DPP Omanyte (LC Analysis)

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Name: Rain Dance Sweeper
Move1: Surf
Move2: Ice Beam
Move3: Earth Power
Move4: Ancientpower/Rain Dance
Item: Life Orb/Damp Rock
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Timid/Modest
EV’s: 36 Def/ 236 SpA / 236 Spe


<p>Omanyte is by far the best special attacker in the rain. It has a sky-high Special Attack which Omanyte can use to tear through whole teams. Its impressive Special Attack stat is used best in combination with its Swift Swim ability, which will double its speed in the rain. But not only has Omanyte a very impressive Special Attack, his very high Defense stat makes it a hard nut to crack.</p>

<p>To make the best out of Omanyte’s potential as a sweeper, give him a Life Orb, set it free in the rain and it will be a very deadly sweeper. Surf is Omanyte’s main attack. It’s STAB’ed and has 95 Base Power. In combination with the rain and the Life Orb, Surf is deadly. Ice Beam is for those annoying Grass-types of whom Omanyte would want to get hit by, but also hits Ground-types, like Gligar and Gible, super-effectively. The third move slot is for Earth Power. Earth Power helps you take care of Electric-types, who try to counter Omanyte. But can also be handy against Omanyte’s physical counterpart Kabuto when fighting in the rain.</p>

<p>The last move slot is a choice based on team usage. Do you want to use Omanyte as a full sweeper in the rain? Then use Ancientpower as your last move. Ancientpower is STAB’ed but also has a 10% chance of raising every stat with one stage. Ancientpower is also the best move against Mantyke, who can be a very good counter to Omanyte. But if you want Omanyte to be the one to set up the rain and then start a sweep, take Rain Dance. Damp Rock can also be equipped to guarantee 8 turns of loved rain.</p>

<p>Gligar is the perfect switch in against almost every counter to Omanyte. Gligar is immune to both Ground-type and Electric-type attacks, resist Fighting-type moves and is hit neutral by Grass-type moves. Because only scarfed Pokemon can outspeed Omanyte in the rain, Gligar switch in and set up on them if they try to attack Omanyte. Surprisingly enough Gligar can also set up rain as well. In combination with a Damp Rock, Gligar can give Omanyte its beloved rain and 7 turns of sweeping.</p>

Name: Spikylead
Move 1: Stealth Rock
Move 2: Poison Spikes/Spikes
Move 3: Protect
Move 4: Surf/Earth Power/Ice Beam
Item: Focus Sash/Oran Berry
Ability: Shell Armor
Nature: Calm
EV’s: HP 236 / Def 36 / SDef 236


<p>Omanyte is great as a lead. It has high defense and reasonable special defense and has an ability called Shell Armor which makes it impossible to kill Omanyte by luck. All this may sound fancy, but the main reason why it is such a good lead is his ability to set up. Omanyte has not only access to Stealth Rock, but also to the always useful Toxic Spikes and Spikes. Therefore Omanyte is the perfect Pokemon for a set up lead.</p>

<p>Stealth Rock is an obvious move for a lead. It gets rid of those annoying Focus Sashes and can bite a chunk out of the health of your opponents Pokemon. For the next entry damage, you have to decide what kind of damage you want. Do you want to stall your opponent? Toxic Spikes is then the move you want to use, badly poisoning your opponent when switching in. But if you want direct damage, Spikes is then the right move to pick.</p>

<p>The third move of this set is Protect. Protect is a perfect move to scout out the moves of your opponent. With Protect you can find a good switch and take advantage early on in the game. As a fourth move you have quite a choice. There are three options, namely Surf, Earth Power and Ice Beam. Surf is STAB’ed and gets rid of those common Diglett leads, or at least hit them to their Focus Sash, making them an easy target for revenge-killer. Earth Power is the best move to use if you want to take out Voltorb leads and other Electric-types who try to counter Omanyte. Ice Beam is for Turtwig leads and other Grass-types who can switch in trying to scare Omanyte away.</p>

<p>Omanyte will appreciate revenge-killers on its team. Most leads carry a Focus Sash, with will save them from fainting. But with just 1 HP, they will be an easy prey for priority users or scarfed Pokemon. Most notable is Croagunk who has both a priority move on both attacking spectrum: Mach Punch and Vacuum Wave. Another kind of companion for this Omanyte is a spinblokker. Omanyte wouldn’t like it if all its hard spiking work would be span away. Therefore Omanyte would like the presence of a Ghost-type team member like Gastly, Duskskull or Misdreavus.</p>


Name: Choice Specs
Move1: Surf
Move2: Ice Beam
Move3: Earth Power
Move4: Hidden Power Electric/Ancientpower
Item: Choice Specs
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Modest
EV’s: 36 Def/ 236 SpA / 236 Spe


<p>Omanyte can be a very useful revenge-killer in the rain. Choice Specs with Omanyte’s impressive Special Attack and his Swift Swim ability make Omanyte very suitable as a revenge-killer. Although this moveset looks almost exactly like the Swift Swim set, it can be a lot more deadly if used right.</p>

<p>Obviously Surf is Omanyte’s main move. It is STAB’ed and is deadly when used in the rain with the Choice Specs. Ice Beam is to cover Omanyte’s Grass weakness, but also to handle those Ground-types, who usually try to throw an Earthquake to Omanyte. Especially Gible and Gligar wouldn’t appreciate a Choice Specs boosted Ice Beam, even with a Yache Berry. Earth Power is a gimmicky attack against Electric-Types and against Vacuum Wave Croagunk. Omanyte’s last move is a tough choice to make. Hidden Power Electric is for those Water-typed special walls like Mantyke and Tentacool. On the other hand, Omanyte has access to Ancientpower, which is STAB’ed and can be used against any Ice-types.</p>

<p>Special walls will enjoy switching in on this Omanyte. Especially Water-types like Mantyke and Tentacool wouldn’t mind switching in on Omanytes main move Surf and only fear Hidden Power Electric and Earth Power respectively. Physical Elekid is a great partner for Omanyte. Elekid gets rid of those special walls with its wide movepool of physical attacks. Water-types will think twice on staying in on a STAB’ed Thunderpunch, especially Mantyke who has a quad weakness to Electric-type moves.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Because Omanyte is also part Rock-type, it has the ability to learn Rock Slide as a useful physical attack. Omanyte can also learn Waterfall, but these are the only 2 good physical moves Omanyte gets. On the other hand Omanyte gets Rock Polish, a move that will boost Omanytes speed with 2 stages, making it as efficient as Swift Swim, but with longer maintenance as long as Omanyte doesn’t switch out.</p>

<p>Although Omanyte is only mentioned in the rain, it is quite useful in a Sandstorm team too. Because Omanyte is part Rock-type, it gets the Rock-type Special Defense boost. This in combination with Iron Defense makes Omanyte a great wall in a Sandstorm. Rock Polish can also be used in a Sandstorm team, making Omanyte a deadly sweeper with the same capability as in the rain.</p>

<p>For the lead Omanyte Knock Off can be a useful move. It removes the annoying Focus Sashes or Oran Berries of the opponent and makes scrafed revenge-killers useless.</p>

[Team Options]

<p>Rain is very important for activating Omanyte Swift Swim ability. But not only will rain double Omanytes speed, it also increases its STAB’ed moves with 50%. Common Rain Dancers like Bronzor or Voltorb can easily set up the rain, explode and then let Omanyte switch in for a sweep. But Omanyte doesn’t only like rainy weather. Sandstorm provides Omanyte with a great walling ability due to the Special Defense boost in Sandstorm for Rock-types. Hippopotas is then the best partner for making an infinite Sandstorm.</p>

<p>Offensive Omanyte mostly gets walled by special Water-typed walls like Tentacool, Mantyke and Chinchou. In the offensive aspect physical Elekid is a great partner for Omanyte. Elekid can fire off its powerful STAB’ed Thunderpunch at those Water-typed special walls all day long. On the defensive side of the game Gligar can be a great companion, being immune for both Ground-typed and Electric-typed moves and resisting Fighting-typed attacks. As a bonus Gligar can also set up both Rain Dance and Sandstorm, providing Omanyte any desired weather for at least 4 turns.</p>

<p>When using Omanyte in Rain teams, it is very important to have at least 2 Rain Dancers, equipped with a Damp Rock, on your team. Omanyte can both set up rain, as sweep in the rain. Common Rain Dancers are Bronzor, Voltorb or Meowth. Although there are a lot of Rain Dancers available, not a lot of Pokemon can actually sweep in the rain. Another good Swift Swim sweeper is Omanyte physical counterpart Kabuto. Kabuto has a base 80 Attack and great moves to go with that. Waterfall, Rock Slide and Aqua Jet are some great moves Kabuto can use in the rain. Horsea is another great Rain Dance Special Attacker. With its base 70 Special Attack and base 60 Speed and its access to Hydro Pump, Horsea is not only the fastest Rain Dance sweeper, but also one of the strongest. Although both Kabuto as Horsea are great Rain Dance sweepers, they both share the weaknesses as Omanyte. Lotad is a great partner in defensive aspect, taking only neutral damage against Grass-typed and Electric-typed moves and resisting Ground-typed moves.</p>


<p>Both the Rain Dance Sweeper as the Choice Specs set require max Special Attack and Speed. The remaining EVs should be put in Defense to give Omanyte one extra Defense point. Timid is the recommended nature for the Rain Dance Sweeper and Choice Specs set. In the rain Omanyte hits a 26 Speed with Timid, outspeeding every Pokemon in the Little Cup metagame that is not scarfed and outspeedng a majority of those who are scarfed.</p>

<p>For the lead you are advised to run a HP 236 / Def 36 / SDef 236 spread, maximizing Omanytes HP and Special Defense so that it can survive as long as possible. The remaining EVs obviously go to its Defense stat.</p>


<p>Omanyte is a very flexible Pokemon. It is by far one of the best Special based sweepers in the rain. It has access to both Ice Beam and Earth Power for type coverage next to its main attack Surf. Although Omanyte can rip trough teams in the rain, its defensive stats are quite impressive too, making it a great wall in a Sandstorm. But Omanyte can also set up entry damage, making Omanyte one of the most flexible Pokemon you can use.</p>


<p>For the Rain Dance Sweeper set there are no real counters. Not a lot of Pokemon really want to take a STAB’ed Life Orbed Surf in the Rain. Snover can change the weather with its unique Snow Warning ability, changing rain into hail, which Omanyte wouldn’t appreciate. Omanyte would be able to stay in either, fearing an Energy Ball or a Seed Bomb. Psyduck can counter Omanyte at a similar way. Psyducks ability Cloud Nine negates the effects of the rain, canceling out Swift Swim and the 50% boost for Water-type moves. This will likely force Omanyte to switch out and waste precious rain. Croagunk can switch in on Surf and absorb it with its Dry Skin ability. After absorbing the hit, Croagunk can threaten Omanyte with either Vacuum Wave or Mach Punch, but has to watch out for an Earth Power.</p>
This analysis is riddled with poor writing, false information, and a general lack of knowledge regarding the Little Cup metagame. A few examples:

"Omanyte can be a very useful revenge-killer in the rain. Choice Specs with Omanyte’s impressive Special Attack and his Swift Swim ability make Omanyte very suitable as a revenge-killer."

Choice + Rain is a no-no, especially with Mantyke, Croagunk, and others waiting to kick your ass.

Another kind of companion for this Omanyte is a spinblokker."

I honestly can't see how you typed that accidentally, and if you typed it on purpose I'm thinking that's pretty shaky.

On top of that...

- No scarf set. Omanyte hits 14 speed, and has great attack, so scarf is a shoe-in.
- There's already a lead set that is common (I should know, I invented it during the Berry Juice test), and it's definitely not your mediocre one. Stealth Rock is also much more important than Spikes.
- "No counters"? Mantyke thrashes it as long as it isn't using HP Electric (which it isn't in any of these sets), Croagunk comes in, heals with Dry Skin, and Fake Out + Vacuum Waves for huge damage and probably the KO, etc. It's far from uncounterable.
- Nobody uses Tentacool, and even if they did, it wouldn't stand a chance against Omanyte. Tentacool can't hit back, and Omanyte pounds it with Earth Power.
- Knock Off is *never* a useful move in LC.
- Omanyte has 40 Attack and 100 Special Attack, and you're recommending physical moves in OO.

I could go on for days. Locking the analysis and dereserving it.
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