AAA Double Dance Garchomp [Done]


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Double Dance (Garchomp) @ Life Orb / Loaded Dice
Ability: Sword of Ruin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Scale Shot
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance

Garchomp is a great cleaner and sweeper on offensive teams thanks to its excellent Attack, good bulk, and high-Base Power moves, and it has the ability to outspeed common offensive threats after a Scale Shot such as Iron Boulder, Zamazenta, and Roaring Moon. Stone Edge threatens Flying-types like Mandibuzz and Zapdos and hits Corviknight decently hard, and after using Swords Dance, Garchomp can OHKO offensive Great Tusk with Earthquake and 2HKO Fluffy Corviknight with Stone Edge. Life Orb gives Garchomp a decent chance of 2HKOing Corviknight at +1 and guarantees the OHKO on Choice Band Zamazenta at +2, while Loaded Dice offers more consistency to Scale Shot and avoids recoil from Life Orb. An Adamant nature lets Garchino 2HKO Unaware Scream Tail and Deoxys-D with Life Orb, while a Jolly nature lets it outspeed Choice Scarf Sandy Shocks and Modest Deoxys-S after a Scale Shot. Physical wallbreakers like Chien-Pao and Zamazenta appreciate Garchomp's cleaning ability once it gets set up; in return, they can help chip walls like Deoxys-D and Corviknight that it can struggle to break through, giving it an easier time cleaning. Garchomp's only decent Speed prior to setting up leaves it vulnerable to being KOed by threats like Latios and Roaring Moon, so teammates that can check them on hyper offense teams like Gholdengo and Zamazenta, respectively, are appreciated. Even after setup, faster Pokemon like Choice Scarf Azelf and priority users like Dragonite can threaten massive damage on Garchomp, making teammates that can deal with them like Roaring Moon and Gholdengo, respectively, good partners.

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Garchomp is a great cleaner on offensive teams thanks to its excellent Attack, good bulk, and high-Base Power moves, with Scale Shot letting it outspeed many offensive threats. its more of a sweeper than a cleaner, you might wanna change that Stone Edge threatens Flying-types like Mandibuzz and Zapdos Dragonite already gets hit hard by Scale Shot and hits Corviknight decently hard, while after using Swords Dance, Garchomp can OHKO Swampert and 2HKO Corviknight. Life Orb gives Garchomp a decent chance of 2HKOing Corviknight at +1 well so Adamant is a guaranteed 2HKO while Jolly isn't guaranteed but is almost always a 2HKO, you should probably specify that Adamant nature can 2HKO Corv and guarantees the OHKO on Choice Band Zamazenta at +2, while Loaded Dice offers more consistency to Scale Shot and gives it more longevity. I'm confused as to how Loaded Dice correlates with longevity An Adamant nature lets Garchomp 2HKO and break through helps it break through walls like Deoxys-D and Scream Tail, while a Jolly nature lets it outspeed Choice Scarf Sandy Shocks and Modest Deoxys-S at +1 Speed. Physical wallbreakers like Chien-Pao and Zamazenta appreciate Garchomp's cleaning ability once it gets set up; in return, they can help chip walls like Deoxys-D and Corviknight that it can struggle to break through, giving it an easier cleaning time. (again, Garchomp is a sweeper, so it appreciates teammates that chip down defensive walls.) (Maybe you could a section here how Garchomp likes hazard setters to help it OHKO certain mons?) Garchomp's only decent speed prior to setting up leaves it vulnerable to being KOed by threats like Latios and Roaring Moon, so teammates that can check them like Gholdengo and Zamazenta, respectively, are appreciated. ghold isn't exactly the safest switchin to latios, specs adapt draco and luster purge 2HKO Ghold as well as Hadron T-Bolt, a more solid check such as Meloetta or Hoodra would be better. Zama doesn't like to lose its item or get hit by Outrage, so a more defensive check like Corv or Mandibuzz would be better.
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Double Dance (Garchomp) @ Life Orb / Loaded Dice
Ability: Sword of Ruin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Scale Shot
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance

Garchomp is a great cleaner and sweeper on offensive teams thanks to its excellent Attack, good bulk, and high-Base(RH) Power moves, with Scale Shot letting it outspeed many offensive threats with the ability to outspeed common offensive threats after a Scale Shot You can reword this if you want to, but clarify that you outspeed after having used Scale Shot. Stone Edge threatens Flying-types like Mandibuzz and Dragonite Zapdos Surely you just Scale Shot Dragonite and hits Corviknight decently hard, while after using Swords Dance, Garchomp can OHKO Swampert offensive Great Tusk Pert will not try and check Chomp ever and 2HKO Fluffy Corviknight with Stone Edge. Life Orb gives Garchomp a decent chance of 2HKOing Corviknight at +1 and guarantees the OHKO on Choice Band Zamazenta at +2, while Loaded Dice offers more consistency to Scale Shot and gives it more longevity I'd reword this to simply say that you avoid LO recoil. An Adamant nature lets helps it break through walls like Deoxys-D and Scream Tail This is quite vague, mention some calcs that Adamant reaches that Jolly doesn't, for example Ada LO EQ 2hkoes Deo-D after rocks or something else you can find, while a Jolly nature lets it outspeed Choice Scarf Sandy Shocks and Modest Deoxys-S after a Scale Shot. Physical wallbreakers like Chien-Pao and Zamazenta appreciate Garchomp's cleaning ability once it gets set up; in return, they can help chip walls like Deoxys-D and Corviknight that it can struggle to break through, giving it an easier cleaning time. Garchomp's only decent speed prior to setting up leaves it vulnerable to being KOed by threats like Latios and Roaring Moon, so teammates that can check them like Gholdengo Could add a RegenVester here unless you're talking about HO specifically, which needs to be specified otherwise and Zamazenta, respectively, are appreciated.

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Double Dance (Garchomp) @ Life Orb / Loaded Dice
Ability: Sword of Ruin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Scale Shot
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance

Garchomp is a great cleaner and sweeper on offensive teams thanks to its excellent Attack, good bulk, and high Base Power moves, with the ability to outspeed common offensive threats after a Scale Shot such as Iron Boulder, Zamazenta, and Roaring Moon. Stone Edge threatens Flying-types like Mandibuzz and Zapdos and hits Corviknight decently hard, while after using Swords Dance, Garchomp can OHKO offensive Great Tusk with Earthquake and 2HKO Fluffy Corviknight with Stone Edge The previous implied that garchomp can OHKO tusk with Stone Edge which is true in inverse but not in this meta. Life Orb gives Garchomp a decent chance of 2HKOing Corviknight at +1 and guarantees the OHKO on Choice Band Zamazenta at +2, while Loaded Dice offers more consistency to Scale Shot and avoids recoil from Life Orb. An adamant nature lets it 2HKO Unaware Scream Tail and Deoxys-D with Life Orb, while a Jolly nature lets it outspeed Choice Scarf Sandy Shocks and Modest Deoxys-S after a Scale Shot. Physical wallbreakers like Chien-Pao and Zamazenta appreciate Garchomp's cleaning ability once it gets set up; in return, they can help chip walls like Deoxys-D and Corviknight that it can struggle to break through, giving it an easier cleaning time. Garchomp's only decent speed prior to setting up leaves it vulnerable to being KOed by threats like Latios and Roaring Moon, so teammates that can check them on hyper offense teams like Gholdengo and Zamazenta, respectively, are appreciated. Maybe also mention how even at +1 it can still be revenge-killed by speed controls such as Scarf Azelf and Dragonite (who especially is dangerous since chomp will be at -1 defense), so having walls to sponge them would be nice.

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Double Dance (Garchomp) @ Life Orb / Loaded Dice
Ability: Sword of Ruin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Scale Shot
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance

Garchomp is a great cleaner and sweeper on offensive teams thanks to its excellent Attack, good bulk, and high Base high-Base Power moves, with and it has the ability to outspeed common offensive threats after a Scale Shot such as Iron Boulder, Zamazenta, and Roaring Moon. Stone Edge threatens Flying-types like Mandibuzz and Zapdos and hits Corviknight decently hard, while and after using Swords Dance, Garchomp can OHKO offensive Great Tusk with Earthquake and 2HKO Fluffy Corviknight with Stone Edge. Life Orb gives Garchomp a decent chance of 2HKOing Corviknight at +1 and guarantees the OHKO on Choice Band Zamazenta at +2, while Loaded Dice offers more consistency to Scale Shot and avoids recoil from Life Orb. An adamant Adamant nature lets it Garchomp 2HKO Unaware Scream Tail and Deoxys-D with Life Orb, while a Jolly nature lets it outspeed Choice Scarf Sandy Shocks and Modest Deoxys-S after a Scale Shot. Physical wallbreakers like Chien-Pao and Zamazenta appreciate Garchomp's cleaning ability once it gets set up; in return, they can help chip walls like Deoxys-D and Corviknight that it can struggle to break through, giving it an easier cleaning time time cleaning. Garchomp's only decent speed Speed prior to setting up leaves it vulnerable to being KOed by threats like Latios and Roaring Moon, so teammates that can check them on hyper offense teams like Gholdengo and Zamazenta, respectively, are appreciated. Even after setup, faster Pokemon like Choice Scarf Azelf and priority users like Dragonite can threaten massive damage on Garchomp, making teammates that can deal with them like Roaring Moon and Gholdengo, respectively, good partners.

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