Tournament Doubles Premier League X - Commencement Thread

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forgive them even if they are not sorry
is a Tournament Directoris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Top Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Dedicated Tournament Host

Art by GenOne

Hosted by Theia and Vertigo

You may commence!
Feel free to post anything however please keep things civil, we'll delete/infract as necessary yada yada

To another great edition of DPL!​
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Hello there, Grandmas Cookin and I will NOT be hosting tryouts for DPL X.

However, we would love to hear from those that are interested in getting drafted this season.

If you want to tell us more about yourself, DM either toxinalpaca. or grandmascookin on discord, we’re looking for some underrated players and you pitching yourself would help greatly.
prs (no writeups yet)

Storms: 26
qsns: 2.1
z0mOG: 6.6
GasaiYunoSan: 17.3

Sp_dnas: 26.4
Xrn: 3.4
Sir Jelloton: 9.8
Zeal: 13.2

Cold Crew: 28
xqiht: 7.5
robjr: 10.1
raf: 10.4

Hydreigons: 31
Paraplegic: 6.8
Farfromani: 10.5
YoBuddy: 13.7

Thieves: 33.8
bage1: 2
SHIMA: 12.2
exotic64: 19.6

Cratermakers: 34.1
EternalSnowman: 7.4
Tenzai: 11.6
Shadekirby321: 15.1

Droughts: 34.4
JRL: 3.8
Lemurro: 15.2
Yuichi: 15.4

Ducks: 45.4
papiloco: 12.4
waffle2O2O: 15
Enzonana.: 18

Nido-Rus: 1

Ratpacker: 2.5

Hys: 3

Kaori: 3.8

RelicanthPrimal: 4.6

KeanuGrindingArc: 4.7

Robbie35646: 5.1

big pichu: 5.7

Meminger21: 1.4


Mishimono: 3

Star: 3.8

GenOne: 4.8 (Highest 2, Lowest 6)

luisin: 4.8 (Highest 2, Lowest 7)

lax: 5.8

Loudwinner: 6.4

umbry: 2.1

SMB: 2.4

Croven: 2.5

Ann: 3.3

Yoda2798: 3.7

zoe: 4.6

GrandmasCookin: 6.1

Charlotte: 6.3

Memoric: 1.2

zee: 1.6

Amaranth: 3

talkingtree: 4.2

Yellow Paint: 4.6

SingleThunder: 5.2

laptops: 5.3

Voltix: 6.5

DaWoblefet: 1

Actuarily: 2.6

DaAwesomeDude1: 2.7

Fran: 3.7

Checkmater: 4.7

Smudge: 5

Tman: 5.4

Yuki: 6.9
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