Thank you for the art Kiwi!
DPP 1v1 Cup - Signups
Welcome to the DPP 1v1 Cup, the fifth (and best) tournament of 1v1 Classic VII!
Tournament Rules:
- General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
- 1v1 Classic rules can be read here.
- Gen 4 1v1. Bring 3 Pokemon, pick 1.
- Battles must take place on main server or smogtours under the format [Gen 4] 1v1.
- Best of five, single elimination.
- If you don't get your match done, I will give the activity win to someone at random or their opponent or coinflip it. If both users are constantly making contact but can't set up a specific time, I will give an extension for 3 days. Do not rely on this because I might just flip your game if minimal effort was put in.
- Do not make baseless activity posts; get in contact with your opponent and report missed times / scheduling issues only.
- DPP 1v1 Resources
Round 1
delemon vs Taka
stravench vs drakloak
Call me PK vs ACII
Waylaid vs Eiscue_Sweeper
shadowtime2000 vs crow crumbs
Bomb21XD vs Close
SOM/05 vs realaccountami?
Flaming_Wolf_2023 vs DripLegend
Eeveekid10 vs lolebruh
Trist vs memedose46
PA vs Marshme1to
gorilaa vs Arvinraj K III C
Palestine vs bigboygrimace
mkl501 vs Tom842
rocky2024 vs Lialiabeast
torterraxx vs Sificon
jhm5 vs clerica
DenisTheMenace vs PixelGaming121
pthebusta vs ToasterBoi420
Vertigo vs adorluigi
Bodi 69 vs Inkreativ
zo vs A-drago destroyer
Scholar vs Xalvadore
Itchy vs Quantum Tesseract
DHUVANESH vs Euphonos
Mr.Bossaru vs SantiElOtaku
Joker 1v1 vs LBDC
TrainerPla vs eldionegros
mrextrazy vs NTG Cuz IDK
Notater vs davidness
DEG vs LittEleven
chuggachuggachooo vs Cureja
Mishlef vs SwordIsBored
Kaif vs Bopher
Elo Bandit vs Tom1535
Akeras vs Opchurtle100
drifttrick vs 7qujofhsfsfjsbdvh
Potatochan vs Hypokemaster
3to10characteristic1 vs RTM
bo_bobson27 vs neomon
Slip vs ghostspence
eblurb vs Mr. Unchained
Chilli Escobar vs Bye 1
CrushHusk vs Bye 2
frostyicelad vs sleid
Indi01 vs Bye 4
BP vs rumia
Manan999 vs Nick
Substitutes will be accepted until Wednesday at 11:59pm -5, or all bye slots are filled
The deadline to play your games is Sunday, October 1st at 11:59 PM -5
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