DPP UU Metagame Discussion

approved by jelli

with the dpp tour that just started featuring dpp uu, the tier piqued my interest as it looked incredibly fun and balanced. i tested a few games with smurf and i really enjoyed it, although i found few resources about the tier itself outside of viability rankings and rmts. while the metagame is uncommonly played, i feel like this thread would be a nice way for people who have played this tier for a while to talk about anything about it, a bit about the metagame in general ^_^

viability rankings: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/dpp-uu-viability-ranking.3503638/
blaziken is superb omylord how do you even switch in to this thing if there's even one layer of hazards down

i love playing this tier as well because tauros is superb and that's always a plus.
Scyther CB or SD Lum is amazing, Torterra synthesis+eq/rock slide/wood hammer is amazing, toxicroak sd/np is really cool, moltres is op as shit, weezing spD restalk is the most annoying mon in the metagame (wtf B rank), being able to check leafeon/toxicroak NP/torterra/sceptile/offensive venusaur/scyther and you always risk to get poisonned/burned if you try to switch on it, Regirock with the grass/passho berry is actually a really cool support, able to lure venusaur/moltres/leafeon and cripple/kill it
SD Leafeon (Double-Edge @ LO) is brutal. Clear out Registeel (my team with it has Swellow U-turn out of it into Dugtrio) and it shreds everything. Quick Attack to pick off weakened faster things or Synthesis to stay alive against teams that try to kill it by forcing recoil.
Leafeon is fantastic, Double-Edge + Leaf Blade offers great neutral coverage with Synthesis to heal off any recoil. It can even run Heal Bell to run through defensive teams single-handedly. Its speed is nothing special though and its typing means the ever-present CB Scyther gets a free U-turn unless you can smash it on the switch with DE. Also its defensive Wish passing set is really cool with amazing physical bulk (130 base Def) and the pure Grass typing making it the best RP Torterra counter.

A lead that I think deserves more love is Ambipom which hasn't seen much use with the rise of Scyther, Mesprit and suicide spikers. It gets Taunt to shut down SR and weather while Fake Out + U-turn builds chip damage really quickly. With 115 speed it also has mid-game utility being able revenge a lot of stuff with Fake Out + Return. Technician Pursuit can also be quite handy, taking Ghosts out of the game if needed.
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I still can't make a good non-gimmick non-weather team that doesn't use Rhyperior, it's still my favorite mon of the tier. Checking the Fires and nearly every dangerous late-game mon is beautiful, and Subperior just shits on the standard cookie cutter team.

I still will never use a defensive Registeel either. Curse or just max Attack Regi is a babe, prevents Mismagius and other shit from playing with it, and Duggy can't switch in worth for shit on max Iron Head.

haven't played with an explosion heavy team in a while and i think it'd take advantage of all the frailer shit people tend to play with these days
speaking of frail shit I've seen a lot of duggy offense w/ like tauros scyther and other flying / normal spam.

rp anything (aggron, torterra) puts in a lot of work vs a lot of the more offensive meta.

dual ghost or ghost + psychic perform rly well as they both generally do well vs fwg and opposing teams usually only have one , exorcist' as eo affectionately once put it.

lord moltres rules. run milo, lots of 90+ mons, or die. or our savior magcargo.

one particular mon I like a lot is cm bp espeon. it cm's up on a lot the special attackers in the tier and freely passes to shit like agiliken, houndoom, or even the ubiquitous milotic / venu to make good use out of. with its power and speed though a loy of times it can sweep itself. bp means it doesn't get trapped like other psychics too which is really cool.
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I honestly have trouble building really good offensive teams without Azumarill. Unlike Milotic, it retains its bulk while having insane Attack and Ajet revenges shit like RPerior and Tres as well as many other mons. I was playing fatty the other day and lost partially because I forgot which azumarill variant I had on my team because CB, LO, Lefties w/ Toxic, or SubPunch. Every set is effective and can be tweaked to support your team.

Also blaziken is the best.
speaking of frail shit I've seen a lot of duggy offense w/ like tauros scyther and other flying / normal spam..
duggy with scyther (or swellow / etc) is the best because it is just so easy to uturn into duggy and get something out of the way, and win with leafeon or tauros or swellow or anything really. Like, you can just lead with Swellow and U-turn and watch the trappable mons come in. Registeel, Rotom, etc. You don't need to risk switching on a high Atk Registeel either. Watch out for Rhyperior though, but it gives you a free turn anyway unless you have a really weird team. I still use Scyther lead a lot though, I wonder if other people still like it?? I just use Swords Dance / U-turn / Aerial Ace / Brick Break @ Lum Berry and it still beats a lot of leads 1-on-1.

Also, LO Clefable is good stuff. Double-Edge / Softboiled / 2 Special Moves. It's never really bad pretty much, vs offense it can take a hit and dish out one and vs stall I don't need to explain that Magic Guard + recovery is still good.

Leafeon is fantastic, Double-Edge + Leaf Blade offers great neutral coverage with Synthesis to heal off any recoil. It can even run Heal Bell to run through defensive teams single-handedly. Its speed is nothing special though and its typing means the ever-present CB Scyther gets a free U-turn unless you can smash it on the switch with DE. Also its defensive Wish passing set is really cool with amazing physical bulk (130 base Def) and the pure Grass typing making it the best RP Torterra counter.

Yes Leafeon is the best! One of my favourite SD users in the tier and pairs great with Duggy too. Once you take out Scarf Moltres and Scyther and stuff like that you just win. Or you could use QA but I don't want to give up Synthesis. Also I need to try BP, I wonder if it'd be any good..
I've been really liking Blaziken and Absol, they are really, really good. Blaziken just has like no switchins, especially if it has a Swords Dance up, and it has so much other sets that it's hard to know what set it actually is before it attacks. Absol is really underprepared for, especially it's SD set, which just rips through everything if it can set up, and even though it's hard to set up with Absol, once it does, something is dying, no matter what.