Neosonic97's Majora
Pika Xreme's 0
KirbyRider1337's Specimen 10
Pika Xreme's 0
KirbyRider1337's Specimen 10
No, those characters can be resubmitted now. I think it was around slate five or six the restriction was removed.I have one other idea for a submission, but I'd like to ask first about it. Are the winners from the previous thread still restricted?
No, those characters can be resubmitted now. I think it was around slate five or six the restriction was removed.
Pokémon: Cirno (Touhou Koumakyou ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
Type: Ice/Fairy (obviously)
Abilities: Snow Warning/Levitate/Freeze Atmosphere (HA)
Signature Ability: Freeze Atmosphere - Upon switching in, turns the Terrain into Frozen Terrain until the terrain is changed or removed. Frozen Terrain reduces the speed of all grounded non-Ice Type Pokemon by half and boosts the power of Ice-Type moves by 50%, while weakening the power of Fire-type moves by 50%. Nature Power becomes Ice Beam in Frozen Terrain.
Moves: Icicle Fall*, Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Freeze-Dry, Blizzard, Hail, Aurora Veil, Glaciate, pretty much every Ice-Type move, Energy Ball, Nature Power.
Signature Move: Icicle Fall- Base 99 Power, 99 Accuracy, Ice-Type, 29 PP, Special. Calculated from Cirno's higher attack stat and the target's lower defense stat. 9% chance to Freeze the target. Icium Z turns it into 190BP Subzero Slammer.
Z-Move: Perfect Freeze- Base 199 power, Ice-Type, Special. Upgraded from Cirno's/Cirno-Tan's Icicle Fall using Cirnium Z. Calculated using Cirno's higher attack stat and the target's lower defense stat. Sets up permanent Hail. Super Effective against Fire-Types.
Stats: 99 HP/99 Atk/99 Def/99 SpA/99 SpD/99 Spe (BST: 594)
Alternate Form: Tanned Cirno [Cirno-Tan]
Form Change is triggered out of battle by using the item Essence of Four Seasons on Cirno. Using it again will transform Tanned Cirno back into Cirno. The new moves are exclusive to Cirno-Tan and will be forgotten upon reverting to Cirno.
Ability: Power of Summer (User resists Fire-Type moves, regardless of typing. In the sun, all of Cirno's stats except for HP get a 1.5x increase.)
Base Stats and Typing remain unchanged.
New Moves: Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Petal Dance, Air Slash.
Signature Z-Move: Cold Sunflower- Base 199 Power, Special. Upgraded from Cirno-Tan's Icicle Fall using Tancirnium Z. Calculated using Cirno's Higher Attack Stat and the enemy's lower defense stat. Sets up permanent Sunny Day. 10% chance to Freeze or Burn the enemy.
Reasoning: Meet THE STRONGEST fairy, Cirno. She's an Ice Fairy (obvious typing is obvious). Her stats and the base power of her signature moves are a reference to the "Nine-ball" meme. Hence her Base Stats are all nines. Still, she is a lot stronger than her species would suggest and can actually threaten others, so Cirno's stats are decent all around, with Base 99 in all stats. Where Cirno excels however is in battlefield manipulation through her abilities and moves, including a signature terrain, which helps Ice-Types outspeed threats. Cirno can attack fine on both ends of the spectrum, although she's better on the Special end of the Spectrum. Her signature move is Icicle Fall, named after the famous move from EoSD, which is most known for its glaring safe spot on Easy Difficulty. It's tougher on Normal and above, though. It upgrades into Perfect Freeze, her ACTUAL signature move. The reason Perfect Freeze is super effective against Fire-Types is because Cirno can actually freeze flames solid with it in Fairy Wars. Most of her moves are self-explanatory, although Nature Power and Energy Ball are due to the fact that Cirno, being a fairy, is an embodiment of an aspect of nature, thus allowing her to draw upon Nature's power. She functions best in a Hailstorm, however, so you'll need to keep that up. Luckily, timing her Z-Move well will allow her to have a permanent hailstorm going. Snow Warning is because she's associated with Ice and Snowy weather in Hisoutensoku, and Levitate because it's Touhou Project and every notable character in that series can fly.
Her alternate form, Cirno-Tan, or Tanned Cirno, is based on her appearance in Hidden Star in Four Seasons, where she was empowered with the essence of Summer. Since she uses the Essence of Four Seasons item to transform, she also gains moves akin to the Sub-Seasons in HSiFS in Air Slash (Autumn) and Petal Dance (Spring), as well as of course Solar Beam. (The Winter Sub-Season's move would be Ice Beam... which Cirno already gets). However, Cirno-Tan's most notable aspect is her ability. It may seem paradoxical for an Ice-Type to be designed around functioning in the sun, where Fire-Types run rampant, but with Cirno-Tan being boosted by Summer's power, she gains a great increase in power under the sun, which makes up for her type not being good in that weather normally, and she can set up permanent Sun through her Z-Move, Cold Sunflower, which is named after her Bomb from Hidden Star in Four Seasons. She CAN still use Perfect Freeze in her tanned form, but she cannot use Cold Sunflower in her Normal Form. She also resists Fire-type moves, having overcome her weakness to heat.
However, Cirno's stats are only average at best regardless of form, given how, while she is strong for her kind, she is not particularly strong by Gensokyo's standards. She NEEDS to get her gimmicks going in order to succeed. When she has her gimmicks up, she is a devastating force that can be very hard to stop. Without it though, she's fairly easy to bring down.
"When it comes to me, I'm the strongest!" (Regular Cirno set)
Cirno@Cirnium Z
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 SpA/252 Spd
Ability: Freeze Atmosphere
-Icicle Fall
-Dazzling Gleam
-Energy Ball
Filler=Aurora Veil/Freeze-Dry/Glaciate/Icy Wind/Nature Power/Hail
"This atmosphere... it smells of war!" (Tanned Cirno set)
Modest/Timid Nature
EVs: 252 Spe/252 SpA/252 SpD
Ability: Power of Summer
-Icicle Fall
-Solar Beam
-Dazzling Gleam
Filler=Petal Dance/Energy Ball/Air Slash/Freeze-Dry/Glaciate/Icy Wind
Pokémon: Utsuho Reiuji (Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism)
Type: Fire/Flying
Abilities: Sheer Force/Desolate Land/Nuclear Fusion (HA)
Signature Ability: Nuclear Fusion: All attacks gain a 30% chance to burn the opponent on top of pre-existing effects. User resists Water- and Ice-type moves (disregarding normal weaknesses), and is immune to Freeze. User's Fire-Type Moves become super-effective on Water-Type Pokemon, but are resisted by Steel-Type Pokemon. Solar Beam is always counted as if the weather is Sunny or Intense Sunlight.
Moves: Overheat, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Blast Burn, Eruption, Fiery Dance, Magma Storm, Inferno, Fusion Flare, Blue Flare, Heat Wave, Tailwind, Roost, Defog, Brave Bird, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Beak Blast, Hell's Artificial Sun*, Earth Power, Earthquake, High Jump Kick, Sunsteel Strike, Solar Beam, Sky Attack, Explosion, Sunny Day, U-Turn, Flare Blitz, Focus Blast, Scald, Steam Eruption.
Signature Move: Hell's Artificial Sun- Base 90 Power, Fire-Type, Special, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. Sets up Sunny Day if it is not already set up. Uses Utsuho's higher stat between Attack and Special Attack for damage calculation.
Signature Z-Move: Subterranean Sun- Converted from Hell's Artificial Sun via Okuunium Z. Fire-type, Base 230 Power, Special. Bypasses Accuracy Check. Sets the weather to Intense Sunlight if it is not already present, which lasts until Utsuho is switched out. Uses Utsuho's higher stat between Attack and Special Attack for damage calculation.
Stats: 90 HP/140 Atk/50 Def/140 SpA/50 Def/110 Spe (BST: 580)
Reasoning: Okuu is a powerful mixed attacker who utilizes both physical and special attacks in her nuclear fusion powered arsenal, and as you might have guessed, LOVES bringing the Sun out. She's a fire-type due to the sun motif and flying-type due to, well, being a bird (a hell crow to be precise), which is also why she has moves like Brave Bird, Beak Blast and Roost. She consumed the corpse of the Yatagarasu, and as such gained the power to manipulate nuclear fusion. As a result, she can learn pretty much every Fire, Heat and Sun-based attack there is, even moves that would normally be signature to legendaries, such as Magma Storm, Blue Flare, Sunsteel Strike and Steam Eruption. Her first appearance is as the Final Boss of Subterranean Animism.
Her Signature Ability, Nuclear Fusion, is simple in practice. Her power is known to burn things pretty badly (given how she's hurling SUNS at people), and given how she's a walking embodiment of a sun god, she resists Water and Ice attacks well (I mean, you wouldn't use water and ice to try put out a sun, would you?) but in turn her radioactive powers are kept in check by Steel-Types, who resist her fiery assaults (But have to watch out for Earth Power and Earthquake). It also lets her fire off Solar Beam without fear of a charge time (Because come on, she's basically a walking, talking sun generator), but only when using this power. Her other two abilities revolve around either her focus on firepower over gimmicks and her associated weather in Hisoutensoku, the Scorching Sun weather. This also shows up in her Signature move and Signature Z-Move, which both set up a variant of Sunny Day. This also applies to her stats: while Okuu has a lot of HP, her defenses are poor. However, she's also very fast and hits hella hard, as befitting for one who manipulates and is powered by Nuclear Fusion. For Pokemon who appreciate the power of sunlight, you can't really go wrong with pairing them with Okuu. Speaking of suns, her signature move, Hell's Artificial Sun, and her Z-Move, Subterranean Sun, are both based on spell cards in Touhou: Subterranean Animism (In fact they're the same spell card, with Hell's Artificial Sun being used on Easy and Normal and Subterranean Sun being used on Hard and Lunatic).
However, Utsuho, like others sharing her type (see: Charizard, Moltres, Talonflame and Ho-Oh) DOES NOT like dealing with Stealth Rocks. She can clear them away with Defog but doesn't want to switch into them ever.
Example Special Attacker Moveset
Utsuho@Okuunium Z/Life Orb
Ability: Nuclear Fusion
Nature: Modest/Timid
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Hell's Artificial Sun/Blue Flare/Fiery Dance
-Steam Eruption/Scald
-Solar Beam
-Earth Power/Focus Blast/Tailwind/Roost/Defog
Example Physical Utsuho
Utsuho@Okuunium Z/Life Orb
Ability: Nuclear Fusion
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Hell's Artificial Sun/Flare Blitz
-Brave Bird/Beak Blast
-Earthquake/Sunsteel Strike/High Jump Kick
Pokémon: Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom)
Type: Ghost/Grass
Ability: Grassy Surge/Levitate/Manipulation of Death (HA)
Signature Ability: Manipulation of Death- Every attack that hits has a 2% chance to instantly faint the target. Foes that make contact have a 1% chance of fainting immediately.
Moves: Ghastly Dream*, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Petal Blizzard, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, Protect, Swagger, Flatter, Ingrain, Every OHKO move, Synthesis, Phantom Force, Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Crunch, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, etc.
Signature Move: Ghastly Dream: Ghost-type, Base 90 Power, Special. Deals damage based on Yuyuko's higher attack stat. Has a 2% chance to instantly faint the target.
Signature Z-Move: Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana- Ghost-type, Status. Upgraded from Ghastly Dream via the Yuyukonium Z. Instantly faints the target. Affects Normal-type Pokemon.
Stats: 110 HP/110 Atk/110 Def/120 SpA/110 SpD/30 Spe (590 BST)
Tier Warning: Manipulation of Death, Ghastly Dream and Yuyukonium Z are banned in Overused under the OHKO Clause.
Reasoning: Yuyuko Saigyouji first appears as the Final Boss of Perfect Cherry Blossom. She's a ghost who shares the same power as the Saigyou Ayakashi, a youkai tree, and is mostly associated with Cherry Blossoms (hence the Ghost/Grass-typing and Grassy Surge). And of course since it's Touhou, that means flight and thus Levitate. However, her Hidden Ability and Signature Move/Z-Move are a direct reference to her ability in Touhou canon: The ability to cause things to die. Since OHKO moves are banned in OU, this means that Yuyuko cannot use her Hidden ability in OU, either, as this turns ALL of her attacks into potential OHKO moves, albeit at a very low chance (Ghastly Dream, her signature has the highest non-100% rate which is 4% total). Her Z-Move is based on her Last Word from Imperishable Night, which is said to be the incarnation of her ability. Thus it only seemed fitting to make it a guaranteed OHKO and one of the main reasons to use Yuyuko in Ubers: If she can get a chance to fire her Z-Move off, that is one target immediately gone from the battle. Her other moves are standard ghost- and grass-type fare, save for a few. Yuyuko's projectiles often take the form of spectral butterflies, hence why she also has access to Attack Order, Defend Order and Heal Order. Lastly, Yuyuko is known for her immense appetite, hence Stockpile, Swallow and Spit Up. Also Levitate because... yeah. It's Touhou.
Playing against Yuyuko in Ubers is a risky affair because even if a 'counter' switches in, there's a chance, however small, that her ability might just pop up and ruin whatever your would-be Yuyuko counter would attempt by promptly saying 'WELCOME TO DIE!', before promptly, well, killing them. Remember, people die if they are killed. That and a predicted switch could result in a Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana to the face and... yeah. They still die. In OU you don't have to worry about that, thankfully, since OHKO Clause prohibits the use of Ghastly Dream and Manipulation of Death, but Grassy Surge can be just as annoying, given Yuyuko's great bulk. She can prove to be a very annoying wall that's tough to break. After all, you can't kill something that's already dead.
Her stats are a bit different though. In the games, Yuyuko is often depicted as slow-moving, but has wide range coverage and, in the fighting games, good options for any situation, so her stats save for Speed are all very high and well-rounded.
Pokémon : Sakuya Izayoi (Touhou Koumakyou ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
Type: Steel/Fighting
Abilities: Levitate / Speed Boost / Sakuya's World (HA)
Signature Ability: Sakuya's World- Always moves first, regardless of speed, against any moves with a Priority below +3. (As in, +3 and above moves will go before her).
Moves: Fake Out, Trick Room, Close Combat, High Jump Kick, Extreme Speed, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, X-Scissor, Acrobatics, First Impression, Throat Chop, Slash, Night Slash, Smart Strike, Silver Edge*, Swords Dance, Detect, Substitute, Memento, Snatch, Torment, Acupressure, U-Turn, Parting Shot, Speed Swap
Signature Move: Silver Edge - Physical, Steel-Type, 90 BP, 100 Acc, 10 PP. High critical hit ratio, Super Effective against Dark- and Ghost- Types.
Signature Z-Move: Deflation World - Converted from Silver Edge using Sakuyanium Z. Steel-type, 200 BP, Physical. Super Effective against Dark- and Ghost- types. +5 Priority (yes, it goes before Protect).
Stats: 90 HP / 130 Atk / 90 Def / 60 SpA / 90 SpD/ 130 Spe (BST: 590)
Reasoning: Sakuya is the maid of Remilia Scarlet and likely a former vampire hunter, though she has either forgotten or simply refuses to divulge her past before meeting the Scarlet Devil. Her typing relates to her primary weapon of choice (her enchanted silver knives) and her close-quarters combat skills, two main facets of her possible former identity. Her normal abilities are Levitate (Because it's Touhou, she can fly obviously) and Speed Boost, but her most notable ability is her hidden ability, Sakuya's World, which is a direct nod to her ability in canon: She can manipulate time. She's a primarily physical combatant with not much variety to her name, but she doesn't really need it. She's got a plethora of priority moves for sets not using her Hidden Ability, and her Hidden Ability allows her to use her high power moves without fear of being outsped. Her signature move, Silver Edge, is a representation of her silver knives, which work well against vampires and other such demonic beings, which affords it a unique super-effectiveness against Dark and Ghost- types. Her other moves are either relative to her time manipulation powers (Trick Room, Fake Out, Speed Swap, Extreme Speed, Sucker Punch, First Impression, Detect), Her general wit and devotion to her mistress (Memento, Snatch, Torment, U-Turn, Parting Shot), her close-quarters combat skills (Close Combat, High Jump Kick, Knock Off, X Scissor, Acrobatics, Throat Chop, Slash, Night Slash, Smart Strike, Swords Dance) or some combination of them (Substitute mainly). Sakuya's stats are generally high across the board save for her special attack due to her mistress' demands to be the perfect maid forcing Sakuya to toughen up A LOT. She's not extremely strong in any one area, but she's not particularly weak in any area either. Her Z-Move is based on her Last Word in Imperishable Night of the same name: Deflation World, and serves as an ultimate demonstration of her time manipulation powers. Not even Protect, Detect, Quick Guard or the like will save the unfortunate target from Sakuya's Z-Move.
Sample Attacker Sakuya Set w/Sakuya's World:
Sakuya@Sakuyanium Z
Ability: Sakuya's World
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Silver Edge
- Close Combat/High Jump Kick
- Knock Off/Throat Chop/Night Slash
- Filler
Filler=Swords Dance/Detect/Substitute/Memento/Snatch/Torment/Acupressure/U-Turn/Parting Shot/Speed Swap/Acrobatics/X-Scissor/Trick Room
Trick Room Sakuya:
Sakuya@Sakuyanium Z
Ability: Sakuya's World
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 4 Def/SpD
Adamant Nature
-Trick Room
-Silver Edge
-Close Combat/High Jump Kick
Swords Dance Sakuya
Sakuya@Sakuyanium Z/Leftovers/Life Orb
Ability: Levitate/Speed Boost/Sakuya's World
EVS: 252 Atk. Whether Speed or HP depends on the ability, 4 in the other stat.
Adamant/Jolly Nature
-Silver Edge
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat/High Jump Kick
Offensive Pivot Sakuya
Sakuya@Leftovers/Choice Band/Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate/Sakuya's World
EVs: Same as the Swords Dance Set: Speed or HP depends on the ability.
-Silver Edge
Pokémon : Marisa Kirisame (Touhou Fuumaroku ~ Story of Eastern Wonderland).
Type: Normal
Abilities: Levitate / Magician / Speed Boost (HA).
Signature Item: Mini Hakkero- When held by Marisa, boosts the power of Marisa's off-type moves by 50% (So basically everything BUT normal-type moves [and Ice-types for the alternate form] get the boost). Also acts as a unique Z-Crystal for Marisa, and thus cannot be removed from Marisa.
Moves: Master Spark*, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Dazzling Gleam, Nasty Plot, Agility, Thief, Dark Pulse, Tri-Attack, Swift, etc.
Signature Move: Master Spark- Normal-Type, Base 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, Special. 10 PP. Can damage Ghost-types.
Master Spark Frozen- Ice-Type, Base 100 Power, 100 Accuracy, Special. 10 PP. 30% chance to freeze the target.
Signature Z-Moves:
Final Spark - Upgraded from Master Spark or Master Spark Frozen with Mini-Hakkero. Inherits the typing of the move it upgrades from (So Normal if Master Spark, Ice if Master Spark Frozen), Special, Base 210 Power. Can damage Ghost-types. Hits both targets in a Double Battle. If upgraded from Master Spark Frozen, 50% chance to freeze the targets.
Blazing Star -Upgraded from Master Spark or Master Spark Frozen with Mini-Hakkero. Inherits the type of the move it upgrades from (Normal if Master Spark, Ice if Master Spark Frozen), Special, Base 190 Power. Came damage Ghost-types. Hits the target's Defense.
Stats: 80 HP/70 Atk/50 Def/130 SpA/70 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 530).
Alternate Form: Marisa-Winter (Toggled by using the Essence of Four Seasons on Marisa out of battle. Can be reverted through using Essence of Four Seasons on Marisa-Winter out of battle. When switching from Marisa to Marisa-Winter, if Marisa knows Master Spark, it will be replaced with Master Spark Frozen, and vice-versa.)
Typing changes to Normal/Ice.
Stats and abilities remain unchanged.
Reasoning: Here we have Marisa Kirisame, the deuteragonist of the Touhou Project series, having been around since the second game in the series. Compared to the original slate, This Marisa leans more from more recent games in the series, like Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Marisa is often associated with magic, and her title is the Ordinary Magician, so it seemed fitting to make Marisa a Normal-type. But to get the most out of her coverage, Marisa has a signature item in the Mini Hakkero, which boosts her non Normal-type attacks by 50%, essentially giving them STAB too. Unlike Protean however, she does not change type. Her signature move is quite obviously her freaking huge magical laser, the Master Spark, which serves as her primary STAB move. It even works on ghosts in the series, so Ghost-types will be in for a big surprise if they think they're safe against Marisa lacking Dark Pulse, as Master Spark will blast them anyway. Only Rock- and Steel-types are safe. Her other main moves are based on attacks she uses through the series. Marisa's Hakkero has shown to have the ability to expel flames and frost as some of her shot-types, and it is a reactor, so she does get the holy trinity of Flamethrower, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam to her name. Draco Meteor is based on her star-based attacks (And one of her moves even has a nearly identical name), are Swift and Dazzling Gleam. Dark Pulse is based on when her Mini Hakkero got possessed in Double-Dealing Character, and the spell card, Bewitched Weapon "Dark Spark" (Which is yet another Master Spark variant).
Marisa's alternate form, Marisa-Winter, takes cues from Hidden Star in Four Seasons, where Marisa is infused with the power of Winter, giving her attacks an icy aftertouch. This affords Marisa a secondary Ice-typing and turns her Master Spark into Master Spark Frozen, which instead has a chance to freeze. Both the regular and Frozen variants of the Master Spark can be upgraded into one of two Z-Moves using the Mini Hakkero in place of a Z-Crystal. Final Spark is based off of her Last Spell in Imperishable Night, and is just a supercharged Master Spark. Blazing Star, on the other hand, is based on her Last Word from the same game, which later becomes a recurring spell card throughout the series, and involves her using a Master Spark as propulsion to ram into the enemy, hence a Psyshock-esque effect. The Z-Moves change type (and possibly effects) depending on which version of Master Spark is upgraded.
Marisa's stats are fairly self-explanatory: She's a fast specially offensive glass cannon, just like in her home series.
Some example sets:
"Danmaku is all about Firepower!" (Standard Marisa set)
Marisa@Mini Hakkero
Modest/Timid Nature
Ability: Levitate/Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
-Master Spark
Coverage=Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam
"It's so cold over where I live that it's snowing! It's practically winter! Seriously, what's going on?" (Standard Marisa-Winter set)
Marisa-Winter@Mini Hakkero
Modest/Timid Nature
Ability: Levitate/Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Modest/Timid Nature
-Master Spark Frozen
Coverage=Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Tri-Attack.
Pokemon: Justice
Type: Steel
Abilities: Long Reach / Levitate / Gear Diffusion (Powers up Fire and Electric moves by 50%)
Signature Moves:
Imperial Ray
Type: Fire
Classification: Special
Power: 100
Accuracy: 90
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Has a 30% chance to flinch the target.
Michael Blade
Type: Steel
Classification: Physical
Power: 100
Accuracy: 90
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Has a high critical hit ratio and a 10% chance to paralyze.
Gamma Ray
Type: Electric
Classification: Special
Power: 150
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5 (max 8)
Effect: Takes a turn to charge. Does Fire damage as well, and bypasses Ground immunity.
Omega Shift
Type: Normal
Classification: Status
Power: -
Accuracy: -
PP: 5 (max 8)
Effect: Increases Speed by 3 and Attack by 2.
Signature Z-Move: X-Laser
Type: Fire
Power: -
Classification: Special
Effect: Requires Focus Energy and (optional) Justiceium Z. Instantly kills the opponent. Unlike other Z-Moves, if the character originated from Guilty Gear, they can use Focus Energy to use their Z-Move for free. However, it will be treated as a 210 power move with an instant critical hit. (Normal Z-Move variant is banned, but not the alternate, Z-Crystal-less way.)
Stats: 110/105/110/115/85/100 (Total: 725)
Other Notable Moves: Sacred Sword, Focus Energy, Magnet Bomb, Metal Claw, Dragon Claw, Taunt, Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Dual Chop, Counter, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Hyper Beam, Quick Attack, Double Edge, Fury Cutter, Counter
Overview: Yes, I know, she's OP, but she was like that in her game (mostly), so therefore she's Ubers. Anyways, might as well try to make Guilty Gear have a chance, so why not the main villain from the first game, Justice. Here, all of the characters have a unique ability that they can use their Z-Moves after using Focus Energy, though for balancing purposes, it'll not be a full-on OHKO. Her Steel typing is reflected with her armor (and the, uh, penis). The abilities reflecting her neutral stance in her games (Levitate), her extending fingers (Long Reach), and for her signature move, Gear Diffusion, manipulation over gamma, nuclear, fire, and electric properties. All her moves are related to her powers and attacks and the stats reflect her playstyle, a big, bulky, powerful fighter thats also pretty fact. Her signature moves reflect her Overdrives, with 2 of them being great offensive options, a powerful move to force switches, and a beefed up version of Shift Gear. However, her attack power is subpar without a Omega Shift in place.
Pokemon: Dizzy
Type: Dark/Ice
Abilities: Magic Bounce / Long Reach / Natural Care
Signature Moves:
Imperial Ray
Type: Fire
Classification: Special
Power: 100
Accuracy: 90
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Has a 30% chance to flinch the target.
Glass Reflector
Type: Ice
Classification: Status
Power: -
Accuracy: -
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Reflects back Special moves for 1 turn.
Gamma Ray
Type: Electric
Classification: Special
Power: 25/100
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5 (max 8)
Effect: Hits 3 times, the first 2 hits being 25 power, the last being 100 power. Does both Fire and Ice damage for the 2 hits respectively.
Signature Z-Move: Emotional Gamma Ray
Type: Fire
Power: -
Classification: Special
Effect: Requires Focus Energy and (optional) Dizzium Z. Instantly kills the opponent. Unlike other Z-Moves, if the character originated from Guilty Gear, they can use Focus Energy to use their Z-Move for free. However, it will be treated as a 210 power move with an instant critical hit. (Normal Z-Move variant is banned, but not the alternate, Z-Crystal-less way.)
Stats: 90/95/80/125/95/110 (Total: 595)
Other Notable Moves: Hyper Beam, Dragon Claw, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Crunch, Taunt, Torment, Recover, Tearful Look, Heal Bell, Dragon Tail, Fury Cutter, Icicle Crash, Flame Burst, Lava Plume, Ice Shard, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, Sacred Sword, Light Screen, Reflect, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Mirror Coat, Counter
Overview: Well, if you don't Justice and her overpowered ways, here's Dizzy, her daughter. Unlike Justice, Dizzy's more or less a support Pokemon. Her type refers to her 2 wings, Necro and Undine, though she does have Fire attack due to Necro. She does have lower overall stats but better Special stats and Speed. Her moves are also somewhat similar in distribution to Justice, but does a quite a few differences, like more support moves and stuff. She also has a new move that lets her reflect back Special Moves for a turn, as well as a different version of Gamma Ray.
KeeganSkymin4444 said:Grapple Beam
- Type: Electric
- Classification: Special
- Power: 80
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 15 (max 24)
- Effect: If the opponent attempts to switch, this move prevents them from doing so. It also deals 1.5x the damage on foes that try to switch.
*Waluigi flips a table*Congratulations to KirbyRider1337 and KeeganSkymin4444 for winning with Chaos Kin, Captain Falcon, and Luigi!
Purple Luigi!
Don't know how I stuffed that up. Fixed.*Waluigi flips a table*
In all seriousness, thanks for using my suggestion. I'll be making submissions some point soon.