page 30 baby woo
Pokémon: **High Priest** (Enter the Gungeon)
Type: Psychic / Steel
Ability: No Guard / Kaliber's Fury (Moves 60 BP and under have +1 priority.)
Moves: Phantom Force, Flash Cannon, Psychic, Psyshock, Teleport, Hidden Power, Ominous Wind, Ancient Power, Focus Blast, Bone Rush
Stats: 73 / 77 / 76 / 122 / 114 / 108
Reasoning: Psychic because the High Priest is the highest priest in The Order of the True Gun, and a physical embodiment of Kaliber, goddess of bullets and guns. Steel is because it is made at least partially out of guns and has a mystical metal amulet. No Guard is because the High Priest fires many homing attacks, and Kaliber's Fury is because it is the living embodiment of Kaliber. The effect can be explained by the fact that Kaliber is the goddess of bullets, fast but not usually individually powerful weapons. Stats are because the High Priest is a fast attacker that uses all ranged attacks and priests/mystic powers are usually associated with high special stats. All moves are based off of attacks used in-game with a tiny bit of generic special coverage added (ominous wind.)

Pokémon: **High Priest** (Enter the Gungeon)
Type: Psychic / Steel
Ability: No Guard / Kaliber's Fury (Moves 60 BP and under have +1 priority.)
Moves: Phantom Force, Flash Cannon, Psychic, Psyshock, Teleport, Hidden Power, Ominous Wind, Ancient Power, Focus Blast, Bone Rush
Stats: 73 / 77 / 76 / 122 / 114 / 108
Reasoning: Psychic because the High Priest is the highest priest in The Order of the True Gun, and a physical embodiment of Kaliber, goddess of bullets and guns. Steel is because it is made at least partially out of guns and has a mystical metal amulet. No Guard is because the High Priest fires many homing attacks, and Kaliber's Fury is because it is the living embodiment of Kaliber. The effect can be explained by the fact that Kaliber is the goddess of bullets, fast but not usually individually powerful weapons. Stats are because the High Priest is a fast attacker that uses all ranged attacks and priests/mystic powers are usually associated with high special stats. All moves are based off of attacks used in-game with a tiny bit of generic special coverage added (ominous wind.)
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