OU Dragapult

Dragapult @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- U-turn

Dragapult is a spooky Halloween threat in SS OU! Wearing a Choice Specs costume, Dragapult's impeccable Speed and highly spammable Shadow Ball make it a frightening wallbreaker. Flamethrower OHKOes Ferrothorn and heavily damages Corviknight, two common bulky Steel-types that litter the tier. U-turn grabs momentum against Chansey and Blissey, whose astronomical special bulk makes them unfazed by Dragapult's terrifying assault, and allows strong wallbreakers such as Choice Specs Tapu Lele and Choice Band Urshifu-R to hammer away at them. In return, Dragapult can petrify physical walls such as Slowbro. Choice Scarf Blacephalon is another good partner for Dragapult, as it can cripple Blissey and Clefable with Choice Scarf or treat the opposing team to a barrage of Shadow Balls that can wear down checks such as Weavile, potentially enabling one of Blacephalon or Dragapult to clean up late-game.

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Flamethrower melts Ferrothorn and Corviknight, two bulky Steel-types that are otherwise difficult for Dragapult to break through.

i wouldn't say "difficult to break through" because they aren't great shadow ball switch ins especially long term, id say flamethrower forces more immediate progress vs them, whether its with insane damage or an OHKO.

U-turn grabs momentum against Chansey and Blissey, whose astronomical special bulk makes them unfazed by Dragapult's terrifying assault. Strong wallbreakers that can take advantage of Dragapult's U-turn support against special walls such as Blissey, such as Choice Specs Tapu Lele and Choice Band Urshifu-R, make excellent partners for Dragapult.

a minor nitpick but you should make this whole thing a single sentence instead of two seperate ones since the focus on U-turn is the same for both. other than that this is very solid!

add remove conjecture
Dragapult @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- U-turn

Dragapult is a spooky Halloween threat in SS OU! Wearing a Choice Specs costume, Dragapult's impeccable Speed and highly spammable Shadow Ball make it a frightening wallbreaker. Flamethrower OHKOes Ferrothorn and heavily damages Corviknight, two common bulky Steel-types that litter the tier. U-turn grabs momentum against Chansey and Blissey, whose astronomical special bulk makes them unfazed by Dragapult's terrifying assault, and allows strong wallbreakers such as Choice Specs Tapu Lele and Choice Band Urshifu-R to hammer away at them. In return, Dragapult can petrify physical walls such as Slowbro. Choice Scarf Blacephalon is another good partner for Dragapult, as it can Trick its Scarf against Blissey and Clefable to cripple them, cripple Blissey and Clefable with Choice Scarf or treat the opposing team to a barrage of Shadow Balls that can wear down checks such as Weavile over time, potentially enabling one of them Blacephalon or Dragapult to clean up late-game hyphen.
GP 1/1! Spooky.


GP Team done