This is probably my second or third favorite team rn. Gapdos is mainly seen as a way to deal with intimidate, specifically incineroar, which it is admittedly very good at doing, but after playing against it with a snarl will o wisp mew team, i realized that it has many more uses than most people give it credit for. I added tsareena to block priority, specifically fake out and grassy glide for fini, and then heatran and fini as a solid offensive core. Heatran removes grass types and kyurem for fini and fini hits zygarde, urshifu, and several other things that threaten heatran. The team is pretty lando weak at this point and has no real speed control, so kb was added for icy wind and a lando check (as well as another trick room check/anti cheese tech with dragon tail) and mew for disruption + tailwind (super fang is a broken move, its actually so good) you may notice that this team isnt particularly scared of incin, which is true. This team is mostly special attackers, which would normally be a playground for snarl mew, but gapdos pressures it by threatening to come in on snarl, get a +2 to attack and get a kill. This team is super good into a lot of balance/semiroom teams, and is really just very solid overall. Main things that annoyed me in testing were fullroom teams, and you do have to play a bit careful around naganadel and dragapult, but with some careful positioning they should be playable. Plus its not like fullroom is all that common anyway. As a wise man once said, “gapdos + tsareena = good team” super fang broken, fini sogood, have fun :3