OU Dragapult


name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Thunderbolt / U-turn
item: Choice Specs / Expert Belt
ability: Infiltrator
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragapult acts as a strong offensive attacker and pivot in SS OU. A very expansive special movepool and a blistering Speed stat allow it to pose a threat to numerous teams. Fire Blast is crucial for Steel-types that avoid a 2HKO from Shadow Ball, namely Ferrothorn and Corviknight, while also being Dragapult's best option to damage Grimmsnarl. Thunderbolt is very useful for breaking past Mandibuzz, after chip damage, and especially physically defensive Toxapex, as well as having a more accurate hit on the aforementioned Corviknight. However, U-turn can be used to get Dragapult on a more favorable position instead of Thunderbolt on Choice Specs set. Choice Specs boosts Dragapult's Special Attack to lofty levels, and if needed, Dragapult can Dynamax to switch moves. Expert Belt is inherently weaker but allows Dragapult to switch moves and maintains its boost upon Dynamaxing, both of which can be very valuable traits. Timid is preferred to outspeed +1 Excadrill and +1 Gyarados, as well as Speed tying with other Dragapult. Modest is also a good choice for the added damage, especially on Toxapex. Lastly, Infiltrator is the preferred ability to ignore Substitute from Corviknight and Gyarados while bringing other miscellaneous advantages, like ignoring Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil.

Dragapult can usually find itself on balance teams, appreciating a strong defensive backbone that gives it more opportunities to come in; however, it can be used on some more offensive teams as well. Teammates that can reliably deal with Dragapult's few checks are very important, most notably Toxapex and Mandibuzz. Rotom-W and Rotom-H help fill that role for the most part and can bring Dragapult safely in with Volt Switch. Psychic-types, especially those immune to Toxic, like Hatterene and Reuniclus, can also take on Toxapex, easing prediction when it comes to Thunderbolt. Stronger wallbreakers like Galarian Darmanitan and Dracozolt can also help handle bulkier teams that could give Dragapult some trouble.

- Written by: [[lyd, 303291]]
- Quality checked by: [[Jordy, 395754], [Galarian Mannat, 144451]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Fireflame, 231476]]
Last edited:
I'm confused about the U-turn line; you have it directly linked with the mention of Choice Specs, and it doesn't really flow very logically. It almost comes off as though you can't run U-turn on Choice Specs, which is definitely false. I'd split the bit about the item from the U-turn mention. Also in Team Options maybe talk about Pokemon that appreciate Dragapult's roles?
I'm confused about the U-turn line; you have it directly linked with the mention of Choice Specs, and it doesn't really flow very logically. It almost comes off as though you can't run U-turn on Choice Specs, which is definitely false. I'd split the bit about the item from the U-turn mention. Also in Team Options maybe talk about Pokemon that appreciate Dragapult's roles?
Yeah my bad on the U-turn line, I can definitely make it clearer. As for Team Options I didn't want it to get too big, but you bring a fair point!

I'll edit these in in a moment.
comments in purple things to remove in red

name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Thunderbolt / U-turn
item: Choice Specs / Expert Belt
ability: Infiltrator
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragapult acts as a strong offensive pivot in SS OU. It feels weird to mention this as the first thing when U-turn isn't a primary move. A very expansive special movepool and a blistering Speed stat allows it to pose a threat to numerous teams. Fire Blast is crucial for Steel-types that avoid a 2HKO from Shadow Ball, namely Ferrothorn and Corviknight, while also being Dragapult's best option against Grimmsnarl. Technically U-turn's the better option against Dragapult, if you're running it. Thunderbolt is very useful for breaking past Mandibuzz, after chip damage, and physically defensive Toxapex, as well as having a more accurate hit on the aforementioned Corviknight. U-turn can be used to get Dragapult on a more favorable position, however. Choice Specs is very useful as it boosts Dragapult's Special Attack to lofty levels, and if needed Dragapult can Dynamax to switch moves; Expert Belt is inherently weaker, but allows switching moves at any times and mantains it's boost upon Dynamaxing, both of which can be very valuable traits. Timid is preferred to outspeed +1 Excadrill and +1 Gyarados. Lastly, Infiltrator is the preferred ability to ignore Substitutes like that of Corviknight and Gyarados while bringing other miscellaneous advantages, such as ignoring Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil.

Teammates that can reliably deal with Dragapult's few checks are very important, most notably Toxapex and Mandibuzz. Rotom-W and Rotom-H help fill that role for the most part and can bring Dragapult safely in with Volt Switch. Psychic-types, especially those immune to Toxic, can also take on Toxapex, easing prediction when it comes to Thunderbolt. Stronger wallbreakers like Galarian Darmanitan and Dracozolt can also help handle teams on the bulkier side of the spectrum that could give Dragapult some trouble. Although not super important, I think it's important to note that Dragapult should be backed up by a solid defensive backbone to get the most use out of it.

- Written by: [[lyd, 303291]]
- Quality checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]
Good job, 1/2.

name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Thunderbolt / U-turn
item: Choice Specs / Expert Belt
ability: Infiltrator
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragapult acts as a strong offensive attacker and pivot in SS OU. A very expansive special movepool and a blistering Speed stat allows it to pose a threat to numerous teams. Fire Blast is crucial for Steel-types that avoid a 2HKO from Shadow Ball, namely Ferrothorn and Corviknight, while also being Dragapult's best option to damage Grimmsnarl. Thunderbolt is very useful for breaking past Mandibuzz, after chip damage, and physically defensive Toxapex, as well as having a more accurate hit on the aforementioned Corviknight. However, U-turn can be used to get Dragapult on a more favorable position instead of Thunderbolt on Choice Specs set. Speaking of which, Choice Specs is very useful as it boosts Dragapult's Special Attack to lofty levels, and if needed Dragapult can Dynamax to switch moves; Expert Belt is inherently weaker, but allows switching moves at any times and mantains it's boost upon Dynamaxing, both of which can be very valuable traits. Timid is preferred to outspeed +1 Excadrill and +1 Gyarados. Mention that it can afford modest if it wants the extra power due to just how fast it is, just that the jump on those two is particularly important. Lastly, Infiltrator is the preferred ability to ignore Substitutes like that of Corviknight and Gyarados while bringing other miscellaneous advantages, like ignoring Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil.

Mention that pult tends to fit best on balance here Teammates that can reliably deal with Dragapult's few checks are very important, most notably Toxapex and Mandibuzz. Rotom-W and Rotom-H help fill that role for the most part and can bring Dragapult safely in with Volt Switch. Psychic-types, especially those immune to Toxic (clarify with examples like reuni and hat), can also take on Toxapex, easing prediction when it comes to Thunderbolt. Stronger wallbreakers like Galarian Darmanitan and Dracozolt can also help handle teams on the bulkier side of the spectrum that could give Dragapult some trouble. Dragapult appreciates a strong defensive backbone as its Defense and Special Defense aren't noteworthy. However it's still a fine pick on more offensive teams. The part I said at the start about it fitting the best on balanced teams encases this as those obviously have solid backbones

- Written by: [[lyd, 303291]]
- Quality checked by: [[Jordy, 395754], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]
Solid overall, just proofread a tad before sending it over to GP, there’s some awkward wording here and there

Remove Add Comments (AC)= add comma (RC)= remove comma (AH)= add hyphen (RH)= remove hyphen
name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Thunderbolt / U-turn
item: Choice Specs / Expert Belt
ability: Infiltrator
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragapult acts as a strong offensive attacker and pivot in SS OU. A very expansive special movepool and a blistering Speed stat allow it to pose a threat to numerous teams. Fire Blast is crucial for Steel-types that avoid a 2HKO from Shadow Ball, namely Ferrothorn and Corviknight, while also being Dragapult's best option to damage Grimmsnarl. Thunderbolt is very useful for breaking past Mandibuzz, after chip damage, and especially physically defensive Toxapex, as well as having a more accurate hit on the aforementioned Corviknight. However, U-turn can be used to get Dragapult on a more favorable position instead of Thunderbolt on Choice Specs set. Speaking of which,(RC) Choice Specs is very useful as it boosts Dragapult's Special Attack to lofty levels, and if needed,(AC) Dragapult can Dynamax to switch moves;(SC).(period) Expert Belt is inherently weaker but allows switching moves at any times Dragapult to switch moves and maintains it's its boost upon Dynamaxing, both of which can be very valuable traits. Timid is preferred to outspeed +1 Excadrill and +1 Gyarados, as well as Speed tying with other Dragapult;(SC).(period) but Modest is also a good choice for the added damage, especially on Toxapex. Lastly, Infiltrator is the preferred ability to ignore Substitutes like that of Substitute from Corviknight and Gyarados while bringing other miscellaneous advantages, like ignoring Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil.

Dragapult can usually find itself on balance teams, appreciating a strong defensive backbone that gives it more opportunities to come in,(RC);(SC) however,(AC) it can be used on some more offensive teams as well. Teammates that can reliably deal with Dragapult's few checks are very important, most notably Toxapex and Mandibuzz. Rotom-W and Rotom-H help fill that role for the most part and can bring Dragapult safely in with Volt Switch. Psychic-types, especially those immune to Toxic, like Hatterene and Reuniclus,(AC) can also take on Toxapex, easing prediction when it comes to Thunderbolt. Stronger wallbreakers like Galarian Darmanitan and Dracozolt can also help handle bulkier teams on the bulkier side of the spectrum that could give Dragapult some trouble.

- Written by: [[lyd, 303291]]
- Quality checked by: [[Jordy, 395754], [Galarian Mannat, 144451]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]
GP 1/1

name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Fire Blast
move 4: Thunderbolt / U-turn
item: Choice Specs / Expert Belt
ability: Infiltrator
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragapult acts as a strong offensive attacker and pivot in SS OU. An very expansive special movepool and a blistering Speed stat allow it to pose a threat to numerous teams. Fire Blast is crucial for Steel-types that avoid a 2HKO from Shadow Ball, namely Ferrothorn and Corviknight, while also being Dragapult's best option to damage Grimmsnarl. Thunderbolt is very useful for breaking past Mandibuzz, RC after chip damage, RC and especially physically defensive Toxapex, as well as having a more accurate hit on the aforementioned Corviknight. Consider a more concise construction like "Thunderbolt breaks past Mandibuzz and physically defensive Toxapex after chip damage, and has a more accurate hit on the aforementioned Corviknight" However, U-turn can be used to get Dragapult on a more favorable position instead of Thunderbolt on Choice Specs set. Choice Specs boosts Dragapult's Special Attack to lofty levels, and if needed, Dragapult can Dynamax to switch moves. Expert Belt is inherently weaker but allows Dragapult to switch moves and maintains its boost upon Dynamaxing, both of which can be very valuable traits. Timid is preferred to outspeed +1 Excadrill and +1 Gyarados, as well as Speed tying with other Dragapult. Modest is also a good choice for the added damage, especially on Toxapex. LastlyFinally, Infiltrator is the preferred ability to ignore Substitute from Corviknight and Gyarados while bringing other miscellaneous advantages, like ignoring Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil.

Dragapult can usually find itself on balance teams, appreciating a strong defensive backbone that gives it more opportunities to come in; however, it can be used on some more offensive teams as well. Teammates that can reliably deal with Dragapult's few checks are very important, most notably Toxapex and Mandibuzz. Rotom-W and Rotom-H help fill that role for the most part and can bring Dragapult safely in in safely with Volt Switch. Psychic-types, especially those immune to Toxic, like Hatterene and Reuniclus, can also take on Toxapex, easing prediction when it comes to Thunderbolt. Stronger wallbreakers like Galarian Darmanitan and Dracozolt can also help handle bulkier teams that could give Dragapult some trouble.

- Written by: [[lyd, 303291]]
- Quality checked by: [[Jordy, 395754], [Galarian Mannat, 144451]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Fireflame, 231476]]

Here's my first amcheck. If this isn't helpful just ignore it idk what I'm doing really
bro this is done :P you're supposed to amcheck analysis in the grammar pose stage. this analysis was already looked over by a gper and even uploaded