Tournament DCL II - Player Signups [USE THE FORM] [Custom Avatar Prize] [Auction August 17 @ 9 PM GMT -4]

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User name: Nalaa

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag nala

Tiers Preferred All

Availability I have work 9-5 but otherwise on availability issues.

Player Info 7-2 in most recent PWS in SWSH. Have several chips in SWSH and experience in USUM, ORAS and SV in team and individual tours. I am willing to slot any tier that the team needs, even VGC. I captained Team UK and went 3-1 (1 loss was a ff after being knocked out) in last DLWC. In any team tour, I provide incredible support. Other past teammates/captains can vouch for my activity, and I'm looking forward to winning this season of DCL. :)
User name: Ado!

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag woahthereado

Tiers Preferred SV VGC

Availability Monday-Friday: 6:30pm-11pm
Sunday: anytime
Saturday: 2pm-6:30pm

Player Info vgc player
User name: wolverine97

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag wolverine97

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM

Availability Often

Player Info I can throw a javelin far
User name: Msousa

Time Zone GMT+1

Discord Tag msousa

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability Probably free all the time.

Player Info Winter Seasonal Choker, Summer Seasonal Believer. I've played drafts in multiple servers in all the available formats aside SV VGC. Last SS Draft I played in I went 8-0 and lost in play offs cause I had Libero on Cinderace on an already won semi finals game! All jokes aside I've played Draft for some years now, please do consider me ;p
User name: terribleplayer19

Time Zone GMT+1

Discord Tag thehellotherelucy

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SV VGC

Availability Any time p much

Player Info Vast experience in SV Paldea drafts, with a bit less in VGC
I have a lot of time on my hands, so I can be as active as need be in most cases
notable achievements include going 8-0 in PDL, a server that had 128 participants, got to r2 of playoffs before getting knocked out
being a sub for the RUwcop Portugal team
getting overall great results in draft, out of 14 draft leagues I've played/am playing so far, I made playoffs in 5/7 and in the ones I'm playing rn I'm on track to make playoffs in most of them
I have only played in 2 VGC drafts, in one I went 5-3 and lost r1 of playoffs, in another one I also went 5-3, but that was subbing in for a team that was 1-3, I am in r3 of playoffs there rn
User name: mclagno

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag mclagno

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability Completely free

Player Info placed well in older tours, lots of experience in oras and usum
User name: joemonke

Time Zone GMT-7

Discord Tag bigjoe16

Tiers Preferred SS Galar

Availability Free any time after 5pm

Player Info Reached the semi final in nat dex tour and lots of experience playing gen 8
User name: Kaboom

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag ottoeb

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea

Availability pretty active

Player Info reggg and hacker are bald
User name: Zcarlett

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag zcarlett

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, All

Availability No issues

Player Info d
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