<p>If Donphan could be described in one word, it would be mediocre. It seems like everything that Donphan does, something else can always do it better. Donphan faces stiff competition as a physically defensive Ground-type from Gliscor, Hippowdon, and even Gastrodon due to their accesses to recovery and more useful typing or abilities. It also faces competition on the offensive sideas well, Landorus-T being the much better choice. To top it off, the plethora of powerful special attackers and the presence of weather does notcopbode wellwithfor Donphan's pathetic base 60 Special Defense, and combined with terrible Speed, Donphan never has a chance to even fight back against them. Its typing leaves it wide open to common Water and Ice attacks, andRock-type moves are reallythe only useful resistance it hat it has is against Rock-type moves. Donphan is evenprimarilyoutclassed as a Rapid Spinner by Starmie, Forretress, and Tentacruel due to their more useful attributes other thean just Rapid Spin.</p>
<p>There is still light at the end of the tunnel for Donphan, however, but it is quite a small light indeed. Donphan has access to Rapid Spin, a move that is commonly sought out for because of its importantcapability tofremovinge entry hazards from the field. Donphan separates itself from most Rapid Spinners by not only having bulk,(comma) but also the ability to bequiteoffensive. Sporting a great base 120 Attack and powerful moves such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, and Head Smash, Donphan can functionas adecently as a bulky offensive spinner. Strangely enough, Donphan can even use Ice Shard, which isquitea useful tool against Dragon-types and Landorus, which is somethingthat sets it apart from most bulky spinners. Sturdy is a pretty useful ability that allows Donphan to always survive an attack while at full health, which sort of makes up for its measly Speed stat. Donphan can also be a great check to most variants of Terrakion, capable of taking Close Combats and Stone Edges quite nicely. Its overall great physical bulk lets it function as not only a sponge, but also as a check against Dragon-types, a feat that most spinners fail to achieve. Even though Donphan has a few useful traits, Donphan is by no means a good Pokemon. It is widely out classed by other spinners and finds it difficult to stay alive. Overall, Donphan is a very niche Pokemon,and should always be considered as a last resort if none of the other spinners seem to work on a team.</p>
name: Rapid Spin
move 1: Rapid Spin
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Stealth Rock
move 4: Ice Shard
item: Leftovers
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
<p>This is the only set Donphan should ever be running in this current metagame. The main purpose of this set is to take advantage of Donphan's above average physical bulk in order to take as many hits as possible, which in turn should hopefully keep Donphan alive for a majority of the match. Rapid Spin is the only reason to use Donphan, so it is obligatoryto useon this set. As Donphan is surprisingly bulky, and is quite capable of taking powerful physical moves, Donphan finds it quite easy to come into these attacks in order to use Rapid Spin. Earthquake is Donphan's only STAB move, and coming off of its base 120 Attack, it hits pretty hard. As Donphan is a great Terrakion check, Earthquake is a great move to KO Terrakion with. Donphan is also a really good check to Choice BandedTyranitar, and it is easily capable of 2HKOing Tyranitar with Earthquake. Stealth Rock is the most important move in the game, andthankfullyDonphan can use it to make itself a little more usefulthan just a spinner. Ice Shard is another great move to have on Donphan to give it more of an offensive presence instead of just Earthquake alone, and it is a great move to deal solid damage to Salamence, Landorus, and Gliscor. Not only that, but Ice Shard has priority,(comma) so it willalwaysgo first most of the time, which somewhat helpssoften the blow offset Donphan's terrible Speed.</p>
<p>Donphan's EV spread can be tailored to fit your needs, but the given EV spread and an Impish nature are highly recommended in order to keep Donphan alive for as long as possible. With this spread, Donphaniscapable ofn avoidingthe 2HKO from Choice Band Terrakion's Close Combat and +2 Lucario's Close Combat after Stealth Rock. It is possible to make Donphan more offensive with the simple change of moving its EVs in Defense to Attack and giving it an Adamant nature, but Donphan will becomesmore susceptible to physical attacks. Another strange but viable EV spread Donphan can run is 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spe, Adamant Nature with Lum Berry, which allows Donphan to outpace specially defensive Jellicent and 2HKO it with Earthquake. Lum Berry is used to bypass the possible Will-O-Wisp that Jellicent will most likely try to crippleitDonphan with. Head Smash is quite a powerful move to use as an alternative to Stealth Rock if you do not need it, and it deals huge damage to Flying-types and easily 2HKOes Gengar. Fire Fang can be used to bait Spikes users,(comma) such as Forretress and Ferrothorn,(comma) that may try to set up on Donphan. Toxic is an option to cripple common switch-ins such as Politoed and Jellicent, while Roar can be used to prevent set up sweepers from boosting up on Donphan. Odor Sleuth can be used tocompletelybypass spinblockers, but Donphan will losesout on a valuable coverage or support move.</p>
<p>Donphan is best used on a sun team, because it can check a great deal of problematic Pokemon,(comma) such as Terrakion, Salamence, and physical Landorus,(comma) while providing Rapid Spin support. Still, Donphan is still quite viable on other weather based teams,(comma) such as hail, sand, and even rain,(comma) because of its ability to check Dragon-types so well. Most spinners find it easy to wall Dragon-types,but find it hard to do anything to harm them. Donphan,(comma) on the other hand, has priority Ice Shard, which can easily check most of the Dragon-types in the tiersuch asincluding Salamence and Garchomp. As Donphan is the only spinner that's actually vulnerable to Toxic Spikes(Jellicent?), a grounded Poison-type partner or Blissey with Heal Bell can fix that problem quite easily(switch back in and you get toxiced again?). Due to Donphan's poor Special Defense, Jirachi or specially defensive Jellicent can be great partnerstofor Donphan, Jellicent having the additional bonus of blocking spinners from removing Donphan's Stealth Rock. Volcarona and Victini will greatly appreciate the help from Rapid Spin and the resistance to Rock attacks. Heatran is also a viable partner to protect Donphan from Grass and Ice attacks.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Donphan gets a few other toys in addition to the set listed above. It can augment its nice Attack with a Choice Band, but essentially loses its niche as a user of Rapid Spin. Its physical movepool is actually pretty neat, even including Seed Bomb, which can be used to hit bulky Water-typeslike,(comma) such as Gastrodon and Rotom-W,(comma) on the switch. Stone Edge is always an alternative to Head Smash, as it sacrificesaccuracy andpower in exchange for no recoil. Donphan's support movepool is rather nice as well. Toxic and Roar rack up residual damage and mess with many of Donphan's common switch-ins. Counter is surprisingly good on Donphan as well; Donphan's great Defensecombined withas well as Sturdy allowitDonphan to absorb huge amounts of damage from physical attackers and dish it right back out. Knock Off is very situational,but can be useful against walls carrying Leftovers (this can be ignored, but what makes knocking off a leftovers more useful than a LO) and Eviolite users such as Chansey.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Donphan is pathetically easy to handle, which is why Donphan is often considered a bad Pokemon. Ferrothorn, Forretress, and Skarmory can all set up on Donphan if it lacks Fire Fang, and canallchip Donphan's health away or phaze it out. Rain teams are easily the biggest defense against Donphan, as any rain-boosted Water movecanwill certainly OHKO Donphan once Sturdy is broken. Water-types,(comma) such as Politoed, Gastrodon, Rotom-W, and physically defensive Jellicent,(comma) can easily handle Donphan with their powerful Water moves. Sableye can burnitDonphan with Will-O-Wispfirst turn,(not sure what you're trying to say here) and can also take at least one Head Smash it if has to from the rare Lum Berry variants. Breloom and Celebi laugh at all of Donphan's moves, even Ice Shard, and can OHKO Donphan with their respectablive STAB Grass moves. Kyurem-B is a great check because it ignores Sturdy with Teravolt and can KO Donphan with Ice Beam. Air Balloon Heatran can actually check Donphan as well, doing massive damage with Fire Blast in the process. Latias can set up Calm Minds on Donphan, as Ice Shard fails to even 5HKO it, and Latias can just recover back the damage anyways. Any powerful special move has the potential to pretty much always 2HKO Donphan.</p>
Thanks Mystic! Donphan is now done!
By the way Mystic, Jellicent is not a spinner if that's what you mean by your above edit. Also, Donphan can spin away the Toxic Spikes and then switch out to Blissey to restore its Poison status, so that's what I meant by that. Sableye was a needed mention since he can burn Donphan even if it's carrying a Lum Berry and it can avoid the 2HKO from Head Smash.