Sword move.
Stats (Shade Form): 100 / 125 / 120 / 80 / 115 / 65 (Total: 605)
Stats (Wolf Form): 100 / 125 / 90 / 80 / 85 / 125 (Total: 605)
Notable Moveset: Swords Dance, Slash, Air Slash, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade, Solar Blade, Sacred Sword, Secret Sword, Flash Cannon, Calm Mind, Shadow Claw, Metal Claw, Hone Claws, Growl, Noble Roar, Howl, Snarl, Perish Song, Bite, Crunch, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Poison Fang, Psychic Fangs, Destiny Bond, Night Shade, Pursuit, Fell Stinger, Phantom Force, Guillotine, Laser Focus, Gyro Ball
Overview: The Hero's Shade is the restless spirit of the Hero of Time that takes the form of a skeletal knight that can also be a ghost wolf. If that's not Halloween enough for you, I don't know what is. Before we go over other things, it is important to understand his ability: Shade Form, which allows him to transform between his slower, bulkier armored knight form and his faster, somewhat frailer wolf form. The typing of the wolf form represents his status as a lonely spirit, while his true form is the same typing as a standard "heroic knight". Between his two forms, he has perfect neutral coverage in Sacred Sword and Shadow Claw, which change him to their respectively typed forms. His signature moves, Helm Splitter and Jump Strike, provide a strong STAB and strong coverage, respectively. Each of them functions how they do in the game: Helm Splitter combines the Shield Bash technique with a quick strike on the opponent's head, that puts the Hero's Shade (or Link, in the case of Twilight Princess) behind his target for another strike. The Jump Strike is normally the powerful jump attack, which strikes a single enemy, but it can be charged to hit multiple enemies with a shockwave. His moveset consists of moves that he can use to transition between his two forms, but it also includes some others. Destiny Bond and Night Shade make sense for a spirit to have. Pursuit is a reasonable addition to his moveset as well, as it could very well be something in his power. The rest of his moves represent the seven hidden skills taught in Twilight Princess. The Ending Blow (Fell Stinger), the Shield Attack (represented within Helm Splitter in the fact that it breaks protection), the Back Attack (Phantom Force), the Helm Splitter, the Mortal Draw (Guillotine), the Jump Strike (Laser Focus represents the charge), and the Great Spin (Gyro Ball).
Sample Movesets:

50/50 AV
Hero's Shade @ Assault Vest
252 Atk / 70 SpD / 186 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Claw
- Ice Fang / Psychic Fangs
- Sacred Sword
- Helm Splitter

SD Wolf
Hero's Shade @ Electrium Z
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Claw
- Ice Fang / Psychic Fangs
- Thunder Fang (to outpace and kill Greninja)

SD Hero
Hero's Shade @ Flyinium Z / Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Helm Splitter
- Jump Strike

And now, new subs!

Pokemon: Megaman (Megaman 11)
Ability: Variability (All moves that are not the same type as the user receive a 1.3x boost to their power.)
Type: Steel
Signature Move: Charge Shot
- Type: Steel
- Classification: Special
- Power: 85
- Accuracy: 95
- PP: 15 (max 24)
- Effect: If the user has a boost to their Attack, this move hits twice, and their Attack is dropped by 1 stage.
- Flavor: The user harnesses solar energy in order to release a powerful blast. When powered up, the user can blast out an extra shot.
Signature Z-Move: Final Charge Shot
- Type: Steel
- Classification: Special
- Power: 180
- Accuracy: -
- PP: 1
- Effect: Powered up from Charge Shot by the Megamanium Z.
- Flavor: By charging up to the limit with solar energy, Megaman attacks with a fierce energy wave.
Stats: 102 / 99 / 89 / 125 / 90 / 95 (Total: 600)
Notable Moveset: Flash Cannon, Shift Gear, Low Sweep, Rock Slide, Power Gem, Stealth Rock, Baneful Bunker, Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Magnet Bomb, Shock Wave, Thunderbolt, Zap Cannon, Electro Ball, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Bounce, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Blaze Kick, Smart Strike, Drill Run, Icy Wind, Blizzard
Overview: Megaman is an iconic character, and his return in Megaman 11 is embodied within this moveset. His ability references the Variable Weapons System, and while it isn't quite Protean, it still provides a boost to all of Megaman's fantastic coverage moves. His signature move and his Z-Move are the charged versions of his standard weapon in the game: the Mega Buster. In particular, the Charge Shot is powered up with a second shot while Megaman is in the Power Gear, which is why it depends on him having an Attack boost. Shift Gear is the move that embodies the Double Gear system, and it is Megaman's setup option. With it, he can speed up to use special sets (and power up his Charge Shot) or use it to go physical. Combined with his plethora of coverage moves, Megaman is fighting to save the world... for the eleventh time.
Sample Movesets: