<p>Cryogonal is at once both an amazing and a terrible defensive Pokemon. For most Pokemon, having the honor of being a defensive Ice-type Pokemon is a death knell, as Ice grants them multiple weaknesses to common attacking types and only one resistance. Cryogonal manages to rise above its deficiencies, however, with its excellent Special Defense stat helping it cement its niche as the best Rapid Spinner in NU. Although its poor Defense stat works against it, its special walling capacity is top-notch, and is supported by its high Special Attack and Speed, unusual strengths for a defensive Pokemon. Despite wielding few offensive options, Cryogonal's support movepool solidifies its reputation as an excellent defensive Pokemon, and it should always be one of the first choices when looking for a Rapid Spin user.</p>
name: Rapid Spin
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Toxic / Haze
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Calm / Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
<p>Cryogonal boasts of being the best Rapid Spin user in NU primarily due to this set, which is capable of walling a significant portion of the tier's special attackers. Despite a Stealth Rock weakness, immunity to Spikes and Toxic Spikes place Cryogonal head and shoulders over other Rapid Spinners, such as Torkoal. Ice Beam is the STAB option of choice, sporting good power off of Cryogonal's base 95 Special Attack, even uninvested. Rapid Spin provides amazing support to deadly sweepers such as Swellow, Braviary, and Sawk. Toxic is a strong choice to cripple Pokemon Cryogonal can't threaten with Ice Beam, preventing the likes of Lickilicky from outright walling this set. Haze is also an excellent choice to prevent set up attempts from Pokemon such as Gorebyss; however, most setup sweepers in NU are physical, making Haze less useful. Recover is part of why Cryogonal is the best Rapid Spin user in NU; the instant 50% recovery with Cryogonal's excellent base Speed is unparalleled among NU's defensive Pokemon.</p>
<p>The combination of Leftovers, a Calm nature, and maximum investment in HP and Special Defense grant Cryogonal the greatest longevity and special walling capacity. For example, with full investment, one of the strongest special attackers in the tier, Choice Specs Exeggutor, will never OHKO with Leaf Storm after Stealth Rock damage. Other EV spreads are usable on Cryogonal as well. For example, a Cryogonal with maximum Speed can outpace Pokemon such as Braviary and OHKO it with Ice Beam, and also hit faster Pokemon with Toxic before they can Substitute. A physically defensive EV spread is also viable; this increases Cryogonal's ability to take physical attacks in a similar way to Blissey in OU.</p>
<p>As this Cryogonal set is more of a team supporter itself, it doesn't need much support. However, Quagsire and Grumpig are good defensive partners for their ability to take Rock-, Fire-, and Fighting-type attacks aimed at Cryogonal, respectively. As the best Rapid Spin user in the tier, some great teammates for Cryogonal include Pokemon weak to Stealth Rock—although being weak to Stealth Rock itself one must be cautious of switching in. Cryogonal makes an excellent partner for Rotom-S and Articuno, who are crippled by Stealth Rock, and Sawk, who's Sturdy ability is nullified by it.<p>
name: Dual Screens
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Reflect
move 4: Recover
item: Light Clay
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 88 SpD / 168 Spe
<p>Similar to the last set, Cryogonal assumes a support role, although to a much greater extent in its efforts in aiding sweeps. Whereas the previous set helps teammates by removing obstacles, this set benefits them by halving all damage they might incur, with Reflect and Light Screen nerfing physical and special attacks, respectively, allowing frailer Pokemon to set up with ease. Recover makes sure Cryogonal is capable of setting up both screens, occasionally setting them twice, while Ice Beam ensures that Cryogonal is not crippled extensively by Taunt.</p>
<p>The given EVs ensure that Cryogonal will outspeed all base 95 Speed Pokemon, ensuring that the appropriate screen is set up in time, with the remaining EVs going to HP and Defense to boost Cryogonal's overall bulk. An EV spread with full defensive investment is also an option to make Cryogonal's Defense quite respectable when bolstered by Reflect. Light Clay is the natural choice when using screens, as it boosts their duration from 5 to 8 turns.</p>
<p>This Cryogonal set is a great team supporter for frail set-up sweepers, as well as to bulkier sweepers that require more boosts to sweep. Linoone, Zangoose, and Ursaring in particular are all capable of boosting their Attack easily when behind the screens and becoming huge threats to your opponent. Altaria becomes nearly impossible to kill behind both screens as well, and can use this advantage to set up multiple Dragon Dances before attempting a sweep. Substitute users also appreciate the support screens provide, as it ensures that their Substitutes survive weaker attacks. This allows threats such as Substitute + Nasty Plot Jynx to set up and attempt a sweep.</p>
name: Offensive
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 88 HP / 252 SpA / 168 Spe
<p>Cryogonal's unusual stat spread allows it to attempt to take on an offensive role, with this set supporting the team while also beating common spinblockers in the tier. Ice Beam with offensive investment is an excellent move, also hitting a large portion of the tier super effectively. Hidden Power Ground provides coverage on most of what Ice Beam doesn't, hitting Rock- and Steel-types super effectively, as well as providing offensive coverage against Magmortar and Torkoal. Cryogonal can also pull off a fast Rapid Spin, which ensures the rest of the team isn't crippled after it faints. Recover, although rare on an offensive set, is used here because of the lack of offensive option Cryogonal has, as well as healing off residual damage from Life Orb and Stealth Rock.</p>
<p>The EVs provided ensure that Cryogonal hits as hard as it can while still outspeeding base 95 Speed Pokemon, with the remaining EVs boosting Cryogonal's bulk. The choice of item depends on the nature of your team; Life Orb grants greater offensive power which is preferable on more fast paced teams, while Leftovers grants greater survivability which is preferable for more balanced teams. Hidden Power Fighting is a useful option in place of Hidden Power Ground, sacrificing Poison- and Electric-type coverage in favor of hitting Ice- and Dark-types super effectively. Flash Cannon can be used in the last slot for neutral offensive coverage, but it generally overlaps with Cryogonal's Hidden Power of choice in that regard.</p>
<p>This Cryogonal set is exceptionally good at luring in and removing Grass-type Pokemon, something bulky Water-type stat boosters, such as Quagsire, greatly appreciate. As a bonus, Quagsire also provides strong defensive synergy with Cryogonal. Likewise, this set is effective at luring in Steel-types, paving the way for strong physical attackers, such as Linoone and Swellow.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Although Cryogonal's movepool is particularly sparse, it does have a few interesting options to use. Acid Armor strengthens the integrity of the defensive sets by doubling Cryogonal's Defense stat. Confuse Ray can irritate the opposition, halving their chances of successfully attacking. Frost Breath is an interesting option as an alternate STAB, bypassing any stat boosts the opponent might have accrued with its guaranteed critical hit rate. Cryogonal can also be used on weather teams effectively, as it receives SolarBeam for another offensive option under the sun, and is also able to set up Rain Dance for its team.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Given Cryogonal's terrible physical defense, literally any physical attacker that can take an Ice Beam will be able to OHKO it. Pursuit users, such as Sneasel and Skuntank, are particularly effective at disposing of Cryogonal, as Cryogonal can rarely do much to the Pursuit user before being taken out. Magmortar counters any Cryogonal without Hidden Power Ground, easily OHKOing with either STAB. Grumpig will always counter Cryogonal, resisting Ice Beam thanks to Thick Fat, OHKOing with Psyshock—something that most Psychic-types can do—and even avoiding Toxic thanks to Magic Coat. Finally, any fast user of Taunt will cripple support sets.</p>
<p>Cryogonal is at once both an amazing and a terrible defensive Pokemon. For most Pokemon, having the honor of being a defensive Ice-type Pokemon is a death knell, as Ice grants them multiple weaknesses to common attacking types and only one resistance. Cryogonal manages to rise above its deficiencies, however, with its excellent Special Defense stat helping it cement its niche as the best Rapid Spinner in NU. Although its poor Defense stat works against it, its special walling capacity is top-notch, and is supported by its high Special Attack and Speed, unusual strengths for a defensive Pokemon. Despite wielding few offensive options, Cryogonal's support movepool solidifies its reputation as an excellent defensive Pokemon, and it should always be one of the first choices when looking for a Rapid Spin user.</p>
name: Rapid Spin
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Toxic / Haze
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Calm / Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
<p>Cryogonal boasts of being the best Rapid Spin user in NU primarily due to this set, which is capable of walling a significant portion of the tier's special attackers. Despite a Stealth Rock weakness, immunity to Spikes and Toxic Spikes place Cryogonal head and shoulders over other Rapid Spinners, such as Torkoal. Ice Beam is the STAB option of choice, sporting good power off of Cryogonal's base 95 Special Attack, even uninvested. Rapid Spin provides amazing support to deadly sweepers such as Swellow, Braviary, and Sawk. Toxic is a strong choice to cripple Pokemon Cryogonal can't threaten with Ice Beam, preventing the likes of Lickilicky from outright walling this set. Haze is also an excellent choice to prevent set up attempts from Pokemon such as Gorebyss; however, most setup sweepers in NU are physical, making Haze less useful. Recover is part of why Cryogonal is the best Rapid Spin user in NU; the instant 50% recovery with Cryogonal's excellent base Speed is unparalleled among NU's defensive Pokemon.</p>
<p>The combination of Leftovers, a Calm nature, and maximum investment in HP and Special Defense grant Cryogonal the greatest longevity and special walling capacity. For example, with full investment, one of the strongest special attackers in the tier, Choice Specs Exeggutor, will never OHKO with Leaf Storm after Stealth Rock damage. Other EV spreads are usable on Cryogonal as well. For example, a Cryogonal with maximum Speed can outpace Pokemon such as Braviary and OHKO it with Ice Beam, and also hit faster Pokemon with Toxic before they can Substitute. A physically defensive EV spread is also viable; this increases Cryogonal's ability to take physical attacks in a similar way to Blissey in OU.</p>
<p>As this Cryogonal set is more of a team supporter itself, it doesn't need much support. However, Quagsire and Grumpig are good defensive partners for their ability to take Rock-, Fire-, and Fighting-type attacks aimed at Cryogonal, respectively. As the best Rapid Spin user in the tier, some great teammates for Cryogonal include Pokemon weak to Stealth Rock—although being weak to Stealth Rock itself one must be cautious of switching in. Cryogonal makes an excellent partner for Rotom-S and Articuno, who are crippled by Stealth Rock, and Sawk, who's Sturdy ability is nullified by it.<p>
name: Dual Screens
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Reflect
move 4: Recover
item: Light Clay
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 88 SpD / 168 Spe
<p>Similar to the last set, Cryogonal assumes a support role, although to a much greater extent in its efforts in aiding sweeps. Whereas the previous set helps teammates by removing obstacles, this set benefits them by halving all damage they might incur, with Reflect and Light Screen nerfing physical and special attacks, respectively, allowing frailer Pokemon to set up with ease. Recover makes sure Cryogonal is capable of setting up both screens, occasionally setting them twice, while Ice Beam ensures that Cryogonal is not crippled extensively by Taunt.</p>
<p>The given EVs ensure that Cryogonal will outspeed all base 95 Speed Pokemon, ensuring that the appropriate screen is set up in time, with the remaining EVs going to HP and Defense to boost Cryogonal's overall bulk. An EV spread with full defensive investment is also an option to make Cryogonal's Defense quite respectable when bolstered by Reflect. Light Clay is the natural choice when using screens, as it boosts their duration from 5 to 8 turns.</p>
<p>This Cryogonal set is a great team supporter for frail set-up sweepers, as well as to bulkier sweepers that require more boosts to sweep. Linoone, Zangoose, and Ursaring in particular are all capable of boosting their Attack easily when behind the screens and becoming huge threats to your opponent. Altaria becomes nearly impossible to kill behind both screens as well, and can use this advantage to set up multiple Dragon Dances before attempting a sweep. Substitute users also appreciate the support screens provide, as it ensures that their Substitutes survive weaker attacks. This allows threats such as Substitute + Nasty Plot Jynx to set up and attempt a sweep.</p>
name: Offensive
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 88 HP / 252 SpA / 168 Spe
<p>Cryogonal's unusual stat spread allows it to attempt to take on an offensive role, with this set supporting the team while also beating common spinblockers in the tier. Ice Beam with offensive investment is an excellent move, also hitting a large portion of the tier super effectively. Hidden Power Ground provides coverage on most of what Ice Beam doesn't, hitting Rock- and Steel-types super effectively, as well as providing offensive coverage against Magmortar and Torkoal. Cryogonal can also pull off a fast Rapid Spin, which ensures the rest of the team isn't crippled after it faints. Recover, although rare on an offensive set, is used here because of the lack of offensive option Cryogonal has, as well as healing off residual damage from Life Orb and Stealth Rock.</p>
<p>The EVs provided ensure that Cryogonal hits as hard as it can while still outspeeding base 95 Speed Pokemon, with the remaining EVs boosting Cryogonal's bulk. The choice of item depends on the nature of your team; Life Orb grants greater offensive power which is preferable on more fast paced teams, while Leftovers grants greater survivability which is preferable for more balanced teams. Hidden Power Fighting is a useful option in place of Hidden Power Ground, sacrificing Poison- and Electric-type coverage in favor of hitting Ice- and Dark-types super effectively. Flash Cannon can be used in the last slot for neutral offensive coverage, but it generally overlaps with Cryogonal's Hidden Power of choice in that regard.</p>
<p>This Cryogonal set is exceptionally good at luring in and removing Grass-type Pokemon, something bulky Water-type stat boosters, such as Quagsire, greatly appreciate. As a bonus, Quagsire also provides strong defensive synergy with Cryogonal. Likewise, this set is effective at luring in Steel-types, paving the way for strong physical attackers, such as Linoone and Swellow.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Although Cryogonal's movepool is particularly sparse, it does have a few interesting options to use. Acid Armor strengthens the integrity of the defensive sets by doubling Cryogonal's Defense stat. Confuse Ray can irritate the opposition, halving their chances of successfully attacking. Frost Breath is an interesting option as an alternate STAB, bypassing any stat boosts the opponent might have accrued with its guaranteed critical hit rate. Cryogonal can also be used on weather teams effectively, as it receives SolarBeam for another offensive option under the sun, and is also able to set up Rain Dance for its team.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Given Cryogonal's terrible physical defense, literally any physical attacker that can take an Ice Beam will be able to OHKO it. Pursuit users, such as Sneasel and Skuntank, are particularly effective at disposing of Cryogonal, as Cryogonal can rarely do much to the Pursuit user before being taken out. Magmortar counters any Cryogonal without Hidden Power Ground, easily OHKOing with either STAB. Grumpig will always counter Cryogonal, resisting Ice Beam thanks to Thick Fat, OHKOing with Psyshock—something that most Psychic-types can do—and even avoiding Toxic thanks to Magic Coat. Finally, any fast user of Taunt will cripple support sets.</p>