NU Diancie (revamp)


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GP & NU Leader

Diancie's ability to wall many metagame staples and support its team through other useful ways solidly places it at the top of the metagame. It can defensively answer many hard-to-wall wallbreakers such as Dragalge, Exploud, and Salazzle and can pivot around other threats like Tauros and Guzzlord. It's also a fantastic Stealth Rock setter by virtue of its good matchup against many of NU's common entry hazard removers and one of a select few clerics available. However, Diancie's great defensive potential is limited by the litany of wallbreakers that can switch into it and easily take it down, such as Starmie, Celebi, and Golurk. Additionally, many Pokemon can lure in and take out or heavily damage Diancie with coverage moves, in particular Iron Head Tauros and Braviary, Iron Tail Goodra, and Hydro Pump Exploud, further restricting its capabilities.

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Diamond Storm
move 3: Body Press
move 4: Heal Bell / Moonblast
item: Leftovers
ability: Clear Body
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 100 SpD / 156 Spe

Set Details

Diancie excels as a Stealth Rock setter and cleric because it easily forces out several common Pokemon, including Salazzle, Dragalge, and Talonflame, giving it ample opportunity to get Stealth Rock up or cleanse its team of status. As an alternative to Heal Bell, Moonblast pressures Sirfetch'd and Toxicroak, gets chip damage off on Golurk, and makes it harder for Xatu to PP stall Diancie. The EV spread lets Diancie outrun Jolly Glastrier and most Vaporeon, helping Diancie win one-on-one against the latter if it gets lucky with Diamond Storm boosts.

The biggest benefit to using Diancie is that other potential Stealth Rock setters can utilize other sets and moves. Copperajah and Bronzong are the most notable examples; the former is freed up to run Assault Vest and make better use of its great offensive potential, whereas the latter can utilize Rest + Iron Defense to become a really effective bulky setup sweeper. Diancie is also a phenomenal Talonflame answer, so Pokemon like Sirfetch'd and Decidueye pair well with it. Sirfetch'd in particular greatly appreciates Diancie's cleric support when up against Flame Body Talonflame. Ground-types like Golurk, Mudsdale, and Palossand are hard stops to Diancie, so pair it with Pokemon like Rotom-C, Starmie, and Vileplume that can handle such foes.

Other Options

Diancie's good coverage lets it effectively run an offensive set, be it Calm Mind or Choice Specs. Such sets can much more reliably pressure Fighting-resistant foes like Sylveon, Vileplume, and Garbodor and can lure in and defeat Steel-types like Bronzong and Escavalier with Earth Power and Mystical Fire. Protect scouts Choice-locked Pokemon such as Rotom-C and Exploud in addition to giving Diancie extra Leftovers recovery. Encore stops slower setup sweepers like Bronzong and disrupts utility Pokemon like Sylveon, but having to find an alternative Stealth Rock setter or dropping Heal Bell or Moonblast is a somewhat large opportunity cost. Trick Room supports slower wallbreakers like Glastrier and Copperajah well but is limited to dedicated Trick Room teams. Toxic occasionally sees use to cripple Ground-types, but it's generally outclassed by Diancie's other moves.

Checks and Counters

**Bronzong and Escavalier**: Bronzong can boost alongside Diancie with Iron Defense to take less damage from its Body Press or simply hit it hard with a Steel-type move like Flash Cannon. Escavalier avoids the 2HKO from a +2 Body Press and can deal with Diancie with Iron Head.

**Ground-types**: Without Moonblast, Diancie lacks a means to meaningfully damage Golurk and Palossand, both of which can easily take it out. Mudsdale is similar, resisting Diamond Storm and boosting alongside Diancie thanks to Stamina, although its damage output isn't as severe as the aforementioned Ground-types.

**Grass-types**: Celebi and Vileplume resist Body Press and don't mind Diamond Storm much, letting them easily switch into and force out Diancie. Rotom-C and Decidueye are shakier answers long-term because their physical bulk isn't great, but they too heavily threaten Diancie.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mariannabelle, 435989], [Finchinator, 114198]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
Last edited:
Looks good to me. If there’s anything I would add, it would be a mention in Checks/Counters about how Diancie’s existence tends to draw out a lot of specific coverage for it, like Iron Head Tauros, Iron Tail Goodra, Hydro Pump Exploud, and the like. It got touched on in the overview, but I think some specific mentions would help down there.

Looks good to me. If there’s anything I would add, it would be a mention in Checks/Counters about how Diancie’s existence tends to draw out a lot of specific coverage for it, like Iron Head Tauros, Iron Tail Goodra, Hydro Pump Exploud, and the like. It got touched on in the overview, but I think some specific mentions would help down there.

instead of giving this a whole bullet in checks & counters I instead gave some specific examples in the overview because I think that's a little less awkward looking? idk feel free to comment on that if you wanna
I'd mention Braviary in the overview -- similar dynamic to Tauros with regards to being checked, but potentially risking Steel coverage for it.

Rest of the OP = good

I use Moonblast way more than Heal Bell personally, oftentimes only using Heal Bell when I have something like Rest + Iron Defense Bronzong or Toxic vulnerable bulky Waters as teammates. I am fine with keeping the slash order as is, but not having Moonblast vs Toxicroak, Xatu, Sirfetch'd, etc. becomes a big liability in a match-up you are trying to potentially sway in your favor. You do a good job noting Fighters and Golurk as is, but I'd give Toxicroak a specific mention alongside Sirfetch'd since set-up variants can be pretty nasty otherwise. You may not even need to generalize Fighting types at that point as Passimian has been seen less and also is usually Scarf, which is less of an imminent threat.

Really like how you incorporate some things in the second half of the description and finish off the set though -- that's good.

I've used Protect + Lefties and it is pretty clutch, especially in a metagame with so much choiced Rotom-C, Golurk, Exploud, etc. Would also mention the possibility of Trick Room sets with the right teammates. OO can probably be expanded quite a bit tbh, there are other utility options such as Encore that have been used on the ladder as well. Finally, I would name drop Mystical Fire in the bit you discuss about luring Steel types for the sake of getting it out there.

C&C is good, 2/2
AM GP Check
Red = Deletions
Blue = Additions
Green = Comments


Diancie's ability to wall many metagame staples and support its team through other useful ways solidly places it at the top of the metagame. It's capable of defensively answering many hard-to-wall wallbreakers such as Dragalge, Exploud, and Salazzle and can pivot around other threats like Tauros and Guzzlord. It's also a fantastic Stealth Rock setter by virtue of its good matchup against many of NU's common entry hazard removers and one of a the (Correct article here) select few clerics available. However, Diancie's great defensive potential is limited by the litany of wallbreakers that can switch into and easily take it down, such as Starmie, Celebi, and Golurk. Additionally, many Pokemon can lure in and take out or heavily damage Diancie with their (Specifies whose coverage moves) coverage moves, in particular, (Added Comma) Iron Head Tauros and Braviary, Iron Tail Goodra, and Hydro Pump Exploud, further restricting its capabilities.

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Diamond Storm
move 3: Body Press
move 4: Heal Bell / Moonblast
item: Leftovers
ability: Clear Body
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 100 SpD / 156 Spe

Set Details

Diancie excels as a Stealth Rock setter and cleric because it easily forces out several common Pokemon, including Salazzle, Dragalge, and Talonflame, giving it ample opportunity to get Stealth Rock up or cleanse its team of status. As an alternative to Heal Bell, Moonblast pressures Sirfetch'd and Toxicroak, gets chip damage off on Golurk, and makes it harder for Xatu to PP stall Diancie. The EV spread lets Diancie outrun Jolly Glastrier and most of the Vaporeon sets, (Specifies what types of Vaporeon sets, may as well change it to slower Vaporeon sets) helping Diancie win one-on-one against the latter if it gets lucky with Diamond Storm boosts.

The biggest benefit to using Diancie is that other potential Stealth Rock setters can utilize other sets and moves. Copperajah and Bronzong are the most notable examples; the former is freed up to run Assault Vest and make better use of its great offensive potential, whereas the latter can utilize Rest + Iron Defense to become a really effective bulky setup sweeper. Diancie is also a phenomenal Talonflame answer, so Pokemon like Sirfetch'd and Decidueye pair well with it. Sirfetch'd in particular greatly appreciates Diancie's cleric support when faced against Flame Body Talonflame. Ground-types like Golurk, Mudsdale, and Palossand are hard stops to Diancie, so pair it with Pokemon like Rotom-C, Starmie, and Vileplume that can handle such foes.

Other Options

Diancie's good coverage lets it effectively run an offensive set, be it Calm Mind or Choice Specs. Such sets can much more reliably pressure Fighting-resistant foes like Sylveon, Vileplume, and Garbodor and can lure in and defeat Steel-types like Bronzong and Escavalier with Earth Power and Mystical Fire. Protect scouts Choice-locked Pokemon such as Rotom-C and Exploud in addition to giving Diancie extra Leftovers recovery. Encore stops slower setup sweepers like Bronzong and disrupts utility Pokemon like Sylveon, but having to find an alternative Stealth Rock setter or dropping Heal Bell or Moonblast is a somewhat large opportunity cost. Trick Room supports slower wallbreakers like Glastrier and Copperajah well but is limited to dedicated Trick Room teams. Toxic is occasionally used sees use to cripple Ground-types, but it's generally outclassed by Diancie's other moves.

Checks and Counters

**Bronzong and Escavalier**: Bronzong can boost alongside Diancie with Iron Defense to take less damage from its Body Press or simply hit it hard with a Steel-type move like Flash Cannon. Escavalier avoids the 2HKO from a +2 Body Press and can deal with Diancie with Iron Head.

**Ground-types**: Without Moonblast, Diancie lacks the means to meaningfully damage Golurk and Palossand, both of which can easily take it out. Mudsdale is similar, resisting Diamond Storm and boosting alongside Diancie thanks to Stamina, although its damage output isn't as severe as the aforementioned Ground-types.

**Grass-types**: Celebi and Vileplume resist Body Press and don't mind Diamond Storm much, letting them easily switch into and force out Diancie. Rotom-C and Decidueye are shakier answers long-term because their physical bulk isn't great, but they too heavily threaten Diancie.
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(AC): Add Comma


Diancie's ability to wall many metagame staples and support its team through other useful ways solidly places it at the top of the metagame. It's capable of defensively answering It can defensively answer many hard-to-wall wallbreakers such as Dragalge, Exploud, and Salazzle and can pivot around other threats like Tauros and Guzzlord. It's also a fantastic Stealth Rock setter by virtue of its good matchup against many of NU's common entry hazard removers and one of a select few clerics available. However, Diancie's great defensive potential is limited by the litany of wallbreakers that can switch into it and easily take it down, such as Starmie, Celebi, and Golurk. Additionally, many Pokemon can lure in and take out or heavily damage Diancie with coverage moves, in particular Iron Head Tauros and Braviary, Iron Tail Goodra, and Hydro Pump Exploud, further restricting its capabilities.

name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Diamond Storm
move 3: Body Press
move 4: Heal Bell / Moonblast
item: Leftovers
ability: Clear Body
nature: Careful
evs: 252 HP / 100 SpD / 156 Spe

Set Details

Diancie excels as a Stealth Rock setter and cleric because it easily forces out several common Pokemon, including Salazzle, Dragalge, and Talonflame, giving it ample opportunity to get Stealth Rock up or cleanse its team of status. As an alternative to Heal Bell, Moonblast pressures Sirfetch'd and Toxicroak, gets chip damage off on Golurk, and makes it harder for Xatu to PP stall Diancie. The EV spread lets Diancie outrun Jolly Glastrier and most Vaporeon, helping Diancie win one-on-one against the latter if it gets lucky with Diamond Storm boosts for Body Press. (bc at first i thought you meant glastrier bc its physical and vap is not)

The biggest benefit to using Diancie is that other potential Stealth Rock setters can utilize other sets and moves. Copperajah and Bronzong are the most notable examples; the former is freed up to run Assault Vest and make better use of its great offensive potential, whereas the latter can utilize Rest + Iron Defense to become a really effective bulky setup sweeper. Diancie is also a phenomenal Talonflame answer, so Pokemon like Sirfetch'd and Decidueye pair well with it. Sirfetch'd in particular greatly appreciates Diancie's cleric support when faced against with (or smth else, but i'm not aware of that idiom) Flame Body Talonflame. Ground-types like Golurk, Mudsdale, and Palossand are hard stops to Diancie, so pair it with Pokemon like Rotom-C, Starmie, and Vileplume that can handle such foes.

Other Options

Diancie's good coverage lets it effectively run an offensive set, be it Calm Mind or Choice Specs. Such sets can much more reliably pressure Fighting-resistant foes like Sylveon, Vileplume, and Garbodor and can lure in and defeat Steel-types like Bronzong and Escavalier with Earth Power and Mystical Fire. Protect scouts Choice-locked Pokemon such as Rotom-C and Exploud in addition to giving Diancie extra Leftovers recovery. Encore stops slower setup sweepers like Bronzong and disrupts utility Pokemon like Sylveon, but having to find an alternative Stealth Rock setter or dropping Heal Bell or Moonblast is a somewhat large opportunity cost. Trick Room supports slower wallbreakers like Glastrier and Copperajah well but is limited to dedicated Trick Room teams. Toxic occasionally sees use to cripple Ground-types, but it's generally outclassed by Diancie's other moves.

Checks and Counters

**Bronzong and Escavalier**: Bronzong can boost alongside Diancie with Iron Defense to take less damage from its Body Press or simply hit it hard with a Steel-type move like Flash Cannon. Escavalier avoids the 2HKO from a +2 Body Press and can deal with Diancie with Iron Head.

**Ground-types**: Without Moonblast, Diancie lacks a means to meaningfully damage Golurk and Palossand, both of which can easily take it out. Mudsdale is similar, resisting Diamond Storm and boosting alongside Diancie thanks to Stamina, although its damage output isn't as severe as the aforementioned Ground-types.

**Grass-types**: Celebi and Vileplume resist Body Press and don't mind Diamond Storm much, letting them easily switch into and force out Diancie. Rotom-C and Decidueye are shakier answers long-term because their physical bulk isn't great, but they too heavily threaten Diancie.

- Written by: [[Rabia, 336073]]
- Quality checked by: [[Mariannabelle, 435989], [Finchinator, 114198]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
may proceed as 1/1