Dial "S" for Swag – Ziah vs. Tr0llingSoHard [DW OU]

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As I told you on the PO forum, this battle is absolute shit.

If you're gonna make a "not meant to be taken seriously" warstory, at least do it right.

In other news, the "lol PO server" comments still make me laugh to this day, considering who they're coming from.
this was ... BEASTLY. I mean everything about it was beastly. Cacturne avenging his fallen comrades in true beastmode. I am going to say on a regular scale 8.44444444444/10 but this gets a Biblical Beast rating. I loved the white a's to fill space.
This wasnt a good warstory if you use conventional grading methods to judge it.

Fuck conventional grading. That was AWESOME! 10/10 for being fun to read
but, while i'm here.... inb4 nobody wants to read a haxxy warstory

Which begs the question of how this is a good story. Crits, misses, confusion hits, and let's not mention that Cacturne sweep at the end. All of it was heavily reliant on luck, which is not the point of a warstory. Sure, the occasional unlucky crit can be amusing to see, but this takes it to an extreme. Plus using sets like Specs Excadrill makes me somewhat skeptical as a whole.

I really don't like it. You claim to be a good battler but this win only came due to hax, a lot of hax and, therefore, luck. No skill, poor battle.


No 0 due to format and good commentary.

I do believe this person gets a cookie for some accurate prediction skills.

Okay, im gonna :evan: at Gen. Empoleon and MajorGambit, and others who discredit the warstory because it isnt "serious enough"
First of all, we do not exactly know this player, (he does play on PO after all) so who are we to judge how good he is based on this team? He has stated that:
I’m no slouch either, having reached rank 5 in DW OU before the ladder reset and currently sitting at rank 7.
And his opponent:
Ziah is a very accomplished player, being ranked 1 in Wifi OU and 14 in DW OU
Granted, this is on PO, but that doesnt particularly matter.
Secondly, Pokemon is supposed to be something fun, and although to some irritating (like his opponent) a lighthearted battle between 2 players. If you think every pokemon battle is supposed to be "S3ri0Us Biz", please take a break.
Thirdly, this is probably one of the best formatted warstories in smogon currently. just because the formatting was more serious than the battle, doesnt mean this isnt a good warstory.
and Fourthly, havent i mentioned that Pokemon is supposed to be fun?
This was a casual, funny, and nice-to-read warstory, and it got archived. So...
i cannot believe i am wasting my 1000 post on this. was writing my own warstory for it.. but had to mkae it clear.


except formatting. that was good.
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