ORAS OU Darude — Sandstorm

Hello, and welcome to my RMT. I have began “competitive” Pokemon battling since early gen V, but I’ve never played consistently, often having phases of inactivity that typically lasts for months. Although I always have to readjust to metagame changes, one thing will always be a part of me when it comes to Pokemon teams – the Sandstorm. Based upon some research as well as a bit of experience, I have come up with the current iteration of more or less the same/very-similar team I have always been using. So here is the list of Pokemon I am running:



Celebi @
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 84 SpD / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Recover
- Stealth Rock
- Baton Pass
Celebi was not a Pokemon this team is based around and is only listed first because I primarily lead with it. Celebi is my hazard setter in order for Hippowdon to phaze and rack up hazard damage and/or to make it easier my team to score KOs. Defensively, Celebi covers many of the weakness of the majority of the Pokemon of my team (Charizard, Tyranitar, Hippowdon, Excadrill). It also acts as a bulky pivot with Baton Pass, sometimes getting me safe switches into Pokemon that are faster than Celebi. Baton Pass also helps Celebi escape Pursuit so it can live to fight (or support?) another day. Giga Drain and Recover are more or less mandatory moves, both of which keep Celebi healthy in order to continuously switch into attacks. The EVs are standard for Support Celebi, and the 0 Atk IVs minimize Foul Play and Confusion damage.

Charizard (M) @
Charizardite Y
Ability: Solar Power
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Focus Blast
- Roost
Mega Charizard Y is, of course, the wallbreaker of my team, KOing or severally damaging Pokemon that the rest of my team has trouble defeating. I typically use him early and mid game, and sometimes lead with him if I think my opponent will lead with a Pokemon that would give Charizard a favorable matchup. However, there are some threats that only Charizard alone can reliably take down, such as Mega Venusaur, Gliscor, Skarmory, and Ferrothorn; if any of those defensive threats are active on my opponent’s team, I typically have to play very carefully with Charizard and make sure they get knocked down before he does. The moves and EVs of this Charizard are standard, and the 0 Atk IVs minimize Foul Play and Confusion damage; the standard set is more or less the most beneficial to my team.


Clefable (F) @
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Moonlight
- Aromatherapy
Defensively, whatever Celebi, Tyranitar, and Hippowdon cannot switch into, Clefable can, so it patches up (most of) whatever remaining defensive weaknesses the rest of my team has. I chose Unaware Clefable to deal with set-up sweepers the rest of my team typically has trouble with, and specifically the Calm Mind variant to give Clefable some offensive presence. Clefable has Aromatherapy, as Charizard, Tyranitar, Hippowdon, and Excadrill hate being statused (Charizard hates paralysis, Excadrill hates burn, and Tyranitar and Hippowdon both hate poison and burn). Clefable has Moonlight as her recovery move; unfortunately, Moonlight isn’t always effective due to my team inducing sand much of the time, but it is more reliable than casting Wish and waiting a whole turn for it to activate while the slow Clefable is vulnerable to being attacked. The EVs and Bold Nature maximize her physical bulk as Calm Mind should patch up her special defense.


Hippowdon (M) @
Smooth Rock
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Slack Off
- Earthquake
- Whirlwind
- Ice Fang
Hippowdon is the team’s physical wall and main sand inducer. Hippowdon can switch into any non-supereffective physical hit and either phaze out the physical attacker or fight back. Whirlwind, Earthquake, and Slack Off are obvious moves to include. Ice Fang might seem like a very gimmicky move to have, but it offers surprisingly good coverage against physical attackers such as Garchomp, Landorus-T, Dragonite, and sometimes other flying-type Pokemon that are also weak to ice. Gliscor can also be slammed really hard on the switch, giving Hippowdon an edge in a matchup that he would normally lose (Toxic stall really sucks). Smooth Rock might seem redundant when I also have Tyranitar, and also might be counterproductive with Charizard Y’s sun and Clefable’s Moonlight. However, I use it to guarantee that Excadrill has his double speed for as many turns as possible. This is especially useful in lategame scenarios, where I have lost most of my Pokemon, but Excadrill is now my win condition and is in position to sweep what’s left of my opponent’s weakened team; if sand runs out a few turns early, then I could be denied my last chance at victory.


Tyranitar (M) @
Assault Vest
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
I understand that this is by far the most gimmicky set on this team and is probably unreliable in most cases. However, I have used this Tyranitar to successful results. Tyranitar is primarily my special wall and is also a Pursuit trapper. Tyranitar also serves as my team’s backup sand inducer should I lose Hippowdon prematurely. Assault Vest grants Tyranitar the special bulk to switch into any unboosted special attack that isn’t Secret Sword; even Focus Blasts typically need to 3HKO if Tyranitar is healthy. Tyranitar has an Adamant nature to give it a bit more power to beat the special attackers it switches into in one-on-one scenarios. Stone Edge and Crunch are the obvious required STAB moves, and Pursuit is, of course, used against Lati@s and any other Pokemon that tries to escape Tyranitar that I want to finish off on the spot. Earthquake is used for Heatran and Mega Diancie, both of which I often switch Tyranitar into, and the latter of which is 2HKOd and can only 3HKO healthy Tyranitar with unboosted Moonblasts. As I have mentioned before, I understand that this set of Tyranitar might not be the most effective to run in most cases, but what I really like about it is its surprise factor; many players underestimate Tyranitar’s special bulk and think they can beat it with any supereffective special attack, only for Tyranitar to take pitiful damage and hit back with something much harder.


Excadrill (M) @
Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
- Rapid Spin
With both Tyranitar and Hippowdon on my team, I obviously run Sand Rush Excadrill. He worked wonders for me in Dream World OU back in pre-B2/W2 gen V, and now that he’s legal in OU with this newest generation, I had to use him again. Excadrill helps spin away hazards early game, and most notably, helps me get rid of Stealth Rock so Charizard doesn’t get wrecked when he switches in to do what he does best. Once hazards are off my field and my opponent’s walls are down, I typically save Excadrill for the end to clean up what’s left of my opponent’s team. To sum it up, Charizard Y and Excadrill have really good offensive synergy. Excadrill has an Adamant Nature and holds a Life Orb in order to give him the extra power to guarantee some KOs, especially against bulkier Pokemon; I do not run a Jolly Nature, as Excadrill is fast enough in the sand, and I never like to gamble using my own Excadrill against another.

As I am not the most active person on the ladder, I know my team is far from perfect. Specifically, from my own experience, I have had trouble with Hoopa-U (no safe switch-in and can only be reliably defeated through revenge-KO and/or smart switching) and Mega Gyarados (when set up, sometimes requires a combination of Clefable and Excadrill to take down); as much as I would like to throw in immediate counters to these Pokemon, giving up multiple members of this team would open up more weaknesses. Therefore, I would like any feedback about what I can do to improve this team without making too many changes.
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This looks like a standard double weather team, but some of the slots are either overlapping, or are outclassed by other Pokemon. I'll try and make the appropriate changes, because this is a pretty solid build.

Firstly, change Celebi to Amoonguss, Amoonguss in general is a fantastic fit on sand builds. It checks all the appropriate Waters, and Grounds like Keldeo, and Hippowdon for example. It has Regenerator, so it isn't as bothered by the sand, like Celebi, it is also a fantastic answer to Breloom, which can be a huge issue for Sand, but it also provides Spore. This is especially useful because it can give Excadrill and Zard Y free turns to come in and fire off powerful attacks. You don't need a Stealth Rocker in this slot, especially when you already have Tyranitar.

Next, change Hippowdon to Keldeo. Keldeo breaks down the bulky Grounds that you need it to, and also checks Bisharp, which is a potentially massive threat for this team. Keldeo also functions as a standalone wincon, and appreciates the Pursuit support from Tyranitar.

After that, change Tyranitar from Assault Vest to support. Support Tyranitar can act as your Stealth Rocker, and can also pursuit potentially troublesome Pokemon for Keldeo, and Zard Y.

Lastly, Clefable doesn't really fit on this build, the reduced recovery doesn't help it out, and its role in general isn't that useful to this team, I'd suggest replacing it with a standard set. Stardard Calm Mind Clefable fits fine in this slot, and also lures Scizor, and Ferrothorn to weaken them, which can be helpful.

P.S. You could also try Air Ballon on Excadrill to provide an extra Ground immunity. If that's the case, then you should also change Excadrill to Swords Dance > Rock Slide, and change Tyranitar to Stone Edge/Toxic Hippowdon.



Support > Assault Vest on

Magic Guard > Unaware on
Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 192 Def / 68 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Clear Smog
- Spore

Keldeo-Resolute @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Secret Sword
- Sleep Talk
- Rest

Tyranitar @ Smooth Rock
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 248 HP / 80 Def / 180 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower
- Calm Mind
- Soft-Boiled
Thank you; I will be sure to give all of this a try. However, I do have a few questions.
1. What if Manaphy is running Ice Beam (Amoongus can't safely use Clear smog) and was healthy enough to set up Tail Glow on Clefable or Tyranitar? Do I try to damage it with whichever of these two I have out, and then go for a revenge KO?
2. Isn't Charizard Y able to break down bulky ground-types anyway? And can't Hippowdon deal with Bisharp?
3. With a RestTalk Keldeo, wouldn't I potentially lose momentum?
4. Without a cleric, do I just have to just be more careful about my switches? (Like what if Tyranitar gets burned or poisoned, Excadrill gets burned, and/or Charizard gets paralyzed)
So your suggestions have been very helpful indeed, and so far, I've been winning more reliably now.

However, now that I no longer have Hippowdon, how do I reliably deal with opposing Excadrill when the sand is up?
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So your suggestions have been very helpful indeed, and so far, I've been winning more reliably now.

However, now that I no longer have Hippowdon, how do I reliably deal with opposing Excadrill when the sand is up?
Once sand is up, your best way of dealing with excadrill is to send in zard to get up sun and scare it out. And if you do not like the rest talk set (personally I do not) rub it scarfed. Not only does it give you much needed speed, but it also outspeeds drill in sand, and can beat speedy pokes like mega lopunny, and a scarf landorus, as well as a +1 mega gyara. Good luck man!
Once sand is up, your best way of dealing with excadrill is to send in zard to get up sun and scare it out. And if you do not like the rest talk set (personally I do not) rub it scarfed. Not only does it give you much needed speed, but it also outspeeds drill in sand, and can beat speedy pokes like mega lopunny, and a scarf landorus, as well as a +1 mega gyara. Good luck man!
Thanks. I do have a few questions about what you said though.
1. I tried switching Charizard in to "scare out" Excadrill, although I did not get to mega evolve at the time. The turn I mega evolved, however, Excadrill still moved first. I know it wasn't Scarfed because it switched moves and was on a sand team itself. Did this happen because Drought's effects don't activate until after speed calculations are done?
2. I believe Sand Rush Excadrill still outspeed Scarfed Keldeo. (not a question, but something I am almost certain of but am too lazy to immediately check raw numbers)
Thanks. I do have a few questions about what you said though.
1. I tried switching Charizard in to "scare out" Excadrill, although I did not get to mega evolve at the time. The turn I mega evolved, however, Excadrill still moved first. I know it wasn't Scarfed because it switched moves and was on a sand team itself. Did this happen because Drought's effects don't activate until after speed calculations are done?
2. I believe Sand Rush Excadrill still outspeed Scarfed Keldeo. (not a question, but something I am almost certain of but am too lazy to immediately check raw numbers)
Alright, doing math Keldeo does not out speed even if adamant, but it can still scare out an ex scroll easily, as well as best landorus.
If you are scared of a counter sweep, run jolly excadrill so that you can out speed, and you have sd anyway.
And yes for sand rush to stop, sun set has to be up, the speed is set for the turn of sun isn't already up, so Charizard would have to be evolved prior to scare it out.
Alright, doing math Keldeo does not out speed even if adamant, but it can still scare out an ex scroll easily, as well as best landorus.
If you are scared of a counter sweep, run jolly excadrill so that you can out speed, and you have sd anyway.
And yes for sand rush to stop, sun set has to be up, the speed is set for the turn of sun isn't already up, so Charizard would have to be evolved prior to scare it out.
Got it. For now, I've gone back to Hippowdon, who can "out-wall" most bulky grounds, and Charizard can clean them up. Running Hippowdon again also lets me give Leftovers to Support Tyranitar to increase is longevity because it doesn't have reliable recovery. Losing Keldeo might be "detrimental" overall, but now my team is no longer super weak to opposing Excadrill. I don't think Keldeo would scare out Excadrill if sand is up, because Excadrill does a lot of damage. Running Jolly might help, but it's just too specific to Excadrill. I do need that extra power especially if I don't have Swords Dance.

This looks like a standard double weather team, but some of the slots are either overlapping, or are outclassed by other Pokemon. I'll try and make the appropriate changes, because this is a pretty solid build.

Firstly, change Celebi to Amoonguss, Amoonguss in general is a fantastic fit on sand builds. It checks all the appropriate Waters, and Grounds like Keldeo, and Hippowdon for example. It has Regenerator, so it isn't as bothered by the sand, like Celebi, it is also a fantastic answer to Breloom, which can be a huge issue for Sand, but it also provides Spore. This is especially useful because it can give Excadrill and Zard Y free turns to come in and fire off powerful attacks. You don't need a Stealth Rocker in this slot, especially when you already have Tyranitar.

Next, change Hippowdon to Keldeo. Keldeo breaks down the bulky Grounds that you need it to, and also checks Bisharp, which is a potentially massive threat for this team. Keldeo also functions as a standalone wincon, and appreciates the Pursuit support from Tyranitar.

After that, change Tyranitar from Assault Vest to support. Support Tyranitar can act as your Stealth Rocker, and can also pursuit potentially troublesome Pokemon for Keldeo, and Zard Y.

Lastly, Clefable doesn't really fit on this build, the reduced recovery doesn't help it out, and its role in general isn't that useful to this team, I'd suggest replacing it with a standard set. Stardard Calm Mind Clefable fits fine in this slot, and also lures Scizor, and Ferrothorn to weaken them, which can be helpful.

P.S. You could also try Air Ballon on Excadrill to provide an extra Ground immunity. If that's the case, then you should also change Excadrill to Swords Dance > Rock Slide, and change Tyranitar to Stone Edge/Toxic Hippowdon.



Support > Assault Vest on

Magic Guard > Unaware on
Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 192 Def / 68 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Clear Smog
- Spore

Keldeo-Resolute @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Secret Sword
- Sleep Talk
- Rest

Tyranitar @ Smooth Rock
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 248 HP / 80 Def / 180 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower
- Calm Mind
- Soft-Boiled

What I think About Your Team First Glance

I am going to take my fam false's lead here. I support everything he is saying and I think you should think his considerations are 100% godly.
If you don't wanna change mons on your team though and feel comfortable with how it is.
This is how you can make it somewhat better.

How You Can Improve Your Team

Celebi @
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 84 SpD / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Energy Ball
- Recover
- Calm Mind
- Baton Pass

Passing calm minds to the lethal char y be amazing.
Energy Ball is to give you a chance to ohko azu after a bd and do a nice chuck of damage to the threat of manaphy.


Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Slack Off
- Ice Fang

Just simply a better ev set.


Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Superpower/Ice Beam
- Crunch

Help you be faster then threats as lati and kyurem.
Be able to revenge kill them or pursuit them
so they will be near death/dead when they come back in.


This is a standard sand team and isn't to wild stays simple and follows the pattern of good sand teams.
Maybe consider balloon excadrill set over lo. Definitely up to you.
I wish you massive success buddy and hope you take my changes into consideration.
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What I think About Your Team First Glance

I am going to take my fam false's lead here. I support everything he is saying and I think you should think his considerations are 100% godly.
If you don't wanna change mons on your team though and feel comfortable with how it is.
This is how you can make it somewhat better.

How You Can Approve Your Team

Celebi @
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 84 SpD / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Energy Ball
- Recover
- Calm Mind
- Baton Pass

Passing calm minds to the lethal char y be amazing.
Energy Ball is to give you a chance to ohko azu after a bd and do a nice chuck of damage to the threat of manaphy.


Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Slack Off
- Ice Fang

Just simply a better ev set.


Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Superpower/Ice Beam
- Crunch

Help you be faster then threats as lati and kyurem.
Be able to revenge kill them or pursuit them
so they will be near death/dead when they come back in.


This is a standard sand team and isn't to wild stays simple and follows the pattern of good sand teams.
Maybe consider balloon excadrill set over lo. Definitely up to you.
I wish you massive success buddy and hope you take my changes into consideration.
I have swapped out Celebi for Amoongus as NotFalse already suggested, and I am running support Tyranitar, but I may try out Scarf. As for Hippowdon, I strictly throw him against physical attackers, so it just makes sense for me to make him as physically bulky as possible. I also like having Whirlwind because it sometimes lets me scout my opponent's next move (like if they switch) and I can also potentially get lucky in crippling things like Talonflame.
Yep. I mostly agree with NotFalse

To make the minor changes possible you could change the ttar set from the AV to the support one, either with Smooth rock or Chople berry, depending on how you feel weak to things like Mgardevoir or Malakazam or standard alakazam. Basically everything with focus blast coverage.

Tyranitar @ Smooth Rock / Chople Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 248 HP / 80 Def / 180 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Pursuit
- Ice Fang
- Stone Edge
- Stealth Rock

At this point I'd replace rocks from Celebi and I'd try or substitute, or calm mind/nasty plot or healing wish.

Let's explain here.

1) baton passing a substitute to a Zard y is huge, really huge. A LOT of teams are really weak to zard y these day's and rely to their Lati at best to check it. Having a subbed Zard Y can almost guarantee a win to you
2) calm mind let Celebi be both a win condition that is always appreciated and a boost passer to something like Keldeo (I'll explain later on why keldeo is good on your team > hippo)
3) nasty plot is in this team generally inferior to calm mind. But if you chose a Scarf Keldeo variant, Nasty plot could be the way to go
4) healing wish could be great to support Exca even further and let it be both a wallbreaker and a cleaner giving a second chance to sweep.

You could try all of them and see what fit better to your playstyle.

Regarding the hippo slot, you can replace it with Keldeo. Keldeo is easily a fantastic fit here because:
- when You remove hippo, the team is weak to Bisharp as fuck
- you can exploit the ttar ability to deal with Lati and give Keldeo the opportunity fire huge hit

If you chose calm mind celebi, i can suggest you the restalk Keldeo variant who can exploit the cm pass at his best. If you chose nasty plot you can go with the scarf variant. Either way for sub or healing wish celebi, you can easily go with the specs set and you'll have your second wallbreaker with Zard y.

Lastly, change unaware from Clef and put Magic Guard. In a sand team Magic guard is mandatory. The standard set is good here

Keldeo @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Secret Sword
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Hope i helped :)
Yep. I mostly agree with NotFalse

To make the minor changes possible you could change the ttar set from the AV to the support one, either with Smooth rock or Chople berry, depending on how you feel weak to things like Mgardevoir or Malakazam or standard alakazam. Basically everything with focus blast coverage.

Tyranitar @ Smooth Rock / Chople Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 248 HP / 80 Def / 180 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Pursuit
- Ice Fang
- Stone Edge
- Stealth Rock

At this point I'd replace rocks from Celebi and I'd try or substitute, or calm mind/nasty plot or healing wish.

Let's explain here.

1) baton passing a substitute to a Zard y is huge, really huge. A LOT of teams are really weak to zard y these day's and rely to their Lati at best to check it. Having a subbed Zard Y can almost guarantee a win to you
2) calm mind let Celebi be both a win condition that is always appreciated and a boost passer to something like Keldeo (I'll explain later on why keldeo is good on your team > hippo)
3) nasty plot is in this team generally inferior to calm mind. But if you chose a Scarf Keldeo variant, Nasty plot could be the way to go
4) healing wish could be great to support Exca even further and let it be both a wallbreaker and a cleaner giving a second chance to sweep.

You could try all of them and see what fit better to your playstyle.

Regarding the hippo slot, you can replace it with Keldeo. Keldeo is easily a fantastic fit here because:
- when You remove hippo, the team is weak to Bisharp as fuck
- you can exploit the ttar ability to deal with Lati and give Keldeo the opportunity fire huge hit

If you chose calm mind celebi, i can suggest you the restalk Keldeo variant who can exploit the cm pass at his best. If you chose nasty plot you can go with the scarf variant. Either way for sub or healing wish celebi, you can easily go with the specs set and you'll have your second wallbreaker with Zard y.

Lastly, change unaware from Clef and put Magic Guard. In a sand team Magic guard is mandatory. The standard set is good here

Keldeo @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Secret Sword
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Hope i helped :)
Thanks for the response. I have already implemented most of what NotFalse told me. I did try to run Keldeo, and it was good until I ran into an opposing sand team and got swept by the other Excadrill. I'd much rather not give up my Excadrill's power if it's only to be able to deal with opposing Excadrill; Life Orb + Adamant Nature is good to help him secure KOs because he doesn't have Swords Dance. I currently have Amoongus over Celebi, because Spore does give me free switches to give me better momentum.
Thanks for the response. I have already implemented most of what NotFalse told me. I did try to run Keldeo, and it was good until I ran into an opposing sand team and got swept by the other Excadrill. I'd much rather not give up my Excadrill's power if it's only to be able to deal with opposing Excadrill; Life Orb + Adamant Nature is good to help him secure KOs because he doesn't have Swords Dance. I currently have Amoongus over Celebi, because Spore does give me free switches to give me better momentum.

Well, I think it's not that good as idea to return back to hippo just to cover opposing sand teams. If you use Celebi > Amoonguss you have the strong presence of Keldeo and you don't suffer that much against sand because you can play around Exca with Celebi
Well, I think it's not that good as idea to return back to hippo just to cover opposing sand teams. If you use Celebi > Amoonguss you have the strong presence of Keldeo and you don't suffer that much against sand because you can play around Exca with Celebi
So are you telling me if I run Keldeo, I should have Celebi over Amoongus?
So are you telling me if I run Keldeo, I should have Celebi over Amoongus?

Yes, I'd actually run calm mind Celebi + restalk Keldeo in your build :]

But please, test and see if you like it. If you feel you are still to weak against opposing sand teams, we can change something else accordingly.

Hippo is usually a momentum sapper and for an offensive team like yours that is not a good news.

Anyway, you can use Celebi + Keldeo, and if you are not satisfied yet, you could put hippo > ttar (i don't like it that much, but you can try) and AV metagross > Keldeo --> your team become very less offensive tho
You can put Azu > Keldeo, but you become even weaker against Bisharp --> you fix the sand offense problem

Last option could be run air baloon adamant exca with SD or simply put it jolly with LO and call it a day :]

I hope I helped. Anyway, remember that is you the one who need to be comfortable with the team, so feel free to change anything accordingly to your playstyle :]
Yes, I'd actually run calm mind Celebi + restalk Keldeo in your build :]

But please, test and see if you like it. If you feel you are still to weak against opposing sand teams, we can change something else accordingly.

Hippo is usually a momentum sapper and for an offensive team like yours that is not a good news.

Anyway, you can use Celebi + Keldeo, and if you are not satisfied yet, you could put hippo > ttar (i don't like it that much, but you can try) and AV metagross > Keldeo --> your team become very less offensive tho
You can put Azu > Keldeo, but you become even weaker against Bisharp --> you fix the sand offense problem

Last option could be run air baloon adamant exca with SD or simply put it jolly with LO and call it a day :]

I hope I helped. Anyway, remember that is you the one who need to be comfortable with the team, so feel free to change anything accordingly to your playstyle :]
My team is actually supposed to be balanced over offense. I will go back to running Celebi and bring back Keldeo. What moves should I run on Celebi then? Calm Mind, Recover, Baton Pass, Giga Drain? Where would I fit Substitute?
My team is actually supposed to be balanced over offense. I will go back to running Celebi and bring back Keldeo. What moves should I run on Celebi then? Calm Mind, Recover, Baton Pass, Giga Drain? Where would I fit Substitute?

Calm mind, recober, baton pass and giga drain is fine :] if you want sub make sub>calm mind, but i think calm mind is superior here.

Anyway, generally when you have ttar + exca, zard y and celebi from your initial core, i'd say you have a bulky offense team. With magic guard clefable + keldeo you effectively have a Bulky offense team and not a balanced one :)
Calm mind, recober, baton pass and giga drain is fine :] if you want sub make sub>calm mind, but i think calm mind is superior here.

Anyway, generally when you have ttar + exca, zard y and celebi from your initial core, i'd say you have a bulky offense team. With magic guard clefable + keldeo you effectively have a Bulky offense team and not a balanced one :)
I thought bulky offense means that the majority of the team consists of relatively bulky Pokemon with offensive presence, and balance means that the team consists of a mix of offensive and defensive Pokemon. Anyway, I will be sure to try out Keldeo and put Celebi back into the team. Thanks for the help.