OU Darmanitan-Galar


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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Icicle Crash
move 2: Flare Blitz
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan is one of the best Choice Scarf users and wallbreakers in the current metagame. This is accomplished through its very powerful Attack stat, good Speed tier, and ability in Gorilla Tactics. Choice items are especially useful on Darmanitan due to Gorilla Tactics already locking into the first move used. Icicle Crash is preferred over Ice Punch due to its higher Base Power and flinch chance, while Flare Blitz and Earthquake are Darmanitan's way of bypassing Pokemon that would otherwise be able to avoid the 2HKO from Icicle Crash, such as Aegislash, Toxapex, and Avalugg. Its coverage moves also allow Darmanitan to snatch a surprise KO by Dynamaxing after its opponent switches into a resisted move. U-turn is used in order to deal with foes like Rotom-W and Rotom-H, which can take any 2 hits from it, recover the damage off, and check it continuously; instead, U-turn allows Darmanitan to place them in range of a 2HKO from Icicle Crash. Additionally, U-turn makes it so Darmanitan can scout its foes' sets, pivot into a teammate, and keep momentum up, all while still dealing respectable damage.

Because of its pure Ice typing leaving it vulnerable to entry hazards and the fact that Choice Scarf Darmanitan requires switching in several times in order to break the opposing Pokemon, it very much appreciates good entry hazard removal. Due to this, Pokemon like Corviknight and Mandibuzz make for excellent teammates. Additionally, Pokemon that appreciate Darmanitan's ability to force switches and pivot them in with U-turn, like Hydreigon and Clefable, are great offensive partners.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Icicle Crash
move 2: Flare Blitz
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan is one of the strongest Pokemon in the tier, able to overcome virtually every possible defensive check and switch-in to it. Choice Band Darmanitan plays very similar to Choice Scarf, aiming to spam Icicle Crash uninterrupted and using its coverage and U-turn in order to accomplish that. However, due to being stronger, it can accomplish that in fewer turns than Choice Scarf; at the same time, it's relatively much slower, and thus needs more team support to be able to freely use its moves. Dynamax functions much like in the Choice Scarf set, used if you wish to snipe a defensive check that switched into a resisted hit. Of note however, is the fact that Dynamax removes both the Gorilla Tactics boost and the Choice Band boost, affecting this set significantly more than Choice Scarf.

Darmanitan's unboosted Speed tier, while a solid base 95, still leaves it susceptible to faster offensive Pokemon such as Dragapult, Hydreigon, and Cinderace. Packing good checks to those Pokemon is required in order to fully make use of it. Much like Choice Scarf, good removal is mandated. Corviknight and Mandibuzz remain great partners, while Pokemon like Rotom-W and Rotom-H can pivot it in through Volt Switch.

- Written by: [[talah, 248449]]
- Quality checked by: [[TDK, 185591], [Mannat, 144451]]
- Grammar checked by: [[deetah, 297659]]
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Scarf should be first imo. It's darms best set and toughest to take on. Yeah it doesn't ohko pex and stuff but you cant revenge kill it without chip (like no scarfer outspeeds and ohkos) and it fits on a lot of teams easily bc its fast and revenge kills so many things. Cb is impossible to wall but you can either play the trade game, predict it, or trap with dug and be alright. Yeah dug can trap scarf, but it has to jump through a lot of hoops. Sr cant be up, has to be at full, have to sac or use button (on non uturn), and have to not get flinched by crash. Overall i think scarf is just dumber to take on, not to mention is way more common atm, so it should be first I think.

I think you should mention how Darm loses its boosts if it dynamaxes, which is big bc it only does like 50 to pex. It's not like Darm isn't a good candidate to dynamax, it just has more to keep in mind than others and is typically worse.

Beyond that this mon is straightforward. 1/2
Gorilla Tactics makes Choice items on Darmanitan especially useful, since their side-effects practically don't affect it.
This is awkwardly worded, I'd probably say something more along the lines of "Gorilla Tactics makes Choice items on Darmanitan especially appealing, as its ability already locks it into the first move used" or something.
Icicle Crash is preferred over Ice Punch due to its higher BP
Probably worth mentioning the flinch chance since it lets it cheese past rotom.
Not GP but literally what the fuck talah LOL

Good stuff, 2/2
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GP 1/1


name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Icicle Crash
move 2: Flare Blitz
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice Scarf Darmanitan-Galar Galarian Darmanitan is one of the best Scarfers, as well as one of the best Choice Scarf users and wallbreakers, (RC) in the current metagame. This is accomplished through its very powerful Attack stat, its good Speed tier, (AC) and its ability, (RC) in Gorilla Tactics. Choice items (Lowercase) are especially useful on Darmanitan, (RC) due to Gorilla Tactics already locking into the first move used. Icicle Crash is preferred over Ice Punch due to its higher BP Base Power and flinch chance, while Flare Blitz and Earthquake are Darmanitan's way of bypassing Pokemon that would otherwise be able to avoid the 2HKO from Icicle Crash, such as Aegislash, Toxapex, (AC) and Avalugg. They Its coverage moves also allow Darmanitan to snatch a surprise kill KO by Dynamaxing after its opponent switches into a resisted move. U-turn is used in order to deal with opponents foes like Rotom-W and Rotom-H, which can take any 2 hits from it, recover the damage off, and check it continuously; instead, U-turn allows Darmanitan to place them in range of an a 2HKO from Icicle Crash 2HKO. Additionally, U-turn makes it so Darmanitan can scout its opponents foes' sets, pivot into a teammate, and keep momentum up, all while still dealing respectable damage.

Because of its pure Ice typing, (RC) leaving it vulnerable to entry hazards, (RC) and the fact that Choice Scarf Darmanitan requires switching in several switch ins times in order to break the opponent opposing Pokemon, it very much appreciates good entry hazard removal. Due to this, Pokemon like Corviknight and Mandibuzz make for excellent teammates. Additionally, Pokemon that appreciate Darmanitan's ability to force switch-ins switches and pivot them in with U-turn, like Hydreigon and Clefable, are great offensive partners.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Icicle Crash
move 2: Flare Blitz
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Gorilla Tactics
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Choice Band Darmanitan-Galar Galarian Darmanitan is one of the strongest Pokemon in the tier, able to overcome virtually every possible defensive check and switch-in to it. Choice Band Darmanitan plays very similar to Choice Scarf, aiming to spam Icicle Crash uninterrupted and using its coverage and U-turn in order to accomplish that. However, due to being stronger, it can accomplish that in fewer turns than Choice Scarf; at the same time, it's relatively much slower, and thus needs more team support to be able to freely use its moves. Dynamax functions much like in the Choice Scarf set, used if you wish to snipe a defensive check that switched into a resisted hit. Of note, (AC) however, is the fact that Dynamax removes both the Gorilla Tactics boost and the Choice Band boost, affecting this set significantly more than Choice Scarf.

Darmanitan's unboosted Speed tier, while a solid base 95, still leaves it susceptible to faster offensive Pokemon such as Dragapult, Hydreigon, (AC) and Cinderace. Packing good checks to those Pokemon is required in order to fully make use of it. Much like Choice Scarf, good removal is mandated. Corviknight and Manidbuzz Mandibuzz remain great partners, while Pokemon like Rotom-W and Rotom-H can pivot it in through Volt Switch.

- Written by: [[talah, 248449]]
- Quality checked by: [[TDK, 185591], [Mannat, 144451]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]