Don't look down! 3v3 Singles starring Toon and TMan87

Round 5:​

@ Enigma Berry
Bwoman [Tropius] (Female)
HP: 10
EN: 28
Stats: 3/3/4/3/44
Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Harvest
Typing: Grass / Flying
Status: -10% Evasion, +1 KOC
@ Expert Belt
Cpt. Talon [Cawmodore] (Male)
EN: 45
Stats: 3/4/3/3/136
Ability: Intimidate / Volt Absorb / Big Pecks
Typing: Steel / Flying
Status: +21% Accuracy, +6 Attack, Fainted
Field Effects: Hail (4R)​

@ Rocky Helmet
Cirno [Alolan Ninetales] (Female)
HP: 72
EN: 64
Stats: 2/3/4/4/109
Ability: Snow Cloak / Snow Warning
Typing: Ice Fairy
Status: Snow Cloak active
@ Protector
ZhengTann [Rhyperior] (Male)
EN: 11
Stats: 6/5/1/3/40
Ability: Lightning Rod / Solid Rock
Typing: Ground / Rock
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted
Battle Calculations said:
Alolan Ninetales used Ice Beam!
Damage: ((9+3+2)*2.25)-10=22
Crit: 1833/2400 No
-6 EN

Tropius fainted!
@ Enigma Berry
Bwoman [Tropius] (Female)
EN: 28
Stats: 3/3/4/3/44
Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Harvest
Typing: Grass / Flying
Status: -10% Evasion,+1 KOC, Fainted
@ Expert Belt
Cpt. Talon [Cawmodore] (Male)
EN: 45
Stats: 3/4/3/3/136
Ability: Intimidate / Volt Absorb / Big Pecks
Typing: Steel / Flying
Status: +21% Accuracy, +6 Attack, Fainted
Field Effects: Hail (4R)​

@ Rocky Helmet
Cirno [Alolan Ninetales] (Female)
HP: 72
EN: 58
Stats: 2/3/4/4/109
Ability: Snow Cloak / Snow Warning
Typing: Ice Fairy
Status: +1 KOC, Snow Cloak active
@ Protector
ZhengTann [Rhyperior] (Male)
EN: 11
Stats: 6/5/1/3/40
Ability: Lightning Rod / Solid Rock
Typing: Ground / Rock
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted

Cirno comes back in to play, sees Bwoman, and fires an Ice Beam at the bananasaur! Bwoman goes down!

Easy revenge kill for TMan87 leaves the score 2-1 in their favor.​

Toon sends out, equips, and orders
TMan87 orders
I ref
Charizard #Mega Stone

[Mega Evolve] Charizard Heat Wave -> Incinerate -> Flamethrower
IF Snow Warning Command and Ninetales-A is faster THEN Drought Command on the Last Instance and Push Back
"Uh-oh. That one's gonna hurt."
:ninetales-alola: "Easy! I can take it o-"
"No. We need brains here, not reckless abandon."

Ice Beam | Pain Split | Agility (Evasive)

Heat Wave misses A1 THEN use Ice Beam A2, Pain Split A3
Round 6:​

@ Charizardite Y
Draco [Mega Charizard Y] (Female)
HP: 90
EN: 100
Stats: 3/3/8/4/100
Ability: Blaze / Solar Power / Drought
Typing: Fire / Flying
Status: Healthy
@ Enigma Berry
Bwoman [Tropius] (Female)
EN: 28
Stats: 3/3/4/3/44
Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Harvest
Typing: Grass / Flying
Status: -10% Evasion,+1 KOC, Fainted
@ Expert Belt
Cpt. Talon [Cawmodore] (Male)
EN: 45
Stats: 3/4/3/3/136
Ability: Intimidate / Volt Absorb / Big Pecks
Typing: Steel / Flying
Status: +21% Accuracy, +6 Attack, Fainted
Field Effects: Brighy Sunlight (4R)​

@ Rocky Helmet
Cirno [Alolan Ninetales] (Female)
HP: 72
EN: 58
Stats: 2/3/4/4/109
Ability: Snow Cloak / Snow Warning
Typing: Ice Fairy
Status: +1 KOC, Snow Cloak active
@ Protector
ZhengTann [Rhyperior] (Male)
EN: 11
Stats: 6/5/1/3/40
Ability: Lightning Rod / Solid Rock
Typing: Ground / Rock
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted
Battle Calculations said:
Action 1:
Alolan Ninetales used Ice Beam!
Damage: 9+3=12
Crit: 1290/2400 No
-10 EN

Mega Charizard Y used Heat Wave!
Hit: 1378/2400 Hit
Damage: (10+3+3+3+8)*1.5=40
Crit: 1578/2400 No
Effect: 1657/2400 No
-6 EN

Mega Charizard Y -1 HP from Solar Power

Action 2:
Alolan Ninetales used Pain Split!
Damage: 25
-29 EN
+25 HP

Mega Charizard Y used Incinerate!
Damage: (6+3+3+3+8)*1.5=35
Crit: 1780/2400 No
-3 EN

Mega Charizard Y -1 HP from Solar Power

Action 3:
Alolan Ninetales used Agility [Evasive]!
-7 EN

Mega Charizard Y used Flamethrower!
It missed!
-6 EN

Mega Charizard Y -1 HP from Solar Power

@ Charizardite Y
Draco [Mega Charizard Y] (Female)
HP: 50
EN: 85
Stats: 3/3/8/4/100
Ability: Blaze / Solar Power / Drought
Typing: Fire / Flying
Status: Solar Power active
@ Enigma Berry
Bwoman [Tropius] (Female)
EN: 28
Stats: 3/3/4/3/44
Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Harvest
Typing: Grass / Flying
Status: -10% Evasion,+1 KOC, Fainted
@ Expert Belt
Cpt. Talon [Cawmodore] (Male)
EN: 45
Stats: 3/4/3/3/136
Ability: Intimidate / Volt Absorb / Big Pecks
Typing: Steel / Flying
Status: +21% Accuracy, +6 Attack, Fainted
Field Effects: Bright Sunlight (3R)​

@ Rocky Helmet
Cirno [Alolan Ninetales] (Female)
HP: 22
EN: 12
Stats: 2/3/4/4/109
Ability: Snow Cloak / Snow Warning
Typing: Ice Fairy
Status: +1 KOC
@ Protector
ZhengTann [Rhyperior] (Male)
EN: 11
Stats: 6/5/1/3/40
Ability: Lightning Rod / Solid Rock
Typing: Ground / Rock
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted

Draco comes into play and bursts in a flash of orange light as it mega evolves, the resultant sunlight shining through the earlier hail storm. Cirno confronts the new threat with an icy beam, only to get swallowed in the flames spreading radially from Draco. While newcomer Draco is as heavy a hitter as they come, Cirno does have one trick up her sleeve as she creates an empathetic link between her and Draco, allowing her to share her pain. Draco is not impressed and follows up with a ball of flame that engulfs Cirno, prompting Cirno's surivival instincts to kick in as she evades Draco's flamethrower attack.

Toon goes with Mega Charizard Y to blow through TMan87's Ice-types. TMan87 gets through the round alive, weaving in some nice damage while doing so, although Alolan Ninetales has alarmingly low health and energy. Still, Alolan Ninetales has enough for one last attack from TMan87, so lets see how they decide to send her off.​

TMan87 orders
Toon orders
I ref
"Alright, we're in an okay spot right now. All i need to do is not throw it all away."
:ninetales-alola: "So I can just Blizzard, yes?"

Icy Wind | Icy Wind | Icy Wind

[2 subs] IF
(Speed-raising move AND Charizard's Speed stage is at 0 or higher) OR Tailwind THEN Ice Beam
Rest -> Sleep Talk (Roost, Tailwind, Dragons Dance, Reflect) -> Sleep Talk (Roost, Tailwind, Dragon Dance, Reflect)

IF Reflect is active when you are to act THEN Sleep Talk (Roost, Tailwind, Dragons Dance, Hone Claws)
IF Tailwind is active when you are to act THEN Sleep Talk (Roost, Hone Claws, Dragons Dance, Reflect)
Last edited:
Round 7:​

@ Charizardite Y
Draco [Mega Charizard Y] (Female)
HP: 50
EN: 85
Stats: 3/3/8/4/100
Ability: Blaze / Solar Power / Drought
Typing: Fire / Flying
Status: Solar Power active
@ Enigma Berry
Bwoman [Tropius] (Female)
EN: 28
Stats: 3/3/4/3/44
Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Harvest
Typing: Grass / Flying
Status: -10% Evasion,+1 KOC, Fainted
@ Expert Belt
Cpt. Talon [Cawmodore] (Male)
EN: 45
Stats: 3/4/3/3/136
Ability: Intimidate / Volt Absorb / Big Pecks
Typing: Steel / Flying
Status: +21% Accuracy, +6 Attack, Fainted
Field Effects: Bright Sunlight (3R)​

@ Rocky Helmet
Cirno [Alolan Ninetales] (Female)
HP: 22
EN: 12
Stats: 2/3/4/4/109
Ability: Snow Cloak / Snow Warning
Typing: Ice Fairy
Status: +1 KOC
@ Protector
ZhengTann [Rhyperior] (Male)
EN: 11
Stats: 6/5/1/3/40
Ability: Lightning Rod / Solid Rock
Typing: Ground / Rock
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted
Battle Calculations said:
Action 1:
Alolan Ninetales used Icy Wind!
Hit: 1466/2400 Yes
Damage: 6+3=9
Crit: 2264/2400 No
-4 EN
Mega Charizard Y's Speed dropped one stage!

Mega Charizard Y used Rest!
-15 EN
+12 HP from Rest

Mega Charizard Y -1 HP from Solar Power

Action 2:
Alolan Ninetales used Icy Wind!
Hit: 706/2400
Damage: 6+3+3=12
Crit: 76/2400 YES
-10 EN
Mega Charizard Y's Speed dropped one stage!

Alolan Ninetales fainted!

Mega Charizard Y used Sleep Talk (Roost, Tailwind, Dragons Dance, Reflect)!
Move roll: 1-600=Roost, 601-1200=Tailwind, 1201-1800=Dragons Dance, 1801-2400=Reflect; 2133 (Reflect)
-13 EN
+12 HP from Rest
Reflect was set on Mega Charizard Y's side!

Mega Charizard Y -1 HP from Solar Power
@ Charizardite Y
Draco [Mega Charizard Y] (Female)
HP: 51
EN: 57
Stats: 3/3/8/4/[40]
Ability: Blaze / Solar Power / Drought
Typing: Fire / Flying
Status: Solar Power active, -2 Speed, Resting (1A), +1 KOC
@ Enigma Berry
Bwoman [Tropius] (Female)
EN: 28
Stats: 3/3/4/3/44
Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Harvest
Typing: Grass / Flying
Status: -10% Evasion,+1 KOC, Fainted
@ Expert Belt
Cpt. Talon [Cawmodore] (Male)
EN: 45
Stats: 3/4/3/3/136
Ability: Intimidate / Volt Absorb / Big Pecks
Typing: Steel / Flying
Status: +21% Accuracy, +6 Attack, Fainted
Field Effects: Bright Sunlight (2R), Reflect [Toon] (3A)​

@ Rocky Helmet
Cirno [Alolan Ninetales] (Female)
HP: 22
Stats: 2/3/4/4/109
Ability: Snow Cloak / Snow Warning
Typing: Ice Fairy
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted
@ Protector
ZhengTann [Rhyperior] (Male)
EN: 11
Stats: 6/5/1/3/40
Ability: Lightning Rod / Solid Rock
Typing: Ground / Rock
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted

Wounded, exhausted, and nearing unconsciousness, Cirno sends a gust of Icy Wind at Draco that stiffens her muscles, lowering her Speed by one stage! Draco scoffs at such a weak attack and closes her eyes, drifting off into unconsciousness to accelerate her natural healing. Barely moving, Cirno gets one last Icy Wind in before fainting from exhaustion, while Draco starts to talk in her sleep, causing her to summon a wall of light!

Toon lets TMan87 ENKO themselves while healing and setting up the field for next round. However, this play has left Toon in the precarious position of starting A1 next round asleep and slower than TMan87's Mamoswine.​

TMan87 sends out and equips
Toon orders
TMan87 orders
I ref
"We've got this... don't we?"
:mamoswine: "Don"t look so uncertain, it's making my confidence waver."

Sending out Hisao Nakai the Mamoswine w/ Rockium Z!

Solar beam x3
If z rock move then protect
If Rock typed damaging combo and not a3 THEN Counter that action, Solar Beam the following action
If Rock typed damaging move a1, a2 and a3, then begin action string: Scary Face a1, fly a2, dig a3
"I think that's it? The math seems to agree with me"
:mamoswine: "Leave nothing to chance, ensure the best way to lock down victory. Just like in chess!"

Continental Crush (Stone Edge) | Rock Slide | Ice Shard

[check at beginning of A3] IF
Charizard has strictly more than 11 HP A3 THEN Fury Attack instead
Round 8:​

@ Charizardite Y
Draco [Mega Charizard Y] (Female)
HP: 51
EN: 57
Stats: 3/3/8/4/[40]
Ability: Blaze / Solar Power / Drought
Typing: Fire / Flying
Status: Solar Power active, -2 Speed, Resting (1A), +1 KOC
@ Enigma Berry
Bwoman [Tropius] (Female)
EN: 28
Stats: 3/3/4/3/44
Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Harvest
Typing: Grass / Flying
Status: -10% Evasion,+1 KOC, Fainted
@ Expert Belt
Cpt. Talon [Cawmodore] (Male)
EN: 45
Stats: 3/4/3/3/136
Ability: Intimidate / Volt Absorb / Big Pecks
Typing: Steel / Flying
Status: +21% Accuracy, +6 Attack, Fainted
Field Effects: Bright Sunlight (2R), Reflect [Toon] (5A)​

@ Rockium Z
Hisao [Mamoswine] (Male)
HP: 100
EN: 100
Stats: 5/3/2/3/92
Ability: Oblivious / Snow Cloak / Thick Fat
Typing: Ice / Ground
Status: +10% Accuracy
@ Rocky Helmet
Cirno [Alolan Ninetales] (Female)
HP: 22
Stats: 2/3/4/4/109
Ability: Snow Cloak / Snow Warning
Typing: Ice Fairy
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted
@ Protector
ZhengTann [Rhyperior] (Male)
EN: 11
Stats: 6/5/1/3/40
Ability: Lightning Rod / Solid Rock
Typing: Ground / Rock
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted
Battle Calculations said:
Action 1:
Mega Charizard Y is Resting, +12 HP

Mamoswine used Continental Crush [Stone Edge]!
Damage: (((18/2)+4)*2.25)+2=32
Crit: 1320/2400 No
-7 EN

Mega Charizard Y -1 HP from Solar Power

Action 2:
Mamoswine used Rock Slide!
Damage: (((8/2)+4)*2.25)+2=20
Crit: 2151/2400 No
-6 EN

Mega Charizard Y used Solar Beam!
Damage: (12+3+8)*1.5=33
Crit: 1511/2400 No
-8 EN

Mega Charizard Y -1 HP from Solar Power

Action 3
Mamoswine used Ice Shard!
Damage: 4+4=8
Crit: 625/2400
-3 EN

Mega Charizard Y used Solar Beam!
Damage: (12+3+8)*1.5=33
Crit: 1172/2400 No
-12 EN

Mega Charizard Y -1 HP from Solar Power

Mega Charizard Y fainted!
@ Charizardite Y
Draco [Mega Charizard Y] (Female)
EN: 37
Stats: 3/3/8/4/[40]
Ability: Blaze / Solar Power / Drought
Typing: Fire / Flying
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted
@ Enigma Berry
Bwoman [Tropius] (Female)
EN: 28
Stats: 3/3/4/3/44
Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Harvest
Typing: Grass / Flying
Status: -10% Evasion,+1 KOC, Fainted
@ Expert Belt
Cpt. Talon [Cawmodore] (Male)
EN: 45
Stats: 3/4/3/3/136
Ability: Intimidate / Volt Absorb / Big Pecks
Typing: Steel / Flying
Status: +21% Accuracy, +6 Attack, Fainted
Field Effects: Bright Sunlight (1R), Reflect (2A)​

@ Rockium Z
Hisao [Mamoswine] (Male)
HP: 34
EN: 84
Stats: 5/3/2/3/92
Ability: Oblivious / Snow Cloak / Thick Fat
Typing: Ice / Ground
Status: +10% Accuracy, +1 KOC
@ Rocky Helmet
Cirno [Alolan Ninetales] (Female)
HP: 22
Stats: 2/3/4/4/109
Ability: Snow Cloak / Snow Warning
Typing: Ice Fairy
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted
@ Protector
ZhengTann [Rhyperior] (Male)
EN: 11
Stats: 6/5/1/3/40
Ability: Lightning Rod / Solid Rock
Typing: Ground / Rock
Status: +1 KOC, Fainted

Draco, who is still lounging around comfortably on the wing of the plane, greets Hisao with a lazy eye and a puff of smoke from her nostrils. Hisao returns the greeting accompanied by a massive boulder propelled with earth shattering force. Seeing that Draco has not been reduced to pulped lizard yet, Hisao follows up with a Rock Slide that buries Draco, but not deeply enough to stop her from unleashing a bolt of green energy at Hisao! Seeing how weakened Draco is, Hisao moves to finish her off quickly with a dagger like Ice Shard, but Draco holds on long enough to fire off a final Solar Beam before subcumbing from heat fatigue. The match is over!

Tman87 takes the win! Congrats to both battlers for playing well. Thanks for bearing with my mistakes here and there, this gave me experience with a lot of mechanics I haven't used yet.​

TMan87: +4 CC
Rhyperior: +5 MC +1 KOC
Alolan Ninetales: +5 MC +1 KOC
Mamoswine: +5 MC +1 KOC

Toon: +4 CC
Cawmodore: +5 MC
Tropius: +5 MC +1 KOC
Charizard: +5 MC +1 KOC

cbrevan: +18 UC